Ml A L NOVEMBER t. 1943 THE DAILY NEWS fAGE II (I T B L (i I! 0 1! (J I r V, Hdo Mn J V.ntowv.r, BrltJth Ccl.mbU ,((, Liwlo HoUl GeorjU li Urottd by vltitoti to Vitconr a p!.wf-buiwl w on builntu. 7h Gojl. Ii hmtd tkowjh-u tfortUtit lot ill tictljtfll urvk tnd ppolntmnU, t4 Ik mi. ye ' Vncoutf U 04t tuloytblt Ka vo a ill I'toonis 4.1 II. ll. inii iMuri lus give you... If RATES SisU Koomi fioa ...... J 1,00 dffy Double Room froa , , r , , , $4.50 Ur TU B htm jj oo 6tlt RESERVATIONS ADVISABLE SMART . . , INEXPENSIVE Scott s Meat Market Formerly of Stem-art. B.C i OI'ENlNCi MONDAY At Gth and Fulton Mrret CASH AMI CARRY MARKET Top Quality Meati, irullt, Vegetables. Wi ;1! appreciate your patronage PHONE BLACK 801 IE RUPERT WOOD COMPANY IV to advise that your fuel dealer :; f irw supply yoU'With your wood -iifcinents. DtV eries will be made on receipt I; ,ment. Anyone wishing to protect ;r !vi'.s will be well advised to " --..c payment now to ensure delivery. x f00 coal miners are now on strike. SKK YOnt DEALER NOW lp out the coal .shortage by burning wood. Ipccial Announcement OUR CUSTOMERS I Due to new regulation plared upon us by our fthlrulers, an, IP shortage of certain commodl- and thr rlira work caused by the rationing '"Pnv we are forced to gn on a cash basis com- pncJng Nov, 15. We hope Hut Uie change will IN Inconvenience you. We wish to continue ser-B "t you to the best of our ability. We thank you I" lour patronage of the past and' trust you will PPPort us In the future. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET vmac nrDM r a y ho rcim Pu' PERMS are hard to BEAT n n e a Mrwt (A eite u t y f"M from Post Office) 'Po w Shop P . you lose anything, advertise for it I I phone Blue 917 L0C3I: A Cash for old gold, Bulger's. "Lest We Forget." Canadian Legion Auxiliary Meeting at Lc- Bton Hall. Sunday, 10:30 ajn., for Church Parade. A AH delegates please attend civic Labor Federation meetine Sunday 1:30 pm., Carpenters' "ail. lt Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. No, 27 Church Parade, Sunday. November 7, to First United Church. Fall In at Legion Rooms 10:30 a.m. Berets and medals. (260) A Announcing the opening of Rclda eating place, Sunday 5 pm. Special home cooked chick, en dinner 5 to 7:30 p.m.. $1.00. Special dishes and sandwiches from 7:30 to 1 a.m. On premises known as Dave'e Coffee Spot One door west of Belmont Hotel, Third Avenue West U & I CAFE CHItlSTINA VIETC4I SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria WayutiinU, Stewart and and North Queen Charlotte Islands full Information, Tickets and Reservations FKANK J. SK INNER Prince Itupert Agent Third Ave. I'hone 568 OIL HURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 221 Seventh Ave. West I rot ion, lot riit ol g HEADACHE. NrUffAIRlA ! I NEURITIC PAIN I l USE ASPIRIN I 4 IU tint ( II tabMt I 1 1 , Will open on Sunday, Nov. 4 7. under the old manage- A ment. VVTVVVTTVTVVTTYTTTTTTrfT if- Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) In Die Mipmiii. Court tif llrltl-li Coliiiulilil III I'niliiilf III Hie Mallrr ir Ur "Ailniliitmtlit .Ut" BIHl In I lie M illrr ul I hi- Vilnlr nf Jolin Patrick lUrrltaii, leTHel. TAKE NOTICE that toy order of HI Honor. W. E Muher, made on t)x Ilrwt dsy f November. A.D. IBM. I v Awniirted AetminltriUr i with WW antwxf!) nt the Etjvte ot JoImi ralrlck Httrrlgun. Jiwwnl. ml ell part Jen lvli claUiw agaiUut the wild ftU- are hereby required to funilh une, proply verified, to me cat or Ix.Att .tlie first day irf Diwivber. A.U. 103, ai! ail rtiritea Uidbtl to Uie- eatat re requlreil to j ithe mount of Uwlr lnditotedne nw lorlfliwlth. d.ti:u art rriivp unpen, b.c thin first day of Nwejubw, AD. 1043, NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator PrLnc Rupert, B.C. SMITHERS Lieut. Pat Downey, son of J. P. Downey of the Hudson Hotel. who has been overseas with the Canadian Scottish, has been re turned to Canada for a uhort time and will proceed to one of the large training camps to be an Instructor for the next six months after he has had his furlough at home. Pat is look ing real well after his experi ences in Britain. The Victory Loan committee at Smithers put on a picture showing of the war in France and in Italy on Monday night to Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. W.A. Coa. Regiment Service Men's Dance, Nov. 8. Empress Club. Little Norway Tea. Nov. 10, Mrs. Jens Munthe. 