SDAY, MAY 5, 1943 THE DAILY NEWS hat Does The Future Offer ? The shape of things to come will be determined by what we do now. We, of this generation arc engaged in a struggle of barbaric cruelty. We are fighting that our way of life may survive that' the coming generation may enjoy freedom of 'speech freedom to worship God as they will freedom to determine their own destiny. There must be no compromise no appeasementnothing less than unconditional surrender is our goal if the succeeding generation is to be spared the horrors of war. All post-war plans for a better world arc, but visionary dreams unless we smash througH to Victory, ' , For over three years our men in the armed forces have trained faithfully for the day of attack. Now our leaders tell us the time for attack is at hand. We dare not deny our fighting men one single cartridge that may be needed to do the job. It's our job yours and mine to supply the millions of tons of war materials that are essential to Victory. Let's buy Victory Bonds to the utmost of our ability two. ways put our savings into Victory Bonds and buy all we can on the 6-month installment plan .out of income! LOCAL VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS Recruiting Off ice, 303 Thirtl Avenue. Phone 301 VICTORY BONDS sack we mm t. 4 - i ' i". f ! r, 1 u National War Financ CommlttM .;f 17-t PAOB THRSi .J