PI iff if MQCEZS OF THE CAXADIAX MttSS Fzeac m " r -j eatfsfed So za Sir pj'ftnmc cC aC ifit il i pill 1 i cradMed ta it or ta fne Assaeate; Press i safe pipr zad alas tfee teal ae-ss pas; te. AX rKtU I ' IWfW llTll I Of EffEl dSSKCS ISXTttZ IT ZfttS DAE.T 3)fn05 Sis We used to sret a little impatient at time when City Commissioner Aider iroold tell us we could not hare tkfe and we could sot bare that because there was not the money. Some people, periiaps. thought that, when the city got its mayor aneowe3 back. ereTjthmg wouH lovely al the streets fWW&lbe fixed op unmetbatehr, adEnmate . sewers would be jKim&ed widioat delay, in fact, every-i tamg we neeoea wona ce iumtsD&a at once, .-i a ngi'Hf her j of fact we had no reason to expect that thene conSd be -ju -m ran anr rreat imnroreffient immediatelv. The new dtT coon- mgr ana woom nse to aa i-nif Jinmapai autonomy nas ceen resioren u mncf Hapen 2t a very dif fiade time. It wonkl be eay enough to ip tack into financial dif ffcokies Hke we had l-eore akhonrn there are tetter governmental safeguards now than there were then. It is fair enoofh to suggest that we should not be to impatient with our new city adnmnstration even if conditions do irritate us at tme. The adnonktration k just 2$ anxioux as all the rest of m are to make a showing and get something done. Freedom From Want,,, Moadzy. Fearaary 1- EDITORIAL The Council's Job of a war effort which we are constantly reminded is so a essentiaL For the most of conscientious people some as-luGoc as mg to do their part in contributing to that future seeur- tty for themselves. What they want is leadership m which TSZ r.'.TIT . i 1 ! -Bachat one or tna la a cafe act far ftaai the nelx. and a fee boats." a ataeh antfeipated treat. Another ehaatr far aa. they are confident, something which a lot of people feel mti and to the jnt: t"fr rv not a&ttiwr trJov in thin Mnntrv there's Kites oa the ceeaa. w w av wvwvusb. ainsup us um vvtuiti a It is well that our government should realize the neees-! sky of msoring saa! seenrity to tbe.peopSSlSito be1 1"" u"5'on iD?, hoped that it will really assume its responsibffities in the! " At the same time the people haveno right (a expect ' Local Men and that they can go on like the grasshopper just saying that the world owe them a Bring. The world owes no one a Wnmnn Fnlicf living who is not willing to work for it. It is the part of " UUicU1 nuiil the government to so organize things that the people mav ... , , , . i it. . i r ii i f j f - . t , . ; - Btrotf m awe tw wr. ivt inai uving ana ior ine security wmcn Ann, Here Dajfa rxrt k the)" would be guaranteed. This task of government may not be an easy .one. Ac-s compfehment of it is impossible if there is not leadership, j aettw, eB&, 6mim confidence and willingness on the" part of the people c ymmr' themselves to co-operate. Certainly talk and wishing will tor ttatatee hiefaded- " " t ; i i. l. "i i i i - eer unng auuuL ine aecompusnmenu Ami tnis goes ir 3. e. d. iigmca, both government and people. Prtnee Hapett. Cheerful For Us . . . CTimax of a week of cheering developments for our side in the war came the speeches of the elephantine Herman Goering and serpentine Joseph Goebbels to the people of the Reich on Saturday. Adolf Hitler was, we are told, away at the Russian front where his Xazi soldiers are being slaughtered in wholesale measure. It was rather interesting to hear Goering's statement that the affair of Stalingrad was a "master stroke," ensuring a German victory. If that was Goering's idea of a master stroke we wonder just how much he needs to lose to constitute a defeat We don't know how much the Germans might have been cheered by Goering and Goebbels but we do know that there was nothing in what they said to cast down those of us on this side. In fact, they