431 4th West Dry Dock Employees' Association Dance. Friday, Nov. 12. Aristocrat's 12-piece orchestra. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov. 12, Oddfellows' Hall Cathedral Tea and Sale, Nov. L.OL.M. 2 L.O.L. 2310 Orange Dance Mon. Nov. 22, 9:30 sharp. Oddfellows' HaM, Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. I L.03A. Dance, Nov. 25, Oddfellows' Hall, 9:30-1:00, Jean de Carlo's Orcnestra. Refreshments. United Church Bazaar 2nd. S St Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov. 25. FOR SALE FOR SALE 4-roomed cabin, vacant last week in December. No. 6 Wantage Road. Apply Sunday. 261) FOR SALE Five room modern house. 990 Ambrose Ave. Phone Red 480. Immediate " possession. (261) LECH SALE Fur coat, Hudson seal, trimmed with gray squirrel. Size 18. Enquire 445 5th Ave. West. Black 408. 260) TOR SALE Bed with coil spring and mattress. Call evenings 1438 Pigott Place. 261) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished house or apartment. Urgent accommodation be obtained; reliable party, and offer suitable re- ward. Would consider buying ' furniture. Box 616 Dally News. (260) LOST LOST Wallet containing Identification cards. Keep cash and return wallet to Dally News oiflce or phone American Signals 344 Orley. (260) LADIES Brown leather glove. Wednesday morning between Rupert Hotel and Three Sisters Cafe. Finder please leave at Dally News office. (2G1) PERSONAL STENOS. TYPISTS, POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You can train at home. Free Information, M.C.C. Civil Service Schools Ltd., "JET" for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" is safe, handy. Sold CHRISTMAS Gift subscriptions, special low rate. Attractive gift card and envelope Included. Please phone Green 59. DAY NURSERY Reasonable rates. Apply 441, 7th Avenue East. (280) SHRIMPS l'KESII KVEUY DAY Boat "W.S.L." First Float west of Imperial Oil Co. dally after 4 p.m. stimulate sales of the Fifth Vic-! tory Loan. The theatre was I well filled and in between films I the time was occupied by local j speakers. Capt. 8. Oillespie of the Paci fic Coast Militia Rangers, sta tioned at Prince Oeorge, visited No. 52 Company at Smithers during Tuesday and Wednesday. The principal reason of his visit was to hold an inquiry into the loss of some equipment which was in possession of a Telkwa Ranger and which had been destroyed by fire. Capt. Gillespie has a brother who is a passenger on the Swedish liner Oripsholm on her present trip bringing Internees from Japan WANTED $25 Reward for information leading to the renting of an unfurnished house, four rooms or larger. Immediate possession. Phone Red 877. 261) Y.M.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgenUy needed. Mrs. Oarbutt. $50.00 Reward for Information leading to the renting of a furnished or unfurnished house, responsible couple. Apply Box 618 DaUy News. (264) NAVAL officer and wife, no children, desire furnished apartment, room with kitchen privileges, or sleeping room. Phone 231. 1263) $25 REWARD for finder of small f :u rjh'l h e d or unfurnished house. Civilians. No children. Apply Box 605 Dally News. " (280) FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT at Dijby Island. Phone Blue 621. (460) FOR RENT Light large front room close In. Oenileman only. Sharing. Phone Black 965. