UESDAY JtJNE 29, 1943 TURES ;rest 0d Gathers in First erfan Church Need Army Recruits 1 pictures of the Nation - Board aepicung various of the war ana concu-sting today In countries Kiting In and affected by , show at a gathering in Iresbyterian Church last I by Sergeant J. C. Mac- t0f the Canadian Army department. All of re of considerable Inter- first was entitled "In- hting Russia." It show- istly changed, up-to-date, and mausirimis people ting with the old state of ulace there unfjer the old hie rule- "The Battle For ' shnwed how the war jpd cartoon. t ant MacKenzle spoke and referred t6 the need Canadlati army for 157,- n and 25,000 women by of this year, many of lng required for over- rhe early recruiting of trees was esseritlal In view anticipated Impending Ion a second front when for reinforcements be great. No time could since nine months' traln- tas required, Brigadier Mess, chief recruiting (for Canada, had said that isent war was today In IH rather than the 1918 Now was the "tlmfc for jers to get In the army. ltd Sergeant MacKenzie. iho received their call lo well to volunteer. The also referred to the need of men right here tee Rupert. jant K. G. McGovern of Kal recruiting office as- j Sergeant "MacKenzie. J'CORA, I'VE ' ? P'VE RE-J, i tesoyierian Sunday School Picnic Held The First Presbyterian Church nurch Sunday g, at Digby Island on Saturday t dent fT by SuPnten-W-.Daveyand the teachers The picnickers were taken to the picnic ground in boats owned by David Ritchie and Charles Currie which carried over 100 children and adults to the spot. Prize winners 1 nthe various sports events were as follows- Girls under 6-Gedrgfna Mitchell, Myrna Knudson. Boys under 6-StanIey Parker George Findlayson. Girls 7 and 8-Margaret Stra-chan, Dorothy Hibbert. Boys 7 and 8 Ross Martin. Girls 9 and 10 Mary Strach-an, Helen Hibbert. Boys 9 and 10 Bruce Green- g pursued by various of , way- Jonn Ketchlson. d nations. "London to1 irIs 11 and 12 - Kate Dtd- wa an interesting Tlchson. Jean Calderwood, Kitty -i Smith ue aaapiea irom me ; r tele trip of a dispatch1 ?rys 11 ana IZ-Grdon Or- om London to Glasgow. . mB""- Jlm nnaiayson. ritage We' Guard" show- "u" " ana 11 - Lois fine icenes of natural ; chins' Vlctcrla Meriffels. of "u3 " a" -"od uurne, various parts Cana-1 racing sbme agrlcul- av" lerce- pics. Ukrainian life in uu" 13 ana over-wona Mc- a was the theme of an- cture and the program ,ou'f 13 ana over-jonn uur-, fh. with n rninrpri rle- steve Peachie. " - - 1 i.ji.i. .. . , . "uic o late ivirs. noneri Barker, Mrs. George Mitchell. Men's race Guy Meuffels, E. J. Smith. In a Softball game with St. Peter's picnickers, St. Peter's won 15 to 13. Thomas Athens, proprietor of the Oyster Bar cafe, is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver CITY OJ' PRINCE RUPERT t Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to July 2nd for Fuel Wood delivered to residences within the City as required, In lengths of 12". 14" and 16". Specify datos, quantities, and kinds of wood available, and price per cord Including delivery. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. $1,000,000 orth of Talent Is yours to enjoy in a year of reading with COLLIER'S WEEKLY Only $3.00 for one year mailed to any address in Canada. Flace ALL your Magazine Subscriptions with us prompt and dependable. All subscriptions taken at Publishers' Advertised Rates for Canada. VOU AREN'T By AM CHANCE 4 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Miiw nnd daughter are lea vine for Van- uver tonight on a holfdnv trip. Miss Betty Scott is leavlns to night for a vacation In Vancou ver. Miss Philomena Murrav leaving tonight for a trip Vancouver. Among those leaving tonight for Vancouver Is Miss Eileen Pa'tmore. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Comer left this afternoon for a. trip to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gladding sanea this afternoon for a trip-. w Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crane sailed this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cheeseman sailed this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver , Mrs. W. Strachan sailed this' afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. W. Cummlngs, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George Rodger returned to the city Sunday night from a trip to Vancouver. A Elio's Pay Cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical. Robert Smurthwalte