md 13, 1943 1 1 DO THIS FOR ORCHITIS ..f . cnorurcQ . rnwr.ccTinu M - aJWIMww w w m mm W W I M .1 lirf from bronchitis mlwrlti IhU double. the home-prored medication that iy-with wn:!.:nU .illTANW TO ,.. vf thii mm- M.iiiMuuriNQac- hxoat, chest, ana is VapoKub at tub goes to work ;,"J at OfKC HI ta case bronchitis a congestion, ii ;;i !eep. Often ,t of therm vry u ar 1 at all times. StimuUUs chest and back ur fjccslikf a warming, comforting poultice. gone. Now don't take chances with untried remedies get relief from bronchitis mimics tonight with double-action, time tested Vicks VapoRub. rot uoto MutF Melt a spoonful of Vapoltub in a bowl of boiling water. Inhale the steaming medicated vapors. Feel them soothe' nagging bronchial irritation I i.i Press ! sla as aggressor against Finland. OUDKU i- i ti irir-r L A iuiim:u NOW FOR XMAS line of Swift's l'rcmium Meats plete and fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. ' ? your Community Shopping Centre:, Prices Right! m ran h y - - rpiN in ayl. m Aiir. 1 x Your Vote and Support Invited for i Robert McKay Independent Candidate FOR MAYOR Dictated to by no interests or organizations Fair Treatment and Representation for all .rV. -vYOUK CIVIC DUTY ; I? Don't Fail to Vote SLEEP WARM- 1 HI SLEEP WELL And sleep tight the whole, lovely night when you're snugly, comfortably encased in these bed-warming nightgowns and pyjamas in a variety of soft pastels. Better pick two or three for the winter ahead. ROBES RING HOLIDAY HAPPINESS Colorful, Beautiful, Plentiful Racked our brains, we have, and can't think of a nicer gift for any "gal. A particularly thoughtful gift, too, this fuel-saving, stay-at-home winter. Tailored or beruffled styles in cozy flannels, rayons, chenille. KNNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR "We Lead, Others Follow 530 THIRD AVENUE BUY ANOTHER VICTORY BOND THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE .'board. If It decides to enforce fles of a planning board, the I rTTrnnw llcompllance, how can that be I government will find that It re-Lt LKdOX done cept by the use of the 'quires force and plenty of It. " jL .... i ii h. r.r.v havn anv way j police or the military? I Take another example: Sup- TIIK PLAN OR THE PEOPLE pose the planning authorities Editor, Dally News: Instruct the farmers of a cer- What did Harold Winch say? In district to. reduce their Did he or did he not thai whea acreage, and to devote say . .Ul . . , 41 I . . . 1 1 n . me ecu. Eovernment would l"c,r "IUI lo "c piu."" use the police and the military ' hBS and cattle; and sup- to enforce compliance with P085 the farmers Ignore the.or- whatevcr laws the C.C.F. party ders and persist In growing t a, tin a. in tU. mm fit to put on the statute iHea, ""a WJ wre books? ment do? Again It will have to choose between the plan and man atiri a t q I Am ant la rt the peonla. It can abandon the frJrnnr1nrv Imnnrf a n What f plan and allow the fanners to of first Importance Is that any thclr own Judgment as to government that undertakes to ",c i"""""' Ul " carry out C.C.F. policies will ran P"t those farmers off their have to do that very thing, or and give the land to file A ahinrlnn f f ru-k1lfv meeker and more Dllable men. Let us take an example: This could not be done without the use of force, for farmers r,v,r. with sufficient Independence to ment decide that the country l1 on farming their own land . . m a. . . . In ttinla Arn hium nrlll Urtt f 4MA 1 1 v.. " - - - of forcing compliance with their proposed plans, other by the use of the police and tne military the people would be glad to know what It Is. E. J. xoung. 148 Eastbourne Ave., Toronto. i i hundred visitors present at tne requires tne woric or io,uuo men renrpntlne thirtv- In a certain Industry and that V suomi throughout Brit. we Proper wage for sucn men - - - - Columbia. One of the most U $4 a day, and suppose the board. ItinB Chief taterest tag a delegates e ega was men refuse to work' for M a day The C.C.P. might find It an and .demand $, what will the easy matter to subdue wealthy tS' ff" iJlon-government do? It will have to capitalists and make them P,Jnd" ifnJ 9ftra Dec. 13. 193 German prnkct choose between the plan and "obey the bit" for the wealthy and Importance In battleship Admiral Oraf Spec Peop- Either it will have to always believe that "the meek ,egates re. abandon 1U plan and yield to. '-hall Inherit the earth. But week took refuge In Montevideo har-, hfre &t end Qf bor after 14-hour running sea 'the demands of the men. or It when It comes to forcing the ed thogc trom gkeena light with British cruisers ' have to force the men n working man and the farmer to Kltkatia, port Slmp League of Nations committee , obey the orders of the planning obey the whims and the vagar- and Hart, Bay i i . - - ' Native Delegates Returning From Their Convention Manv natives delegates ar rived In the city on Saturday fmm cane Mudee near Camp hll nlver where they attended the annual convention of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia. There were some two BRITISH TO BE THERE BRIGHTON, Eng. 0 express-sing belief that the end of the war is now in sight, Lt.