',1 I JAOZ SIX 3 n V r Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Figure -Flattering: Coats, Dresses, Lingerie and Accessories. Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Chare Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT ...ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Barrage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant YWVAV.V.WAlW.V.V.V.WW.W.W.WV Stylish Stout Or j Pleasingly Plump!) They're not just empty words if you buy at the Peoples Store Large size or stout women learn-by experience that it pays to shop at our store. Experienced saleswomen will assist you to select from choice stocks of sizes up to 52. Mail Orders Promptly Filled n r r I KUPERT PEOPLES STORE V "In the Heart of Trince Rupert" 5 THIRD AVE. Next to HeilbronerV-Phohe KI.ITE 907 M 1 PAULSEN'S GROCERY j CASH AND CARRY 5 SIXTH AVENUE AND DRY DOCK ROAD 5 (Beside Postal Station B) 5 . OPENING FOR BUSINESS Z 5 Monday Morning at 7:00 o'clock 5 A full line of Groceries, Produce, Meats and Confectionery. Your Patronage Solicited. AiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiliiiiiiH......r SPEED THE VICTORY Re-investing the interest of the previous Bonds to the Fifth Victory Bonds, or in War Savings, or Certificates. Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) Prince Rupert MEN'S Working Boots ? PALMERS "MOOSE HEAD BRAND" ; , 8 inch and G inch. I GREB & STERLING Chrome and Men-v nenite calf with double soles and solid r; throughout. Priced from $5.50 Shoe findings and arch supports. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" 10 10 11 11 f2 12 12 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6: 6: 7: 7 8: 8; 9: 9: 10: 10: 10: CFPR (1340 Kilocycles) Schedule SATURDAY P.M. 4:00 Musical Americana 4:30 Your Violinist 4:45 Lee Sweetland 5:00 Chuck Foster 5:30 Sound Off 5:45 O. I. Jive 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Your Radio Theatre 7:00 National Barn Dance' 7:30 Jubilee 8:00 Hit Parade 8:30 Personal Album 8:45 Melody Roundup 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30 Quiz Kids 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Harry James 10:30 Hit Parade 11:00 Yank Swing Session 11:30 Sammy Kaye 12:00 Silent SUNDAY A-M. :00 Music tor Sunday : 30 Chamber Music :00 CBC News :05 Boston Symphony PM. :00 Piano Rumblings 15 Hymns lrom Home :30 Music We Love :00 Andre Kostelanetz :30 Gay Nineties Revue : 00 CBC Sunday Symphony : 00 CBC Discussion Club : 30 Charlie McCarthy :00 Dulfy's Tavern : 30 Bandwagon : 00 Cavaliers :15 Just Mary :30 Family Hour : 00 CBC News :05 Recorded Program : 15 Hymns from Home :30 UJS.O. Program : 00 Hour of Charm :30 We Who Fight : 00 Mail Call ;30 The Great Olldenleeve ; 00 Comrades In Arms 30 Command Performance 00 CBC News 05 Vesper Hour 30-Silent MONDAY A-M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Vernon Geyer . . 9:00 Mirror for Women 9:15 The Oakies 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Marek Weber Orchestra 10:30 Wilf carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 1 1 : 17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Sydney Torch P-M. 12:00 Vaughn Monroe 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 Rebroadcast Andre Kostelanetz 1:30 Working Together In Tukwilla Valley 2:00 Silent For Income Tar RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 IZ4 2nd Ave. NERVES cause pain and symptom effects, regardless or name, designated as . . . trouble, dls-ease, or, disorder. To correct and prevent countless electrical terminal effects of cause unknown or known, Power Companies recognize the advantages in dividends of money spent on maintenance of Power Lines. Likewise. Chlronractir. !. "Ser vice and Maintenance" of nerve power-Lines. Trunk "POWER" Lines between brain-generator ana nerve terminal effects. DR. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR has ODened new nffirp In fhp Smith Block to care for the growing number recognizing In health dividends the distinct and unusual advantages of vital rower service. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAA In the Kuprrm Court of Ilrlllsh Columbia In Probata In the Mattrr of thr "AdmlnMratlon Art" and In the Miittrr of the KnUle of Albert ln-rbr ((ithcrwUr known m (rurte Albert lleebe) Hemmed. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Ftaher, nude on taws 22nd day of October, AD. 1943. I w appointed. AdmmiaUwtor (wrth Will annexed) of th Brtmt of Albert Beebe (OQiwwW known Oeorge Albert Beebe) deceased, and all partten having cUlma egnlnut the ald 'eHtate re Iheroby required to furnbth uim, properly verified , to me on or about ithe 22nd day of November, A D. 1943, and all partita Indebted to the Erttinte are required to pay the amount of their ludflbt-edneta to me lonthwlUi. DATED alt PrLnce Rupert, BC. this 22nd day of October, AD. 1943, NORUAN A. WATT, CXT16U1 Ad&iaasrttor, Prist Rupirt, B C, THZ DAILY HEWS Waterfront Whiffs Many Vessels of Halibut Fleet Still Busy on Cod and Other Lines-Winter Activity Expected The halibut fishing season has long since ended in North Pacific waters but many of Prince Rupert's fishing vessels are still quite busy. Cod fishing is the main activity and, with excellent prices prevailing, many boats are out and are making good financial returns. Others are busy on shark and dogfishing. There is reason to expect that i there will be a substantial vol ume of various types of fishing on this coast throughout the winter. N. M. McLean, Seal Cove boat-builder, and son, Wilfrid, are leaving this afternoon on a business trip to Vancouver. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT. Mrs. Keilback phoned me to say that the whole of that Ouy Fawkes lyric Is: "Oh, please to remember. The Fifth of November, The gunpowder treason and plot, For Isee no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot." Touching, Isn't It? And talking about plots we hatched up a nice little one yesterday against Frank Arml-tage when we held a birthday party Tor him at the Cafeteria. We had pink candles on the caken everything. Th rooms registry came to life today with three registries. The Coast Battery dance on Monday at the Empress is held in aid of the Overseas Cigarette Fund. As the majority of the men are overseas and their wives have left Prince Rupert it remains for the handful of ladles left in the auxiliary to carry on this ambitious donation. Junior hostesses are invited. The kittens are coming along splendidly, nicely trained, well behaved arid do everything but ask for a serviette with their meals, We have named them "Salt" and "Pepper" but, of course, thfy quickly got 'Salty" and "Peppy." "Salty," who is somewhat slow and given to large doses of sleep, managed to fall neatly and with dlsoatch into a bucket of water Mrs. Ronald was using the other day. He was very lndlenant and yowled unmercifully. "Peppy" Is just as his name suggests, full of pep and Into everything; The WD's and CWAC's love them, Briefs From Britain Mrs. O. V. Riley has not used a clothes ration coupon since the start of the war as part of her "little war effort to mend and make do." Owner of 24.000 rose tree. Charles Henry Rlgg has died at Steeple Morden, Herts. He won the National Rose Society's amateur championship three years Irr jjucceslon. It Is stated that 10.000 Nor wegians have escaped to Britain since their country was occupied by the Oermans. Seventy-five per cent of the Norwegian air force consists of escapees. Two boys aged 10 and a clrl of 11 appeared at a. Southend Juvenile court charged with breaking into a Food Ministry emergency store and It was said they had eaten 22 pounds of sugar, 40 tins of milk, 47 tins of beans and 30 pounds of Correct title for girls who col lect tickets on London buses Is "women conductors" said a transport official testifying In a court case. Persons who called them "lady bus conductors." 