arrived in the city yesterday morning from Vancouver. Rev. Father Walsh, well known Roman Catholic Chiirch priest, was here yesterday on his way from Vancouver to Skagway. A Owing to Thursday being Dominion Day and a statutory holiday there will be no meat delivery until Saturday. (It) a Mrs. George D. Tite, who has been spending some time In , Vancouver with her daughter. I Mrs. Fred" Clendennlng, returned to the city Sunday, night, THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Wishes to announce to it's customers that its premises in Prince Rupert will be closed all day Thursday, July 1st, In accordance with Dominion Government Declaration. (162) Dr. H. N. Brocklesfby, a former president and leading member of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, has become a member of the San Francisco Gyro Club. He was installed as such recently during a visit of International Secretary Ed. Kogy to the San Francisco club. Announcements AH advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. W.A. Coast Regt. Servicemen's Dance, July 5, Empress Club. 15. Help Norway Committee Invitation Dance, July 9. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evitt's July First United Church Sale, July 24. tan n Fresh Local Raw and" Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY 5 PHONE G57 POSSIRLE "WORST"! SUPPOSE T AM ! I rIA THAT 'if CAN'T GET A 615 JTPr FOR GRASeiNS AY' VMHO'SK THAT VHANDSOME THE DAfLY NEWS H. K. Astoria Is leaving tonight for Vancouver to Join the Royal Canadian Air Force. Ted Arney Is leaving tonight for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Mrs. C. R. Stonehouse and her three children are leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Walter Long Jr. is leaving tonight for Vancouver on a trip. Bruce Brown returned to the city Sunday night from Vancouver where he has been taking law examinations. Gordon's Hardware will be closed from July 1 lo July 19th. K. Hallberg returned to the city Sunday night 'from a trip to Vancouver. , J. H. Engelke returned to the city Sunday night irom a business trip to Vancouver. A Canadian Legibn, "B.E.S.L. smoker and concert, Wednesday, June 30. Members and associate ! members only. .(151) John Campbell, well known pioneer dairyman of Stewart, was here yesterday returning to the Portland Canal camp from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Stoker Richard E. Leighton. who has been in service overseas with the Navy for two years, eighteen months of which was in the Old Country, will be returning to the city tomorrow night from Halifax to spend sick leave. A NOTICE Anyone having claims against our Dry 'Cleaning Department, please present same at our office on or before July 3rd, 1943, or' same will riot be recognized. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. (153) Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby and three sons left on last evening's train to Lakelse Lake where they will spend the summer. Mr. Blackaby, manager of the local brahch'of theTBanVof Montreal, will be going there, in July for a couple of weeks. Mrs. G. W. Cripps leaves' 'tonight for Vancouver, to spend the summer, returning the latter part of October. 'She is being accompanied hy Miss Marjorie Evans R.N., 'returning to Pentfc-ton af ter a 'month's visit here. G. W. 'Cripps, provincial assessor, leaves tomorrow afternoon for Terrace to spend 'a few days oh official business. Later he will be gdirtg tb the Queen Charlotte Islands to spend the better part of a mbrith. Murdoch McLeod, who sustained a serious irpper leg fracture in an accident at the dry dock last week, is resting comfortably as can be expected a't the Prince Rupert General Hospital. It will be considerable 'time before he can be active again. H. W. Birch, managing secretary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, returned to the city Sunday night from a two months' vacation trip in the course of which he visited Vancouver, Victoria, Winnipeg and other points. George Cameron, Vancouver barrister and grand master of the Orange .Lodge for British Columbia, arrived in the city yesterday morning from the south and paid a visit to the local lodge last night. He will be the speaker tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Mrs. Hamilton Waddeil arid son, Douglas, who for the past three months "have been visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLeod of this city, left today on their return