5 i I PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except 'Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally Hews limited. Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGINO'EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION FrATES By City Carrier, per week ... Per month - - Per year - By Mall, per month Per year LOCAL ADVERTISING Black Face Readers, per line '.Business and professional Card3 inserted dally, per month, per inch Transient, per inch , '. Contract, per inch - - j Readers, per line Recapture of Kiska ... Will We Do It? . puDiic administration. .15 .65 $7.00 .40 $4.00 .50 3.75 $1.00 .50 , .25 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAii,i EDITION Tuesday, August 24, 1943 The reasonable explanation for the Japanese abandonment of Kiska Island in the Aleutians, where considerable trouble and effort had been gone to by them to establish an air base and otherwise become entrenched, would appear to be that the position was regarded by the enemy as untenable and so it was good strategy to withdraw as expeditiously as possible. The withdrawal was evidently a complete success. It was a surprising development, nevertheless, for few had expected that Kiska would be recaptured without a hard fight. The withdrawal from Kiska need not necessarily be taken as a sign of Japanese weakness. The line -of strategy may become more clarified later. ' Even with the Japanese removed from their toehold on the North American continent, it does -not necessarily follow that we are completely safe on .this coast. : "To burn, bomb and ruthlessly destroy ... the :people responsible for this war" is-set out as. an object of military plans formulated at the Chur chill-Roosevelt conference in Quebec. The declaration of the British minister of information is candid and forthright enough. We wonder if the resolution will prevail and that, when our enemy is defeated and at our mercy and the time of reckoning has come, we will go through with the determination or be swayed by those feelings of compassion and soft-heartedness that too often in the past have almost led to our own destruction. Possibly we shall not be so weak again. Possibly we shall. It is a British failing to be too merciful a failing which those who would destroy us have come to exploit. Must Be Real Coalition . . In actively advocating the coalition of the Liberal and Conservative forces it must be first borne irLmind that the prime object of such coalition should be the providing of better government for the country rather than merely adopting an expedient to keep the C.C.F. out of office. A coalition of the best talents of the two old parties would be capable, no doubt, of providing the province or the dominion with the best possible crov- ernment. There must, however, be removed the old party iniquities, and the public must be convinced of their removal. Otherwise we still run the risk of , having to be subjected to an era of experimentation ' by impractical amateurs in the serious business of LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress Shoes In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in low, spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6and 8". Just arrived. Cf Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. Don Forward is on a short trip Into the interior for the purpose of getting acquainted with those centres there which now are part of his At the regular Monday morning meeting of the "Y" staff we welcomed another addition to our staff In the person of Ken Waites, who comes from Vancouver. Ken is going to Annette where he will relieve' Jim Corlette. There will be a dance-in the Navy Drill Hall on Friday.night with Navy Orchestra In attendance. All young ladies who would like to attend are cordl- lally Invited to do so. Breen Melvln wishes to Inform the hostesses and the troops that there will be no dance in the Empress Hall Wednesday night. Art Peacock reports that a dance will be held on Thursday evening at the Ontario Regiment camp. Young ladles wishing to (attend will be given transport from the "Y" Hut. KWONG SANG KING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to Kin; Tai 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 247 MIDLANDS Private Robert Bennett, son j-of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Bennett, Blake Street. Is the first Co-bourg boy so far as Is known, to be -wounded while in 'action In Sicily. Word was received last week by his parents. John Russell, well known citizen of Cobourg and former member of the town council, passed away at his home on William Street last week. Cigar counters and "pop" stands were reported to have done a rushing business when the results of the election became official last week. "Ardent supporters of defeated candidates were paying off their debts. The engagempnt is announced of Patricia Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert E. Barr of Cobourg to Leading Aircraftsmen Roy Bennett Burnham of Kingston, The marriage will take place at North Sydney, N.S. A telegram from Ottawa to Mx. and Mrs. Ira Hie, of Spring Street, announced that their son, Private Ellwood Hie, was officially reported killed in action. The young soldier was believed to have met his death in Sicily. Private Frank FrankHn, a member of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, now in Sxily, and a brother of Fred Franklin, Cobourg barber, acquired fame for himself by setting up a barber shop on a st.c:t. cart of which was s'.Ul (occupied by Germans in the town of Assoro. NEWROYAL HOTEL J. "ZARELLI, PROP. A Home Away From Home Kates 75c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 MORE LOST THAN FOUND City Police Office Cluttered up With Large Quantity of Unclaimed Chattels People who suffer the inad- vertant loss of personal effects 1 or treasures, generally advertise for them in the classified news paper columns Trtth satisfactory results. However, some people do not make their losses known and, because of this, there Is a; place in town where there exists a small mountain of lost and unclaimed personal chattels. It Is "the lost