PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS ftUKCE KL'PERT, BRITISH COLOMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except' Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News limited. Third Avenue G. A. HUNTER. MANAGING" EDITOR MEMBER OF TIIE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled 'to use for publication ot all news despatched credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local flews published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. EDITORIAL President Klinck ... tViP TTnivprsitv of British Columbia, Tuesday, May 18, I$43 Tr is anm-nnviate enoutrh to comment upon the im pending retirement of Dr. Leonard Klinck as president or The insistence of all Allied chief on an surrender of the Axis appears to have the of a banker's "No." Victoria Day ... Disappearance of most of the statutory holidays that Viovo Vppn plimin atpd from the Canadian calendar will annoy only civil servants and employees of the shartered banks. Other workers have been accustomed to work on Easter Monday and the King's Birthday without even rp.ilizinp" that thev were being deprived of a holiday. Elimination of Victoria Day. however, would seem to mnrlc the end of an era. In spite of some of her modern biographers, the good Queen still retains the sentimental regard oi kngnsn-speaKing Canadians. Victoria Dav. eliminated as a Dominion Day but still F.O. George Beurling bucks at being made a gunnery instructor. No crack hunter likes shooting at decoys. People's Timber . . . In the early days, the finest sticks that Canadian natural assets this country possesses and directly or in directly no Canadian can fail to benefit from them or lose if they are wasted. Yet each year, from April through to October, forest fires ravage hundreds of thousands of acres of forest lands. Lives are lost, towns are destroyed and jobs go up in smoke when forest fires fret beyond control. Five out of six forest fires in Canada are caused bvi human agency, mainly due to carelessness, although deliberate incendiarism is all too frequent. Even the best organized forest fire protection service with the most modern equipment cannot prevent big losses when a fooi, a fire and a forest get together and the weather is- just right. Education may help" and now is the time when all of us who do realize the value of our forces to the national economy can help most by passing the word along. Tires make jobs and are worth protecting. Before surrendering, yon Arnim sent a message to Hitler that Tunisia had been defended "to the last cartridfre." Probably remembered the fuehrer's advice: When telling a lie, tell a big one. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess The local talent concerts for the troops are getting bigger and better, nay, louder and funnier week by week. This week's performance opened with Jack (Rube) MacLel-land, disguised as a country cousin complete with umbrella, lunch box and violent hued shirt trying to find a seat in the auditorium. Giv ing it up In disgust he placed camp chair on the stage and through the whole show adding a great deal of comic Interest with his antics. With Cleaver Wilson as Master of Ceremonies the show got off to a good start (Jack was a false one) with wiin the ue Ack-Ack fttii-nt& uujj, Boys, a a troupe nun"- of unt,.n i,; A,irr tVia rioof 9f vpnrs avp nmv sent-. numbers were jmcu uciuic iu. uu ..6 - - ---- , ence Now tereu m all parts 01 me worm, some nave reai-iieu xwgu places. Some of them are still in comparatively humble i i m ii n .1 T-v try 1. 1.-1 1 J UAnv.AA4-1 estate. to an 01 tnem ur. lumcK is Deioveu aim i-esjccieu. That his days of retirement may still have a measure of usefulness will be the general wish. Dr. Klinck is one of the steady-going, thorough type of educationists. His unostentatiousness notwithstanding, he made a great name for himself and the imprint of his 20 years' career as president of the University of British Columbia will be long indelible. testants In the Quiz were the Navy and the Yanks. The Navy team comprised CPO Sid Norman and Petty Officers Mickey Finn and Pierre Bernard, while the Yanks were Sergeants Lindemuth and Ballard and Corooral Brink. The questions were fired -at the team j members by Quizmaster Doug Bad ger and were usually difficult, or i maybe I'm just of the lower intel ligence group. Final results were Navy 160 points, Yanks 150. Introduced by Doug Badger the next act was a touching rendition of a poem by a service' man on KP duty, the man being Cleaver Wilson. It was heartfelt. It was sincere. It was more than realistic. The