t 6 Vancouver. OH, THEY CALL HIM BLOW HARD 'BESlKiy Classified Ads Advertising In this 'column is payable at the office In advance. Please do not phone orders. FOR SALE FOR SALE Furniture, Including stove, radio, tables, chairs, bed. 1450 Piggot Avenue. (1524 FOR SALE Lumber, 2" rough spruce at John Group Mill, Oona River. (156) FOR SALE CONSTRUCTION CAMP BUILDINGS at Shames. B.C., six buildings 20' x 50' and eight buildings 16' x 36'. For particulars apply Diif ferin Paving Company, Ltd., Shames, B.C. (154) FOR SALE-One 12 foot and one 17 foot cedar' skiff, Al- lalre's Shop, Cow Bay. ('l52) FOR SALE Trolling boat "Oro", In good condition. Apply Cabin - 14, Cow Bay. (151) TOR SALE Range, like hew, $75; kitchen linoleum, $250; kitchen chairs, $1.00 a pair. Can be seen at Lindsay's Cartage. Suite 5, Belmont Apts. after 6 p.m. (151) FOR SALE All enamel range. Phone Blue 621. ' (152) FOR SALE Farm, 100 acre3 clear, modern dwell'fng, Bulk-ley Valley, near two highways. A. MacKen2ie, P.O. Box 1406, Prince Rupert. (155) FOR SALE Two dressers, bed and bedspring, ice box, bedstead. Snap. 118 Ninth West. (151) FOR SALE Sewing machine, haby carriage, gate-leg table, trflight lamp, sealers, garden tools, rubber raincoat and boots. 528 8th Ave. East. (151) FOR SALE-rUsed furniture of ill descriptions. Visit Elio's used department, Third 1 Avenue, next to Dally News, Prince Rupert. HELPWANTED HELP Urgently wanted Three men "for packer crews and two fish camp helpers. Boys out of school will be acceptable for fish camp helpers. Apply National Selective Service. AM 13. (tf) : WANTED Woman for care of tw6 children; room and board; jold'ier's wife preferred. Call 851 Ninth Ave. West between 2 and 4 p.m. or after 8 p.m. (155) WANTED Stenographer for law office. Permanent position with opportunity for advancement. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission ,AF 60. (tf) MACHINERY DEWALT SAWS AND WOOD-working machines. Newest types available from direct factory representatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. De-Walt Disher Corporation Xtd., 402 West Pender St.,- Vancouver, B.C. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and ROOM , for men sharing. 718 Fraser St. (155) LOST LOST Identification, bracelet, name engraved Rose Corrlgan. Please return to Daily News. (156) N. L. Jones is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. He will meet his brother, E. S. Jones, district engineer at New Westminster. PANDANUS LEAVES The famous "grass" or hula-skirts of the South Seas are made f rom .Pandanus leaves. GOSH ' 1 COULD 6ET aICRSE THAN A 3i3 1 1 COULD cSST A NICKNAME LIKE THAT WANTED WA.NTED-hesterfieId or davenport by end of June. Box 513 Daily News. 1 151) URGENTLY needed Furnished house, 2 or 3 bedrooms. Phone 175, ask for Mrs. Shannon, between 8 arid 5. Good references. (151) WANTED 3 or 4 room suite or house, furnished or unfurnished by married couple, ho children. Box 516 Daily News. (153) WANTED Apartment or housekeeping- room for working couple. Apply Box 515 Daily News. (152) WANTED Smart young person, boy or girl, for patt time outdoor work fr,om office during holidays. Apply Daily News. WANTED Room for fifteen year old girl. Box 522, Daily News. (153) WANTED Typewriter for use of servicemen. Moderate price. Phone Green 511 after 1 p.m. (152 WANTED urgently Light housekeeping unfufnlshed rooms; one or two or house. Adults. BOx 510 Daily News. (157) i WANTED For soldier's wife and family, house. Willing to do anything. Prince Rupert Hotel, Robm 65. (156) WANTED One or two unfurnished Tpoms. American Signals 409, Raymond Doutre. (156) WANTED by couple immediatelySmall suite or housekeeping rooms. Box 519 Dally News. (155) PERSONAL PAINTING and DECORATING. Phone Red 738. (156) LADIES 'For the 'best in foun dation garments see your Black 145. PIANIST will pla'y for Concerts, etc. Without music. For estimates (156) Box 511 Daily News. No charge i for armed forces. (151) OPPORTUNITY (for party will ing to loan $150) to rent completely furnished bungalow for one month, very reasonable. Can furnish good references. Box 518 Daily News. (151) REFINED gentleman, good posi tion, wishes to meet lady good appearance and personality around 40 to 45. Object companionship, matrimony if suited. Apply first instance, Box 521 Daily News. (156) FOR RENT FOR RENT Room for a girl who speaks Norwegian. J. Hall, 518, 6th Avenue East. ,U51) FOR RENT Room for young man, private