rnjv u:. AUGUST 24, 1943 nf i- Reported Apply: HANDYMAN Company Officer Gives (alI,Hh ie si some parents -and "' ..mniin!f.able dls- CI t .."- 1 . VI ln Via oj iie lecal health '.',r o slated by Dr . director 01 me i Health Unit and n officer, Knowing -oWo HUpflSP rJ w prevent the spread rVdisciiei says Dr. Knlpe, jjso refer to the provisions , Heaiti) Act which requite , 0f sucn cases ana .:h penaiues may bp (Cr failure to do so. WOMEN anfftri Mil I w m I)cal Shipyard requires IMMEDIATELY 8 WOMEN to be trained in WELDING 'national selective SERVICE AF 76 iiiii.' w ' a. be CLOSED FOR siAtijs cnui auk. or income iai RETlTtNS SEE E. MORTIMER Doors with Locks and Hinges at a low price. bets of dows. IIMiihi u Al Win- Hot Water Tanks. Water gallons. Tank, GO 0 Wash Hasina at zt i w cacn. Phone Hlack 321 TnN Avenue u. . -n r. ,;i;ii,ir; Ml ,; '1U received by Pr.. ww;as at Victoria, t 7- Timber licence ' ln north hre i ' in' ..I,. . 1 Ih. .11 . - :r. v ' ; '-Cr of (the Chl BC' or Dlctrlot - r. w,!' ,!,;f;,STv ACT . "i is. ij a...i i. . 9,3 ' l'ly of ITInce Kunrrti 4 W 1i i- ' 01 llUe ui. Jiy S'ven that I IX. ;-vlM Of An. mrvni.h ' of T-Tu , .Provisional Cer- ..i7".,wu M said lost Iff UULTJa tn l A JTnr Of. "P BC Aim,.. tKl 7Ui " 1 Wrat of Title.. Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby and chil dren, Kenneth ind Patricia, who 'have been visiting here, are leaving tonight to return to their home In Ban Francisco. Arthur Brooksbank is return ing to the city tomorrow morn Announcing the Opening of the STYLE BEAUTY PARLOR AND BARBERSHOP At C07 3rd 'Ave. W. (Next door to the Royal Bank) Phone Blue 84 for Appointments. All work guaranteed League Meetme tonight, East End Hall, 8 p.m. Mayor W. M. Watts will tire- Bent his report on his recent visit to Ottawa on city business to a special meeting of the council In committee of the whole this evening. Following this meeting, the mayor will Issue a statement on the results of his mission to the Dominion capital. Major S. H. Okell, recruiting Officer of the Pacific Command, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver In the course of a tour through this area and left by the evening train for a trip through the In terior, accompanied by Major A. S. Parkes, local recruiting of ficer ing after a 'two weeics' trip to until Tuesday of next week. Vancouver. while here he will meet the doctors of the city to discuss Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Miller and venereal disease control and daughter. Miss Betty MJller. re-, other appointments will Include turned to tne city yesterday ai-ternoon from ?. vacation trip to Vancouver. Duncan Munro of Premier, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived In the city yesterday afternoon and will be here for e. -week before proceeding East. Stephen King and daughter, Miss Faith King, returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a holiday trip to James Brydon, steamboat inspector, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from being here on official du ties. Olof Hanson, M J. for Skeena, who has been spending the past Kjtew days .in the city, will , leave- on Thursday's train on ihls return to the Interior. Mr. ' Hanson expects to take a hand I personally In directing a pole I drive down the Skeena River. Dr. D.