SDAV MARCH 25, 1943 ike finest quality in- tea buy... Sail is Resident Nutter Coupons TEA. irv i iuu urirnrs iisi ui rum inations for Ensuing Year Pt r.;minaMng committee of - Rupert Rotary Club ut today's weekly lun-following slate of of ( -!f:r coupons No. 1 and 2 in Ration Book arc al-r alid. lluttiT coupon No. -. pixxl on March 27th. itoti- "i all three coupons i'.ltli. ICacli of these cou-;. 'iod for 8 oz. of butter. No. 1 Ration Hook 3--rs arc reminded that Tea or Collec coupons 1 Ration Book will not ' :r:d after March 31st, 4. 0 ym have some of these ' n-xd these com-, use them before April ) Cook No. 1 should also ire "C" coupons 10 ii as Spare "IJ" and lj ."UK)iis. These were i ni I ik were issued !''4J. -m case an eintr-M arise but will not r red. Armed Forces on Leave - Cards may be obtained r.'.ber .if the Armed Forces 5 days, or longer, ! '.-commissioned of-n.' i produce a leave i '1 ' lii' its a Utter from i. : :cr Commanding. When Leaving Canada Rationing Orders require 1 i a consumer ceases to ': ') Canada he sliall send ;t: a book or card to the ' Ration Office. This c ficers for 1943-44: President A. C. Small. Secretary W. L. Coates. Treasurer Alex McRae. Executive J. w. Nlcholls, R. C. St. Clair and A. Delldal. Ex-pfflclo a. C. Mitchell (past president). es PURITAN CEILING In colonial America, the tans passed laws to keep plain and Inexpensive. RATION NEWS (Jet a Caniiiu" Guide o If you are going to do canning this season be sure to get a Canning Guide from the 1W Office or Ration Administration. Alter a thorough study of the Guide fill out the "Application for Canning Sugar" in No. 2 Ration Hook and send to your 1-ocal Ration Board (not to Regional Offices) not later than April 15th. nn in your application as a housewife for all members of your household (on your own card) stating the number of persons for whom you are applying, but not including yourself in this number. The blank cards of each member of your household, bearing only the serial numbers, should then be attached to your card and forwarded to your Local Ration Board before April 15th. Children Under 12 Years Any child who has not reached the full age of 12 years on March 1st, 1943, is not entitled to Tea-and Coffee coupons. Final Checkup Before discarding your old Ration Book compare the prefix and number with tliat written on your :iew,Ration Book. If they do not correspond as to letters and figures send both lwoks to tlie nearest Ration Office for correction. As a precautionary measure, we recommend that you save the cover of your old book showing prefix and numlwr which will be yours tor tne duration. 'umn will appear m this newspaper every week to keep fou f,-tj-latc on Ration News. Din and keen for reference. RATION ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT THE RED CROSS HUMAN I SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EVER Novel GIVE - as you never javc heforc DO NOT HOLD BACK I When the Red Cross caUs for your donation, remember this ls your personal gesture toward the suffering and hungry ... the homeless and the Imprisoned! It ls as If you reached out your hand . . . and gave what you had I The Red Cross KNOWS It can count on YOU I Lid .f Pioneer Druggists 1E ItEXAI.L STOKE TIIONES 81 and 82 Sum 0,,CM l,aiIy from 9 a m- 11,1 9 pm' naaJs and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7 - 9 !" LOCAL NEWS NOTES AEllo's Pay Cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. Harold Park of the Canadian National Telegraphs staff at Van couver Is here for a few davs on business at the local office. Geoffrey Wootten arrived In the periodical inspection trips. Terrace visitors in the citv on business yesterday included Jack I Berman. Emll HantHnnri R W Purl-1 Beecher and Gordon Temple, all shoes well known citizens of the interior (town. They arrived from the in- terior on the morning train and returned home in the afternoon. The program today at the reeu- lar weekly luncheon of the Prince Mrs. Doris Robinson, R.N., of Terrace was in the city yesterday from Terrace, returning to the interior in the afternoon. She came In with Robert McKenzie, a logger from Kltsumkalum Lake, who suffered an eye Injury In an accident and ls now receiving treatment in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Charles Adam, formerly of Stewart and now operating a moving picture theatre at Terrace, was a visitor in the city yesterday on business, arriving on the morning train and returning home In the afternoon. He ls well satisfied with his venture into the show Dusiness at Terrace, reporting as """ cCfriplel a patronage as It Is pos sible for him to take care of. aP KNOCKED OUT r7 'ROOTS AND ALL WITH ji naofl n? rTTTTTT-f iTrff 50t "3 it For Income Tax Returns see . . R. E. Mortimer I'hone 88 324 2nd Ave. