IDAY uturjviujuv zi, i The .Management .and Staff of The OYSTER BAR- wish to extend their best ' wishes to all For a Merry Christmas, m 9 r and May the New Year Brfns You more sunny hours more joy and gladness more true friendships more opportunities more health and happiness new joy in living. Sincere Thanks for Your Most Liberal Patronage For pi R Ana a rrosperous New Year fa" KAIEN HARDWARE TtucUwv? and For m ComaWe Cats Exchange Block an dfor ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.CJL Dy DOnOTHY OARBUTT in Prince Rupert who during the past year have helped to VI oik Promptness, Courtesy, Safety and Long Experience For General Contracting of all Kinds - - Call 32 Seal Cove Truck & Transportation JOHN GURVICH 'r Sixth Street if If I I B I I fa I 6 S fi a S 8 THE DAILY NEWS PAOB FIVE j whether It be for donations, a very happy Christmas, thank volunteer service or, most of you. all. rooms registries. And from myself, personally, a warm greeting to all my loyal leader who have suffered In silence my dally out-pourings and if they have broken the silence have done so with words of commendation only. And to No more shopping days un-' our two newspapers for bearing til Christmas which of course with my scripts aod their means that Christmas is noon ' alamlng alterations day after us and it is time for Don Pbr-1 day through out the year, ward of the Y.M.C.A. and my- i self of the Y.WjCiA. to send It Is a delightful Christmas our greetings to all the people up at the 'Y'. Everyone Is work- Ing well together, all on the staff are congenial and happy make our work amongst you I in each other's company, so agreeable. And so our very best wishes go out to our kindred organizations the Salvation Army, The Knights of Columbus and the American Services "p t Recreation Hut and the Ameri-S 1 ran Red Cross, to the women's Jt 1 organlraUons who have taken fa over the work of chaperones at jfc our dances each month, to the mnior nosiesses ana tne ainil-ated hostess groups who have served so faithfully in the matter of dances, to the personnel of the Navy, Army and Air Force in the Prince Rupert Defence Area with and for whom we have the privilege of working, and to all the citizens of Rupert who have helped tSus whenever an SOS has gone f oui uirouga inese columns. the rlfnrn Mnnc rv& iinticii'illw Km. Oh, dear! I nearly forgot "Salty and Peppy." the 'Y kittens, wish to be remerrfbered to all their wellwishers and say they are looking forward to any catnip mice that may com their way. NEXT PAPKR TUESDAY' There will be no issue of the Daily News on Christmas Day tomorrow or on Monday which Is being observed as Boxing Day, The next regular Issue wHI appear Tuesday afternoon. utlful due to the effort! of I l40&g&!ff Breen Melvin and Chester Le- Maistre. Altogether by us it's Every Light is a Christmas Light 2 Every virne you see a light at this season be reminded that wo wish all or you A Merry Christmas PARKIN ELECTRIC Si. tk 9 H 5f May We All Attain-. A little more happiness A little more faith A little more joy in this strife-torn world is the wish of GORDON'S HARDWARE For the Coming Christmas Season I Bill Stone's Greetings . . . Tka KaTka VDLa Tha V0 V With pleasure and appreciation we take Uus means of expressing entiments of season's rood cheer to our friends We gather our share of tht joys of Christmas from the cordial relations-we haic enjoyed with each of you in the past The warm spirit of the occasion reminds us that in oar friends, we find our real assets May the sphit of the Yulrtide go with you throughout the coining year. A Merry Christmas to All W. F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" Grand Cafe A Merry Christmas to AH Our Customers And Friends Sl.OO-SPECIAL. XMAS I)INNER-$1.00 DECEMBER: 2S MENU Relishes: Green Olives, Celery Heart, Fresh Fruit, Xnias Cake, ComblnaUon Salad Cocktail: Tomato Juice Soup: Consomme Princesses Cream of Tomato Start: Cold Boiled Red Salmon, Mayonnaise ciidicE Stuffed Younu Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Stuffed Young Chicken, Jelly Stuffed Young, Goose, Baked Apple Grand's Juicy Steak, Stripped Bacon Breaded Chicken Cutlet, Tomato Sauce VEGETABLES Baked Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Brussels Sprouts, Green Pens SWEET ENTREES Green Apple Pie Hot Mince Pie, Pumpkin. Pie Lemon Pie Custard Pie Plum' Pudding Ice Cream Coffee Tea Milk it is I 1 Br I! To Those Who Ride on the Bases May we humbly and sincerely say "Thanks a Million" for your patience and goodwill during the past year. The service has not been the best. If it could have been better we would have done so. So trying have been conditions at times that It was only your co-operation that kept the buses rolJlng". May the Chrlstmastlde be happier than the last and may the New Year bring: to each of you fulfilment of the age old prophecy: "Peace on Earth, toward am cf Goodwill." , LEX AND THE BOYS. On Christmas Day and New Year's. Day tne buses will operate on the Holiday Sehertule. ARROW BUS LINES At Christmas w It's a real pleasure for us to send old friends and patrons the SEASON'S GREETINGS! f SAVOY HOTEL A Merry Christmas To All Our Friends and Patrons I .TTl I a asa a I w i wmmamm ' SEASONS ; ij GREETINGS 1 Ir. and Jlrs. Stan Saville and Jimmy sr HI FRIENDS! 1 MTs - SI ii n .8 ! 2- ! I Here's To You! It : Coast Regiment w Women's Raffle The current drawing of the Women's Auxiliary Coast Regi- Ntf parcels for local, boys nor over- 1 sm tnnlc nlnr- last PTfnin" at the regular Y. M. C. A. dance ;2Sr at the Empress- Club and resulted In the following: ' Doll, donated by the Star's Style Wear, won by Mrs. Josephine Stuart,' Ticket 320 Pair of bedroom slippers, donated by Family Shoe Store, won by Arnold- Cony, Ticket 1417 Mrs. R. Woods had charge of the raffle. TV- .BW i9MlBK vl& r 5f To All ' My Friends I: wish- the Jollieit Christ mas yet and the most Prosperous Year in History DR. J. F. MAGU1RE DENTIST Rooms 7, S and 9, Smith Clock Phone 525 ei. -j-i riMTTTCTTWa MiyiririiT'Ti We see you often but just In case we don't, we want to take this chance to wish you a lot of the best for the holidays. Arrow Bus Line . . . take this opportunity of wishing all their customers and Waterfront Friends A Very Merry Christmas ' and a Happy New Yeat S R 3 ft s R p F. E. Hunt Limitedi 1 8 8 's 'sa "sa 'Si r The North Stat, f Bottling Worki Wishes You A j Jolly Christmas If wc can. help yon Irct it, we arc at yourj service "t i i - ii 1 1 ii ii i in i n iiiiHin rwrnFiWTKnKM