CESDAY. Kai H d W tit MAY 5, 1943 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Fresh Local Raw and I Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY I'HONE 6.17 J f A Nk V i ii ti f j i v m J I V V. -J I HU! tL Carl Zarclli, Prop. rnooe 37 P.O. Box 514 FKASRR STREET PKINCE RUPEUT BACK THE ien A A K ni inuia :i:n:i'Kiiitf:i;Kii;i:M!Xi:9l GOLD SEAL both !.. . ill Fancy Itcd Sockeye and Permit. Herring In Tomato Sane 0I active service DdCk on Tnnr p) 'helf H nnn a. onnrfl. .. 'ci;iaiXTaflHXMl!HB REDDY SAYS: Ixi't M fifcht! Victory Dond (n the home from mean V'Kiory Hombs over Berlin! LET S ALL ix tiii: sitki:mk oi kt or iikitimi coi.r.MuiA ix riiouxTi: In (hr Mailer ' Hie "AdniliiMrntlim Atl- and In Ihe Mailer of Hie Ktale of Albert Menard, otherwise Known iih Albert FIGHT! BUY BONDS fyry BACK THE ICTORY A TTACK THE EXPERTS SAY Ijilunile, Iireeaseil, liitentaU m TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W E. Fliher. made on the 30th QHERISH CANDLEPQWER l&SZ&L TXZS rffi table and lor lamR m can- Menard. aheris known a Aibm La- ad,1:n homes must be cared for iinde. deceased, and an parties bavin? these days and made to. work for claims against the Bald estate are here- by required to furnish name, properly victory vlclQry. The Jne Prices trices. Rmrrl Board has nas riir- cur- verificd, to me i or beXore the 1st day tailed, lamp production by almost n jun?. axi. lstu. ana an parties in- debted to the estate are tequlmt to pay the amount of ithelr Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED aX Prince Rupert, B.C. thlA Ut day f May AX. 1943 NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. 5Q per cent, arid on the Dominlpn's tptal production of 650,000 table lamps there will be a saving of 1,000 tons of zinc alloy and cast iron. Brass saved in the manufac ix nit. sitkkmk rurin ok iikitisii ,,; nrA niin, nn, duced into any meal of the day. t GO TO THE SUBURBS Hous ing registries operated, by the Prices Hoard's rnnxumpr hrnnrh In iii Hie Mailer of the -Administration munlcatlons between battle points ' dier's wife," said Mrs. Harvey Ag Af anil, III the Mailer of tlir Kstale of l.ouls Klner Joh.iiisrn, othernise known as Indebted to taie esunne axe pay the amount of Uielr tndebtednces o me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. tnyi 27th day of April. A. D. 1943 O. U. MALiM 4 Official AdmlnUrator Ml r iKRVlCr-S to Vancouver, Vlctprla a.nfl Way-points, Sewar and North. (Jueen Charlotte Islands. full Informatiop, Ticket anil iteservations FKANK J. SKINSEU Prince Itupert Agent Third Ave. I''one 568 Montreal. lx)uls Joliansen, IlMeused Intestate i TAKE NOTICE that by order of His ' Hon,or. W. E. Flther. mode on the 30th day U April A.D. 1943, I was appointed PROTEINS Reports of the Adminimreior oi -vne ssia,ie oi ujuh t league ., 01 of IMaiipns, Mntlnns- Rritkh tiqusn. Medical Meaicai Etner JoOwnsen. othem1e known as i - uu johmsen. deceised. and oil par- Association and British ministry of t t.a Hovfnr 1ntona nanlruit. thf fiAld P- i -1 . nMnt.nfUA V.a tat are hereby required to lurnlsh sarns, , , , , ,. . .. .. . ' l j . v,, need for lncludlnir in the diet everv; . day or June. AP- 1843, and mi par- day milk, fruit, vegetables, cereals Erown rhubarb, the Prices Boards ic Indetittd to .the estaie are required . . . . ,. t ration administration has declared ata oreaa' as weu as meal or f- the amount of their .indebtedness , I,lsn; pay riividpnd" of Dound a sugar dividend oi one pne pouna n,e fcrthTith, Three or four eggs are required dated at Prince Rupwt. B.C. thte 1st , every weeki At ieast half a pint PeV person. Blue coupon No. ; iv or Mar a.u. ' NORMAN A. WATT OCTlcl-al AdmlnlBtrator Prince Rupert, B C, IX THE SITHKMK COI RT OK llltlTISH riii i MiiiA in Htomn: In Hie Mailer of Hie "Ailmlnlstratlon Ait" and In (lie Mailer of Hie Kstale of Joliq Klee, lleeensed Intestate TAKE .NOTICE thoit by Order of His H:.nor. W. E. Fisher made on tne na . ids tl y of April A. D. 1943, I wo i nniminufn tries for the Consumer Branch, "would far rather