in j1' t. 1 ' t Si kill I Mi El i '.1 f- 1 PAUK TWO so SO ate THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Uy City Carrier, per week Per month Per year - By Mail, per month Per year MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are( also reserved. DAILY EDITION Getting Out of the Fight . . . Very soon now it appears reasonable to :assunie lhat Italy will be out of the war officially if not actually on the terms df unconditional surrender .to the Allies. What resistance to the Allies that ma foe maintained on Italian foil will be what Ad oil Hitler deems necessary for German 'defence. What-ever-the outcome ;of the ipeace negotiations, Italy V position cannot be a very happy one. She will be fortunate if she does not become the battleground of a war for which her ;people never had any liking into -which, like dupes, they were led by the braggart jackal Mussolini and from ing to extricate themselves as best they can. Italv todav faces a prospect as dismal as that of .unhappy Prance only she dishonored, has been wholly shorn oi her colonial 'empire and now possesses neither the wherewithal or the will to carry on a fight of liberation. Utterly lidlpless and deserted, she must abjectly call for help and mercy if rom those whom ;f he treacherous Jl 'Duce tchose to stab in the back just three years ago this summer. .15 .65 $7.00 .40 $4 00 i Thursday, July 29, 1943 which they are now try has been more completely were prior to (last month 100 per cent increase for the 'news, all the facts, all! Feeding on Promises ... The -fallowing from the Prince George Citizen may be considered applicable to 'Prince Rupert as well as to the interior town: "Considerable has been heard of Ottawa's attempt to give everyone in Canada a fair share of available consumer goods. These announcements have been .good for the people's morale.but the poor merchant and wholesaler have had their difficulties increased While the quotas have been increased on ,paper tht additional supplies are not available. "The igesture of increasing quotas is like that which has existed in the building industry. While you might be given a permit to, build, the ipermit carried no priority on building 'materials, 'with the result that the would-be home owner remained "Foodstuffs are no more plentiful and no easier to get here today than they when Ottawa announced a centres between McBnde and Prince Rupert. "As one merchant put it, 'we can't get any quantity of the things that are not rationed, but we can obtain any amount of commodities that are rationed providing we ihave the coupons.' "It is quite apparent the food situation in central 15.0. must continue to absorb the active interest df .all Boards of Trade, who in turn must continue to bear down on food authorities at Ottawa. "Promises and empty gestures even from 'Ottawa do not nourish bodies;" Help of Newspapers People today want all the details they can get, to help them understand the events that are reshaping the world, to help them do their part in winning the war. That's why they're 'reaching so eagerly'for their inewspapers these davs, and '.reading them 'more thoroughly than ever before.; They know that nowhere else can they satisfy their hunger for news that's full and clear and graphic. And nowhere else can they get so quickly and com- 'pletely the wartime regulations and instructions they must have to guide them m their homefront taslvs. This intensified interest in 'both the news and the "'advertisements in today's 'newspapers, attested again and again by exhaustive scientific studies, is what makes newspapers so effective a medium for the informative and helpful messages of advertisers. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess After tonight there are no mere dance on the calendar far this month so I would like ,o thank the the ladles of the Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, who took over the chaperone duties for July. Next month. August, the ladles of the Orange Lodge will act as Y.W.C-A. chap-rones. I am greatly Indebted :o all these good ladies of Rup-?rt who give up their evenings to this work. I know those In charge of the regimental dances rely on these ladies. Junior hostesses and chaper-ones will meet tonight, Thursday, for the Highway Camp anniversary dance and supper. How about some more rooms for the Navy bandsmen? They arent all accommodated yet about a dozen more" to fix up The Rooms Registry Is feeling a little better today thank you. It Just about passed out last week and I was making all arrange ments for the wake when I noticed a slight flutter of the pulse yesteiday and today it was able to sit up and take nourishment. But nourishment. in the form cf room? and more ooms, Is what it needs. There are a gieat many new books in our library recently .vhether donated anonymously ar through, the good offices of me local I.OJD.E. chapters I ion't know. But the selection is 'excellent and our service people should have no lack of reading matter. Funny what a small world It is after , all. Corporal Bert Graham of the RjC.AJS.C. and my self ' have discovered 'mutual friends in a village in Scotland called, of all things, Auchter- THE DAILY NEWS A good dinner or luncheon menu is not complete without a tasty, appetizing dessert. Good cooks, ever on the lookout for nefr treats to serve their families, have learned that the delicious custards and puddings made with pure, high quality Canada Corn Starch, are the answer to a frequent problem. They provide an excellent way to sometimes serve the milk and eggs so necessary to our well-being. And - delicious Crown Brand Syrup, as a sauce, makes them an even more appreciated treat. Try th r.c'p. VANIILA BLANC MANGE 2 cupi ho milk 3 tablespoon, Coda Cord cup white tugtr Stucb Scald 2 cups mflk over boiling water. Mia Canada Corn Starch; augar and aalt with cold milk. Add alowly to hot milk, atirring conatantly untU Oiwk. Corer and continue couking 10 minutea, .atirring occaknally. Remove Irom heat, add vanilla. Pour into aervlng dinh or into individual moulda Ughtly oUrd wiUi MaxUa or rimed in cold water. Chill. Uiunould and aerve with Crown Brand Corn Syrup, jam. canned or freali fruit, etc CANADA CORNSTARCH One of the famous products mi Of FERI A Valuabl. NEW WAR STYLES British Working Girl Is Now Dressed Better and at Lower Cost By BARBARA WACE Associated Press Writer LONDON, July 29 0; The war I has had one -striking effect on , women's fashions In Britain.' I The lower bracket wage groups i are becoming slowly and surely' j better dressed. Their more pros- perous compatriots can buy I mush, less than they did before j rationing 6tarted because their purchases are limited. Slowly ! but surely the good clothes they had when rationing started In 1941 are showing signs Of wear and tear. And they cannot re place them garment for garment, i for they have no more coupons than their poorer sisters, even though they can lipend more money on what they do buy. A two-spiece dress and short jacket would take 21 coupons, o to buy it .a woman would have to spend all her four-month period's stock. And what would she do for stockings and underwear? Suits Popular Suits .are becoming more and more popular, for the clever woman realizes that she can make several outfits from one good suit by rlnging'the change? with blouses and sweaters. But a tailored wool suit would take 18 coupons and 'that leaves only two extras, which will buy arder. In spite of Ronnie Mason's dire .predictions I did win at bingo .last .Friday night. Ronnie won't even sit with me .at the table .when we are .playing. .He says I bring him bad luck. Those who weren't superstitious got a nice package of cigarettes out of my winnings. Just off to have a cup of coffee with Captain MacDonald, how I do get around. 1 WW W . i4 tnipoon nit 2 tibleipooai cold milk 1 tcispoon vanilU of THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED, Montreol . Toronto Reclpa Book. - Send for the attractive Free neither a pair or lull fashioned iloned silk stockings, which takes rec coupons, -nor a pair of Shoes, -wnich takes five. But the Board of Trade has done a good job. "Utility" clothes, made from government 1 controlled material are excel- lent. Two thousand manufac- turers have been designated to make utility clothes, being guar anteed regular supplies of mat-, erials. Cheap clothes In North America have always been smart, well-cut and plentiful. Any little government clerk in Ottawa or Washington could turn hersell out in inexpensive clothes. They might not last very long, but she could get by In them at the smartest restaurant for a special date. Queen's Designer Before the war, the English girl with a small salary usually had to be content with dull clothes without cut or style. Now, by buying "Utility" she can get smart clothes at well within the limits of her pocket- book. tNorman HartjU, who made the clothes worn by the Queen on her visit to Canada and the United States in 1938 is designing for tBerktatex. A group of designers, including Molyneux, have undertaken to produce between them a number of models for utility manufacturers. The department stores are selling Molyneux and Hartnell "utility' models for about 410. , 'In tlir Xupremr 'Court of ItrltWi iColumhlfl In rrotaitr 1 In tlir Mtlr nf the -Ailiiiliillratlon Art" and In tlir "Mailer of the Mtiitr of llrr-lirrt John Mjnott, lin'fiwd, Introtatr TAKE NOTICE that by order at, His Honor w. E. Fisher. mad on the 23rd day of July A. D. 1943 I was appointed Administrator of the, Ewe of Ht-rbent John llynott, de-ctarartL and all pt :4e having claims against the said estate are -hcrohv required to furnish name, properly verUked, to me on or about the 34th day of August A. D. 1043 and all parties Indebted Jbo the estate are required to pay the amount of their lndabtednem to nie ifosthwUh. DATED si Prince Rupert. B C. thii 2th day -of-July A. 'D. