SYMPATHY FOR GIRLS GLACE BAY Glace Bay coal miners went on a one-day iiW yesterday in sympathy with 12 waitresses in a restaur- t who were having a dispute with their employers. GENERAL HENRI GIRAUD WASHINGTON Having been invited by President fanklin I). Roosevelt, General Henri Giraud is expected to pay lusit shortly to the United Stales. BATTLE AT DARWIN ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA Two of 18 kpanese planes which visited Port Darwin yesterday were shot tin and two others badly damaged. Little damage was done. DcVALERA CONTINUES DUBLIN Eamonn deValera is expected to continue as Pre- lier of Eire because of the failure of his opposition to get tether. GERMAN BOMBARDMENT DOVER Big German guns, firing from Calais, dropped bells at 15 minute intervals into the Dover area. NEW JAP DRIVE CHUNGKING There are indications that the Japanese iff about to start a new drive against Chungking. NEW ADMINISTRATOR WASHINGTON Disagreeing with the policy of the ad- linistration, Chester V. Davis has resigned as food administra- Judge .Marvin Jones, who was chairman of the recent world d conference, is his successor. GREEK WAR RELIEF FUND fle-ions to date $3,65851 ; of box at CaDltol 1.34 'i:::; Hardware 10.00 t & Nickerson 25.00 0 Morse 10.00 'y Douglas & Co. Ltd. 25.00 1 T McOulre 10.00 ' C V Sutherland 5.00 O. Fulton 2.00 ' McClymont 2.00 a iaggard 5.00 F Fitch 2.00 'r' & Anderson 10.00 Rae Bros. 10.00 L W Kergin 5.00 J T Collart 5.00 ? H Skattebol 3.00 pva Pajolo 2.00 3' Stromdahl' " 5.00 $3,795.85 I'LL FOR CHANNEL TUNNEL June 29 IP) Direc- of the 62-ycar old English panne Tunnel Company held 1 T UYe-mtnnfn nnrrnal mcet- &na once more affirmed the N of the company for a tun- cennectine France and Eng- N at the earliest opportunity. NlSON WAR CONTRACTS var contracts affecting more 160,000 nriion inmates in 1 United States prisons are be- MORE TIME GIVENHERE Olof Hanson M. P. Gets Conces sion Regarding Island Boat OTTAWA, June 29 (Special to Dally News) Olof Hanson Llb- ral Skeena) has been success- ful in getting a longer stay made at Prince Rupert in the new ten- day service of the Union steam shhip Company to the Queen Charlotte Islands. The ship was scheduled to leave Prince Rupert at 9 o'clock but this did not leave enough time for Prince Rupert to deal with matters arriving on ine steamer and getting them out. The Minister of Trade and Commerce, Hon. J. A. MacKinnon, today notified Mr. Hanson that the departure time had been set for 11 o'clock with an extra hour at noon if necessary. PRISONERS FROM THE SEA 29 -The British LISBON. June cruiser Adventure picked up 157 German sailors from the sea when the German blockade runner Silvaplanta was scuttled oir Caue Finlsterre, Spain. CATTLE FOR CEYLON COLOMBO. Ceylon, June 29 0 -Pedigree cattle from Australia arrived In Ceylon as part of the Commonwealth's response to the colony's apprai proved food supplies. VANCOUVER, June 29 0) The Wartime Prices and Trade Board announced yesterday that allotments of food supplies and other quota goods are being increased for cities with population increases caused by the war. Increases of 100 percent are being given to all communities on the Canadian National line from the Alberta boundary to Prince Rupert. 1 The quota increases do not apply to rationed foods such as butter, sugar, tea and coffee. leers'ttuuj. ' --v. Italians Try To Crash Gate LONDON. June 29 Dozens of Italians of war have "gate crashed their way into Britain in their eagerness to get away from the Mediterranean war zone, the London Daily Mail reports. They surreptitiously joined official parties of prls oners leaving transit camps at night for embarkation ports. "CIGARETTE V. C." DEAD MAIDENHEAD, Eng., June 29 CB Maj. William Forshaw, "the cigarette V. C." of Gallipoll, is dead at 53. He won the V.C. in 1915 when he held a