PAGE FOUR I, Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving for Fine China, Dinncrware, and Novelties. I'm Warm! 1 5 In Peoples Store Warm Children's Night Wear Complete stock and varied selection of children's warm winter sleeping wear. Keep them comfortable. Sleepers In sizes 2 to 8 and Pyjamas In sizes 2 to 14. As usual prices that you'll find generally mean a saving. UNDERWEAR VESTS HOSIERY PANTIES PARKAS COATS S "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVENUE (Next to Heilbroner's) Phone BLUE 907 k Here's Wishing i Expert OPTICAL SERVICE X V VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE Glasses, Baggage MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant . I 5 Yes Mom, SLEEPERS PYJAMAS SNOW SUITS MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED J RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 1 i Canadian Fish m All Our Friends the Compliments of the Season & Cold Storage 1 3 SEASONS GREETINGS Is Our Sincere Wish Ormes Lid. ZtiA Pioneer Druqgtats CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE (Affiliated with CBC) PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Saturday 9:00 p.m. Saturday Hour of Fine Music This weekly feature Is. designed expressly for lovers of classical selections by some of the outstanding symphonic groups of the day. SATURDAY PJL , 4:00 Afternoon Concert 4:30 Shall We Dance? 5:00 Saturday .Silhouettes 5:30 The Ol" Grab Bag' 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Dinner Music 6:30 Two Knights and a Queen 6:45 Moments Musical 7:00 Freddy Nagel's Orchestra 7:30 The Okies 8:00 Top-flight Tunes of Yesterday 8:30 The Aristocrats 9:00 Saturday Hour of Fine Music. 10:00 CBC news Rebroadcast 10:05 Organ Time 10:30 Saturday night Dance Party 12:00 Silent SUNDAY'S, HIGHLIGHTS 5:30 p.m. Dramas from the Bible. This Is the first broadcast in a new series of dramatized Biblical stories, which has been inaugurated over CFPR especially for children. However, this feature will doubtless prove of Interest to many adults as well. SUNDAY A.M. 10:00 Hymns for Sunday 10:15 Down South 10:30 Melodies of 42 11:00 Recorded Musical Interlude 11:05 CBC News 11:15 The CFPrf Sunday Morning Concert 12:00 Fiedler Conducts P.M. 12:30 Old Country Mail 12:45 Marching With the Band 1:00 Music of the British Isles 1:30 Shall we Romance? 1:45 Novelette 2:00 Symphony Hour 3:00 CBC Discussion Club 3:30 The Cavaliers 4:00 Afternoon Cocktails 4.-30 Mart Kenny's Western Gentlemen 5:00 Harold Brown, pianist 5:15 Just Mary 5:30 Dramas from the Bible 6:00 CBC News 6; 05 Evening Concert 6:30 The Esquires 7:00 South Sea Magic 7:30 Stirling Young and his Or chestra 8:00 Memory Lane 8:30 Music in Three-quarter Time 9: CO Classics for Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Organ Reveries 10:30 Silent MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Strictly Informal 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Composers' Corner 9:00 Songs by Lanny Ross 9:15 Mirror for Women 9:30 Freddy Martin's Orchestra 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Musical Americana 10:30 March Time 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Glahe Musette 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Skitch Henderson 11:30 Let's Go Modern 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:17 Vernon Geyer 12:00 Midday Melodies P.M. 12:30 Songs of the Range . 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 One o'clock Muslcale 1:30 Modern Dance Tempo 2:00 Silent KYYONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tai '612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 THE DAILY NEWS NEW STORY; FINE CAST "Sundown" is Featured at Capitol At First of Week "With a star-studded cast, boasting such names as Gene Tierney, Bruce Cabot, George Saunders, Reginald Gardiner and Cedrlc Hardwicke, "Sundown," coming to the Capitol Theatre next .Monday and Tuesday, Is based on the Saturday Evening Post serial by Barre Lyndon. "Sundown" pictures an entirely new background, the hinterlands of Britain's Kenya Colony in Central East Africa. The picture revolves around a small group of white men who rule' over several hundred. thousand blacks and are In .constant danger of annihilation by semi-savage tribes, especially when the latter are provided with fire-arms by enemy agents. Zia, the stellar character, Is played by Gene Tierney. Supposedly the half-caste daughter of a rich Arab trader, the haunt- lngly beautiful Zla and er mysterious actions provide the story with spirited romance and breath taking suspense. To obtain locations dupvatlng the fantastic terrain of the isolated Kenya borderland, the company spent many weeks at Acoma rick, New Mexico; At Red Rock Canyon 'n the heart of the Mojave Desert; xnd at Crater Lake, Oregon. "Sundown" Is reputed to be vholly. unlike any other picture oreviously filmed, witn a locaie that Is off the heaten track and with a story that moves across the screen at a thrilling and suspense-oacked pace. Strictly a story of today, "Sundown" reveals the efforts of enemy agents to break