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Offtotal Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. sserfs can . '"I ' "-Hoi f, ' ""r kit ""'. t Cq., T. titu -nc7'"- - r (1 ii i mm Booklet "EconOTyP Can ada'a r t rremier boy Passes Away Andrew Murray, aged 13 years, seven months, son of Mr. and Mrs. William George Murray, 101 Eleventh Street, passed away last might in the Prince Rupert General Hospital after having been 111 for some time. The lad was born in Prince Rupert. His parents Jived here some 20 years ago but moved to Premier whence they returned tQ prlnce .R t gome three weeks ago. In addition to his parents, the lad Is survived by his sister, Margaret. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon from the Qrenville Court Chapel of B.C. Undertakers Baseball Scores American League Cleveland 6, New York 'I. Detroit 1-4, Bostori 4-6. Chicago 12, Washington 7. St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 1. National League Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 4. New York 3, Pittsburgh 8. Brooklyn 7-2, Chicago B-4. International League Buffalo 0, Newark 8. Toronto 1, Jersey 'City 0. Montreal 12. Baltimore 2. American Association Indianapolis o, Milwaukee 10 Toledo 4, Minneapolis 8. Columbus 10, St. Paul 9. .Louisville i-5, Kansas City 7- 8. tCoofit 'League San Diego 0-7. Los An?eles 5- 3. '6acramento 3, 'San iFrancisco Oakland 5, Seattle C. Hollywood 0, Portland 2. LETTERBOX ICS WE HAVE CUTS Editor, Daily News: Your article "teaching the boys" (who are 'the "boys" by the way? Is a lot of "cockeyed hokum'.' no use your own phrase not the best language for a respectable paper). The "bovs" are "wie" already .ind are not going to stand for any poet-war relief such as followed the last war. There is, for your information, a. "theory of universal security for all" to use your owr teims again) as exemplified by our brave allies, the Soviet Union. Tills is no "hokum of dreamers" tyour terms again but can be with us, and shai; be, a reality in post-wur con- dltlons. 'And are you so Ignorant as not to know that many in our time have had things worth wfalle "without working for them? Those that have worked the hardest have too often reaped the least Now have "guts" enough to publish this HAWTHORNE PARKS A veteran of two wars TcliesinkutLake Tcliesinkut :Lake AutoiCamp Ten miles south of Burns lake on highway to Tweedsmuir !Park. ; Three cabins, per.aay uook ling utensils supplied. Trailer I space and camp sites. Rate. 50c per day with use of kitchen. Good trout and char fishing, and big-game country. Open from May 1st to January 1st. Auto service in connection. Write or wire: R. E. Lord, Tchesinkut Lake B.C. DOUULE Bl'RNER - $8.9i SINOLE UURNER - $4.75 (With Three-Heat Switch) . -$12.93 $2.35 and $4.33 Men Wanted BY LOCAL GAR ACE Two or three skilled auto mechanics; teady work, ceiling wages. One boy or man, full time or part time for lubrication rack and repairing tires. Good wages for smart steady boy. Apply: 'UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE OFFICE. (Mention advertisement A.M. 0) STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OPEN 1) A.M. CLOSED ."::) Fill. THURSDAY OPEN AT II A.M. CLOSED AT 1 VM. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE -Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 P.O. Boi 575 NOTICE STEWART PUBLIC UTILITIES LTD. The Annual General Meeting, of .the. above will be held in the registered office of the (Company, 5lh Street, Stewart, at 3 p.m. Wednesday, August 4th, .1M3. AJRUS8WURM. Secretary. Seasonal Summer Goods . . . , Electric Hotplates ! ELECTRIC FANS, 10-inch ... j ATTRACTIVE (BED LAMPS Two-Way Sockets, Lamp Cords, iron Cords, Sockets of All Kinds i ELECTRIC RADIO SERVICE "EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL" PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. WOMEN WANTED Women are required by the local shipyard to fill vacancies in :the WEDDING DEPARTMENT PLATE jSHOP SHEETMETAL SHOP and other departments throughout the yard. Apply Local Selective Service Office. A.F. 63 MEN, BLUEJ Ate'TOPS' '0a?KM true! you Gn BETTER lOOKim SHAVES ...f Asm i n r absolutely! m BLUE GILLETTE BWk i 'AST LONGER, M . you MONEin aVM II --f Start enjoyini most comforti shaves of your I 'Precision-mail I steel diamond-id for hardness, l Gillette Blades i the sharpest erW honed... give imd er, speedier sni and more of thai blade! They fit M shave better ill In ttr Mntirrnir niirt af Kil fol ii m hla In IT'"" In the Matter of the AdmliHi Act" and In the Matter of he r.tatPJ t:iizahetii nuu'K iiem- TAKE NOTICE tj owj Hl Honor WEI - B Uw llllh dftV of .' Afl UUe at Ckm E ic BWk mwd and ti, ' f-'J claims ainu riot v.i t-J hrlv rwauired : "jra 1 1 Skh rtnv flf A ' A. and all pug'M IrAc'si to j tf. MniilmH - ITT ' of their UirJcfat2 . ' DATED at Prlare Barf " I5tli day of July A O ia NOHAtAN A WATT Oflicia) AiT.T.l3tl;; Pr ..; IWr GOLD SEAl 1 I Fancy H Sockeji Sabf and . fcj a IlcrV are both on actitf "j Hut will be back n grocer's rshelf son Ullions permit. 1 NEWR0YA1 HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PR' A Home Away From ' w. i llD 50 Rooms'. Hot and C B Water ......rt. B.C Phoni. 281 r.o.