-E. H. Cleveland, acting director of venereal disease con a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce. Junior SUNBURN INSECT SITES POISON ivy OLYMPEHE the Antiseptic Lihimeht Clarence Thomson Is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Nell McElroy of the local Union Steamship office Is leav ing tonight on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Tonight's tra'n, due from, the east at 10:45, was reported this afternoon to be about two hours late. j JT " 'till,' Mrs. A. W. Allaire of Atlin Avenue is leaving tonight for Vancouver. Paul Armour, who has been in the city on business, is leaving tonight on his. return to Vancouver. s Aid. J. S. Black left on last night's train for Montreal where he will attend a conference of the Canadian Congress of Labor. THE ARMY NEEDS Men and Women Don't wait for a call BE A VOLUNTEER! r omiies THE DAILY NEWS A Chinese LOCAL NEWS NOTES " Kenei Fund a Wniito.t. -"oira l j .. ... uuuoHuiu auoum ae ieit at anv bank or the Victory Hut. (202) Mrs. John L. Johansen and family returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a visit in Vancouver. A As there -will be no house to house canvass, leave . Chinese War Relief Fund donations at any bank or Victory Hut. (202) Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cathro arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. Mr. Cathro is a Post Office inspector and is here on official duties. Provincial Constable R. W. Sin clair of the city police Tetnrned to the city yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. i j i i Rooky: "Do I get any choice of food here In camp?" Mess Sergeant: "Sure do, bud dy! Either you eat It or you don't." Speaker: "I have lived in this town all my life. By actual count, there are 35 taprooms and saloons in the town, and I am proud to say I have never been lit one of them.' Voice: "Which one Is that?" A widow In writing to an Insurance company said: "You have asked me to fill out so many forms and I have had too much trouble getting my money that sometimes I almost wish my husband hadn't died." A young lady, finding herself stranded In a small town, asked an old man at the station where she might spend the night. "There ain't no hotel here, trol division o! the provincial ! but yu can sleep with the sta board of health, will arrive in tton agent." the city on Friday of this week "Sir, 111 have you know I'm and remain in Prince Rupert a lady" so is tne station agent. - The waitress wondered why the elderly man was eating while his wife merely stared out the window. "Aren't you hun gry?" she asked the lady. "Sure am, daughter," was the reply. "I'm Justa -waitln' till Paw gits through with the teeth." ; The rifle fell from his unac customed hand: the drill sergeant approached with a steely eye. How long have you been In the Army?" asked the sergeant. "Er all d-day, Sir." "My wife has run away with a man In my car " "Good heavens! Not in your new car!" Mother: ?Have a good -time dear and be a good girl!"' Daughter: "Make up your mind which I'm supposed to do." Pcllceman: "How'd you get up-in-that-tree?" Drunk: "Shimply shat on it when It wash an acorn!" Young Man (when the .embrace was over): "I'll be frank with you. You're not the first girl I ever kissed." ..Sweet Young Thing: "And I'll be frank with you. You have a lot to learn." Sign on a slot machine in a tavern: "In case of an air raid, crawl under this machine It's never been hit." Boys who marked out a Hertfordshire sports field with lead paint would like someone to give them two cows or $400. Two cows died when they ate the painted grass. LAST TWO WEEKS OF THE STYLE SHOPPE Entire Stock to Clear at Astonishingly Low Prices. Come and Be Convinced. COATS DRESSES WAISTS SKIRTS HOUSECOATS HATS SHOES HOSE LINGERIE WE CLOSE OUR DOOR ON THE 28th DAY OF AUGUST THIS IS FINAL CIRI.S AND W05IEN BETWEEN 18 AND 15! You are needed for real full time service in the C W A C The smartest uniform ever desiprned awaits you.Visi't your nearest Army Recruiting Office without delay. " THE STYLE S H O P P E I Next Door Bulkley Market. THIRD AVENUE MOOSE JAW Fit. Lt. Harry C. Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, was killed In air operations overseas on August 13, his parents have been notified. Fit. Lt. Bennett had a unique record in the Royal Canadian Air Force. He was a flight lieutenant in the administrative branch of the service before remusterlng for air crew and reverting to the rank of AC2. The Moose Jaw Hockey Club and the Associated Canadian Travellers will sponsor an outdoor show and southern Saskatchewan beauty contest at the exhibition grounds September 6. