v, 1 r - ii'i It, i 9 tar:. i.-M Expert OPTICAL SERVICE L. Chas. Chas. I)odini( Dodimcad fU Y" Optometrist in I I I WatC,, C,0Ck' J Charge Jewelry Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant House Dresses If you are one of those who prefers to select your house dress from twenty or thirty varied styles, then you will be pleasantly surprised to' discover that the Peoples Store offers just the variety you're looking for. ALL TRICES SIZES 12 THRU 52 Your pocketbook can dictate your choice, too, because the Peoples Store has house dresses in all price ranges. For a pleasant change buy several. Both your size and style are carried at all times at the Peoples Store. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Rupert Peoples Store "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Ileilbroncr's Phone BLUE 907 1 f A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY MATTRESSES, 'RUPERTIA WAVE CREST' All White Cotton, 4ft. 6" size only. Ask for "Rupertia" Mattress. Cash Price -. $29.50 Phone "75 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert ' . LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress Shoes In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in low, spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8". Just arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets At Your Local . . . Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) Schedule TUESDAY 1M. 4:00 Afternoon Muslcale 4:30 Hoosier Hot Shots 4:45 Melodic Moods 5:00 Solilaque 5:30 Lud Oluskin 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Musical Interlude 6:15 The Cavaliers fi3fl Tha T.oHn Amdrliiqne wtvv kill 4&4VVWt 7:00 Fibber McGee and Molly 8:00 Fred Waring's Pennsly- vnninns .8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Great Music 8:45 Song Sheet 9:00 Bob Hone 9:M Wnrrtt nnrl Mucin 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast iu:u Musical interlude 10:15 G. I. Jive 10:30 Spotlight Bands 10:45 Off the Highway 11:00 Silent WEDNESDAY A.INL 7:30 Musical clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Vernon Geyer, Organist 9:0O South of the Border 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Transrrihprt Vnrlptipa 10:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Hoosier Hot Shots 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:4 They Tell Me 11:00 Krnnrilnnvlnn MplnrliM 11:15 Broadcast of Mpxsibps 11:30 Petit Concert PJU. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Western Airs 12:45 CBC News 12:55 Program Resume i:uo une ouiock Muslcale l:30-To be announced 2:00 Silent Local Tides Wednesday, June 30 High - 12.25 Low 6:16 18:14 Thursday, July 1 iiign u:ll 13:07 Low 6:58 18:56 Friday, July 2 High 0:50 13:45 Low 7:36 19:35 Saturday, July 3 High Low Sunday, July High .. Low ... Low 1:26 14:20 8:10 20:11 4 2:00 14:55. 8:45 20:45 Monday, Julv 5 High 2 :35 15:30 9:18 21:24 17.8 fee 3.5 fee 8.0 fee 20.4 fee 18.0 fee 2.9 fee 7.8 fee 20.7 fee 18.4 fee 2.5 fee 7.7 fee 20.8 fee 18.8 fee 2.2 fee 7.5 fee 205 fee 11.8 fee 2.4 fee 7.6 fee 20.0 fee 18.7 fee 2.9 fee 7.7 fee NETHERLANDS ORIGIN Netherlands stemmed from the gradual merging of the Frisians. Saxons and Franks. .SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, . Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. phone 568 KWONG SANG 1IING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal C12 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 217 AMAZING CLOSE-UP OF NAZI SEA RATTLESNAKE Friends of Mr. and , Mrs.' Charles P. Balagno, most of them of the entire period of their quarter of a century of married life, gathered Saturday night to honor the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. Some forty or so persons assembled at the home of Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and then proceeded to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Balagno who were caught entirely by surprise. The evening was pleasantly spent In bridge playing, the prize-winners being Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Miss Mary Sharp and Mrs. R. E. Moore. The feature of he proceedings was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Balagno of a beautiful set of silver dinner knives and forks. A toast was drunk and the presentation was made by Rev Father VV. F. Lantagne, parish priest of the Roman