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Rox 544 ERASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT 1 FOR SALE SI'KCIAL PRICES New hand-made RAO RUGS. Artistic designs. 18x36. Special RADIOS In first class playing condition. 7 to 10 tubes. Real Bargains. ..... $20 up TYPEWRITERS Good condition. Remington, Underwood, L. C. Smith. Real bargains. One 3-plece CHESTERFIELD SET. High grade tapestry covering. Regular $200, for $150 Odd Lines, Pots, Pans, etc. B.C. Furniture PHONE BLACK 32-1 THIRD AVENUE Miss Hazel Hill is leaving; tonight for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Tills evening's train, due from the East at 7 o'clock, is reported to be three hours late. i Major and Mrs. T. A. McWaters will be leaving next Thursday for city yesterday from Vancouver, j Vancouver to which city Major Mc- being here to organize the forth ccmlng Fourth Victory Loan cam palgn. Waters has been transferred. William Cruickshank, C. N. R. ctus uouirea, superintendent of yesterday for a trip to Prince Canadian National Telegraphs .George on official business. from Edmonton, is lravlng this, afternoon for Terrace after hav-L .. i . , I . i AiVt, IHCJCI 9 OI.UUIU5 Will , ,, . , Hnv. f f past,'7 be taking pictures at Knox Hotel rfw ... -..w vv ui .im -Kr-.u. on An I O T ' t . , ,, .. I""'"! iu wj npiii o. uuui miss this opportunity of securing 8x10 Colortone Portraits for only $1.99. Miss Grace Thompson, whose parents reside here, will arrive ini the city tomorrow morning from i Vancouver to Join the staff of the forthcoming Fourth Victory Loan, campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vlpond and Rupert Rotary Club was featured ' family, who have been residing by the showing of moving pictures here for some time, will be leaving of "The World Battle for Oil" by next week for Vancouver. Mr. VI-Cecll Brind. President George C. pond, who Is identified with the Mitchell was In the chair and there local dry dock staff, will be re-was a good attendance of mem- turning but Mrs. Vipond and fam-bers with a number of guests. ! ily plan to' remain in the south. TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON UBrh'S 24. i 20. w VapoRub IhhcuHcetnentJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 29. Orange Invitation Dance March Sonja Home Cooking Sale. April Eastern Star Dance, March 21. Valhalla Invitation Dance, dfellows Hall, April 2. 1 S(We) B fHX Salmon Od- Presbyterian Spring Sale Apr. 5. C.C.F. Bridge, Valhalla Hall, Aprl Cathedral Easter Sale, April 29. ninim GOLD SEAL i Fancy Red re Herring in Tomato Sane are both on active service H ! but will be back on your N B grocer's shelf soon as condl- " dittons permit. P uMiinaiiiiiBiiiiiaKia'isiiajiiaaaiiBiaiiiiauR irji:rji;ii:;B:!i!ii::!i:KB:T3,iP:!tli.B;ii;:Kiw,i' " Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK g VALENTIN DAIRY I PHONE 657 g t C.N.R. Trains For the East- NFWFOR Mondays, Wednesdays and A?-" V V J-x- Fridays 7:00 p.m. ...... - w"; .... MIDLANDS For Terrace and Pacific Daily except Sunday .. 4:15 pjn. Tt,,c tnt- of , n . , From the East- Tfhlsf ,dtrict -Ontario, like the r St 01 the Provlnce ls suerinE Sundays Tuesdays and , from a shortage of wood fuel. Deal- tStSE ,n PJn' er stocks have been low for some ,h cSv Ume and it is likely little will bt Saturdays 7:00 pjn. available In the future. Rural resl- From Terrace and Pacific- dents may suffer even more thar Dally except Sunday 11:20 ajn. town dwellers because of the smal' " amount of wood cut during the f p I winter now ending. Heavy snowfall CCIrlfl and labor shortage have been con- U7llly trlbuting factors to the shortage. FOU SALE The town of Cobouag may have , an Ice shortage during the coming FOR SALE English style baby- "urnmer due largely to lack of stor- pram. Phone Red 897. (72) age facilities. A supply may be FOR SALE - Furniture and floor Shu? p0?ded,a ColwUrB dUtrlbutor can be found- coverings. 611 5th Ave. East. Peterborough Presbytery of the FOR Sale Palmer Apartments, 29 Presbyterian Church of Canada fully furnished housekeeping held lts sessions in Cobourg -Jast rooms. 