and found" department of the city police station. When the "lost and . found" department was instituted as a public service it was expected to have a turnover much in the same manner as a store and was alloted a certain amount of the .general office space one desk I drawer to be -specific, i But more last articles keep coming in than 'are claimed 'by ' their owners and a state of : congestion now threatens. Mostly the unclaimed articles are purses, handbags and personal papers such -as national resistratlon cards and passports. There are several pairs of eye glasses, as well as combs, gloves and other small Items. Too large to go In the drawer with the above mentioned articles and impatient to be claimed ty their rightful owners are a box of carpenter's tools and two bicycles. i More than orm pink elephant nas been left in the cells behind the,, police office when their alcoholic mahouts were -incar-:erated thsre to sober up but .he police doubt if anyone will bother to return to claim them. r nr-j lliu PURE WHITE Chinese War Relief Fund Medicine Goes to the Provinces Young Chinese medical students spend their summer vacation touring the remote western provinces of China and often set up a free clinic In a public square. Many Chinese have never before had any form of modern medical treatment. China, one of civilizations oldest and most highly developed cultures, was on its rightful way toward becoming a greater modern' nation when Japan struck. China's defence has been wonderful. China's "comeback" in establishing new schools, new hospitals, new industries, has been wonderful, too. It is to aid this "comeback" to give direct relief and then help tc rebuild that the Chinese War Relief Fund is currently asking $1,000,000 from the people of Canada. There will be no house-to-house canvass in Prince Rupert. Subscriptions will be received at any of the banks or at the 'Victory Loan Hut until the end of the month, daily 2 to 5 p.m. and G:30 to 8;30 p.m. This Page Sponsored by . . . WEST END CHOP SUEY MODERN TAILORS RADIO SPEAKERS 6:05 Nightly Tuesday Benny Lee. Wednesday Dean J. II. Gibson. Thursday 41. T. Lock. Friday C. It. S. Blackaby. EAGLE BARBER SHOP SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Sport Chat For the Information of Company Sergeant Major "Dick" Mills of the Ontarlos, Rule 17 of the "Rules of Association Football" on corner kick is quoted. When the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, excluding that portion between the goal-posts, eithtL In the air or on the ground, having las, been played toy one of the defending team, a member of the attacking team shall take a kick frcoi wUiln the quarte circle at the ' nearest corner flag-post which must not be removed, I.e., a corner kick. A goal may be scored direct Horn such a kick. Players of the team opposing that of the play ¬ er taking the corner kick shall not approach within ten yard;; cl the ball unless it is In play. Soccer team managers are bilng. asked to put the names of their players In proper notation in the lists of players which they are required to give the referee before the start of a game. With the number of new players appearing in the league. It is often not possible to give cvedlt to the player for goals scored If the names are given in the wrong sequence. Dave Castllloux, popular Montreal boxer, won his second Canadian boxing crown -with a 10-round welterweight decision over Maxie Berger at Montreal three years ago. Castllloux, now in the R.CA.F., still holds the welterweight and lightweight titles. , The baseball world mourned the death at Santa Barbara, California, three years ago of Ernest L. Thayer who wrote the famous poem, "Casey at the Bat." The lines which have become -an American sport classic were written in 1888. BE READY! Summer Is here. Get your TENNIS RACQUETS strung by A. B. Hodges, White Apartments. Phone 427 C.N.R. Trains Fur the East 'Daily except Sunday ... 8 pjn. For Terrace and Taclflc Dally except Sunday 4 p.m. From the East Daily except Mon. .... 10M5 pjn, From Terrace and Pacific Dally except Sun. 11:30 a.m. m r.i M U 1 1 l.li GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring In XntTtntn Ata MAI ftH JUwmmcsJp' Sauce are both on active service but will be back on your grocer's shelf toon as conditions permit. "Largest Organization of its kind in the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD WIUfJHT Resident Representative 1C7 3rd Ave." P.O. Box 933 Prince Ilupert, B.C. Phone 711 and I will gladly call Jflf mi ri lanfiisziti i GEORGE DUCIIAK and his PRAIRIE RAMRLERS 7-piece Modern and Old-time Dance Band open for engagements. "No dance too big, no dance too small." ' Write to George Duchak, c-o Dallv News MvmmmiMtBiMsmmmmi TUESDAY T7ARSIGHTED householders are seeing the urgent need JL? of preparing their homes now against next winter's coal shortage. The)' are not waiting until the fall to do this importanj job they are acting now! HEATING SYSTEMS MUST BE EFFICIENT: HOMES SHOULD BE ADEQUATELY INSULATED. Here are some jobs you should start doing NOW I 1 Have your entire heating system inspected. Order necessary repairs. 2 Have your furnace thoroughly cleaned by a competent man. Insulate furnace and pipes -where necessary. 3 Be sure that you have sufficient storm windows and that all windows and doors 6t tightly. Have cracks in walls repaired. Weatherstrip wherever it is necessary. Consider seriously the insulation of ceiling and walls. Many homes waste as much as 60 of their fuel through inefficient heating equipment, inadequate insulation and other heat losses. Winter is just around the corner. Start preparing your home NOW! Health Minister Erwl says that cans.. pled countries are S1 post-war tsberc would be lmmcasurb than before the rat J. L. Ci (Late of Y'uks Chiropraci Westholme Rod J.M.S. Loi D.C, B.A. Chiro pracil Wallace Block Carl Zarelli,H Phone 37 PaIJ ERASER STRl puince Rtrffj 2 Fresh Local R1 Pasteurized W S VALENTIN Dl B i-imXE (St VICTORY SI RENEW 531 IUCHAKD STIJ VANCOUVER, Weravernj aDie w b- j j;f Mail or express J to us. Please iJ B home address, to speed del . .me m WE rat CIIAK