,ntV NOVEMBER 28, 1943 o-day, as always, the 'SaladV label is your guarantee of a iforin blend of fine quality teas. ALADA TEA Shop at Wallace's For Your Xmas Requirements A Few SiiKjrestions'from our Extensive Stock. HOI HE COATS Chenille, Quilted Satin and Bengahne HANKIES Hexed or individual . . . GLOVES Kid lined or unlined and fabric HANDBAGS a leasing variety DRESSMAKING I AM) AI.Tr.UATlONS 131 Vahlniclon lllock, hd Ave., Apartment 2 ,8.75 10 17 50 .35 10 1 50 1.25 10 2.50 1.50 "10.50 5 SCARVES and L to 1C Hfc ADSQUARES Jil J FABLE CLOTHS and r QC to n rft .WPKINS in sets J7J ,'JU fiK' s,:"si U5to 3.50 . y Sets, Runners and Squares and T "jC i hion Tops, to LtLJ r.imGE sets i en to k 1C u variety of styles, set JU . H. IJ D STATIONERY DQ to 1 71 J la Slores and Local Induxtrles. tJJ Ltl J t Men's Ties, Scarves, Suspenders, Shaving Sets, Gloves and Handkerchiefs Christmas Cards lxxed or individual Christmas Wrapping and Ribbons ruoSK 11 3rd aud Fulton M,FKJ7IF FURNITURE LTD. ii iuuv.iii "A Good Dace to Buy" UNPAINTED FURNITURE :o CHIFFONIERS, four and five drawers. Unfinished White Wood. 30 KITCHEN TABLES. Drop Leaf. Unfinished White Wood. 327 3rd Avenue 1 1 ;i?rui:KninMKi3 I.Vwl, ( ncil I?nv nnrl C ii i : i Mirir I VALENTIN DAIRY g m m ,5 I'llUMK Wl '5 6 BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Ihitchers I N'UllUUlfJII 1 I. Ml IV LU1U UltIULV PlMv... I I. J ...iticii nlIIMnlA Tlace an Ad in The Daily News-It Pays LOCAL NEWS NOTES Jack Candov 11 1 last tor a trip to Vancouver. night R. W. Sinclair, manager of Inverness cannery, left las nlht on his return to Victoria after a brief visit here. Miss Edna Dobbie. R.N.. left .last night on her return to her nursing duties at ChlHlwack after a vfcrit here. Mrs. J. B. Barclay, the former Marybefle Stiles of th! city, and daughter. Anne, arrivpd on Better Shaves -And More Of Ihem with Gillette Lather SHAVING CREAM at lness. x av 2 1 i t fc I 1 LARGE m I I WotJ by (St worfd'f 1 H kvdmq tprtl(n rfioy- JH S fag cvmforf, h rxJitn f Mw GiPtfH Uodu I 1 In the suprrnn- Court nl HdtUk Citlumblit In l'rohutr In tlir Mattrr i( t!i "AiliutiiMntlim Art" ami In tlir M.itlrr st thr latr l Arthur Nu-tluia. Im-rasnl TAKE NOTICE ttm. by orT oX Ilia Honor. W. E. Ftahr mrt on the 23rd day of Nm,n'xT. AD. 1943. I rut appointed Admlnistra-lor of ihf Estate of Arthur Nord :u'id. dfmwil. and all parti hav- 11 rtalma 4piirwt lvr kl ,tre herrby mjulwd to furnish wm ircowlv wtfil. im on or about th 21rd day cf Docwnber. A.D. 1943. mid mil Dartlm lndrtt to th Es tate are required to py the amount jf ther Itadewednew to me DATED at Prtnce Rupert. B.C., tlUa 33rd day cJ ovenioer, axi. 1941 NOJIMAN A. WATT -i Official Administrator Prlnte Rupert. DC. J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Weslliolme Kooms KWOXR SANfl HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your pntronaire welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m, Tuesday 10 p.m. to 13 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. Phone Red 247 terhood of B.C. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY THZ DAILY NXWa PAOE THRBB, Mrs. Cree, wife of Commander Charless Cree, naval officer in aoothlaj reiki vT frmrabteVKKS VA-TRO-NOL After attending a very successful meeting in Klspiox of the Native Sisterhood and Brotherhood, Klspiox and Hazelton branches, Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffrey of Klspiox left' last night for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Jeffrey Is the treasurer of Wednesday from Vancouver for the Natlve Brotherhood of Brit a visit with Mr. Barclay who Is uh Columbia and Mrs. Jeffrey Is with the Northern Construction the "fwtary of the Native Sis Co. here WANTED Light housekeeping room or suite for reliable couple. Box 629 Dally News. (287) FOR SALE Tenders wiU be received by the undersigned until noon of December 27th. 1943 for purchase of Lot 9, Block 18, Atlln Towns! te for caih. