Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Hatch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing. Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Classes, Baggage and Novelties. fMAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond IMcrchant STEPS to Comfortable Go To The CUT RATE SHOE STORE IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width. f. P a Smart Season You're The Doctor and we're sure you'll prescribe Shoes from the CUT RATE once you see the large selection. SUMMER WHITES AND SPECTATORS Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe storeitD. The Home of Good Shoes" If you lose anything, advertise for it. 5: Doz?n. of styles to select from. If you'll forgive us for bragging, we think it's the grandest style display of Summer Shoes you've ever seen. Cut Rale Shoe Store I THIRD AVENUE WEST I Mail Orders riomplly Filled. Across from Orme's Drug NO T C E "The Exclusive" Ladies Ready-To-Wear MRS. II. S. PARKER Wishes- to announce her store will CLOSE j ALL DAY ON THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK for the Summer Months, beginning this week. Thursday, May 6th. Open for Business each day of "the week (except Thursdays) 9 a.m. until G p.m. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE ON HAND Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Wilhelmshaven, left In flames. Night and day the Air Force are at work and their deeds fill us with pride and gratitude. But the announcement that "... of our aircraft have not returned strikes a note of irrecoverable loss: they have given to the uttermost. It will soon be TOKYO, OSAKA, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA. BUY CANADA'S FOURTH VICTORY LOAN BONDS to Ihe uttermost to provide the tools for our men! Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue I "GAUVANT" 1 SHOES CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Wednesday P. M. 4: DO Afternoon Musicale 4:30 Cowboy Ramblers 1:45 Novachord and Vlbraharp 5:00 Tea Dansanf 5:30 For Hoys and Girls 6:00 CBC News 6:15 Accordlana 6:30 Studies In Black and White 7:00 Tommy Dorsey 7:30 Red Skelton 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Sound off 8:45 Are You a Genius? 9:00- Kay Kyser 9:30 Dinah Shore 9:45 Harry James Orchestra 10:00 CBC News, rebroadcast 10:15 G. I. Jive 10:30 Anita Boyer and Ivan Dit- mars 11:00 Silent Thursday A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Earl Hatch 9:00 Wayne King's Orchestra 9:30 t'jlC News 9:35 Transcribed. Varieties '0:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Andre Musette 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies il 15- Broadcast of Messages 11:30 Petit Concert P. M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Varieties In Wax 12:45 CBC News 12:55 Program Resume 1:30 B. C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent IDENTIFYING OF STREETS Chamber of Commerce Asking City i - -To look Into Matter of Clearer Designation ' Pacing of. signs on. city streets and numbers on houses where they are missing is being sought h' the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce which, at Monday's meeting, decided to take the matter up with the city authorities. The matter was brought up by John Bulger who referred to the present difficulty for strangers finding their way about through there being no signs to designate many of the streets. The President remarked facetiously that It might be, as well to have the streets marked before they were completely destroyed by the rough usage which they were receiving. There was general agreement on the desirability of clearer designation of the streets. As for the house numbers, it was pointed out that the numbers were available at the city Hall for the asking. Theo Collart also put forward the proposal that streets of the cltv mieht be numbered Instead RED CROSS PLANE ON RESCUE JOH This photo, which just reached New York through a neutral source, shows an Italian Red Cross plane, , FOREGROUND, picking up the crew of an Alcione bomber. BACKGROUND, in the Mediterranean. The Italian bomber, apparently downed by Allied attack, summoned the rescue plane by tadio. POWER DEAL iliSCUSSION Halt and l'attitllu Write to Cham ber of Commerce Regarding B.C. Electric vislts Princc RPt next month, of named as were the avenues but this idea was not approved, It be ing felt that It would be too large an undertaking, Involving a num ber of complications. High Low High Low High Low Local Tides Thursday, May G 2:11 21.8 feet 14:55 8:49 20:50 Friday,. May .; 2:45 15:35 9:26 21:27 19.5 feet 2.0 feet 6.4 feet ; 21.0 feet 18.9 feet 2.8 feet 7.2 feet Saturday, May 8 3:20 20.0 feet 16:17 17.9 feet Low 10;05 3.5 feet 22:05 8.1 feet Sunday, May 9 High 3:56 18.9 feet 10'l46 4.6 feet 22:50 9.1 feet Monday, May 10 High 4:40 17.7 feet 18:05 16.2 feet Low 11:34 5.7 feet ' '23:44 9.9. feet 5 mo.i.n previous when exception was taken at the provincial government moving to finance such an undertaking as It would Involve the rest ( the province financially in the support of purely local projects. Inc stand of Premier Hart on the matter was made clear enough. He Intimated that the municipalities of Vancouver were giving consideration to the proposal. It was not the intention of the provincial government to go Into the retail power