ji ' 1,Tm0 !! t '0, ii.it t' ;iit.. .HI PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS - 1 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing-, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRGNER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Expert Fitting FOR EVERY MAN Who Thinks He's "Hard To Fit" Foot troubles disappear . when you arc fitted at Cut Kate. Made to the most rigid factory specifications and scientifically fitted by experts, Cut Rate shoes solve the tired, hurting feet problem completely. At the same tinic you enjoy the latest styles. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS "DISTINCTIVE" MEN'S SHOES Made of the Finest Quality Leathers From the Leading Tan-nciies. CUT RATE SHOE STORE 50G THIRD AVE. W. (Across From Ormes) First aid may save a life possibly your own. Every home and car should have a complete first aid kit to cope with any emergency. This is a wise precaution while we are at peace but an obvious necessity in wartime. See our : . complete line of First Aid Kits and stocks . of hospital-fresh dressings, ' antiseptic and other supplies. Get yours today and be prepared. Ormes Ltd. "3iut Pioneer Drttqgiate THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. i .W.W.W- BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK BUY WAR BONDS OR CERTIFICATES Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT ((). Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Home Should Have a Complete FIRST AID KIT Lit! 33 'if CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Monday p. si. 4:00 Afternoon concert 1 4:30 Shall We' Dance? 5:00 Blue Shadows 5:30 Barbara Norman . 5:45 Accordlania 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Jimmy Cash, tenor 6:30 Salon Music 6:45 Lutheran Hour 7:00 Telephone Hour 7:30 Your Broadway and Mine 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 To be announced 9:30 "Downbeat." 9:45 Vagabond's Road 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Music a la Carter 10:15 Song Sheet 10:30 Silent Tuesday A.M. 7:30 Strictly Informal 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Composers' Corner 9:00 Dinah Shore 9:15 Studies In Black and White 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra 10:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Boston "Pops" Orchestra 10:30 Swing and Sway 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Wllf Carter 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Marek Webster's Orchestra 11:30 Let's Go Modern p.si. 12;D0 Mid-day Melodies 12:30 On the Bandstand 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 One O'clock Musicale 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent "THEy TEbb mr CFPR 10:45 twry Social Held By Badminton Club Enjoyable Event Held Friday Night By Labor Youth Organization The Labor Youth Federation Badminton Club held an enjoyable social last Thursday evening. 'Bad minton, moving pictures, refresh ments and dancing comprised the evening's- program. It was decided to continue the socials every two weeks. Local Tides Tuesday, February 2 High 11:06 21.8 f:et Low 4:54 8.0 feec 17:54 2.8 fee: Wednesday, February 3 High 0:10 19.5 feet 11:59 22.9 feet Low 5:57 7.0 feet 18:44 1.2 feet Thursday, February 4 High' 0:59 20.8 feet 12:50 23.5 feet Low 6:51 5.9 feet 19:30 0.4 feet Friday, February 5 High 1:43 21.8 feet 13:36 23.9 feet Low 77:41 . 4.9 feet 20:12 0.1 feet Saturday, February 6 High '.. 2:25 22.2 feet 14.22' 23.5 feet Low "'8:28 4.1 feet 20:53 0.7 feet Sunday, February 7 High 3:06 22.3 feet 15:06 22.8 feet Low 9:12 4.0 feet 21:34 1.7 feet N Monday, February 8 High 3:48 22.0 feet 15:52 21.2 feet ' Low 9:56 4.3 feet ' 22:13 3.1 feet CONCERT BY REGIMENT Acceptable Entertainment Last Night on Behalf of Aid To Russia FnodjT The Capitol Theatre was fairly well filled last night by an appreciative audience attending a concert staged by a Manitoba regiment for the benefit of the Canadian Aid to Russia Fund local campaign, a goodly sum was realized as a result of the affair. . The program wFas of a variety nature, showing a good deal of versatility on the part of the men of the regiment. Two numbers by Sergeant Scarvie and Corporal Allison of the United States Army augmented the program and were veiy effective. Featuring the regiment's offerings were several fine selections by the regimental orchestra led by Sergeant Isadore, formerly a member of Mart Kenny's "Western Gentlemen" orchestra, skits on army life and a female impersona- i tion chorus. Thede were also a number of individual numbers. One of the skits depicted an ar my reveille and breakfast as the soldiers would like to have them. also a court martial for an A.W.O L. A comic working party was also amusing. The orchestra played a variety of popular selections. The regiment's bugle band gave a rousing number for the curtain raiser. The individual performers in cluded Private Urlacher with guit ar solos; Private Laboucan, violin solos; Private Lahtl, accordian solos; Sergeant Roberts, piano solos with Percy Bolton assisting recit- atlvely as an old soldier recalling memories; Corp. Buss with appeal ing violin solos; Private Slgurdson, bugle and trumpet solos, and Pri vate Michelin In monologues, and Sergeant Isadore, clarionet solos. Recitations "The Flag" and Propaganda" by little Beverly Isa. dore delighted the audience. The Muskeg Boys' string band was another entertaining item. The "Lulu Sisters," female im personations act, featured dancing and singing in burlesque style with ingenious costuming. Sergeant Scarvie's vocal number "OV Man River" anod "Take Thou This Ross" were beautlfullv rendered. Corp. Allison's novelty dance act in imitation of skatins was verv clever. The "On Guard" drill with the "Present Arms" in connection with the closing by singing "God Save the King" was effective. D. G. Borland was master of ceremonies and kept things moving well. Accompanists were Mrs. Isadore and Mrs. J. S. Black. Usherettes were the Misses Diane Whiting, Isabel Cdnnery and Gloria Swsnson. The officer commanding of. the regiment was thanked for his courtesy -in permitting the concert as was also Regimental Sergeant Ma-lor Roche and Percy Bolton of the Y.M.C.A., the last two mentioned responding briefly. Bowling Schedule SIIXEI) LEAGUE February 3 Pushovers vs. Midgets. Peoples vs. Tollers. C, Y. A. vs. Twerps. Sav-Mors vs, Stones, 10 Peoples vs. C. Y. A. Stones vs. Midgets. Pushovers vs. 