were very encouraging as far a3 we are concerned i . . . i It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people nf the whole district are doing the samp "And there's sailors on the shore C. A. Ualoaef , Prince Eapert. Adrlea Keter. traek effher. Priaee Rupert. a rno.E cs; ' "CVr torn dKts, r httkSi -We t xs&j ta "Wit the ariar af r fte ae the laats. jtcsslB aad tar -bH mutf mam iiwaoK aocr taat coaotn r- iaf raOsajs aac iaaatfiaJ pter.u. a Frank Wksttz, section saaa. John Gt4oerr track driver. Eaulcet. Manitoba. J. A. Bnan. track drrer. Kaa-saek. S&tkatcfeeTan. Z. IL WeOand. mechanic. Prince Rupert. Alex Patrle. track driter. Xfct Alberta. V&ss Uoriel UaUbevs. local clerkl has tni-jted in the Canadian Worsen Annjr Corps. I Fresh Local Raw and 1 Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY tiK-i:K:KTn;:n:Ezniniinj "Daw reels' .tetrtory -TThat daaaaf bifea. aaderthe "3sc -bc zet Beats atczS- Aad !ct ik as aa daaa-a daaa" a th- tfc ae nucnaoonl Hesmrm peession of zii Canadians is one of the Ughfight aims what Thst-hat, iuriv OigMtoaoc' has pal tenni the tarty docks! !! mill that thr aatarsl l-Oa. -w -Bart aant an dfty, aaaaM t n- To make freedom from fear and want the aured u ,,., nut tdn has tn trrr- af the Speeeh from the Throne at the opening of the latest iaseas psfiBMfc. session of Parliament at Ottawa. The government, in " " emphasizing this aim. has probably sensed a feeling of ' Sscti agnrs? Al of ths j is. the sue as "iii: of the Canai- aatanKtf aj the alOat a-H. G. Teas has OM tJit do tttis, axr deatasftig fan Mthodtj that iriB art ssiae insecurity on the part of many people that present tmusu-j; FvoU & oaastat on earth todar ' b joy ally expanded conditions cannot las! forever and may not that the oai rwr- smrj he that axe a tmbttmk test for Jong, the wonder of not a few being what is going Band rn hjccs. Vkdm a ! m w taht aiate hat a awer-to happen them. This very feefin? of personal insecurity the that canate and the cd . -tt. i j j.,. . i ,u v i af raraatr- iril te he far a Slcus aw ahoat to aafce a won aiHSi diim iiuiuj , pcujne , aim iw jiw iw mi tae ,saort tt-, tone j, k-i to Jhvr the w to the rest erf the Saadar a eoaeert for the'arid hj the aaatiCah dic&raHBloa -seS a ?iay far a aarr le ' "' 01 teat fan oi tae sorance ahme these lines would undoubtedly iraorove wriB 10 mmL orwl unt A faiP of Lkateaant Cathfcett, is Javr n. . Js i. -u i . , -ti wrr -refl iasom and -stl bh oJaaeat aeace taae Wi the aoath and iu ttel he -r& TFtfL tfny; Urn northern area. Fonanatelr are aheadv eaaipfied for the 31 jmniit ot tfaa fieat acheaa; by eonnectloB vfth the test lafrway on the coatfaent troas the staad- ofKfatloa at at aith port !a- ; dmies. Farther loses of raOaaj tfB he mi inn i are erea acr attdtd. to uaiairt oar prer.it Sfsteat -stth the raflvsys of A&a l and no doaht the fine from Hiz?:-'ton to Oman CHy. profeeted c? ftfee banders of Use Oraad TrriJc Actmr Iprtflc. -sffl he Mk ht the r Bat iagfeal and aew-s- aarr J i I'lmaai lit, and its cokk- ftfon viB not 9ke$T tx long hayed. i The seo-poBtfcal deretopraeTla ate already ander aay for the et-lahthlaaeBt of this great esx;-aent for the fartheraaee of tck' peace. In the haffcttng of this posed nr iateraaUaaal dsstrxt Etne yoam oi tosay aai pay a great part. It a -sell that sboaid be sthaaiated to tak? a keen interest in aM these prev-t deniopuMnts and V) keep tfarr.- selfcs tnforaied if only as a n-jy in aarat progress. It is eqv'-r flttJng that afl good etsRu Canada sboaid br safOcienuT :r- terested. and enBgbtened oc i-I the angles of the? matters. &j it poadhie in thav.u in all matters of a poetical natare. that selfish interests aught bring nz-i- sore to tear to bate certain ree sary deveiopeMnU svang into or - legator!? cakfte .' fcatSoa hen tome fire rir of tt it: Life JaanDee Cvnp&r j aad ..