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Orange Ladles Meeting, Odd fellows' Hall, August 2G, 8 cm Valhalla August 27. Invitation Dance, Orange Invitation Dance Mon day, Aug. 30, 1.O.0P. Hall. Con tact members for Invitations. Advertise In the Dally News. AUXILIARY FOR NAVY Organization Meeting of Wo men Called for September An open meeting to organize a women's auxiliary to the Prince Rupert Branch of the Navy League of Canada will tx held in the Canadian Legion Rooms on Wednesday September 1 at 8 pm. All women who desire to assist In providing comforts and recreation for the men of the Naval services and the Merchant Marine are cordially invited to attend and particularly those with relatives in these services. All women's organizations are hereby requested to send Interested representatives. This meeting 4s called through the press, It being the desire of the local Navy League sxecu- Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE-One large ice coll- erator, 54"x69"x24"; one milk shake mixer, one large Coca Cola cabinet, one electric clock for window display, one Mills Ice cream machine with cabinet, 40 gals. size. Phone Blue 981. J. W. Taylor. Call after 5 pjn. (199) FOR SALE One tarpaulin, 9iby 15 ft. one wall tent, 8 by 10 ft. Phone Black 495. (199) FOR SALE Terat, 12 by 14 and 10 02; Kitchen Kook, 3 burner gas stove; Oil Heater stove; Sport Light Alladln. $100 cash. Apply J. R. Glngiest Miller Bay. "(215) SMALL battery radio; good condition; .. good .. batteries. $22.50. Box 558 Dally News. (200) FOR SALE Five room house. Phone Red 433 or apply 1233 Water Street ;evenlngs. (199) FOR SALE B runswick phonograph and records. Excellent condition. Phone Green 187 (198) kFOR SALE Two three yard dump trucks, good condition Apply R. R. Pearson, Terraqe. B.C. (201) FOR SALE Twenty foot cabin cruiser, ready to go. 1120 6th Ave. East. . (202) FOR SALE Karn reed organ, power blower, two manuals. In 'first class condition. Apply Catholic Church. (tf) FOR SALE Acyage at Woodcock, Skeena River, 10 acres cleared, log cabin and barn. Suitable for chicken farm. $600 cash. Apply Official Administiator, Court House. Prince Rupert. (209) FOR SALE Double bed and dresser. Call Red 248 after 3:30 pjn. (198) "MISCELLANEOUS WILL exchange two reservations C.N.S. to Vancouver. Aug. 26 for Sept. 2 sailing. Phone 281. (21) LAUNDRY taken, 1336 Overlook Street. (202) PERSONAL WOULD H. Maxlne call J. L. Wright, Pioneer Rooms, for Information to his advantage. (193) In the Suprrmp Court of Uritlsh Columbia In l'rnnstf In tht Mattrr of the .nmlnltratlon Art" nl In tlir Matter of the KMate of Clo Sflvln (otherwise known Clnrt Selvln) Deceased TAKE NOTICE thA by order of Hla Honor W. E. Fisher, made on Uie 8th day of Auwt. AX). 1943. I was appointed Administrator 61 the Estate of Qua Belvln (otherwise known aa Oust EeJvln) deceased, and all fnrtatea having claims agtnt the stdte are hereby required to furnish aome, properly verified, to me on or aboiit the 7th day of September A. D. 1943. and all parties Indebted to the estate ore required to pay Ute amount ot the!" Indebtedness to me forthwith. . DATED ait Prince Rupert, B.C. this 11th day of August AD. 1943. . NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. HELP WANTED WANTED Secretary for local doctor's office. Apply Selective Service Office AF 72. (198 WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework. Apply Box 550 Dally News. ftf WANTED Truck Driver. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, AAI. 71. (tf ) WANTED Housekeeper to take care 01 4 children. Phone Blue 170. (199) WANTED Reliable boys and girls for Province carriers. Phone Green 877. (203) WANTED WANTED Two or three roomed furnished house, suite or rooms. Two well behaved children. Write Joe Feller, General Delivery. . (199) WANTED Furnished apartment for physician and wife Reward. Apply Box 557 Dally News. (203) WANTED Furnished or partly furnished room suitable for light housekeeping by couple and baby. Reward $15. Phone Black 715. (201) WANTED TO KENT WANTED. TO RENT Two housekeeping rooms, furnished. Box 555 Daily News. (199) FOR RENT LARGE double troom available for 2 weeks. Phone Black 506 after 6 pjn. (199) ROOM TO RENT For two or couple. 517 Herman Street. (199) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. Daily News Advertising Brings Results. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria Waypoints, Stewart and and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 III a , The Markets Fruit Grapefruit, Calif., 2 for .30 and 4 for - .. 25 Lemons, doz .35 and .45 Oranges, Navel, doz. .35 to j60 Pears, doz ,75 Grapes, Seedless 30 Apples, Transparent, lb. .20 Blue Grapes, lb 60 Cooking Apples. -2 lbs ,25 Plums, Blue, lb 30 Cherries, lb 40 Canteloupe 30 and 35 Peaches, doz. 90 Apricots, lb 30 Watermelon .14 Hatter First Grade .43 Lard Pure, 2 lbs. ... .40 'Vegetables 4 B.C. Carrots, per bunch .05 Tomatoes, 2 lbs .25 Fresh Peas, lb .15 Sweet Potatoes, lb 25 Cucumbers, each 15 Turnips, yellow, lb .10 Turnips, white, local, lb 05 Potatoes. 5 lbs 2.1 tlve to so ensure that all who i Garlic, imported, lb 20 have an Interest may know of ! S?Hlf"0oweri 'each 15 to in mis opportunity to participate. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late John Kllby will take place Wednesday, Aug. 25, at 8 p.m. from the Grenvllle Court Funeral Chapel. PAGE THREB Timely Recipes e h t: vu vm in ii'incivi nm : STUFFED VEGETABLE MARROW J Cut a small marrow in "half lengthwise and remove seeds. Place marrow halves on a greas ed baking sheet and fill with the following mixture. 2 cups soft stale bread crumbs 1 small onion V2 teaspoon salt . 8 teasspoon pepper Vi teaspoon poultry seasoning 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 tablespoons melted fat Bake for 1 hour in a oven, 350 deg. F. Six servings. ' ' Notice to Subscribers Subscribers of the Daily News are requested, If at all possible, to pay their subscriptions direct to the 1 Lettuce, each 10 office. Celery, lb .20' of course. In the event , . , of lt being impossible to do . . Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat 1.05 n -j. ty,.. Second Patent 1.80 lhls' Payments may be Flour, 24's - 1.05 made to the boys. Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 05 When paying, please bring SU?ar your last receipt. White, lb Golden Yellow, lb 09 Brown, lb 09 DELIVERY SCHEDULE TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SATURDAYS are Delivery Days. Orders taken for delivery must be ieft Tlth ms not later than 4:00 p.m. on day before. Co-operation will assist ms greatly In giving better delivery service throughout the city. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" Phnesil8-19. p.o. Box 575 BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . xVt Your Local Butchers 1 NO WASTE - READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd BRITISH COLUMBIA Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY lilKTHDAY AND WATERMAN'S EVERYDAY CARDS FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 CIVIC CENTRE . CARNIVAL :. CARNIVAL GROUNDS AUGUST 23 to 28 SIX BIG NIGHTS OF FUN $1 ENTERTAINMENT : CARNIVAL DANCING Ticket irood for three admissions and six chances to win a $50.00 Victory Hond $1 Get your Tickets from the Queen herself or members flt the Gyro Club but get them and cast a vole for the winner. Get your Tickets NOW! Vote GYRO . . . Vote McEWEN Boost Prince Rupert GYRO CLUB Candidate Boost Prince Rupert Civic Centre Vote for THELDA 'McEWEN for-Carnival Queen DO IT NOW vs.-' 1 1