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George oeorge H. " Halle It. Official FOR SALE Modern 5-roomed house with two large attic rooms situate at 644 7th Ave. East. Convenient to school Immediate possession. Price $1,800 cash. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of Estate of Gust Selvln, deceased. (tf) FOR SALE Electric gramo phone and records. Practl cally new. Apply No. 4 Staff House. (276) FOR SALE One electric wash lnR machine. Apply Charlie, 235 Taxi. (tf) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT By Air Force officer and wife, small! WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-room furnished or unfurnished house or apartment by someone who, having been a landlord, appreciates the value of a good tenant. Phone 455 Local 40 days or Black 523 evenings. (279) Mutual Benefit X Health and Arrldent See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 A rloneer Rooms No. 6 ANNOUNCEMENT The Norwegian Vice-Consulate has now been taken over by OR. JENS MUNTIIE, Room 13 -16, Itesnrr Block. Advertise In the Dally News. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Ole Skog, Seal Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. R. J. BLssell left last night on a trip to Mr. and. Mrs. D. C. McRae left last night for a two months' visit at Santa Ana; California, where a sister of Mr. McRae re sides. X X TUESDAY, Not. 30th, at 8:39 p.m. The VARDEN SINGERS Presents Grieg Concert in the Oddfellows' Hall The Choir will be assisted f by talented local artists. Admission by Program, wtucn wm oe soia in ad vance by members of the Varden, or at door. Proceeds to Aid Norway Funds WANTED WANTED Typing "a"f"- "IIimMf home. Apply Box Adminlstrpr, Ath B.C. L ygvs,- ' - FOR SALE Skis, best quality, little used. Phone Black 886 evenings, (277) FOR SALE Modernistic bed-rrjom suite with spring-filled mattress, vanity and bench, and chiffonier. Cost $160. Sacrifice price $80. Phone Blue 159. (tf) WANTED Duplicater or mime fnmlshprf nnnrtment. suite or .FOUND- room. Please telephbne Mrs. Pallas, Green 830. WANTED TO RENT Furnished house or rooms on Dlfby Island. Best references. Box 620 Dally News. . (280) to do at 628 Dally (28U WANTED To buy shack at Salt Lake If any for sale. Apply Box 625 Dally News. (273) ographing machine. Phone Black 183 or Green 917. (277) ROOM, furnished or unfurnish ed. Apply Box 627 Dally News (276) URGENTLY NEEDED by end of month, housekeeping or sleeping room. Willing to help in home or mind children In return. Write Box 624 Dally News. (276) nEEFwANTEn WANTED Young lady for ration coupon accounting and general office work. Apply Selective Service AF 101. (tf) HOTSI4. requires housekeeper. f Prince Rupert resident preferred. Good wages and good accommodations. Apply National Selective Service AT. . 100. (280) FOUND On Third Avenue near Dally .News Office, fountain pen. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement PERSONAL (tf) FOUND Pair Tf glasses on 3rd Avenue. Finder may obtain same from. Dally News Office . (tl) FOUND Man's gold wrlstwatch I at Can 1 Pnpo TntHita ftn Knelr Ortner may have same by call lng at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement FOUND White crepe scarf, Owner can have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (230) JET" for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" Is safe, handy. Sold DAY NURSERY Reasonable rates. Apply 441, 7th Avenue East. (230) WILL person who owns piano left In house I recently purchased please claim same and remove? Unless claimed within a week from this date the In strument will be sold for expenses. C. Creamer, 1910 Eighth Avenue East. ASHES IX CORNERSTONE. CAPE TOWN W The casket ashes of the late