PAGE SIX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Your New FALL DRESS A combination of chic and refined good taste. A selection of both crepes and wools in all sizes both large and small. Only one of a kind. No duplicates. PLEASINGLY PRICED Rupert Peoples Store Phone 775. TRY OUR Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, CJock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUK .BASEMENT OKE for Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant AW.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.VAV.V.".V.V.V.V.V. i , I: f It I ':1 tT 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert China War Relief Fund The success of the drive in iheintcrcsts of the China War Relief Fund is squarely up to the individual. There will be no house-to-house canvass. Send your donation to any of our Banks or take It to the Campaign Hut on Post Office corner at 3rd Avenue and 4th Street where girls In National Chinese costume will be In attendance. Make your Donation as soon as possible and give the Fund a good start. Hut will be open from 2:30 to 5 pjn. each afternoon and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. evenings. An official receipt will be sent all donations $1.00 and over. This space donated by: Ormes Ltd. Zriia Pioneer Druq&iats A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Dinette Suites, Bedroom Suites, Floor Coverings, all kinds Bed Springs, Bed Mattresse3, all kinds Cedar Hope Chests Store Hours 9:30 a.m. td 12:00; 1:30 pjn. to 6:00 Closed all day Thursday NATURAL CURL WAVE We are certainly getting compliments these days on the lovely permanents we are giving. If you haven't tried us yet, be sure and drop in. Annette Powell Beauty Shoppe 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Blue 917 Early Ad. Copy is Appreciated MUSICAL ROMANCE 'Salute for Three" is Wednesday Feature at Capitol Theatre A gay, romantic musical film, "Salute for Three," starring Betty Rhodes and Macdonald Carey with Marty May, Cliff Edwards and Dona Drake and her Girl Band in support, comes as the feature picture for tomorrow only at the Capitol Theatre.: The picture tells the story of an army hero home on furlough and a radio singer. The course of their love is decidedly un-smooth for the girl, at first believing herself to be in love with her press agent, permits him to talk her into making a play for the handsome hero Just so she can get herself some publicity. The latter learns of the plot and the girl has her troubles In convincing him that publicity has nothing to do with her real love for him. The story Is really a back drop for the music and comedy which Is novel and entertaining. Try a Classified Ad in. the Dally News for Quick Results. Carnival Is Well Started CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR REFERENCE IN HILINO IN YOUR APfllCATION CARD . j i FOUOW THE METHOD INDICATED ABOVE. THE DAILY JfEWS tTUESDAY Thousands Attended Big Outdoor Entertainment in Support of Civic Centre Fund Prince Rupert's fourth civic centre carnival got away to a fine start last night. Three thousand people milled around throughout the evening In the grounds on Seventh Street between Second and Third Avenues enjoying the two open air stage shows, playing the wide range of concessions and taking part in or watching the public dancing which comprised the latter part of the evening'is Many others took pleasure from merely mingling among the crowds. It was an auspicious beginning and augurs well for Us continued suc cess. Following a procession down Third Avenue from the Court House grounds to the carnival grounds led by the naval band and with cars carrying the five l randldates for Carnival Queen honors, the formal opening was performed by Mayor W. M. Watts. The mayor, who was Introduced by T. N. Youngs, general chairman of the carnival committee, acknowledged the line spirit of the Civic Centre Carnival Committee In determining that Prince Rupert people should have some novel entertainment In spite of there being no proper building for the' holding of the many attractions. The committee was to be .congratulated on Its initialve In carrying out such an extensive program. These was good justification in supporting the carnival since every cent of the proceeds went into the fund to provide a much needed civic centre. He wished the carnival every success. One of the duties of Mayor Watts, In connection with his opening address, was to introduce from the stage the five candidates for Carnival Queen, each of whom received an enthusiastic reception. The show party brought from Vancouver to provide Carnival entertainment was well received and put on a bill acceptable to the crowd and appropriate to the nature of the occasion. The big Crowd expressed Its appreci ation with a generous measure of applause for the various numbers. Variety and acrobatic dancing by Rosemarle Deveson and her pretty chorus comprising, besides herself, Phyllis Stln, Terry Lynne, Yvonne Lang and Alice Lamonte, and hill billy singing and mountain music by the Coopeir Sisters Blanche and Audrey featured this program. Mrs. Deveson was accompanist and Roy Proverbs and his swing band rounded out the program for which Proverbs was master of ceremonies and announcer. There were two stage shows after which a two-hour period of dancing was put on. Throughout the evening the concessions plied a great trade. In fact, they were attended to capacity and the size of the crowds desiring to play them were so large that more could quite easily have been operated. The merry-go-round was a centre of attraction for the youngsters and a good many of the oldsters as well. People of Britain are anxiously waiting for bis stocks of Algerian wine to be placed on the market. Thousands of 132-gaHon drums have