404 Seventh Ave. West. week ',itn Rev- Horace Kaye of Phone Red 444, E. Peterson.' (84) Colbme, moderator, presiding. One : of the features of the ecclesiastical . . WT CATC VII.UAM I stove; two kitchen chairs, round E. W. B. MacKay as pastor of Co- laDte. Appiy l.. carriere, 1322 bourg Presbyterian Church. t .ggott Ave., evenings after 7. (73) FOR SALE 5-piece solid walnut Dinette Suite (extension table) Phone Blue 430. used department. "wanted (71) FOR SALE L. C. Smith it Corona adding machine and cash register combined. Apply Box 459 Daily News. (74) FOR SALE Axminster Carpets, El- io's used department. FOR SALE Furniture, practically new. Apply 1325 Overlook Street (73) FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply 708 McBrlde Street around 7 p.m. (73) FOR SALE Kitchen Ranges Ello's WANTED Electric washing machine in good condition. Phone Red 665. (76) SPLENDID opportunity, for ..lady.: with -telephone to devote spare time soliciting new and renewal subscriptions for leading Canadian magazine. Box 461 Daily News. (73) WANTED Room and board or furnished room for lady. Urgent. Blue 419. (77) WANTED Three or four roomed house or suite, unfurnished; immediate possession. Apply Box 430 Daily News. (76) WANTED Light housekeeping room or rooms by middle-aged couple. Phone 51, ask for Mrs. Frederlckson. (74) HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable woman to look after convelescent lady and to do light housework for few hours daily. Apply Superinten dent, No. 1 Staffhouse, Green 129. (70) WANTED Female typist for FUh Company office. Experience not necessary. Apply National Selective Service Office. A.F. 38. (73) WANTED Stenographer for a wholesale grocery house, permanent position to satisfactory party. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 39. (tf) found" FOUND Black leather wallet containing registration card and small sum of money. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for men sharing. 718 Fraser St. (08) BOARD and Room for single man. 742 Seventh Ave. West. (71) We always catry a full assortment of Cooked Meats Use them for sandwiches and lunches. Our refrigeration system always keeps them at their peak of flavor. Mussallem's ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars have more Cents" Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 Rev. Dr. A. K. McLeod. who harl been pastor of Trinity-St. Andrew's Church at Brighton lor fiftv-seven years, died there recently. He was ninety-three years of age. Another snowstorm brousht more "5:ief to an already winter-tlrprf Ontario. Montreal-Toronto and Ot- awa-Toronto trains were hours late and rural roads once more became blocked. W. T. Slnton. representm Health Magazine, publication of the British Columbia Tuberculosis Association, will leave tomorrow nleht on his return to Vancouver after hn vlncr been here for the past week or so on business. ARE YOUR NIGHTS Try This at Bedtime Tonight If you find it difficult to get to sleep, then sleep poorly, and awaken nerve jangled ami tired in the morning try taling a cup of warm Ovalline at bedtime. Taken at Iiedtime, AW, Improrrd Ovalline Iielps to relieve that feeling of nervous teimmi. Its p-iial I nod elements, processed inr'eany digestion, and its rich supply of Vitamins A, Hi, and D and the minerals Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron help to replenish worn out muscle, nerve and hndy cells. So why not try AVic, Improved ((ratline? See if it doesn't help you to wake up fresher and mure buoyant. Get a tin at your drug or food store. P MAIl FOR FREE SAMPLE I I A. WflnriOT T.lmlto j Dept. 56, Peterborough. Ont. Please cn J me a um pie of iVeir, lmprt4 IOvaltine and infurtualive pamphlet on iia nutrilMMial valuea. (One aatuple uflnr I to a per aon). I JVam City. Wallace Block .JPnxinc. . j NEW, IMPROVED ! OVALTINE l . a J. M. S. Loubser d.c. aA. Chiropractor Phone S4I The Modern Beauty Shoppe Wishes to announce that they are open for business from 9 in the morning until 12 midnight. This new arrangement of our staff has made this convenience possmie for you. ELSIE KLOHN C02 Third Avenue West. Phone 917 BUY... . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 30 KITCHEN TABLES, drop sides with square legs, suitable for dinette sets, in white wood. DINETTE CHAIRS to match with red leather seats, white wood. Phone 775. 327 3rd Avenue Miss Violet Mah wishes to notify the patrons of the Sunrise Beauty Salon that the shop will be closed for the next few weeks during her-absence on a business trip to the east. Appointments will not be taken In during this time and your co-operation will be fully appreciated. Also expressing sincere thanks for your loyal patronage of the past year and hoping to serve you better still with the latest fashions upon her return.