Catholic Ch.urch, whose personal gift was a handsome picture. The father made suitable remarks appropriate to the occasion and Mr. Balagno replied appreciately. During the serving of refreshments', the bride produced splendidly kept Another interesting feature of the party was the presence of , the bridesmaids of the wedding which took place in the Church of the Annunciation and the groomsman. The bridesmaids jwere the bride's sisters, Misses ! Pulmlra and Mary Astoria, the groomsman having been R. E. Moore. Those present -were Father Lantagne, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blaln, Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Couture, Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeJong, Mr. and Mrs. Aiigelo Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. , Theo Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. J. i J. Gillls, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hun-' ter. Mrs. M. P. McCaftery. Mrs. G. P. Lyons. Mrs. J. L. MacLarcn, Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Mrs. F. 1 St. Amour, Miss Blanche Curtln, IMlss Olive Van Cooten, Louis Astoria sr., Harry Astoria. S. J. j Hunter and Captain McNaugh- ton. PANAMAS BY NAME Most "panama" hats come from Ecuador and Colombia. on imported fruits will save consumers from two to seven cents on the cost of oranges. depending on whether house wives prefer the small Juice or the larger eating orange. The increase in subsidy has been granted by the prices stability corporation to cover an lnciease in the price of oranges in GARDENING GOODIES People growing their own vegetables this year will know the Joy of having them really garden-fresh, and Laura Pepper, chief of the Agriculture Department's consumer section, points out that vegetable taste much better and retain more of their vitamins when the iournev from garden to table is accomplished in an hour or so. When salad vegetables are brought in from the garden or market, thev should be washed Immediately, put into the crlsper for an hour or two and then onto the table as quickly as possible. Consumers are advised to take advantage of locally-grown fruits and vegetables this summer. HOT WEATHER TIP Warm weather tempts us .all to skip a meal here and there. When it's really "too hot to eat" it's important to get as many of the essential nutrients as possible in what you do eat. Marion Harlow, me upper tier of the original (getting maximum nourishment weaning caKe wmcn was still ; and still keening cool than by using milk. "Make mine milk" is good advice for the "dog davs" jor any other days. When the mercury soars, milk served very cold in a misted class, a well- chllied eggnog or a frosty milk shake are always welcome. SAVINO THE ONIONS Other jobs sometimes are found for salvage collected bv volunteer committees in various parts of Canada before It is turned over to make war weapons. Recently, 25 tons of wire fnncp. lltrlit metal and tin cans, collected bv the Blenheim, Ont, committee, were used to save an onion crop near Erleau, Ont. Lake Erie be came so high and rough that if J. L Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms the salvage -material had not been used to support the marsh dyke, it is likely that a valuable crop of .onion would have beeii flooded. STAY AT HOME The munitions department suggests that this year's holldayers should spend their vacations at home, or as near to home as they can. The co-operation of every Canadian is needed to enable Canada's transportation facilities Jo meet the heavy volume of traffic this year, and the armed forces and vital war equipment must have priority rating. Vacation leaves should begin and end at mid-week periods p reduce travel congestion, the department says. Holidays should, if possible, begin an4 end on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday to alleviate the pressure of week-end travel, and it's even more patriotic to spend your holidays at home. 