PAGE FOUR Military Orders -by-Lleut.-Col. Q. C Oswell, E.D. Duty officer Orderly officer. P-2L. W. A'. MiBroom. Orderly sergeant. Acting Sergeant A- L. Wooley Sports parade The undermentioned personnel represented the .unit In a soccer match on Thursday. April 29 Privates N. Paylikls, J. Robertson. R. Cameron, R. Evans, L. Gillies, A. Ronald, Regimental Sergeant Major A. Pocock, Private R. Parsons, Private N. Hebb, Acting Sergeant R. Judge; substitutes, Private K. McCrimmon, Acting Sergeant J. K Schneider. Private J. M. Eby, Private C. E. Love. Private P. J. Petersen, Private T. Jerstad. National Anthem It has been reported that a number of personnel leave entertainments and public places yhlle the national anthem is being played. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kubley of Ketchikan are here today on their way back to Ketchikan after a trip to Seattle. Mr. Kubley Is a well known Ketchikan business and sportsman. G. A. McMillan, manager of Canadian Rational Coast Steamships, arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver. He Is here on official business and. will be returning south tomorrow night. IN TIIK M THEME COl UT OK 11UITIMI i.i iiu i riconm: In the Matter of the "AilminMratlon .l(" and In the Matter of the Estate i( Jacob i ;ile Jontr., otherwise known as Jacob j Jinn. Hefcasfu. TAKE NOTICE ha.t toy Order of HLs Honor Judge FWher, local Judge of the Supreme Curt ci British Columbia, I ns on ibe 4h day of May. AX). 1913. app&xti Administrator ci the Estate oi Ja? 4 Glle Joatz. otherwise known as Ja3b Jcntz. formerly of the Settlement cf Bella Ooola, Deceased, vha died on or about be 11 Eh day of November. AX. 1942. All persons Indebted to the said Eaate are required to pay the arocunt cf tbata- tnde&fdneGs to me fcrttrotth and an persons having claims asalnst the said Estate are required to file them wteto me properly verified on or before tbe 15th day oC June. AD. 1943. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of -which I shall 'have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupsrt, BC. this day of May. 1943. J ' NORMAN A. WATT Official Admmfctratco-Prlnoe Rupert. B C. IN" .THE SJ.TRE.ME COI KT OF BRITISH I'OI.I'AIIWA IV PRORATE In the Matter f the "Administration Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas McRostle, Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge fisher, ' local Judge of the Supreme Couijt of British Columbia, I was on the 29h day of April, AX). 1943, appointed Administrator of the Estate of Thomas MrRctie. formerly of the City of Prince Rupert. Deceased, who died on nr (Lfvntt the l&th dav of December. AS. 1942. AU persons indebted to the said 1 Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and ell persons having claims against the saad Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of June. A. D. 1943. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 29tli day of April. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator , Prince Rupert. B C IN THE SITRE.ME CMRT Or BRITISH fOl.I'M JUA IN PROBATE In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Matter pf the Estate of Matthew Murray, Iereau TAKE NOTICE that by Order of H!s Honor Judge Fisher, local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, 1 1 was on the 19th day of April. A D. 1943, 1 appointed Administrator of the Estate of Matthew Murray, formerly of the City of Prince Rupert, Deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of January, AX). 1943. AU persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estaite are required to file them with me properly verified on , or before the 1st day of May. AX). 1943 failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 19th day of April. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. IN TIIK SITKKME roi IlT OF I1IUTIS1I rOU'.MIllA IX ritOIIATE In Hie Matter of tlir "AilminMratlon Aft" and In the Mattrr of the Kstatp of Xlfk Stadnjk (Otherwise known a Xykola Mailnjck or Xlfk Stailnyik) Defeased Jntestate TAKE NOTICE that, by Order of HI Honor w. E. Fisher, made on the mm day of April. A. D. 1943, I vu appointed Administrator of Hhe Estate of Nick Stadnj'k (otaiervLse known as Nykola Stodnyck or Ntpk Stadnyck) deceased, and all parties having claims against the sold estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the' 27th day of May, A. D. 1943, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., till 27Ui day of April, A D. 1943. NORMAN A. WAIT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. W. A- McBrppm of the B.p. Bridge and Dredging Co. left las eve-r ning for a business trip tq Charles Goldstein, pioneer business man and, fur dealer of Juneau, was here today on his way to the. Alaska Capital from San Francisco. Dugald Campbell, representing the Canadian Linotype Co., arrived m ne tn5 morning from Vancouver and will be here for the next couple of days on business, proceeding on Friday to Hazelton and ofher Interior points. Ernest Vivian Pollard, 34-year old mechanic from Ottawa, and Alexander Benney, 38-year old baker from Toronto, are the latest recruits here to Canada's active army. They will leave tomorrow night for Vancouver. James Colin Duncan, for his second offence on a charge of diunkenness. was fined $50, with option of fourteen days' imprisonment, in city police court yesterday. John Thomas Cushman, also for drunkenness, was fined $25, with seven days' option. WHAT WANTS ANOTHER? LIVERPOOL, May 5 0 Germany, visualizing defeat, as battles rage over the world, Is already preparing for the next world war, Andreas Mlchalopoules, Greek government minister of information, said in an addretss here. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Pre-school and Infant Clinic, King Edward School, Tuesday, 2 to 4; St. Peter's Church Hall, Wednes day, 2 to 4. W.Q.TAI. Invitation Dance, May 5 Oddfellows' Hall. Spring Bazaar United Church W-A., May 6. Little Norway Tea. Mrs. Munthe, May 8. 13. Hospital. Tea, Nurses Home, May Cambrai Spinster's Spree, May 14. Entertainment, Oddfellows' Hall, May 16. Help Norway Com. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Flaten, May 19. Eastern Star Dance, May 21. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, May 28. THRIFT CAsil AND CARRY Phone 171) KWONG 8ANG niNG nop KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 Jn. rhone Red 247 J. M. S. Loubser D.C. B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block rhone 641 BUY THE NEW Victory Bonds R. P. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. Mrs. Hugh McDonald pf Stewart arrived In the city last evening for a visit of a few days. The shoe sale at Ladies' Style Shoppe continues. Stock is 'moving fast at reduced prices. Sons of Norway Meeting, Thurs day, 8 p.m. (106) Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Foster are in the city for a visit, having ar rived yesterday afternoon from Stewart. Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs. Louis Behnsen, following a visit to the city, left at the first of the week on their return to Stewart. Lieut. Col. G. O. Fallis of the military chaplaincy left last evening on his return to Vancouver after spending a few days here. Mrs. C. G. Ham and Mrs. William Noble left last night for Vancouver w-here they will visit for the next few weeks. Dr. R. J. . MacDonald, medical health officer, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Terrace on official duties. Mrs. R. S. Grelg returned to the city this morning from Vancouver, having been south with her daughter, Miss Margaret Qrelg, who is receiving medical treatment Vancouver. The first annual report of the Prince Rupert public health unit was presented to the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. President Rob ert Parker commented favorably upon the valuable document and appointed a special committee consisting of Colin McCarthy and Ed ward Gladding to cqnsider and report on the document. Several guests, the most of them prospective new members, were among guests last evening at the regular monthly meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce. They included Robert Bruce, R. G. Birch Norman Carter, William Gutierrez, Mqrris Bridges, J. pusack, R. Bell and Charles Linton. L. M. Felsen-thal spoke briefly to the new mem bers, urging upon them the desirability of joining up. If THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES 1 Mrs. enry Lindseth left last evening for a visit Q Vancouver. A Ellas,, pay. ,"Casn for Furniture, Stoves. Tools, Musical Instruments. in A Ladies: Don't forget the W. A. Spring Sale qt Fancywork, Aprons and Homecooking to be held Thurs day afternoon at the hall of thft United Church from 2:30 to 5 p.m sharp. Refreshments being served. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beaudln of Terrace left last night for a month's trip to Vancouver. At Port Hardy they will 'meet Mr. Beaudin's brother, George Beaudln, formerly of the Queen Charlotte Islands, who has gone blind, taking him on to Vancouver. The home making committee,: Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211. . Women pf the Moose, held its regular meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. Wide. There' was a good attendance of members. Plans for the raffling of the i doll made by the committee were completed. A Annette Powell's. Beauty Shop, for better permanents. Fourth St., across from Post Office. Phone Blue 917. tf Miss Eleanor Graham, B.N- of the local public health unit re-s turned-to the city this, morning from a trip to Vancouver and Vic-, toria. On a charge of vagrancy. Issle Hall was sentenced to 14 days' im prisonment in city police court yesterday. Mrs. D. L. Jones left this morning for Toronto where she will visit her son, David Jones, who is in the Air Force. While away her place at the newsstand will be taken by Mrs. White. Miss Nancy Dawes has arrived in the city from her nursing duties In the south, accompanied by Miss Hellky Lund, to spend a vacation with hej: parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Dawes, Fourth Avenue East. Mrs. Eric Suffleld, wife of a for mer well known officer of the Union Steamship Co., who Is now in the naval service here, left last evening on her return to Vancouver a visit of a few days here. The national committee of the Canadian Junior Chamber of Commerce had a communication before the local Junior Chamber at its meeting last night submit ting a questionalrre having to do with the possibilities of providing ditty bags for sailors here. C. F. McCarthy, chairman a special committee, reported the Prince Rupert Chamber Commerce on the progress of an anti-venereal disease campaign which is largely taking the form of distribution of literature. C. c. Harris, manager of the Nakat Packing Co.'s salmon can nery at Union Bay, north of Ket chikan,-.Is here today bound north from Seattle for the season. Mr Harris states that the Union Bay cannery will not be operated this season but tjje. rish taken for that plant will be canned at the