business. Nor was the gov ernment prepared te take over and 1 operate the power systems or dls-i tribute power. However, If these municipalities desired to take over these utilities, the government would give consideration to any proposals they had to make. Assistance might be given in connection with financing. The government might take over generating plants. Mr. Pattullo, In his letter, said the whole question was still very much In the embryonic stage. However,. he did not like the method oi aporfoch. , ' At the suggestion of Theo Collart It was decided to have the finance committee of the Chamber pursue the matter further. It was suggested that an Interview be held with Mr. Pattullo when he Wartime Prices Board Cleared No Ruling Whereby Fainting Woman on Stieet Could Not Oct Cup of Coffee There Is no regulation of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board which prohibits .the supplying of meals off the premises, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was advised Monday In, a report following a complaint made .recently that a restaurant had, on that pretext, refused to supply a cup of coffee for a woman who had fainted on the street and Was taken . Into a nearby store. The proprie tor of the restaurant had expressed regret over the incident. 30,000 TIMES BIGGER The electronic microscope magnifies objects 30,000 times. HARD WATER DIET Most fresh vegetables consist of about 90 percent water. CREDIT FOR AIR TRAVEL New Card Sysicm is Inaugurated I II y TransCanada I WINNIPEG, May 5 letters from Premier John da ,Air, Lines has received author- TTnrt Hart nnrt ana T t. d. D Pattulln pauuiio, M kluj. LJY lor lor i.J ' outi uw" "vfi earns, by means of wntch passengers may Prince Rupert, on the subject on receive credit and discounts, it was hand, the matter of the provincial announced today by W. J. Dalby, government's stand on the mat- traffic manager. TransCanada Air ter of financing the cities of Van- , nn"' ,.iav" rcouver and Victoria In connection Holders of air travel cards will be the British Columbia Electric Co. ui- again discussed at Monday's This Space Donated by: Variety Store "Where your Dimes are Little" Dollars" Phone Red 120 518 3rd Ave. W. fifr. mi uavei caras win De issued to officers, eroDloyres and reprcsen- tatlves designated by .subscribing companies and to individual nnrf . members of their immediate fam- When credit is approved, the subscriber will make a deooslt with TransCanada. against which the cost of M-kPt.s or excess baggage w be charged. The plan may be cancelled on eight days' notice by either party Joan CRAWFORD John Phil p WAYNE DORN Kedkcato m FRANCE OH THt UMI M OCCAM . . . Cartoon: "THE .MILKY WAY" WORLD NEWS Customs and excise revenue at the port of Prince Rupert for' the present calendar year to date totals $234,773.64 as compared with S143.S93.14 In the first, four months of 1942. Revenue this April, amounting to $51,274.65, compared wiin $J2.73 m April, 1942. Canada at War 25 Years Ann of Hcbutcrne. ftWinilTAL IT NU CANE LONDON, May 5 O Paddy Fin-ucane was shot down over the English Channel last July but with the pioposed taking over ol ent-tied to a discount of 15 per t.hfpy n(1ntK ,,. tt.,(y,h Bnrn ccui on Duousnea one-way fares over T.CJl. routes in Canada In drome movies how he thot down the United States, dlsrnlintB Vitivb pnomv nlanpK Tho fAmrl nrlncr meeting, of the prince Rupert- vna iur ne miration commander who he d the VS.O Chamber of Commerce. The ques- of the war. but credit and other ifJ: .7. nri nrr a"d P took fllms of hls conveniences will be available to V P. tion lion had naa llrst ursi been Deen brouht oruu0iu ud up a a rnni,c rnuainn artnal f (h nr thrn.nh the 16 other air lines in the plan, fitted Into the wings of his Spit- J l'I.IILl (.T-rLW ..... in. , rBMmacjflm Complete Shows: 1:00, 2:44, 4:51, 7,00, fluo Feature at: 1:00, 3:07, 5:14, 7:23, 9 33 Customs Revenue Still Far Ahead Total This Year to Dale $231,773.61 As Compared With $113,593.11 Last Year Playgrounds Discussion 1 ! ... 1 . . , . , L-namber Interested! . some venue for rJ rcatlon of Public Oeneralt The possibility 0f local civ nhtrilnlnir nr, 11 .... ... II ui uic cny wnien seemed '-11 un writ -n 1 --vx. c; j, tary aulhurit'.r w- 1 last night's mcMc? 0f ,1 Section of the prb?? 1 Cliamber of Commerce the tJ Demg orougnt. up by Rcr MicSween. The discussion down to the tatm, cf the Ball park uf th c :: t f ; Avenue and Mi:Bi :! May 5, 1910 -Viscount French tfpi I ground was tn rontr :l ? "it jolnlcd Lord-Lieutenant Ireland and the Oyro C lub b: ; ircerdinj uora Wlmbirne. Ger- being made to havs mans upenra m-ense oomoarameni auinorjiics makr tv r of Hiitish positions from Locre to age which the-, h:. t sauin 01 xpres; muisn maae sngni rresiaent RolHvt Purler I EJ.I urai -auijr-jL oec anu cast me junior I'namoer rr. be DacK in use a;, a fk j 1 eia' public- Cemetery SciviJ Tho:;e w. :u. j . "3 fbi at Falrvlew Cemetery phi the caretaker at the Cemetl between 12:00 and 1:C3 pi week days. ttUI CARPETS AND COKGOLEUMS IN SIOCK , BACK THE ATTACK BMiHMaMK Lnoose a r Rug from our Large Stock Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue, Next the Dally News, Prince Kupert Now The CAMPAIGN Is On hJACK THE ATTACK ii j IS 7 X? ,S J. E Annette Ladies' Wean (We Lead, Others Follow) -1