'Sav-Mors. Twerps vs. Tollers. SPORTS OF AIR FORCE Spoits and recreation are booming at Seal Cove. The station is now a veritable beehive of activity and for the boys out there there li never a dull moment. Several factors have contributed to this sudden rise in tempo of heretofore limited facilities. Possibly the foremost of these has been the opening of the new recreation hall, undoubtedly the finest Jn Prince Rupert. Indeed, this city's basketball games are now being played on that excellent floor and the first series of games last ween provided some good entertainment to the Air Force and Ack-Ack men who formed an enthusiastic gal lery. Under the splendid leadership of such men as Pilot Officer Johnson, the president of the'station sports committee, Sgt. Mahl, the new physical training Instructor, and the new "Y" supervisor, Jack McClelland, the Seal Cove bbys have taken hold of a new lease on life. An intensive program has been lined up to provide training and recrea tion for all. Badminton, basket ball, volleyball, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, ping pong are in full swing. All sections are enjoying regular twice-weekly periods of relaxation. In-addition the gym Is always open to anyone who cares to avail himself of the opportunity. The twice -weekly free shows have been .getting better each week, a new feature being the presence of energetic Jack McClelland whose ability as a "Y" leader is only equalled by his prowess on thi-piano. Indeed, Jack has difficulty getting his boys to Join in a singsong. Instead they do their utmost to have this wizard of the ivories render his clever versions of the latest hits. New Station Magazine Last week say the first Issue of the new Station magazine, the "Slipway;- the title of this publication having been provided by the fertile brain of Leading Aircraftsman Margolese, the able D. R. O. clerk. All sections contribute items to the hard-working Editor, Leading Aircraftsman Miller of the marine section. All thought the first Issue was good. There is assurance of even better ones to follow. Under the able leadership of Flying Officer Ellis, the president of the entertainment committee, several concerts and dances have been put over, every single one of these being tremendous successes. The only trouble Is that there have not been enough of these. The Bowling League, in spite of counter-attractions and other dif-Iculties due to unexpected happenings beyond control, has continued to provide a weekly evening of relaxation and competition that personnel of every section keenly en-Joy and look forward to. This was ?onceived and organized by Leading Aircraftsman Smith, who puts n many hours each week as secretary, arranging schedules, working out averages and handicaps ind putting out the weekly bulletins. During the first half eighteen teams participated, all team:, turning out at full strength throughout. The first half was brought to a fitting conclusion with spscial Christmas prizes. Due to so nuch Increased activity, the size it this league has been cut to 16 'earns for the second half, but it has been managed to Increase the 'number of weekly prizes. "Hidden scores" help to keep the interest of all, for it gives everyone a chance to win a weekly prize. Wanted -Raw Furs HIGHEST SIARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORSIHEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C. Ph. Red 815 JUST ARRIVED - - -CONVERTO LOUNGES BEDROOM SUITES CONVERTIBLE FOLDING CARRIAGES ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue ! MONDAY, FEBRtjARt, Complete Shows at 1:00,' 2:53, 4:46, TM.fl Feature at i;zo, my, 7:35, 9 Added Passing Parade presents "Film That u i Slerry Slelodie: "The Lost Hare" Musical: Spiiit of 1 Coming Thur., Fri., Sat. Clark Gable, Lana TutnJ In "SOMEWHERE I'LL FIND YOU" I A. MacKenzie Furniture A GOOD PLACE TO BUY One Used Radio In splendid condition. If you need a good Radio, corneas Phone 775 TRAPPERS 327 3ra Avrail Ship all your FURS to me and get top prim ai 1 1 overhead expenses and can pay more than othtr Frank Lockvood I Phone Red 73C. Box 193, Prince Rnpr I RAILWAY I LINES Canadian Pacif Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-PJ REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-gell, Juneau and Skajjway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific ' Information, Tickets and Reservations Iron V. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, It DIM OUT Requirements for Feb. 1st WINDOW SHADES AUTO HEADLAMP SHIELDS PLAIN CANDLES ULACKOUT CANDLES DECORATIVE ULACKOUT LAMPS AtAZDA LIGHT I1ULIJS THE VARIETY STO "Where your dimes are little dollars" PHONE RED 120 518 3rd AVt1 ELECTRIC SERVICE Day and Night Service. MOTORS REWOUND tiuugvs, etc., serviced ana repamu - petent electrician. Plugs installed. cosl