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD. 718 Fraser Street, (tf) TRANSPORT G. L. Brookes, Mgr. 21-Hour Taxi Service Trucking of all kinds Bus Service to Airport Special Charter Free Panel Checking Room Public Waiting and Rest Rooms for Men and Women P.O. Box 104, Terrace It 1 1 Try a ciassinea Ad in the ttl DaUy News for Quick Results. Military Orders First Reserve Battalion Prince Rupert Rest. (M.G.) - by - Lieut-Col. O. C. Oswell, ED. REMEMBRANCE DAY No parades will be held on Thursday. November 11. RANOE C and D Companies will (ire on the range Sunday. November 14. Parade at the Armory 9:45 ajn. Lunches will be brought. , .KIT INSPECTION Personnel are advised that inspection of clothing and equipment on charge to individuals will be nek) during the week ending November 20. Failure to produce wutcvnuuecuuiiuMiuoi clothing and equipment when which has arrived at Port Just , do requlred to so is an offence Elizabeth, South Africa. Bulkley Valley Branch No. 63 of Canadian Legion will hold its annual church paraade on Remembrance Day next Thursday when it marches to the United Church for this service. The service will be conducted by Rev. C. E. Motte and Rev. N. H. Atkinson. It is expected that this will be one of the largest parades held here by the Legion. The Royal Navy, together with the Merchant Navy, saved the bulk of the B.EP. in the evacuations from Norway, Dun-kerque. Greece and Crete. "Largest Organization of Its kind In the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD WRIGHT Resident Representative Pioneer Rooms No. 6 16: 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 952 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 711 and I will gladly call HELL WANTED WANTED The Daily News 1st open to receive the names under the Militia Act of Canada Daily News Advertising Brings Results. ,JJ of - bright and honest boys or girls who are desirous of obtaining delivery routes, (tf) GOLD SEAL Fancy Red mm cockeye gggg Salmon and CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Rate 2c per word per insertion. Herring tn Tomato Sauce are both on actU' service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th St. Phone 655 'STAR'S" STYLEWEAR Ladies & Children's Ready - to - Wear C25 Third Ave. W. Black 780 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 S.MITII & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. rhone 174 P.O. Box 271 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited JL F. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and ) 4th Tuesdays every month at 8 pm. 4 When at Terrace Stay at Philbert Hotel But make advance Reservations Box 5 Terrace SHEARDOWN'S PAYDAY BARGAINS- Phone 585 or 586 5 ROSES FLOUR QQ 24lb. sack Oil FRUIT 'CAKES BANANA FLAKES AQ 'per -pkt PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES f F large pkt WHILE THEY LAST DADS COOKIES 4 2 dozen Av CHORE A ft GIRLS JLUC FRYB COCOA lb. tin LIPTONS -SOUP MIX 2 pkts. SMITH COUGH DROPS 3 pkts JEWEL SHORTENING per lb. GRAHAM WAFERS HONEY. 1-lb. pkts. WAX PAPER 100 ft. rolls STUFFED OLIVES 6oz. per Jar. BULK COOKIES per pound NO 1 TURNIPS from Terrace 6 lbs. PERFEX BLEACH per bottle 33c 25c 25c 19 c WRITING TABLETS each 10c 22c 19 c 39c .25c 25c LARGE LEMONS Q Eg per dozen ()9C 20c DELICIOUS APPLES wrapped Oft Q-per box tMttJ Free Delivery on Orderr HEINZ BABY FOODS complete assortment tm OXYDOL large pkt. SPAGHETTI 15-oz. tin WHITE POTATOES er 100 lb. sack WINDSOR SALT 1 pkts BISCUIT MIX per pkt. BLUE LINE ENVELOPES per pkt. CHOCOLATE BARS each Limit 2 .MAZDA LAMPS 25 to 60 watts each REGAL SALAD OIL Quart jar GLO COAT per pint tin 100 KITCHEN CHAIRS. Eastern Hardwood 20 CRIB MATTRESSES. Standard sizes. , Court's Canadian 9c 25c 14c $2.95 These potatoes are frftn. Smithers, try them for a treat NABOB VICTORY COFFEE per lb. PUR EX TISSUE 2 lolls 35c 15c 19c 25c WHILE THEY LAST Vegetable MARROW Jarge size, each . EMPEROR GRAPES fancy 5c 6c J 15c $1.19 59c 35c 23c GRADE A PULLET EGOS per dozen 49c SPECIALS GOOD NOVEMBER 8 TO 13th INCLUSIVE If it's rainin .give us a call We send C,O.D. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTDl A GOOD J LACE TO BUI 6 BEDROOM SUITES. Just arrived, in Eastern Hard"- I wood. Sold In 3 or 4 pieces. Spring filled mattresses with foundation to fit. 'v-" -; ''"'-f0.W' riiour ..j. 327 3rd Avenue 1 ' " J c Christmas Cards Patriotic Cards Special Cards for Overseas Cards for the Family Cards for Sweethearts Cards for Friends f Send Coutt's Fine Cards The Finest Greeting Cards Made Come in and sec them and make your selection NOW! f V .1 'I r