-'. to the paabc. 1x : - BBRaase af ft";oc G " ' arst lS t- : cd the aaaaaat ay vaarii is: af the rwaiaeay inereajed dar.: the ear. Seaeanr-anec of "-t orgasaatioe are :ii y anaed forces or t "f-late sp war aorfc. Many Attend Funeral Of Mrs. Hamblin Mbrt f.assd? desirort? : exprs-asag tht seem deceased n -fyaiprtUy for xht brreawd tens. the eaemrfataoes yeTerdaj ftA-- ecficaeaic channels suf fross U.em standpoint of the best intereu " fiQsZ oi uk -aaoie paaa or ot namemr.r oUUty. Sifishnest is a foe that mmt be oTereome at hoate and aaoad. this portion of the great ptu 9 for z TAT kind of tocM, vhieh U .bt:.ng onfolded right before yr Ife-res.. s, .o !-jed - t a ir ueft- at ?htt aaatm Cfcurrk faaenl of the hue Mrv Sr ir.- - Ser C A Wright, pastor tf .:- eha:rh !n which diKSxsed hid V -an aetrar aMaaher and Tyrt: auury years. ofTioated. mar.-; p-pfopiate and yntBBthetir re-.a.-s,-in his address. The rhoir ti -attendance and sane I: s W'. TBth My Soot" The Jry-cn -rai -Made With Me" Mrs J C G .-kcr prmidid at the otgaa FoCowing the charefc seme hueratest aas atad in FairViex. Ceawtery. hartal taking piaee in the Knights of Pythias section. PaDbeare-s aere Hector Mackec-aie. John E. Darer G W ohrtstor.e Jaaws Greer. Capt. Reg Gre-r. aci Hac MaSet "Hre ae al 3-j&3:s : aiarT beaatifi Li - savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli. Prop. Pliene 7! r.O. Bx Stt FRASER STREET rarxcE BCrXKT tTSlXIXiaiXX9T3lKtX?atTSTV3 GOLD SEAL! Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herrfng In TomaU P are Wth n attire serrke j I bat in he bak en year - rioter's shelf san as esndi- 1 i i a 2 ditiens permit. EXixrxrxix:mx:'x:xixtxixzx , MOKDAT. rXE3CHT THE DAILY NEWS . 'ACTIVITIES rZiy.CZ EFTEET. BXITISH COtXXEIA OF Y.M.C.A. tttj Arssacse rime Stedfy St 1 &ny &m UC3fci. Thard AT-SE AND Y.W.CA G A. HTXTI3. ZULXLOSSG HS7CS. By EMMEOTHT C1EETTT LOCAL AD I LCX15X5G sum jm i Ste ' .'.nafhm US. Imk Tkt 2Se -iiTiiiiii -juiMlii -r Wbft Face iaa asserted dsay. jer CL5 LhTTERBOX f " " j" rj gJT f VKfor are kectsaa aanthu 13 .- . H fflgjW W BMM W W bntf a ff kcte? aa yes far these taw- "waK r sa t-j::o- mS,Bw1W- 5?6si E&CC ltof lcs:ps r " --J 'V Mmggim,M. the mm ae t n mgmdr ana law fer tS5 Ansy, x' Mstt ' cad" Air Force . Mk. ;aaal trnw aa Oar aatsxa- :-- j&ir.-A We an fce tea rnarftw and w """ W- n. LIMBIC . "t." Ccro6a" fg?3 f aw MgV tLnZttA Smtl em" iipso kr tM BC- lenSaiy j i-, cr ccre srr--c ( HZSOAJS STrilSSiSltZri" S3 iLSDwilK: MAO IN CANADA st Fight Fast-Spreading GRIPPE-COLDS THIS PROVEN WAY! Darmr the y.reat tpult mie do'l let a eeazh, i aerie i saner re nacbeled. At the Ttry firt ia take E . Cawaauted Capales a4 Batkky'i lUtsre. It .4 i . tmtBeat aU Iat EkW"s ytixtare eases the cH J. 1 (attaatlT aad help crrert trr-atidity. BkUim Ci'.'i: Captafes rHe ym the seaefH ( nt ONT tat TTiKEX irfieiar. rvid-diipeJaaz iatrrdients. Oae iarrediest t" r tek rehef frra ahe. pajas sb4 told abery. AaJrr i tate aad refreshes. The third icdixm a heaefkul rt i'i s i the Berrev frth iarredieot 03 ef Cinnamn fei ' J beea a sUadky in Corepe it nhtizir rrippe and tlit nuUdio. Be Pieaarrd. Get these dependable BockJe-r n " NOW If thts treatisent iUes a( trine prompt relief ci . ' t- dctr. iixaixirTXTiTt.wrmiaT:aTnriniKiia:m ! a I LADIES lh t ywr ,tUBe. Bis disevsat (f for cash. Larte W. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliakle) S: " U choose frsra. Ceaie dean and inspect our stk BjaaxraiBisTaiBx2aizxaBTXiKnviaaxTair k t '1 WORK BOOTS Out Stock of Working Boots is second to none. Sizes from 6 to 12. Arch-King, Valentine, Greb, Til-sonburg and Sterling makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket; Come in and let us showvou. Family, shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" Early Ad. Copy is Appreciated