Britain's hold on her strategic stronghold In Africa. Local Tides (Standard Time) Sunday, January 3 High 10:30 21.3 feet 23:32 18.7 feet Low 4:06 8.2 feet 17:16 4.3 feet Monday, January 4 High 11:24 22.3 feet Low 5:11 7.8 feet 18:10 2.8 feet Tuesday, January 5 High v 0:25 19.9 feet 12:11 23.3 feet Low 6:10 7.0 feet 18:57 1.2 feet Wednesday, Jauary 6 . High 1:11 20.8 feet 13:00 24.0 feet Low 7:01 6.3 feet 19:44 0.4 feet Thursday, January 7 High 1:58 21:5 feet 13:46 24.1 feet Low 7:51 5.9 feet 20:27 0.1 feet Friday, January 8 High 2:44 21.9 feet 14:31 23.8 feet Low 8:39 5.7 feet 21:10 0.6 feet Saturday, January 9 High 3:29 21.9 feet 15:19 22.8 feet Low 9:26 5.8 feet 21:55 1.5 feet ALL FROM PEANUTS Oil, plastics and soap are a few of ,the products now being made from peanuts. YOUR fev ARMY SHOW Every Suufay Mqfif J3 MUStC SONG COMCDY CBR - H30 kc STARTS MONDAY FOR 2 DAYS nrur ticducv (tarring ULI1L I I Lit II U I BRUCE CABOT CEOKCE SANDERS HARXT CARET JOSEPH CAUEIA JH CEDRIC HARDWICKE KCINAID (MDIHH Will ft: If tlflWH I mimmm PITOl- ENDS TONIGHT SUNDAY MIDNITE wuuiuww ouuwb lumsiu, i.uu, VICTOR McLAGLAN in "CALL OUT THE L ROSALIND RUSSELL in "MY SISTER EILEEN" (At 7:23, 9:23) MARINES" WEEK OF PRAYER In the imperishable words of Tennyson 'more things are wrough by prayer than this world dreams 3f." Let us go forward together in a firm resolve that it may not be said of us here in Prince Rupert, 'n one of the foremost danger zones of the Pacific, that we, as one, loved revelry and gaiety more than we loved service and devotion to the One Supreme Ruler. In days when destructive and demonic forces have been let loose in the world all Christian peoples must unite In prayer that the vitalizing and redeeming forces of the Gospel of Jesus Christ may be giv en free course. There is no way in which we can render greater service to this needy and stricken world than to come to a common reservoir of power to be reclothed. Throughout 1943 may we carry the. true banner the Cross. Justice, fair-dealing, and honor among .the nations will not return automatically to mankind. There will have to be much agony of spirit, much wrestling, much prayer. Forget not that "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire" and that this Universal Week of Prayer :ti the New Year will fall at a time of special need and special opportunity Therefore "Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker, For He is our God, and we are the people Of His pasture and the sheep of His ' hand." Our boys are fighting and they need our support in every way. Shall we make this coming week one of confession and humble petition to Almighty God that here In Prince Rupert we may be protected and reborn to the life of Christ. Attendance will be indicative of heart's desire and interest in "your neighbor." An advertisement will appear in this paper each day stating the place of meeting. UNLUCKY FOR JAPS The- number four Is considered unlucky In Japan because it is the same word as "death." A ALL - STAR A cavalcade of entertainment by men and women, of the Canadian Active Army including a 32 piece orchestra under the direction of Capt. Geoffrey Waddington. The Saturday Evening Post serial that thrilled millions tomes to life upon the screen in scenes of amazing dramatic intensity and power. Canada at War 25 Years Ago Jan. 2, 1918 Germans made heavy attacks In the Cambral sec- tor of the Western Front, pene-. trating British lines north of La Vacquerle and south of Marcoing. British advance In Palestine continued; Bethel occupied. w 5? 9 FROM OLD CARTHAGE La Gou'lette, the port of Tunis, was built with stones taken from the ruins of ancient Carthage three miles away. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled Novelty and Scenic Complete Shows; ! 3. 5, 7, 0 Feature at 1 31, 3:31, 5:31, 7:3l, 9:31 1 1 GREAT "Y" ARMY I Thr. TtrtMsh VW A un ... I staffed by 100,000 volunteer i ers. J. ML S. Loubse D.C. B.A. CHIROPRACTOR nanace niucn I none SERVICES TO Diiiaiim( . Vltn4. a. J IT.. - "j (Juero Charlotte Islandi run inrormation, Tien and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNEl Prince ttupert Ak-m Third Ave. Phune Ji HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAD AND NIGHT There's a little calendar j By the office Desk rf our j Store that is near its 1 Last Stage of Usefulness And will have to give plactj To a Brand New one. I We kind of hate to sop thati Little Calendar go Because it has watched us Go through some real pace And helped us in keeping Track of our progress. Now 1943 is coming round The bend and we hope it Will be brimful of good Things and many rich Blessings for you and Your loved ones. Wanted -Raw Furs Representing HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMIIEIM, Cow Hay, Prince Rupert, H.C. ioocH3Qooooaornon0aToaooooaooDacHoooooocK)ooOuvuKj For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 DAY '0 i New Year Ahead! s? nzzzzzzzzzzzz 6 jjjj & w I THE VARIETY STORE If you have something to sell, a classified advert ment m this paper will soon let you know if there is buyer in the city.