be two miles from her husband's station than 2,000. So don't put off another day before listing tha snare room." RHUBARB, DIVISION Tp en courage the use of Canadian- of milk is needed bv adults, and , 'spare "U 'i in ration dook p. i ration book. partment says, should be Included as well as cooked to j0TS 0F MUScLES Adminisu-aior of the Estate on jonn serve with meat and usn courses Klee. uecearea, cuw " olalrna against the eftld estmte are hereby required to nirnteh sne, properly rifled, to me on or obout the 27th da.y of May, A, D. 1943, and all parties Fruits or fruit Juices can be, Intro- body. There are 639 muscles in GARB OF London, Wrers. Compare Battle Dress. Present Day Leader With Thwe of Other Days 5 pi The Canadian Army's, senior cf ricer g seem to be more orthodox in ihelr choice of field appaiel than the British and United States commanders, who have been In tlie news In Tunisia, However, a general apparently Is his own judge of what is practical and comfortable ajlire. There have been stories about Gen. Alexander's Russian cap and Russian field boots, and Gen. Montgomery's sweater and tennis shoes. Though the Eighth Army commander U mpst. frequently photographed in a tankman's beret with, broad upturned brim. And Gen. Alexander Is reported now to have taken a fancy io the Cyprlot ,pea -ant's leather boots. Ferdinand Tuohy, writing .In the Dally Mall on the dress of war leaders, says no war In history has prcduced such a plain-garbed trip as Stalin, Chiang Kai-Shek and Churchill, despite the British Prime I Minister's taste for unusual head. I gear. Tellir.g how Wolfe at Quebec were Indian moccasins and Garl baldl in Italy a red shirt, Tuohy points tq Stalin's simple, grey unl form and Chiang's unlfoixn, slml-l""lv unfriH?d,- Churchill, on his v'sl's to the battle-front and o n mo! of his wartime travels, tucks himself In his new woollen siren suit. Describing tha "battle-dress" of the United Nations Army com-vtatiders in Tunisia, Tuohy tells of Alexander's leather jacket with shs'rjskln collar, Montgomery's tle-: khi!:l sii.t and the brace of icarl - handle.d pistols from the wa'st of Gen. Patton, Unl ted States field commander In Tunisia. Canadian's Dress When 1"n. McN.au,ghton goes tq many parts p( Canada are urging "'V "if, mv be -obly will wear nothing newcomers, t their aTeaS to move iu ttcaiuj vuuicii iu iciirv: vile overcrowding In the mid-town sec tions. The registries also urge own- ture of floor lamp sockets will bejers of suburban properties and enough to make 2, G00 bomber tiansmitters, and the saving in houses or cottages In the environs of congested centres list their vacant accommodation. "A sol- twice as far apart as Ottawa and new, supervisor of housing regls- command? his forces on exercises pr Ylslts (heir training areas. ' On (ormai occasions, the Canadian arm.y cqmmander marches, about in h'-?h-laced boots. He wears a, Brltl?h warm over his services an.d red-banded army cap of his senior rank. When he's In the field., a modest khaki raincoat covers, his battle-dress and he wear qrcjlnary army bopts wlth the khaki anklets commpn amon.g all the troops. senior officer's wedae cap, blue a,iid red wltb ?pld piping gives the garb Its only color. It. Gen. H. D. G. Crerar, one of the Canadian Corps commander, duilng the recent big exercise ir which Canadian forces took part wa.s often seen In a shor .sheerjsklr lined, leather coat resembling Gen. Alexander's. The corps command more than one pint Is a minimum W be used to purchasp an ex- wore peak cap and knee-high flelf for children The daily require- Ui pouna oi sugur iur iuc wiu ooois. ui. uen. a. w. oiuisuuu up-ment of one serving of whole grain rhubarb, until May 31. Alter June peared In beret, short black leath? i citrrop inr pnn nmir rm n irn Mini nrnr nnn t pppp. i i npn i ivini' uiiin.'t. nl rA fr.,, tr c v it CPS 11 li SUKUf 1UI cailiuug lliuuaiu aiiu bread can be met by using bread other fruits will he ,ln puddings arid as "extenders" In Impsit. ln.ives. Vecptables. the de available tq those who have applied for It on the special form provided fn the Among the divisional command ers Maj.