following numbers were Gun ner Horchuck and his accordian. always a popular Instrument with the troops, and Curly Erlicher and his guitar singing "The Yukon I-ove Song," followed by Dusty Letnes and his harmonica. Jack MacLel-' land was then coaxed to sing. As UC 1U311CU lJ tllC liuviujwuit. ,. i full tenor voice burst Into song or I was It- Just burst, period? Accom- j panled by Corporal Don MacLean he sang "You'd Be Surprised" and ' "Cecilia" in his own unmentionable a provincial holiday in British Columbia, has always j way. as comedians go, he's a na seemed a peculiarly i,anauian leMivai. viuiMiwas mmnuKHmiuawmiim lcUwpo, New Year's Dav are shared with other nations. Thanks-1 The program closed with ser-. . rT , Carson singing beautl- i i n .I tt mi geant very giving Dav was borrowed from the United States. n There n . ully ,1The Prayer" and "The is something Irish about honoring labor by a complete choral Dance." He was accompan-cessation of work. Even Dominion Day, because it cele- led at the piano by Mrs. Giiman. i brates an event rather than a nerson. is less attractive to hPe stew won't mind but we an the Canadian imagination than the Queen's Birthday. One can imatrine the debate in the federal cabinet when the nuestion of abolishing a few holidays was raised. All would be in favor of retaining Christmas. It would be Quickly recognized that New Year's Day must be retained out of respect to the Scotch and what minister would dare to insult Organized labor by cancelling Labor Dav? Dominion Day must stay because of its name, Good Fridav because it is an important relieious holiday. Thanksgiving Day principally because its abolition would give too obvious, an opportunity for witticisms at the expense of the rrovernment. About this noint the Ottawa ministers would realize that thev had intended to cancel some holidays, not to continue them. Something had to be done to show that there was a war, so Queen Victoria was sacrificed. wish he'd use the microphone. His voice Is so rich and true and the mike would help to convey it all through the hall. You haven't "mike" fright, have you Stew? The past few concerts have been the combined efforts of three young men who haven't minded minded putting some real hard work into this Job which all goes to Drove that manv a nlckle makes a muckle. too many cooks don't spoil the broth, and three heads are bet ter than one. The young men? Oh yes, of course. Cleaver Wilson, Jack MacLelland and Douglas Badger. B.G. BRIDGE TEAM WINS Closelv Contested Softball Game Played Sunday In a closely fougni softball game nlaved Sunday afternoon on the Acronblls Hill grounds, the B.C. forests could produce were marked as King's timber and Bridge and Dredging team took held for the use( of the Royal Navy. Today the nfc;XTS iuicow ui iviiai. is icai ui uiciii aic uue ut uie greatest .was the first defeat of the army team which had piled up an Impressive string of victories. Behind steady pitching the B.C. Bridge team gave wonderful support and" "was especially strong at bat. It Is presumed that the Company will be anxious to avenge the loss and win oe gunning ror a victory in the next tussle which takes place at the same location Wednesday night. FOUR DAY INFLUENZA LONDON, May P A "minor ep idemic," called "four-day" influ enza was current In Britain during the spring, British Medical Association officials saying war conditions, the blackout, long hours and nervous strain, were responsible. NYASALANDS TOBACCO CAIRO, May 18 O) Nyasaland has produced a record tobacco crop. The total crop of 22,153,556 pounds exceeded the previous 1932 record of 19,477; 78 pounds by 2,075,788 THE DAILY NEWS WAT IS gans that may enable them to barli or meow, still the-showing of the plant that you are growing hi your garden will soon tell you whether or not It Is being treated right or Just what it may lack In the line ot proper food. In order to make this work plain I am going to make use of a lot with a 50 foot frontage and extending from the street as it Is now (not the lot line) and to the back line, this side line being 125 feet MANY AT 'FUNERAL Large Attendance and Many Tributes When Service For Mrs. ' Hew Lee Is Held Friends filled the Grenville Court chapel of the B. C. Undertakers on Sunday afternoon to pay final tributes of respect to trie memo.y of Mrs. Charles Hew Lee who passed away last week. The service was conducted by Rev. S. Amundsen, pastor of the Prince Rupert Gospel Tabernacle. and Mrs. Amundsen was organist. Pallbearers were Lee Yew Dip, Lee Ting, Lee Chung Ling, Lee Chung, Lee Wee and Lee Fun. The following sent