'bus conductresses" or "conductor-ettes" were wrong, he added. Timely Recipes p:Br-r5rar-itr PUMPKIN CUSTARD 1 cup cooked sieved pumpkin a cup brown sugar V teaspoon salt ?i teaspoon cinnamon 't teaspoon ginger teaspoon nutmeg 1 gg 1 cup milk. Mix sugar, salt and spices with pumpkin. Beat egg, add milk and combine the two mixtures. Pour Into greased custard cups, set in a pan of hot water and oven-poach In a moderately hot oven, 375 degress F until set. about one hour. Six servings. The mixture may be poured Into an unbaked pie shell and makes one medium pie. Hazelton Girl Married Here Wedding of .Ml n Patricia .Mc-Phee to William Verner William Wallace Verner, son of Mi and Mrs. W. O. Verner of Stratford, Ontario, and Mis,-, Patricia Agnea McPhce, daugh-t?r of Mr. and Mr. P. A. Mc-Phee, Hazelton. were united in marriage In the .Rectory on Frl day afternoon. William R. Uaghw acted a. groomsman and Miss Ruby Mi. ler attended the bride. x The ceremony was performed by Dean Olbson. Both bride, and groom arc In the employ of the North rn Construction Co. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away rrom Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, BC, Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 NOTICE Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Tuesday. November 9, 1043. for the sale of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Ambulance. Inspection of the vehicle can be arranged by applying at the Secretary's Office between 0 an. and 6 pjn. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. BIRCH. Secretary. TTTYTYTTTYTYYYYTTTTTTTT Trappers Don't be foolish and ell your Furs on the Waterfront to bujrrs who are getting big commlulons. Goldbloom tan pay 30 per tent more than anyone eUe at a re- salt of finding the best markets when In Montreal and New York. MX I GOLDBLOOM j FIRST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA niffflllTTSI Jk I wM J Find out about the Interesting Jobs that are offered In the CWAC . . the opportunities to travel and meet new friends . . the new increased pay and allowances . . the adventure of serving n a smart khaki uniform. The CWAC is making a glorious record by its service to Canada an Organization that you will be proud of. Find out the full particulars from the Special CWAC Recruiting Parly yWtlng your district make an appointment through your CWAC Civilian Adviser. No obligation. Canadian W omens Army Corps Special CWAC Recruiting Party will visit Prince Runerr WeLJarrly.""der The Lieut, n. .,. vi". necruifin : Nc " " ""Pert. w,, ' 'C.Cr' ptnh. T... n and Thr.. ... "itivenzie, Clvilli V1,'an . 1 sei Mr. Army nr Adviser, ot inn n w"g Off im Tucsdav L.'" 'n TEnr? Ant, mem ' 'Mrn"r 0th. Pnr "n W1. , "r E. T. Ken;nt- ,ln iH ,". CivilL n '"r Mr' I "-"acra. 'uxruit- E a 3 BAYS - STAKTINCJ MONDAY . - n Complete Shows at 1:00. 3 00, s, ntTr Vs Feature at 1:20, 3 20. 3 20 , T ! J SEE ih" boiita ', Jap dW.;bomb...l yOU LMi r Vh STARRING ON THI SAMI PROORAM Iltipatrlck Travrlotue: "OVKK TIIK ANDIS Colored Cartoon MASriJU'S MUSIC LESSON Capital IMMOIS rums Hum r f in! iii SUNDAY Z I'M "Thank Your Lucky Stan" Free Armed Srrvlrn Show r EDWARD G. ROBINSON GLENN FORO MARGUERTfE CHAPMAN EDGAR B11B Trunk V, I-ntk SUn1 SUNDAY )I1DMGHTI The I slcon in Dir Henry Aldrlch GrUCbrl JYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYVTTTTTTTT WK'KK AMVK WITH TIIK SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS! The curtain rises on our brand new Chr. "- EVervthln for A Perfiyt fllft. for Phr:sT.A )-l VARIETY RTOTIP n t-allvtn rminH t, , r i to be stampeded Into random purchaM:- V.r u' mat are ngm xor gin-givers, mgnt in QUa i in value . . . Right m prlcel For years THE VAT-ff STORB has brought hanDlnes and rhecr i J ' "r of Prince nujwrfs homes. Why not adopr i Vur SUldinir snlrlt You'll nv mnnm ..vs ( TI wear and tear on your disposition! ThegVariety Store AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiSiiiiL TTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTYYTTTTTTTTTT Wood Fuel Coal miners arc out on ; trike wo have no idea when wo can in, r,p i.nf un ran ffl" immediate delivery on wood. Phone your order for wood t your regular fuel dealer. must. l)c paid ir before delivery is made. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LID. PIIONK 110 and 117 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAiiAi1 If you lose anything, advertise for