-Gen. H. L. N. Salmon anj" Ma.-Gen. R. F. L. Keller are de- jvotees of steel helmet with camou-i fla?e net for field use. Both wea' battle-dress and so do MaJ-Gen. F the F. Wbrthington and Maj.-Gen. J III,. Roberts. However while Gfi1 CANADIAN STUDY A lit 3IAP ON TUNISIAN llATTLEflROUND Here a Canadian air crew on the Tunisian battle front studies a map before going off on a sween from a forward aerodrome. Left to right, Sergt. 8. Oliver pf Wallaceburg, Ont.; Pilot Of ficer J. Tindale, Toronto,. Ont.; Sergt. Olcncoe, Ont. L. Wallace, Aglncourt, Ont.; and Sergt. W. Lethbridge of Bonds "No bonds, no bonds, we wont bonds buy," Some ladf holler to the sky. 'Hve can't get beer we can't get Jam- j "Don't ta,lk to, me, you can scram. SOXlEWHEREINEliGLAND.MayJ.. afford ,w 'Ypu can Just look at my pay." My 'I wonder how they'd feel In Hit ler's way." A poo? excuse they have to give. It's leave it to George, let me Uve. They holler how things are done. For them to sacrifice they will have none. All they do. Is sit down and wail. veirt rve to take he sometimes dons an Aussie hat: things by the tall. When it's all over and the( war Is won. They'll take credit for what others have done. HUGH S. CARNIE. County Court List Is Light Only One Case Comes up at Regular Monthly Sitting Before Judge Fisher Monday Business in County Court before Judge W. E. Fisher is exceptionally light these days, only one case coming before His Honor Monday when court was in monthly session for the settlne of cases. This dangling ;was an actlon 0j F Si Butier vs. Richard H. Simonsen in which, the claim of plaintiff Is for $97.50 In lodging and light. The case was left for date of hearing to be set. W. O. Fulton Is acting for plain tiff and T. W. Brown for Robi. s favors wedge cap, Geri. Worth:ngton wears the black beret of his armored division. MaJ.-Gsn. C. R. S, Stein wears black beret and the tankman's black overalls. Regimental Activities Officers Committee is Formed-Or-ganization of Band Being Taken Up Lining up Sports A regimental officers' committee conslstlne of Lieut. W. R. McAfee. they do say. i chairman, Lieut. D. G. Borland, look at them and to myself do i Lieut. T. W. Brown and Lieut. C. J. Toombs was formed last week In connection with the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment. One of the first matters to be taken up by the committee will bo the possibility of organizing a regimental band. Organization of sports In connection with the regiment has already been started upon by Iieut. W. F. Sheardown and Lieut. W. V. Manspn. A team has been entered In the football leagu? and forming of a softball team Is also proposed. SUN'S ENGEKY Four million tor- of the tm m mxwtm m m BmnDn igaaKfiam I a i $ msi sun's Is cpnyerted Into radiant en- A burden they don't want to carry :mass But leave It to others, they al-, erBV evefY sec3nd- ways tarry. - NEW ROYAL HOTEL i ZAKELLl 1'ROf "A llome Awa) Hum Home. Hates 75c up M! Hooms Hot Cold WaVei Prince Kupert, B.C. rnone 281 P.O. Box IS J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms Announcement DUS. LARGE AND GIBSON wish to announce that they will occupy their new offices at 08 Third Avenue West, above Boston Cafe on and after April 27. No change in telephone number. P Little pStli' Enough I To Do g n Ormes lid. 3?i Pioneer Dru.qgi3ts HIE KL'XALL STOUE PHONES 81 and 83 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays ami Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. NOTICE Due to existing conditions we are forced to announce that commencing May 1st we shall be able to redeem our coupons for glassware onlyi- To our customers having coupons oh hand, we suggest that they be turned In before, May 1st as we have several valuable premiums In stock. Coupons received after May 1st will be honored for glassware only- . MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18-10 "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Box 575 m 1 m