Turkish trench at Sulva Bay for 14 hours with a handful of men who with ammunition gone made bombs from jam tins, with cigarettes as fuses. PftOVNcfAL This photo obtained from a neutral source, was published throughout Italy to attempt to reassure the jittery Italian populace that powerful steel and concrete batteries such as this one on a Mediterranean Island base, are ready to repel any Allied Invasion attempt. Meanwhile, however, Allied aircraft roam over Italy, smashing ports and military installations In a virtually unopposed field day. Shortage Of Houses I Taken Up OTTAWA, June 29 The housing shortage In Prince Rupert is the subject of enquiries by Olof Hanson who ls asking for a- return of all correspondence and communications - on,-' the , mattpr with a view to nress- ing for action to relieve the shortage. ' MORE FOOD IN RUPERT Hundred Tercent Increase Along C. X. Line "BOTTOM OF KEG" OTTAWA, June 29 Labor Minister Mitchell told the House nf Commons yesterday that about 60,000 nen eligible for compulsory service in Canada were unaccounted for in military call-up records and said that' Canada was "near the bottom of the keg" in the matter of volun- local Temperature Tonight's Dim-out We (Half an hour after sunset to jlaxlmum 57 50 half an hour before sunrise). jj jILilmum - J.0:49 pjn. to 4:40 ajn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER- XXXII, No. 151 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1943 PRICE. FIVE CENTS ssault On Europe To Start Soon YANKS IN .MEDITERRANEAN STOCKHOLM Reports reaching here sav that manv itfd States warships have arrived in the Mediterranean to the British Navy. NAZIS THROWN BACK ' MOSCOW German attempts to cross the Donets River It Islium have been thrown back. Also an enemy attack 130 Ls south of Veliki Lukl has been repulsed. ALASKA ROAD WORKERS OTTAWA Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, minister of labor. itfd yesterday that it had been agreed all personnel for era- Ivment on the Alaska Highway should come from United tcs. There were not sufficient Canadian workers to meet the nind. LOAN OVERSUBSCRIBED OTTAWA Hon. J. L. Ilsley, minister of finance, tpld the use of Commons yesterday that the Fourth Victory Loan had to oversubscribed by $200,000,000. GREEK RELIEF OVER MONTREAL The Greek war relief campaign, objective of lich was $500,000, has been oversubscribed by $90,000. GERMAN ESCAPES QUEBEC Hugo t'oerster, who was a captain in the Ger- ln navy ana a prisoner oi war, escapea yesieraay wnue a of prisoners were being moved from one point of continent tty to another. THESE DEFENCES DON'T SEEM TO HELP ITALIANS f 'f Jf? 4 vV' If . Move Nazis t From Russia I LONDON. June 29 Re- ports reaching here are to the effect that fifty Ger- man divisions are being moved from the Russian front to western and south- em Europe. Many would be coming to France. REVISIT COLOGNE Follow Pattern, for Destruction of Reich Industrial Cities Much feared by the airmen of the Luftwaffe are the British merchantman gunners like those pictured above. Their Job is also to fight off U-boats as they carry vital war supplies across the sea. These gunners, manning an Oerllkon, are David Price at the sights and Alfred Woolgrove. The plane they are after never came out of Its dive, but crashed flaming into the sea. ALLIES IN INITIATIVE War Outlook in Pacific Theatre Is Improved WASHINGTON,- D C, June 29 Th United States now holds the initiative in the Pacific war and the tide has turned to the point where the Japanese are In general withdrawal towards their home bases. This was declared yesterday by the chief of United States naval Staff following announcement that United States submarines had sunk eight more Japanese ships, including one destroyer, one minelayer and six supply craft and seriously damaged three others. This makes 269 enemy