'CHINA GIRL' HAS ACTION Gene Tierncy, Montgomery and Lynn BariJStar in Film A beautiful girl, defying violence and terror, and a darlnj? flyer provide an exciting romantic adventure story against a flaming background of war in "China Girl," which comes Wednesday and Thursday to the Capitol Theatre. Gene Tierney and George Montgomery, teamed for the first time, are co-starred with Lynn Bari In the picture of the battle-scarred East. Victor Mc-Laglcn, who tops the featured cast, has the rugged type of role that made his name synonymous with hot and heavy action. The burly veteran appears as a two-fisted soldier of fortune, who peddles his loyalty , to the highest bidder. Opening with a thrilling es cape from a Jap prison by Mont of nutrition services, suggests gomcry. an American newsreel that there is no better way of j cameraman, and McLaglen. the mm laices in lerruorv mucn in the news. Montgomery lams it to Burma with . the Japs hot on his trail because he refused to hphotograph the Burma Road for them. Here George meets Gene Tierncy, a patriotic Chinese girl and falls in love. The exciting; climactic sequences are said to have some of the most realistic bombing scenes ever filmed. Also featured in the film arc Alan Baxter, Sig Rumann. Myron McCormlck and Bobby B!ake. For Income Tax RETURNS SEE C. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done in wet ' weather. Oil burners also cleaned serviced Phone Black 735 Handyman Home Service IS! Tomorra 1 IU' A I . . . . O "osoumui girl, defying Violent and terror! A dor. Ing Yank, flying and fighting for Victory! Together in the mopowerfulromancetha tver pounded your heart) This amazing close-up of a Nazi submarine was made from on board th' US coastguard CnOniAP Dencer fit at uk the wt V VinlnUA height jicijjuu vi of the me tunc cutter's i a battle uakiic with wnu the wie sub. suu. The xiic man uiu.i sitandin? .iiuiiuui? by uy the uie PllttP. w.-i stanchion amidships of the sub is a Nazi crewman, he disappeared a moment after this photograph was taken. The U-boat was encountered by the Spencer as the cutter was escorting a convoy In the North Atlantic. A depth charge blew it to the surface where the Spen-cer's guns soon put It out of action and started it down on its last dive. Party For Bride- Elect Enjoyable Mrs. Al Berner. Mrs. James Simpson and Mrs. W. A. Mac-Lean Hostesses for Miss Kay O'Neill Mrs. Al Berner, at whose home the affair was held. Mrs. James Simpson and Mrs. VV. A. Mac- Lean were hostesses one evenin? at the end of last week at a pre-nuptlal party in honor of Miss Kay O'Neill whose marriage takes place on the coming Sat urday night. There were about twenty-five friends present and the evening was enjoyably spent in playing bridge and Chinese checkers. A presentation was made to the bride-elect by Mrs. Simpson. Silver Wedding (Anniversary Is Duly Observed The Experts Say - - - Hints from the experts to ease the summertime housekeeping chores of busy housewives: THESE ARE UNRATIONED Unexpected ration stretchers are provided In meat sandwich- est and meat pies. Career girls. bustling home to get their own dinners, can still get two or three ham sandwiches without surrendering any meat ration coupons. The ration administra tion of the Prices Board has ex empted meat pies, another "quickie," from the list of rationed meats. BUDGET BENEFITS A change in the basis of subsidy Complete Shows Tonight 7-nn. 9:10 "Cabin in the Sky" (at T.30, 0.40) 0 Hill ail.JJ7,VYrrtV: ON TRI Mitt ...r vr'l MAUCU Or li""- csm- v" ... I- Ul V.00, 2 53, 5 - 1.21. 3 21 5, S3, I COMING FKI. - SAT. PAT O'BRIEN, BMAXDOy "TWO YANKS IX m bLCKI.RS HIDEOUTS COLl.MBIS ISED D ine sucKer nsh Is native in Tlir u r ... v...j ,nu )iaiu Ul me WUI1U. UU II U.V I '-I U . . .iail .worm America and China. used by c r;, .. WATCH THIS SPACE Hyde Transfer J.M.S.Louisf I).C ; BA. Chiropractor Wallace Block rhont He sure and net your Next Permanent at ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Street across from Pert Olfics Phone Blue 917 for Appointment .N V O because' you save ALL THE TIME not iu -X Come bUV What vnn uppH rrnm nnr stocks al J4 ' hi 1 A Wv , i WOMEN PRAISE OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRICES! So many women are tired of the old schem dc ' lure them in to buy that they are unstinted '"'AtL; t of our policy 6f presenting every item in ou at w Prices, Instead of the customary few "bait- price.-. "Uoc i sees advertised again and again! 5 In the long run you save more at THE VARIETY stow Inn. eimnllA. nll. t-n 1 t n , Til . & "& uujyjj,ito, muni prevemuwvi's, ciusvl- tnnnt, nfU. H..jf..1. . 111 uiuii; u 1,11 ci uccuiuis, una prove iw THE VARIETY STOR If you lose anything, advertise for it