flowers: Your loving Husband and family; Boys of the Old Ninth Battery; Kuo Min Tang Society; Rupert Bakery; High School Basketball Team; Grand Cafe; Sincere Grocery; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks and family Mah Loy; Chan Sing; Wm. Miller; Ham Do; Ling Tailor Co.; Mr. Sid Thomson & Son; Miss Edith Hudson; Cheng Hong; Wong Chung JUe: Mr. and Mrs. Lew Shong Din; Happy Wong; C.Y.A.; Silent Lee; Bentlnn Lamb; Lee's Spray; Lee Wah Sun; Harry Chin; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Tom McMeekln; Lee Wing (Port Edward); Jim Wong; Mr. and Mrs. Gar Koy; Sam Lee; Allan Wong; Ming Wong; James Wong; Gay Yip; George Lum; Violet Mah; Mr. and Mrs.Earl Mah; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mah; Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Lee; Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Kwan; Mah KTee; Joe Jin Han; Seto Wah;- Lee Yee Kum; Louis Sing; Kwong Sang Hing Hop Kee; Chow Way Sam; j Chow Way Yuen; Lam Siicy; Mrs. j Paul Starr and Family; Chin Jon, Jung Cheng; Toy Wan; Lee Jem; W. H. Malkin Co. Ltd.; Chan Tal Foo; Lowe Fay Ben; Chang Gay Way; Chang Moon Jack; Mah Hung Chee; Mah Jing Ben; Mah Ben Jack; Dick Wong; Chow Jin Ham Lee Ylck Don; Gay Gong Wat; Lew Ylng Gee; Wong Yee Don; Lum Yew; Louy Hock Chow; Gum Sun Wong; Wong Ming Don; Tom Wah Horn; Wong Tong Gay; Dong Jin; Wong Yip; Wong Dart; Jang Hong; Wong Dong Dew; Lee Foo Wing Lee Shong; L D. Cafe; Lee Cherng; Lee Fung Loy; Lee Cherk Yee; Lee Cherng Blng; Lee Dan; Urn Jack; Lee Wah; Lee Ylck Do; Lee Woo; Lee Chow; Lee Ylck Fay; Lee Me On; Wm. T. Lee; Chang Yew; Quan Non; Lee Man Fun; Lee Ylck Mo; Mah Kew Duck; Lee Sam; Lee Yew Dip; Lee Way; Lee 1 Yung; Lee Poy! Wong Ming; Mah Blng Ken; Yee Yem; Jean Do Yet, ,Mr. and Mrs. Harris Chan and fa AWITHOUT A n 7rvrTTMrr LANDSCAPING- YOUR GARDEN Even though a good many hava been able to make very good use of the series of talks that I have been giving over the local radio there are still many who have not been able to avail themselves of the opportunity to get a plain every-day his j version of the work entailed In sat , landscaping your Prince Rupert Garden. Repeated requests for further publication of these talks have convinced me of the advisability ot rewriting them in such a way that tiiey can appear In weekly instalments opportunity .... . . ! and give the menus aim xive you yuu ihcuvuuuu"j Of this year. Dr. Klinck has" come to De Known as one 01 ; flve sojdiers wh0 specialize in mod- to clip them out and keep them for the outstanding educators not only of this province but Prn music, but really go to town in some future date when you may of the whole Dominion. Thousands ot students wno nave tneir Dam nance swing, xueir in., want 10 use tnem. 11 iviuivcs iiu uu- m oraer 10 mase wis mutciy and "Dark Town niauslble I will be using as plain a Strutter's Ball." This week the con J language as I can and where it might seem advisable to introduce some garden terms these will be explained to the reader and thus eliminate a lot of the mysteries In connection with this work. Always remember that you are dealing with live material. Even If nlants are hot eaulDDed with or long. For an easy and general explanation it will also be better to have this lot fairly level as the rougher contours can be dealt with later on, using a lot of the planting instructions for a foundation ana then catering to the few alterations that have to be made to accommo date this special construction. A thorough planning of your gar den should be done before yon do anything about it. In fact, the very lot that you buy should be bought according to your intentions of the landscaping of It, even if you might have to spend some more time for this selection. Most DeoDle have some Dre-con celved idea of Just what items they j ' mily; Mrs. Wong and family; Fong Tim; Lim Tong; Fong Sue Lung; King George Hotel; Chin Tong Forn; Chin Ding Sam; Chin Moon Bo; Wong Dong Lai; Loo Do; Yea. Hong; Wong Loong; Wong Hall; Yuen Foo; Dear Lay; Lew Shong Din; Lew Nln Soong; Lew Yet Sing; LeWYuen; Lew Ling Sing; Lou Kung Yee; Lee Chung Ling; Lee's Association; Don Ling Sing; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thung; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kepment and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Do Lering and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ylng Wy and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lee yvhis Jem and family; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fong and family; Bobby Lew; ( Vancouver); AC 2 Hong Yuen, (Edmonton) REMINDER