Fidalgo plant at Ketchikan. Rotary Luncheon THURSDAY, 1 P.M. Commodore Cafe SPeaker: BERNARD ALLEN Another social affair, probably taking the form of a dance, is being planned for the coming month by the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. It was left to the entertainment committee to proceed with arr range'ments for the affair. - The weekly luncheon today of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club took the form of a special business ses sion to consider matters pertaining to club membership and attendance. President' J. Scott was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members. President Robert Parker report ed at last night's meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Ru pedt Chamber of Commerce on ar rangements being made for the presentation of a memento fromi this city to the newly built frigate, j 1H.M.C.S. Prince Rupert. Two fully equipped cabinets of gramophone records have been decided upon as the form of souvenirs will take. CIVILIANS III Our hoys arc still MANACLED in Germany You arc still Free to BUY VICTORY BONDS and set them released quicker Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Qq. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA CLASSIFIED FPU SALE FPR, SALE 1 tent 9x12x2', 1 pack board and, sack, 1 girls ralncape and ha sty. 14., 1 tcmearm for ppitable gramophone. AU practically new- Reasonable. Call 425 ?th Avf-'E. U07) FOR SALE House. 8 rooms, fireplace, furnace, nice grounds and View. Occupancy about May 20. Near Dry Dock. Price $4750. Terms. G. P. Tinker Ltd. UQ7 FOR SALE House. 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, furnace, etc., garden. Splendid condition. Early occupancy. Near bus line. Price $4000. G. P. Tinker Ltd. U07 FOR SALE Oak dining room suite consisting of extension table, six chairs leather covered seats, sideboard. Gent's wardrobe, Oak Columbia Grafonolx 800 6th Ave. East. Phone Blue 981. FOR SALE Household effects, Including double bed with spring- filled mattress, combination ra-dio-gramaphone, studio couch, desk, chairs, table, lamps, carpet, kltchenware and crockery. Phone Blue 688. U05) FOR SALE Used furniture of all descriptions. Visit Ello's used department. Third Axenue next to Dally News, Prince Rupert. FOR SALE Barber's outfit two chairs, eight foot mirror and basin. Box 480, Daily News. (106 FOR SALE Household furniture, must sell fast. 226 Sixth Avenue East. 105l FOR KENT FOR RENT Sleeping accomodation for single girl. Phone Red 600. (105) HELP WANTED WANTED Woman for housework, few hours a day, 50c per hour Apply Box 484 Dally News. (110) AN Opportunity exists in Prince Rupert for an alert person man or woman to break into newspaper work. Must be able to use typewriter. Apply AM 41, Unem ploymept Insurance Commission. NAMES of reliable boys and girls for paper delivery routes are being .received at the Daily News office. WANTED Cook for small family. Apply U. I. Commission A.F. 52. (1041 WANTED Middle aged house keeper. Write Box 479 Dally News (106) WANTED Truck driver for Cart age business; Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 34. tn WANTED Bookkeeper for cartage business, male preferred, military exempt. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.M..38. (tf) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and room for men wishing to share. 718 fraser Street. (1051 WANTED WANTED URGENTLY House or apartment for young couple with small baby. Phone Blue 878. (200) WANTED Responsible, non-drinker Dry Dock worker and wife will look after home or apartment In party's absence Apply Box 482 Daily- News. (196) WANTED URGENTLY Furnished suite for reliable couple. $25 re ward. Box 483 Dally News. (1Q6) WANTED Coal and wood range fnone mue jya PERSONAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA 9th Edition, $25. Phone Green 59 of pall at 725 Fraser St. (106) STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Car rler, Mail Clerk. Customs Exanv lnr, etc. Free advice and re cord of appointment of, our stu dents from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The old est in Canada. No Agents. LOST LOST Ip ladles washroom Y.M.C A. Cafeteria, Tuesday, noon, ladies small yellow gold wrist- watch. Reward. Finder please leave at Daily News. (105) LOST Small key. Phone Red 334. (110) Chase "that sinking feeling" with delicious hot BOVRIl ATTENTION LADIES! Violet Mah, always alert and ever on the search for new technique to make you lovelier, has returned from a tool the east with the latest trends b Victory Coiffures. Hair Shapirg Per manent Waving, Manicuring as well a" many other phases "of modem beauf' culture. Of course, you will want to know what is new ... and you will want t0 avail yourself of the opportunity for up-to-the-minute beauty services' Wn'. not call today for consulatlon'1 ' SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Blue 911 The Fourth Victory Loan A Good BUY Today It Spells GOOD BY to the Axis PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO.. LTD. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Let us do your Shoe Repairing. Mail Vour Shoes We Pay Return Charges and five you 24 HOURS SERVICE High Class Workmanship Best Material Reasonable Charges TRY THE VICTORY SERVICE! Prop. II. Van Berkrl (formerly of Prince Rupert) A GOOD DICTIONARY is essen tial WEBSTER COLLEGIATE Fifth (latest) edition Thumb indexed FUNK AND WAGNALLS Desk Standard Dictionary . THORNDIKE Century Junipr Dictionary $3.50 SG.00 $1.50 $2.25