-Col. Anthony Marlow, Conservative i member of aruamem tor Brighton, said that when the Soviet Army marches Into Germany an English-speaking army would meet It half-way. . 2 4 A SHIPYARDS ACTIVE BOMBAY -W During the first three years of war, some 4,000 sea-rotnt shros were repaired in Indian shipyards. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away rrom Homt Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water fr'nre' Rupert, B.C. Phone ZKX P.O. B05 191 Whifflets From The Waterfront There has been a run of her ring during the past week in Kwakshua Pass between Cavert and Hectate Island in the Fltz- hugh Sound area below Namu where stlners have been In operation. The most of the fish have been going to the B. C. Packers reduction and canning plant at Namu while one carload came north to the Port Ed ward reduction plant. It will not be until after the holiday sea son, it is expected, before the search for herring In this par ticular area gets fully under way. ANCIENT TOMBS REMAIN There are about 75 pyramids la Egypt. TTTrTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTr There Ain't , No Such Animal MM As an Independent Candidate "A safe and sane business 3 .mlnlctrallnn" ! X the most threadbare slogan In Z Canadian PoliUcs. ' It's the slogan under which Rupert was ruined. Anybody who votes It deserves It , Municipal Election, Dec. 16 for LABOR'S CANDIDATES Are Not Independent They are responsible to you the Citizens! Last year the citizens of Prince Rupert elected me to the Aldermanic Board of the City Council and during my term of office I have acted as a member of the Finance Committee, the Police, Relief, Health and Licensing Committees and the Library Board. As such I have gained much knowledge and experience of city affairs and have done my utmost to further the best' Interests -of the City and Taxpayers. I have again accepted nomination as an Independent Candidate with no political affiliations and solicit your Vote on December 16 next. Vote for a Non-Political Business Administration NORA E. ARNOLD SEE OUR STOCK OF TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS You may find a gift for anyone in our store. Gordon and Anderson Hardware, Furniture, Electrical Goods, etc. FEDERAL BLOCK ANYBODY Can run as Independent Candidate (and frequently does!) BUT NOT EVERYBODY ran gain the backing of the following 25 organizations, all of which are represented on the Civic Labor Federation: Prince Rupert Fisherman's Co-op; Kalen Consumers' Co-op; Boilermakers' and Iron Shipbuilders' Local No. 4; United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Local 173S; Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council (C.CX.); United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steamfltters Local 180; Housewives' League; Civic Employees' Union; Firefighters' Unidn; Prince Rupert and District Teachers' Association; National Union of Machinists, Fitters and Helpers, Local 1; Prince Rupert Industrial Workers Union; International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers; Halibut Pshing Vessel Owners' AssoclaUon; Fish Packers' Federal Union; Prince Rupert CC.F. Club; Prince Rupert Labor-Progressive Club; Deep Sea Fishermen's Federal Union; Co-op Employees' Association; Fish, Cannery and Allied Workers' Union; Associated Fish Packers' Union; Painters' and Decorators' Union; Hotel and Restaurant Workers' Union; Bridgeman's Union. These Groups will only back responsible Candidates. VOTE THE STRAIGHT LABOR SLATE 5 M asts HANDBAGS S. ?1 591. Shop at Wallace's For Your Xmas Requirements A Few Suggestions from our Extensive Stock. I HOUSE COATS Chenille, 0 7r to 1 TH Quilted Satin, and BengaUnesU-1 J " j hankiesI 1 ntoi rn ;! Boxed or individual JJ ' J" 15 ....... - & ULUVJib Kid .lined or 1 7S Ml L.J) unlined and fabric a pleasing variety 1.50 10 10.50 I I Fancy SCARVES and , Q to 1 1C fi 'HEADSQUARES. - .. . .7 .""" ' Jil J I TABLE CLOTHS and r Qr to n TA NAPKINS in sets J 'J L.J) '"er.1:"'3!. 1 75 10 3.50 g Vanityets, Runners and Squares and 1 1C Cushion Tops,- to LLJ BRIDGE SETS , 1 Cfl to VI 7 a variety of styles, set I til J BOXED STATIONERY OQ to 1 jr I In fancy pack Lil J J Men's Ties, Scarves, Suspenders, Shaving Sets, i Gloves and llandkerchicis 1 I Christmas Cards boxed or individual j Christmas AVrapping and Ribbons ! PHONE O 3rd and Fulton w II 9 Another Wartime Xmas Wc again suggest that Christmas Shoppers this year be patriotic and buy VICTORY BONDS or WAR SAVING ' CERTIFICATES. If you insist on buying Men's Wear, sec W. F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" 2