OF HOME Local Churche's Built Reaches Over seas Hospital Where Local Nurse and Pastor Located A fine autographed patchwork quilt, bearing the names of many members and workers of First Presbyterian Church here, has reached Fifteenth Hospital of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps In England. Nursing Sister Edith Mutrle nee Kergln) Is attached to this hospital unit and It Is also Interesting that Capt. W. D. Grant Holllngorth, former pastor of the local church, Is a regular visitor to the same hospital In his capacity as an army chaplain. The quilt was sent overseas by the Ladles' Aid of the local church under the auspices of which it was made up. Acknowledgements of the gift have been received by Mrs. Simp son from PrihclpaMatron Mary R. Shaffner of the Fifteenth Hospital as well as from Nursing Sister Mutrle. Principal Matron Shaffner refers to Nursing Sister Mutrie, who Is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergln of this city, as "one of my dearest sisters who has done excellent work and certainly brought honor to this unit." NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Uome" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box 111 ! OBSERVING nun own ' want Included In their very garden. Some place or other they have seen some arrangement that they want to transfer to the home lot and in fact you will usually flna that the garden is far too small to accommodate the many things you would like to have there. Only one way out some of these will have to be cut out all together or diminished in such a way as not to Interfere with the main effects that you want there. Do not make the mistake of trying to crowd them all in, for even if the new garden might accommodate all the plants. these same plants have a haolt of growing bigger as the years go by and very soon you will find yourself digging them out again in order to get rid of them. A. O. OLSEN, Your Friendly Gardiner. NURSE WEEK Local Hospital Opens Dally Many Visitors Chuy;h Service Every afternoon during last week which was Nurses' Week the Prince Rupert General Hospital was open to visitors when nurses showed them the workings In the different departments. Parties of school girls especially interested in nurs ing visited the hospital and were shown through every department. Including operating room, nursery x-ray ana laboratory. On Sunday active and inactive nurses, military nurses and civilian nurses marched together to St Andrews Anglican Church for Nur ses Sunday service where Very Rev James B. Gibson, the dean, was in cHarge with a special sermon by Rev. H. G. Watts ct the Missionary Society of the Church of England. The parade was led by M s. Alex McRae, a veteran nurse of the last war. The campaign for Nurses' Week Prince Rupert was under the chairmanship of Miss Elizabeth Ochs, RN. public health nurse Miss Ochs and Miss Eleanor Graham, U N., met with the High School stu dents and told them some of the highlights cf nursing educatior and careers open to nurses at the present time. NO TUESDAY, MAY 18, 194j Men,Women0ver4tf Feel Weak, Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitalit.?' IMm f.k. rundown. ' " 1 ttootala inmi Ionia. mfn . ZT!V; tht JO or 40. Help In It. MM ur tmrlil .fcli s' H.M , i w Mm. At w itaLii. "2 IGOLD SEAL! I l Fancy Red I i octavo S VSHXT i J B 5?rot Salmon 1 1 H MiBinNC W Sautf 8 m are both but 14 m grocer s b dltloni permit. od active itrrlce IH be back on jour ' shelf toon as condl- ' CTxmxmHircanim: tan. TICE On and after June 1 this Association has decided not to handle Non-Member business with the exception of Marine Trade and U.S. and Canadian Gov-ernments' business. To take care of our Non-Member business, tr Kaien Consumers' Co-operative Association has been formed which you and all other consumer-may join. Help Yourself Help Us Join The Kaien Co-op Now The Kaien Co-op will commence business in the food lines in the premises previously occupied bv the Thrift Cash and Carry. Other lines of merchandise will be handled by t agreement through our Cow Bay Store. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association Box 2fil, Prince Rupert, B.C. SUMMER . . . Camp Furniture FOLDING DECK CHAIRS, each $23 FOLDING CAMP CHAIRS, each J1-50 FOLDING TABLES, each .. $3 " FOLDING CAMP COTS, strong canvass, $4.93 and $6.30 Floor Covering, Marboleum, Congoltum, Teltol, Kexoleiim, VISIT Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next the Dally News) Trince Ituprrt BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE ItUrERT CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLOMBIA