ate also being resumed. KISKA ISLAND BOMBED AGAIN WASHINGTON United States planes have bombed Kiska Island In the Aleutians again. Hits were made on two Japanese ships. Three of the American planes were brought down by Japanese fighters. ENUNCIATES I: Jci Nurse : WAR AIMS,: Is Decorated: Simple Statement Made by Presl dent Roosevelt in New Year WASHINGTON, D-C., Jan. 2 In a New Year message. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave principal war aims as: First, winning the war. Second, organizing the 'nations t; avoid future aggression and co operating for the future peace and freedom of all people. BABIES ON NEWYEAR Two Arrivals at Prince Rupert General Hospital to Usher in New Y'ear There were two New Year's babies bom In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dunn at 2 o'clock New Year's morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn have been residents of the city for the past year, coming here from Flln Flon. Mr. Dunn Is employed at the Canadian National Railways Yard. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Grablnsky at 5 o'clock New Year's afternoon. Mrs. Grablnsky has resided In the city for the past five mtmths. havlnc come here from Shames where her husband is a blacksmith. 4- Sees Action For Canucks OTTAWA, Jan. 2 In a New Year's message, Prune Minis- ter William Lyon Mackenzie King predicted that all Cana- dian armed forces would be In for action this year and that there probably would be heavy losses. "Tremendous, loss of life Is the price of victory," he ob- served. HOCKEY SCORES Thursday Detroit 2, New York 0. Friday Detroit .2, Boston 2. Hangers 5, Chicago 6. Fined For Over- , 'OTTAWA, Jan. 2 Two hund- red and thirty-nine Canadians .are ..included ,among ecorar tlons awarded by the King In the New Year's honors list. Nursing Sister Edith Kergln of Prince Rupert is among those decorations. She gets the Royal Red Cross (second class). Heads of the three fight- Ing services of Canada Ad- miral Percy W. Nelles. Lieut. General Kenneth Stuart and Air Marshal L. S. Breadner are made Commanders of the TirlHcVi Wnnlrp Rental Charges Conviction of Uoy Moore on Two Counts in City Folice Court Here Rav Moore has been fined $10 on each of two counts in city polio court for collecting rents In excess of mlnlmums set by the local ren tals commission. Moore chargea $21.80 instead, of $16.80 for a residence at 622 Sixth Avenue West and $24 instead of $15 for 620 Sixth Avenue West. The overpaid rent was returned to the tenants. T. W. Brown acted for the Wartime Prices and Trade Board in the prosecution. Ned McLeod Lieutenant Well Known Local Boy Has Won His Commission in Army Announcement Is made that Ned - i r TT McLeod, son or Mr. aa aus. j. . McLeod of this city, who has been on service with tne Koyai Canadian Navy since the first of the war, has been awarded his sub-lieutenant's commission. ANCIENT ALBUM t or,Mont. Rome, an album was a board chalked or painted whit' on which public notices were Inscribed in black. PORT FROM OPORTO Port wine Is named after town of Oporto, Portugal. the NURSING SISTER EDITH KERGIN Dispatches today tell of the Royal Red Cross being awarded to Nursing Sister Edith Kergln of Prince Rupert in recognition of service overseas with the Royal Canadian Medical Corps. The elder daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. V. Kergln of this city. Lieu-taenant Kcrgin was born In Prince Rupert in 1Q15. She received her schooling here and graduated m nursing from Toronto General Hospital. She was with the first Canadian contingent of nurses to go to Britain and won distinction for her work among the wounded of the Dieppe raid. She Is to be married in England on Januajy 16 to Capt. Robert Randolph Mutrle,NFJl.C.S. (Edin.) who . Is alsq serving, overseas with Jhenoyal3firyan Army Medieal Corps. Died Suddenly In Local Camp Earl William Lkins, Recent Arrival From Winnipeg, Succumbs on Acropolis Hill Job The death occurred suddenly on Wednesday at Acropolis Hill where he had been employed by the B. C. Bridge and Dredging Co. of Earl William Eklns, aged 42, who had arrived In the city from Winnipeg less than three weeks ago. He succumbed in bed at the camp. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. , Deceased was married and had a 16 year old daughter. RECRUITING NEXTWEEK Formation of Prince Rupert Machine Gun Battalion to Soon be Under Way Lieut. Col. G. C. Oswell of Kel-owna, who arrived In the city yesterday to organize and actively zommand the Reserve Machine Gun Battalion of Flrlncc Rupert which ,is about to be formed, is now getting the drill hall at the armory on Sixth Avenue in ree.di-ness for uso and recruiting of the unit will commence at the end of next week. All local men of suitable age and category will be eligible. There will be regular training but active service will only come 'In case of actual attack upon Prince Rupert or in cases of grave emergency. Equipment and stores for the unit are already here and Regi mental Quarter Master Sergeant Broadley of Calgary and Orderly Room Sergeant Meehan of New Westminster will arrive tomorrow. ALCOHOL OF ARABIC The word alcohol is derived from' the Arabic particle al and kohl, an Impalpable powder used In the East for painting eyebrows. ADVANCING IN AFRICA British Eighth Army is Over Another Hurdle Forres Massing In Tunisia LONDON, Jan.