home, close in. Box 520 Dally News. (152) Local Girl Is . Bride of Naval Man in Church Miss Anne Mintenko, known and popular local C.N.R. Trains well girl and Petty Officer Charles Lewis Andre -Deamont of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve were united in marriage by Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, at a ceremony In the Cathedral on Saturday night. The bride was given in marriage by her father, William Mintenko. The groomsman was Francis J. Bremner. Peter Lien presided at the organ. Many friends were gathered In the Cathedral t6 witness the rites. A reception in the Commodore Cafe followed the ceremony. For "the East-Dally except Sunday .... 8 p.m. For Terrace and Pacific-Dally except Sunday 4:15 pjm. From the East-Daily except Mon. .... 10:45 p.m. From Terrace and Pacific DaUx.-except.sun ll:20.p.m. RSI IS Two Hundred Persons In Attendance at Affair Friday Night The Oddfellows' Hall was the scene at the week-end of a pleasarit benefit dance by Lodge Valhalla. About two hundred persons were present and excellent mijslc for the dancing was provided by Mrs. J. S. Black's , , ; Orchestra. Paddy Ivarson and hanijyman avaiiawe lor pa" Heman ReIrisvold were mastet3 lime worn, rnone ureen oou. (154) of. ceremonies. Mrs. Jack Ivar son was chairman of the committee in charge and A. O. Morse presided at the door. Greenville Girl And Kincolith Man Married Miss Dorothy Ellen Clarke of Greenville and Lawrence Oliver Smart o'f Kincolith -were united in marriage at a quiet ceremony I at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon j 1ft St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. The ceremony was performed by the dean, Very Rev. James B. Gibson. The bride was given In marriage by her father. Job Herfry ClaYk of Greenville, and .Miss Selina Russ was her attendant. The groomsman was Christopher Trimble. . William Goldbloom has returned to the city from a trip to Stewart on fur buying busl- Splrella Corsetlere. Individual ness. He reports the town of service in the privacy of your Stewart very quiet these days home. Phone Mrs. Wright, He also visited Premier and PAGE THREE iiality counts most for thai rich, satisfying flavour ivhicn) only a fine quality tea yieldsf use. SALADA TEA I nrlffA Vnllialla I Softball Standings Benefit Dance 3 li kid W T LiPJl Navy No. 2 7 1 O li R. C. A. F. 1 0 6 li'Jj Quartermasters 6 0 2 12'?. Station Compl 5 1 1 lljitt L. A. A. 5 1 21J Trucks 4 1 39 A. Coy. 3 2 -1 '8j W. & N. 4" 0 4J8aS R. C. O. C. 3 2 '3. 8$ Dry Docks . 3 T 4 7,1 Navy No. 1 3 .0 2 BO R. C. C. S. 2 2 ,2 7eV3 Americans 3. 0 5 6 Overseas ' 2 2. 5 6sf 22nd. '2 1 .6 -5ja Bluenose 2 0 4' '4 B. Coy. 1 1 4T3fI C. M. U. 1 0 5.29 Saskatchewan 0 2" 5 '2fl R. C. A. S. C. .01 5 1 GILIIULY' CUP FOOTBALL STANDINGS R. C. A. F. R. C. C. S. M. G.'S (R) Navy Manitoba Ontario W 5 2 3 2 0 0 D F 0 12 2 7 .rim 3 10W 7 8 5 '6 Perry Mprk left on last night's'" train to spend the summer holl-H days at Meeting Creek, Alberta? FEEDING GOLD COAST under a special branch of the mi ft v;onsiaeraDie Droarreis in oca z food production has been mad f in the West African Gold Coasts ture- M IN SOUTH ATLANTIC Although there are about only. 3,000 inhabitants, the Falkland w TclflnHc ViQVa Tint Via rtnf '-V -w.M.iUh. ..m.i. uiwu AUil "( f speaks highly of 'the quality of ;of maintaining their coastal Ae ' rnpnls hplnir sprvpd hw the tritn. rfonoc onvl WiViftitn'InlnV. v." rAS TTinrp I - a - . . Wj ..v ....... vwvo ...u.A.ba.iiiixg tiic 1 1 n tr rnmnnnv thpro fn ite nm nnir'e, Hofonon f-ployees.- footing, apply -tc -tc -tc force on a war VICTORY SHOE RENEW 5()3 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mail" or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the best ' job and material obtainable. We Pay The Return Charges PRESCRIPTIONS Througt the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. , i Ormes lid. "Jite Pioneer Drtiqgists v THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 .Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m.. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. NOTICE Due to difficulty in obtaining premiums tu give away in return for coupons given from our store, we have ceased giving out coupons. Coupons which a're in our customers' hands should be turned In to us, without delay, for redemption. . ,' MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE rhones 18-19 "Where Dollars Have More Cents" F.O. Box 875 J...