Cove, announce the engagement containing the f th, . TK rw,r Sir Patrick Duncan, first South Richard Knox, of Lloyd un- i tn - twv, nrMJ African to be appointed Cover- derwrlters, left last night on the of Dominion, 1 0f Vancouver B C The wedding I nor-General his return to Vancouver after a' dl. t . . ' iwho died July 17, was placed ferla brief visit l.lt V. here n ff(.l-? bus I ----- , Mrs. J. II. Rolle and child left on official last night for Vancouver. a E. Parker left last night for a brief bustaeas trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Grant Cover dale left last night for Vancouver. Mr. Cov-erdale is now on service overseas with the Canadian Army. David McMeekin, after a visit to his home here, left last night on his return to his naval duties in Victoria. within the cornerstone of new Duncan dock here. Announcements the Before leaving for service Mrs. W. W. Smeeton desires to overseas ftTe cateary soldiers charge here, left last night on express appreciation to those each bought a Victory Bond and her return to Vancouver after , who extended sympathy and as- donated their blood to the Red a visit here. .suunce during tne mness ana Cross Donor's Clinic SINUS PAIN Relieved Fast This Easy Way! Put a few drops of Vtcka Va-tro-nol up each nostril and leet It 0 to work death of the late Mr. Smeeton. All advertisements In tbb column will be charged for m fall month at 25 a word. Dry Dock Employees Associa tlon Dance, Friday Nov. 28. Aristocrat's 12-plece orchestra. . . . . t 1 1 I November 26, Oddfellows' Hall. Dancing from 9:30 to 2. United Church Bazaar Decem ber 2nd. Nurses' Fall Dance Oddfellow's HalL Dee. 3 Lutheran Tea and Sale of' Home Cooking, Saturday, Dec. 4. C.C.F. Dance Oddfellows' HalL i Dec. 10. DeCarlo's Orchestra. Harold Winch, C.CF M.L.A., Capitol Theatre, Sunday. Dec. 5. Meeting 12 noon. Vote solid Labor Dec. 16th. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Rate 2c per word per inserUon. FOR SALE HELP WANTED $25 REWARD for finder of WANTED Daily newspaper re- house. Civilians. No children. Apply Box 60S Dally News. (280) quires composing room floor man. also able to run or will lng to learn to run flat bed web press; two-thlrcer ap prentice would do. National Selective Service, Prince Ru- pertj No AM 97. (tf) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L.RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM- SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 20S 4th SU Phone 655 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes, 343 Thhd Ave. W. Black 7S7 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. rhone 174 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 risgot Ave Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.aF. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and 1 4th Tuesdays every month at 8 p.m. COOLER DAYS Suggest JANTZEN & Of 5?, SWEATERS There's nothing more comfortable for Fall Wear than a Knitted; Jacket. Smart, too, if' it's styled by Jantzen. MEN'S FULL ZIPPER JANTZEN SWEATERS Its shades of Brown, Green, Royal Blue and Maroon. ALL SIZES IN STOCK. $5-95 Others from 2.95 to $9.93 Watts & Nickerson. MEN'S and BOYS CLOTHIERS 532 Third Ave. ' Phone3j5 A Welcome Christmas Gift For Madame- A B eautiful rermanent BY ANNETTE POWELL'S B E A U T Y S H O P P E : 4th Street (Across from PostOffice) Phone Blur 91V W Your . . )W Xmas Wrapping Is an Important Item Doubles the pleasure of giving and receiving. Choose your Gift Requirements early SEALS : TAGS : LABELS : RIBBON FANCY TISSUE : PLAIN TISSUE OUTSIDE WRAPPING : STRING Dennison's Valu Pac 10c Sea land Tag Assortments .... 5c, 10c, 25c Embossed Gummed Stars 5c and 10c Patriotic and Xmas Seals . 5c and 10c Our line is now complete. Buy Now! It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News I 4 , i "J '1 1 a If It n m J 1 i a 1 i