- 2 fc The British Eighth Army was over another . nuraie toaay in pursuit oi me axis across Libya as Field Matshal Er-win Rommel, still preferring to run rather than fight, pulled his retreating arms west of Wadl Bel El Chebir. A Cairo communique said that British vanguards drove back Axis motorized units after a clash west of the Wadl, a series of gulches about 195 miles east of Tripoli. It was one of the last places In the Libyan desert where Rommel might have risked a stand by remnants of his retreating army nnd desert dispatches said British forces had expected him to do so. Aerial blows against Axis supply lines and 'bases still provided the moin action In Tunisia where both sides were massing ground forces An Italian communique, however, reported local thrusts In which It said Axis forces reached "positions of particular importance." Manual Ortiz Beats Lindsay Vancouver Boy Loses Out in Bid For World's Bantamweight Title PORTLAND, Jan. 2 Manuel Ortiz outpointed Kenney Lindsay of Vancouver in ten rounds here last night to win the national bantamweight boxing title. COPPER GUNNING A 37 mm. anti-aircraft gun uses a ton of copper In every 20 minutes of operation. SHOWS LONG WAY ,It has been estimated that welder's if lame is visible for miles. ' Local Temperature Tomorrow's Day Maximum 33 Sunrise 10:02 Minimum 21 Sunset 17:28 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL XXXII, No. 1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1943 PRICE- FIVE CENTS More Important Soviet Victories Missing Februaxy 13,1943. IMPORTANT RUSSIAN VICTORIES MOSCOW Alonp the entire 1,200-mlle front the Ked Army keeps up its offensive against the German invaders southwest of Stalingrad and northwest of Moscow with the capture of the two vital cities of Zimovnika and Veliki Luki, 900 miles 'apart. Pressure on twenty-two trapped Nazi divisions in the middle Don area is maintained. On the central front, too, there is no diminution of the gieal attack against the enemy. The drive beyond captured Kotelnikovski towards Koslov keeps up. ALLIED DRIVE IN NORTH AFRICA LONDON Allied forces are making a three-pronged diivc into enemy lines between Tunisia and Libya although progress is 'slow cwing to continued unfavorable weather. Allied aerial bombing activity keeps up. Sfax Sousse and Gabat were again raided during the night, wharves, railway yards and warehouses being hit and set afire. At sea in the Mediterranean two more enemy supply ships have been sunk with a third hit as well as a destroyer. An enemy airdrome-on Crete was also attacked. In retaliation for Allied air attacks on Tu' nisian ports, Casablanca was bombed by Axis planes for the first time in the war. R.A.F. OVER GERMANY I LONDON Koyal Air Force bombers were over western Gcr-, many again Thursday night. Mines were also laid in enemy waters, j Two of the liritish planes failed to return. Daylight attacks on France j Honored By King BULLETINS SEKGEAN1 WIIAKTON HONORED OTTAWA Regimental Sergeant Major William Robinson Whaiton, Koyal Canadia Artillery, whose wife's residence is given as Frince Rupert, was made a member of the Order of the liritish Empire jn the King's New Year's Day hoors. NAZI TRANSPORT SUNK MOSCOW An 8,000-lon German transport has been sunk by a Russian submarine in Norwegian waters. CONVOYS ON SOHEDULE LONDON AIlcd convoys are not being bothered a great deal by enemy naval craft these days and are reaching Murmansk and Archagel on schedule. German war vessels arc bottled up in Norwegian ports and in the CURTIN WANTS HELP CANBERRA Prime Minister John t'urtin of Australia feels that the "Deal With Hitler First-idea is being overdone and that more attention should be paid to strengthening Allied forces in the Pacific for defence and offensive operations against the Japanese. Mi. Curtin says the Japanese are consolidating their alieacy won positions. There should be greater naval, military, and air strength still in the Pacific. PRISONERS BEING FREED TANGIERS Most of the French political prisoners in Nprt h Af l ica are . being, freed, .by . General Henri Girauu, tne new French commissioner. RAID ON WAKE ISLAND HONOLULU Admiral Chester W. Niniitz anounceg that a heavy raid was made by United States Navy bombers on Wake Island Christmas Eve. Seventy-five thousand pounds of bombs were dropped and many fiics were started in Japanese installations. SINKINGS AT RABAUL MELBOURNE three more Japanese supply ships have been sunk at Rabaul, New Britain, by Allied bombers. SEVEN FERCENT FILM CUT WASHINGTON A seven percent cut has been made in the film supply for the American moving picture industry. KEYES MADE BARON .LONDON Sir Roger