been brought from North Africa in ballast. Advertise m the Dally Newsl RATION BOOK 3 -WHEN AND WHERE YOU GET IT For the convenience of the public and to ensure speedy distribution, Ration Book 3 will be issued locally at the distribution centres listed below. f Print In ImIi btttn In Ink (Ecrra A Ftncn an httr inouaa.) Paafil i. ferial Numbar uuiriA .11 J I Hod, me .!) AT! J TV 1 1. Ljtt .Nam MORRISON rirN.n.. JOHN HARRY City, Villi Data Dara "860 PARK AVE. MONTREAL RQ. AU6. ES-4? Aga. If 16 At: If moint dm It anf . I daclar I am tha holdar of tha Ration Book from which thlt .rafaranco card hac bran t.k.n, or that I am tlgnlng thit In good faith on bahalf ol tha holdar, arhoaa nama and addraia appaar abovo. Ja dcclaro atro la 4M.9nuur du carnat da rationnamant duqual catta carta do rafaranca at datachaa, au qua la algro do bonno fol pour lo datantaur dont lea nom at adraua apparaitvant ci-dattui. (Signaturi Mfnafura) FOUR THINGS TO DO to get your new book 1 Fill in the application card which is the first postcard in your present ration book. DO THIS AT HOME. nu ' '' i O PRINT clearly do not write the in- formation required, and sign at the bottom with your usual signature. Follow the method on card illustrated. TO THOSE ON VACATION If you are staying at a summer cottage, with friends or relatives, or at a hotel as a non-permanent guest, give your us'ual or permanent address on the application card. O Do not detach the card from your ration book. This must be done by an official at the Local Distributing Centre. If already detached, it should be brought in along with your present ration book.' A Persons of 16 years or over must sign their own cards. Cards of persons under 16 yearj must be signed by parents or guardians. Children under 16 will not be allowed to apply for new ration books, either for themselves or for other members of the family. DO NOT SURRENDER, DESTROY OR THROW AWAY YOUR PRESENT RATION BOOK. IT CONTAINS COUPONS YET TO BE USED FOR MEAT PURCHASES. RESIDENTS OF RURAL AREAS may apply on behalf of their neighbours, providing Ration Book 2, and properly filled in application cards, are presented. RESIDENTS OF A TOWN OR CITY. Any senior or responsible member of a household may apply for new Ration Books on behalf of other members of the household, providing Ration Book 2 and properly filled in application cards, are presented; On presentation at a Distributing Centre of your present ration book with properly completed application card, you will be issued your new Ration Book 3; and your present Ration Book will be returned to you; Volunteer Workers are giving their time to serve you at the Di$tri buting Centres. Help them by following these instructions carefully LOCAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRES ADDRESSES DATES SEAL COVE SCHOOL KING EDWARD SCHOOL nOKDEN STREET SCHOOL WESTVIEW SCHOOL . August 35, 26, ,27, 28 August 25, 26, 27, 28 , August 25, 26, 27, 28 August 25, 26, 27, 28 RATION ADMINISTRATION HOURS 1 to 4:30 p.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. 1 to 4:30 p.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. 1 to 4:30 p.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. 1 to 4:30 p.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. GFPR (1210 Kilocycles) Schedule TUESDAY T.M. 4:00 Cow Doy Ramblers 4:30 Hits of Yesterday 5:00 Russ Qerow's Orchestra 5:30 Sound off 5:45 O. I. Jive 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Benny, Chinese Relief 6:15 Sports Interview 6:30 SoArs of Empire 7:00 Sammy Kaye 7:30 The Latin Americans 8:00 Fred Warlng's Pcnnsyl-vantans 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Personal Album 8:45 Melody Round-up 9:00 Gav Nineties Review 9:30 Soliloquay. 10:00 CBC News Broadcast 10:05 Fish Arrivals 10:10 Recorded Interlude 10:15 StcrlinR Young's Orch. 10:30 Suspense 11:00 Closing announcement WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock '7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Novelty Tunes 9:00 Freddie Martin and Dinah Shore 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10;00 Homemaker's Program, 10:15 Consumer Service 10:30 Will Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:30 Petit Concert r.M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:15111 Neighbor 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One o'clock Muslcale 1:30 Rbroadcast United States Entertainment 2:00 Closing announcement Local Tides Wednesday, August 25 High 10:09 15.9 feet 22:01 17.9 feet Low 3:40 6.8 feet 15:42 10.0 feet Thursday, August 26 High 11:03 16.6 feet 22:53 18.3 feet Low 4:45 6.0 feet 16:52 9.6 feet Friday, August 2" High 11:46 17.1 feet 23:36 19.0 feet Low 5:35 53 fret 17:44 8.9 feet Saturday, August 28 High 12:24 18.0 feet Low 6:15 4.7 feet 18:25 7.9 feet Sunday, August 29 High 0:15 19.7 feet 12:55 18.9 feet Low 6:50 4.0 feet 18:59 7.0 feel ! A Musicals mi To You ! v'AKEy IN ,"SALL) foi THREE" Fun. Kh villi,, ... mance in a Bit mJ -ai"en Show: WITH CLIFF KDWAE DONA DRAkJ at 1:50, 3:45, 5:40,14(1 ADDED 'SCRAP THE J.J i uiJiuur acienci Low Lthr'i 'JUNGLE LANI WOKLI) XEflJ Showing Tomorrow Only Vumpicie btjt. il 1 10, 3:05, 5:00. ENDS TOXICHI I Complete 7.12 0:18 "City Without Men"" (at 8:00. 1C;W I A Famous I'layrri TJ Dally Ncwj Advert tl Results. JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT Of GOLD SEAL Congoleum Rugs In the following sizes 7Ux9, 0x9. 9x10'., 9x12, 9x15 and shipment of FOLDING CARRIAGES ELI0 FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue (Next to Dally News) Prince Wl The Gyro Club Knows How to Pick Them . . . ? DO YOU KNOW HOW TO VOTE? Thelda McEwen Gyro Club's Candidate for Queen of Carniva 'Your Vote and Support is Invited For This Charming Young Lady. This space donated by . . . ! THE VARIETY STORf