vessels sunk, probably sunk or damaged. Allied bombers were busy with thirteen bombing attacks from the Aleutians to the Solomons. There have been seven more air raids on Kiska and six on the Solomons. The camp area, ground per sonnel, air field and gun emplacements at Kkka we're pounded. There were 16 raids there in three days since the week-end. LEGHORN BLASTED Area Hidden for Hours by Smoke Cruiser and Supply Ships Hit ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, June 29 O) DjJhundred, .Fortresses smasnea ine noruiern uauan port of Leghorn with several hundred tons of bombs yester day, damaging a light cruiser and four supply ships and creat ing havoc in oil tanks, railway yards and industrial plants. Bombers hammered at the city for nine concentrated minutes and returned home without loss. Allied headquarters announced The bombers created such LONDON, June 29 Q The "iat tn ornciai report saia Rnval Air fnrrp rpturnwl in creat mat nve nours alter ine raio strength last night to cologne me enure port was sun so neav- where one thousand bombers "y covered oy smose tnat ac-blasted 300 acres of destruction I curate inspection of the damage in May 1942 and laid a pattern I was then impossible. for city-by-city razing of Ger-1 man war industry. British heavy bombers also struck at Hamburg, sulbmarite, building centre, and continued the mine-laying that official sources announced yesterday had caused the sinking of at least 400 Axis vessels since the beginning of the war. Twenty - five bombers were listed as missing, two of them Canadian. MERCHANTMAN GUNNEKS FILL ENEMY WITH FIRE FISHING ISSL0W Skeena River Boats Not Getting Heavy Catches Many of Them Not Yet Out Reports' from the Skeena River where the season for the fish ing of sockeye opened Sunday evening indicate a light run. Up to today only about two-thirds of the boats were out but it fs expected the balance will be out by the end of this week. Early reports on gill-net fish ing in the Skeena indicate an average of about eight fish for boats fishing in tle river and 16 outside. The highest boat so far reported had 72 fish. On the Naas River the fishing appears to be considerably bet ter than on the Skeena with an average of 59 fish per boat and high boat of 137. CHARCOAL OF SWEETS BARBADOS, B. W. I- June. 29 0 The Barbados House of Assembly voted $6,750 for the experimental manufacture of synthetic charcoal. The material used will be megass, residue of sugar cane ana , vacuum pan molasses. JOBS FOR CYPRIOTS The governor of Cyprus has announced that the government plans to appoint suitably quail-fled Cypriots' to posts of responsibility. IRRIGATION IN CYPRUS New irrigation schemes have been parried out in 40 Cyprus villages, covering a total of 11,-000 acres. Fourteen Submarines Of Enemy Have Been r i i x lb i iunK in i wo weeics Malcolm MacDonald Says Allies Are Undoubted! Approaching Another Great Crisis in War OTTAWA, June 29 (CP) Malcolm MacRor British High Commissioner to Canadaj said that atieast fourteen enemy submarines were in tht past two weeks and predicted an Allied as on Europe would start very soon. He told a' pi conference that we have had a dead subi ISTALKING OF DEFEAT- Publication in London Says Nazi Leaders Arranging for Best Way Out LONDON, June 29 W The Nazis have started to lay the foundations of an underground movement for the time when Germany has been defeated, according to "Die Zeitung," Ger man-language newspaper published in London. Plans have been prepared, the paper said. Certain members of the Nazi part yare to be "excluded," or will voluntarily resign, so that after military de feat they will be able to claim they were purged and therefoie are not Nazis. "Among, them are the Reichs- Mlnlster pf-Finarice,i..Graf,Sch werin Krosigk, Prussian Minis ter of Finance, Prof. Popitz and the fteichs Traffic