1 1 0 THE DAHY XEXS PAG I TrVtJ 5 I 4J- TBAS'X- 4 -J y e 1 l-e 5? 5 2 I rt 1 OM J 5 1 I 1 ! ?X h If : ' I' If St0i0te a by Bu?y Old St. Nick vine bare forprttea i staff t gwt wfc of ours in yiar iiodd WW talsn m dws Right here we're: wyif A Mfrry Cfcf awi Happf Year! THE VARIETY STORE Friendliest Greetmgs and All Good Wishes from FMcRAE BROS. LTD. CHRISTMAS BE YOURS! I I. ft A . 3Iajyour Christmas Joy be many and the Festive Season brinsr you Much Happiness A A ft ft ft A A A" A A A A A A f T o A A fc A W A l a r A M A A We tend hearty creetias to friend J oid and new with the hope that oar '5 W ffieadthip rw erer treater. 5 RUPERT BAKERY ll i oW Oty&m Bte Saw Bto BU Bw Uteu ht tB j Once Again . . . s Hawkinsons g Laundry k T-iT.k you for yr.ur pa? 5 r:sa;e and coarteoos lp- A ' tztrjx under difficult A sj i. m and extends to f a B? -. Wiihex for a BRIGHT g 1 67 Taxi (Rom RrtM.) Delre t ritend Hearty Best WUh for a MERRY XMAS to Cuitomrrs and Frirndi. ft ft 5 5 a JkH . Another War Christmas. JrrFl Thi b or fifth Ghritma at war a war In whWh Prirxe Kapert S dcSv jfjft fSc h kfn the local point. So far w-e bare, heen tpared the HJVV ys AflV direct impact of conflict allhoocb we bur frit the effect in many wmr matrriaD? bcnrfitUI and mm pottnant In wn way TviVw(1 &pLT Many f m rurr rmrtr eha'rr at taWn and we eannt hut fj Vv triere all f rer the chain that wHI be permanently ranted kj Ot MP i J NLlAjt tn f omr vm im harr rlrm their all in settlement of the kwr et i3k4 fl ipV V Vrt, U we reaiiie the tree meaning of Chrtlmi, we may find "J )Sj tP) eawx fr real Udnes and happiises and appreciation of the fart l ') XV fhl lhal therr h aVamamt promiv of the ultimate rraiitalUn 'of pearr -f 1 J AH Xfi rlrt f11' toward men. Vs; jKW J Sine last Christ nvn we liaie come well abtnt the jr towaidi rzTf I JSPgL ,ne Virlorr which win makr poWhle the ftl lndol(enee of the rgN f Jt-Srr peweiplr for which Chmtma sUndv Before another we mixht he JJf 'TTy&Cr 'XTd Irr tieipation that complete u(ttu (H hare tatkfW wP PJ JJr. In thai pinf The IkaUy Xew ith the othen whoe:eipre. Tl are herewith ewie?ft. t. jj- May We Sprinkle Some Good Cheer on Your Christmas Tree? We'd Hke to hare oar own rd wih represented oa lnr Chmtma tree a sprinkling of nire p leu-act thenehti of yon and a garland of (ratUade for jour kind patnuLacr. xamumti MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE .MAY A JUOUb A We thank yon for patronage and your valued AND A HAPPY AND VICTORIOUS NEW YEAR EVENSON'S A gig WISH YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS i Speed the Day . . . ' ":"fTjr:.d.. ' n lotaj i: d f -a. r:rvrv tor ou: be SMITH & ELKI1IS A a A a!5I AS A A A ft ft VICTORY AND PEACX STERLING FOOD MARKET LTD Thanking you for your valued pat-ronage during the past, we wish you all a very ant a S Happ New Year fty ft x I Pioneer-Canadian Laundries f it And Dry Cleaners m ft. of A ( Merriest Yet! o t We wkh all Mir CwUooaen wtth rVe a Terjr Jdr-, HELEN'S BEAD! SALON o Friendship . . . THOMPSON HARDWARE ro. LTD. t v, w . ,nd may the em4n& year l U all icf ow Happy and rropero. and iTL 3 X) tel 5 LING the TAILOR SIXTH ST KELT ruovC W A' y o;fQ a a? IVc simply wish to all our Friends This Time Honored Greeting LINDSAY TRANSFER CO. PACIFIC STEVEDORING & CONTRACTING CO. RUPERT MOTORS Merr; Christmas Here's Wishing AH Our Frienls ll I v Is the Compliments of the Season m s lesser' p oV ft g IDEAL CLEANERS Canadian Fish & Cold Store It has been a pleasure to serre 70a fc uie best of our rapac "7 y M -C ;i5t5i5jS;2;2; S5;SiSy.5i5t tStS WWC1 "Ct"