Keyes. Admiial of the Fleet, has been made a baron in the King's New Year's honor list. BURMA ATTACKED AGAIN NEW DELHI The Royal Air Force has again struck with bombing raids against Akyab and in the Mandalcy area of Burma. Com'dore Stevens Is Rear Admiral Well Known Naval Engineer Officer Receives Promotion OTTAWA, Jan. 2 Engineer Commodore Stevens of the Royal I Canadian Navy has been promoted to the rank of engineer near DEFENCES OF CEYLON After a thorough tour of the city's anti-aircraft defences, Admiral Sir Geoffrey Layton reached the conclusion that "Columbo will probably meet any" hostile air attack." SUGGESTIONS ADOPTED Of 200,000 production suggestions submitted to American war plants, 20,000 have been adopted since the war started. Two Russian Objectives Have Been C Drivins Red New Cabinet Members For Great Britain LONDON. Jan. 2-The Duke of Devonshire has been appointed Parliamentary Undersecretary for the Colonies and the Earl of Mun-ster becomes Undersecretary for India and Burma. BOTTLING UP ENEMY Allies Gradually Hemming Jap ancse In on New Guinea Island SOMEWHERE IN NEW GUINEA, Jan. 2 Oi Following the policy, of urogrersively smaller segments. Allied tanks, infantry and artillery succeeded yesterday in isolating thp J-ipancse on the Buna front Into two sector as well' as small pocket. A parachute attack with tanks which began in the early morning reached a beach at East Glropa Point along a 400-yard front by noon. Then, wheeling east by mid-afternoon, It pocketed the Japanese force in a heavily-hunkered' area borrfpred on the north by Senl Ml Creek. Twenty Japanese aircraft were destroyed on the ground In an Al lied air raid on Lae and nine out if twelve Japanese zeros were shot down in a fight overhead. DR0WNEDAT PT. EDYARD . Port Simpson ftative Youth Lost His Life When Gillnet Boat Hit Reck William Robert Gray, aged eighteen, native of Port Simpson, employed by the B.C. Bridge and Dredging Co. at Port Edward, lost his life by drownihg near there on Wednesday evening at 7:45 when his gillnet boat Carlisle hit a rock near shore the other side of Port Edward and he fell overboard. The body was found by his aunt, Mrs. Andrew Cecil, at 2:45 Thursday afternoon in the couisc of a search. It was seen In shallow water at the low tide not far from where the boat went ashore. Later in the day the remains were brought in to Prince Rupert. The unfortunate youth's only companion In the boat was his cousin, Vernon Cecil, who leaped ashore to safety. Parents of deceased are Mr. and 0)- woses urpy ui ruru ouuii. COLOMBO, Ceylon, Jan. 2 frs. mere are iwu uruuieis, oamuiuu and David Grey, and one sister, Mrs. Edgar (Mildred) Cecil. The remains are being sent Port Simpson for burial. FOUNDED SITKA a aptured by Offensive Veliki Luki and Elista, Nine Hundred Miles Apart, Fall To Arms of Stalin's Conquering Forces MOSCOW, Jan. 2 (CP) Capture of two major Russian objectives nine hundred miles apart, Veliki Luki in the north and Elista on the southern Kalmyck Steppes, was announced by Soviet authorites today as the newest successes of the hard-hitting Red Army winter offensive. Veliki Luki was taken after a long and bitter siege and by Russian reports its final seizure was bloody. "The German garrison in the tow which refused to lay down arms was .wiped out," a communique said. Elista was gat'hered t ln by Russian columns that speared swiftly south from the Stallngrad-Kotelnlkovskl battle line. to Alexander Baranof, founded Alaska, in 1804 after the massacre by the natives of the Inhabitants of an earlier settlements, KISKA ID. HEAVY HIT Guadalcanal Also Gets New Year Greetings in Form of Allied Bombs WASHINGTON, DC, Jan. 2 (CP) The United States Department of the Navy reported today that American air fojcej in the Pacific, opened Hife-iNev JCUl mill Ill'dVJ AildLBJ tt&UUK Japanese-held Kiska Island in the Aleutians and Japanese positions in the Solomons including a area believed to be headquarters of their force in Roy Winslow Boat Winner Holds Lucky Ticket for Sailboat Model Raffled by Rotary Club For Civic Centre Fund i The model sailboat, which was Dresented by Dr. W. T. Kergln for raffling In aid of the civic centre fund, was drawn for at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thursday and the winner was R. M. Winslow. The winner In the weekly drawing for a war savings certificate in aid of the Queen's Fund was A. S. Nlckerson. President George C. Mitchell was In the chair and there was one mest In 'he person of Hugh FOOTBALL IN BOWLS Georgia Defeats U.C.LA. At Pasadena 9 to 0 Rose Bowl Georgia D, Univer sity of California at Los Angeles, 0. Orange Bowl Boston 21, Ala bama 37. Cotton Bowl Georgia Tech, 7, Texas 14. Sugar Bowl Tulsa 7, Tennessee 14. Sun Bowl Second Air Force 13, Hardin Simmons 7. Flower Bowl (negro) A. and T. College 14, Southern University 6. In the East-West game, East won 13 to 12. CUSTOMS REVENUE Customs and excise revenue at Prince Rupert for the month of December totalled $54,410.22, it was announced today.