Minister Dorpmuller," it continued. "Also in this category are in-. eluded the Old Guard of heavy! industry and of the I. G. Dye Trust, as well as, prominent Journalists, scientists and conservative Junkers." Minor officials, such as governors, lord-lieutenants, burgomasters or cell-leaders now have the opportunity of taking cover in "non-political" anonymity. They expect that nobody will bother about another small field action, especially in the chaos which will follow defeat Nor they hope will anybody bother Baseball Scores National League Pittsburgh 7, Cincinnati 1. International League iNewark 2, Rochester 1. Jersey City 5, Buffalo 1. Syracuse-Toronto, postponed. American Association Milwaukee 5, Minneapolis 4. Kansas City 8, St. Paul 5. Indianapolis 8, Toledo 1. Louisville - Columbus, p o s t-poned. SCOT'S DOUBLE D.S.O. GLASGOW, June 29 CB Lt. Col. Alastalr Pearson of Glasgow, became a double DSO. in 15 days' fighting in Africa. "Col. Pearson headed his formation and retook a lost position to win his first D.S.O. and a few days later he organized a new counter attack and led clerks and cooks into a successful action. HE FINED THE KING" CAMBRIDGE, Eng., June 29 IB Death of Dr. T, R. Glover-former public orator at the University, recalls that years ago when he was senior proctor he fined Prince George, now the King, two shillings and sixpence for smoking in cap and gown. ECUADOR HATS Montecristi, "hat capital of Ecuador, has been a hat-making centre for 300 years. - REMEMBER NELSON Neckerchiefs worn by enlisted Navy men were first worn in the British Navy to mourn the death of Admiral Nelson. served up for breakfast day and added that Ithel are ODViousiy apprqacning other great crisis or., the- w MacDonald said there might comparatively small assault: Germany and German-occupli territory which should not regarded immediately as$ opening of a second fronts WHY NOT JULY 4? Berlin Propaganda Claims That Things Will Begin to rop Julv 3 .- -T"! NEW YORK, June 29 (CPJSt The Germans reached Into j ' their propaganda bag today and set a new date, July 3, for. .. the anticipated Allied onj slaught against the Axis. This" new version was broadcast by the German radio, and attrU fluted to London reports reach Ing Stockholm, but there waSj, no elaboration concerning tne point or points at which the Germans expected the blow. DEATH WAS ACCIDENT S i?i In an inquest into the death of John Barseth. fisherman.! who succumbed aboard the Laugnnn. boiti; Domino II in a fire at Cow Bat early Saturday morning, a JurX. under Coroner M. M. StepheriSf yesterday afternoon returned vprHlct. nf accidental dealllt about their behaviour as party , through SUffocatlon. Evidence J members in the past. showed that Barseth -had beeri drinking prior to the accident Witnesses weie Dr. R. E. Colfo man who examined the body mra nMot 'H T T not- inri Pnni' stables McLeod and Fulton oi the city detachment of thePrfi vincial Police. Js. The Jurymen were Neil cari eron (foreman). L. Hallett, Ha vey S. Scott, Jack F. Nichfiif Cyril McLennan and Donald. Mc Halibut Sales 'm Beatty, Storage. American 20,000, 27c and i21c WAR HISTORY BY AIR; MOSCOW. June 29 CB Prize winners among 13,000 averi age-13 school children In a". tory contest on Russia's herp cities of the present "patt war" were rewarded with' a plane trips to Stalingrad. lf PREFER COALITIONS STOCKHOLM, June' 29 tfc-sA$t most half the Swedes polled the Swedish Gallup Inatttti prefer a coalition govcrnmef even after the war. Fortytv percent favored lt, 15 perci Dreferred a one-nartv form wM the remainder replied, ,fNo 6m inlon." v- SPITFIRES TO NAZI, ft WEYMOUTH, Eng., June 29 A Netherlander here told-lh1 storv of a beautiful . new grown In the Netherlands whi struck the fancy of a Nazi gi eral. A box was sent to hlm,!I side was a note saying the tulip had been named Spit &