lltf DECEMBER 24, 1S43 If : """ THE DAILY NEWS Oncf tln (he eaton of Christmas ft here, brine. Im villi It a heartfelt appreciation for the goodwill gnd foibearance our many friends have shown during a diffirult year. lhat you may know ,al the dtll(ht, of the day of da) i i the wish of . . . Watts & Nickerson hi Dot Dot Dash...-. in on Chrlttma. III I Ml Iry Uoods and Novelty bhop Majbe you think the expreion h a little threadbare, Ik. - - - I, I in ii . . ... nv mr H ii auu . . . .lll. u: it comrs imo JONES' FAMILY MARKET i Very Is the with of Acme Clothiers 58 2 That's the Happy New Year Wish we extend to all of our ft i g menus. May vie- faj! lorv in nea th. nan. fit llinniiii find tipnennr- tfh ... 1 ' V- ti the years to come. 53 Gunn's Bicycle Shop and i g Many Sorts Store fa 6 Prince Kupcrt, B.C. fiw To all our Customers and ti 8? A n n i SS. r 8 ti s ti in ti 2? 8 io the heart orrrllowlnt with tod cheer for you and ti 12 AS Merry Christmas ti an( ic Happiest of fa New Years Friends we Wish g A Merry Cirw mas SJ M f,t Mill Happy New Year 1 BULKLEY MARKET M (McKay ti Hilton) n .TTT -i i ti , 9 LiiST7: ti ti ti v1- Iluy War Savln Certificates S SlL.l. VALENTIN'S DAIRY WmAc Customers and Friends a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 11 GREETINGS Wp Wish All Our Customers and PViends A Very Merry Christmas Philpotl, Evilt & Co., Ltd. Telephone 651 or 052 ti ti ? J ti a l Deautu rarade . . (2 W In any beauty parade, well bet on our 3 Christmas Wishes for your happiness and fa I f& eood health to win the tronhv as the ti ti ti ti most beautiful of all sentlncnts. Sunrise Beauty Salon tj Violet Man Cot. 6th and Fulton W Phone Blue 943 for Appointments 4 Mem Christmas f W and ti to Everylwdy 1 1 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. 9 8 sr Si? To All our Friends PHONES 116 OR 117 ti ti ZlZZ ti Our wish for you 5is that Christmas A will have all the 1 pood, things possi- hie: Sj? If we have helped til? ih iml 'flinni f C2 i you we are glad. fey BELMONT HOTEL I I 1 1 (Jack Hosklns) extends iBBBBBHai I IT ..... mm A VI I I III" I ti i W filS VMaa n o ti 5 g urn iiL4j liriMmas ureetings ti ah ti J a iuieuae wish ti Old as the hills, yet fresh as the balsam mens that decorate your ti Christmas home our wish: ti A Mr rrv Christ ti - - j stffftM r o you , ti . . . . . . ..... fa HUWt & McNULTY Sisii iYiiuwdv uiocg rv i ... 5 2? This lo Wish all our Friends fa wishes all its patrons a Very Merry Christ t n 1 il.n a . . I.j J. 1. tit i . A Merry Christmas $S i ti ana a fa Very Happy New Year p VANCE'S HOME ARTS J Th all our Friends the Season's Greetings j SII.VFRSIDES BROS. ti jj ju.ia uiiu uiu vt-i wsl oi neaiin, wealth d good luck and happiness for the New. Year 5 Though Christmas commodities are not as p if plentiful as in the past, we have endeavor- fa S? ed to supply you with the necessities tlia't ti 2? make the Christmas Season inllv nnri ti 2? 9 a S 5? C.I.L. Paint ti , Third Avenue g-tf merry. -Y1 SWW5 COMPANY LIMITED ROYAL LUNCH ti QQ3FJJ? S Turkey Winners M Winners Jn the Boilermakers' M Union turkey raffle were drawn r last night, resulting as follows: 2 William Martin, No. 128; A. B. 2j? Hodges, No. 193; N. MacDonald, fe No. 519; E. Startup, No. 524; C. M , Paulsen, No. 267; J. Clock, No. fctf 624; A. W. Johnson, No. 409; H. 10 v. ti I A Happy New Yearri ti W A Rrinkf anrl Mnvr fUt W n ti IV, X E x ti 1 DIP ru-T I fit '2? WoM i; L'n i i Ai,n i i 2 IIAKDWAKF 2jP J""" i" kccu uig eoiossai 6 S'-CSWCtCiCickiCSiM rv, Vhnsmas. brimful of happiness and the 6 oaiat,. - -Tlr 1 W it conies with knowing your old A .Merry Christmas to You All SiCiSWtCWCtCttCtCCtCiS ! 5? friends wish you wel1 ! Bicycles: GsHlcets, etc. $ ti S M Sold, Repaired and Fitted. tfli; Jiaf f 9 E ti I ! ti2 BHnfKff fit t!? 535 tiM ti ti i as BO IT Cheeseman, No. 416; Bill Goeo chauk. No. 96. Aiir rAtir g.UUKiUNU.. Jftur ditty (tuntless though it iij!may be Is Just as sincere and V I full of good wi.ihes for you as llf we were Carasos. (We're try- uig our darneA'st to say Merry Christmas a new way. rorgive us?) SHENTON'S SHEET METAL WORKS There's no Ceiling on Good Wishes That's why we're happy to ti wisn all of oir friends the lW . - . ... . . Diggesi ana oesi ana mernesi ti Christmas of all time. GORDON & ANDERSON WILL SANTA COME? Will that sly old gentleman come sliding dawn your waiting chimney Curlstmas Eve? We have advancn information that says he wll come laden with lots of good things! Modern Beauty Shop Elsie Klohn Buddy Kemp Oeulah Llivigne SEASON'S GREETINGS to All Consumers. ti fa ti The Co-ops will bring ti you a Happy New l Kaien Consumers Co-op Assn. Year. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op Assn. - -- - -sj,. ( ,a vsvi v ij 2 ti I PAGE THKES A S r WEE TOT'S 5H0PRE I Tis the Season To Be Merry; Let's Be Gay And Jolly., Make this Christmas the Best Ever! JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR I OUR CHRISTMAS. "-.ii CAROL We raise our voices to sing our si thanks for the privilege of ser- vlng you during the nast and to wish you "A Jlerry Christmas." t5 TOM LEE & SON and wc wish the same to all our friends for this season ' and the coming years. Superior Radio crvice " .:.rv 201 4th St. and 2nd Avenue Aiss Barbcau a f5 T. Wishes to convey to her Datron? her thanks for their patronage r?? during the past year and at tha aine time wlsnes them alliS - Merry Christmas and a Happi' " Van. Vao. i . Our Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas- W and a Happy New Year : g M T IFF I laLWsM TAILOR