MARCH 5, 1943 NEWS WANT ADD hgmiiiini i in i in mini IS! Help The Wm& Red Cross TEA v m Cchna-berg of the B. C. Clothier:, u maiuiis u wumuira gus'iic 3 and pleasure trip toMont-ftiTai i c jcwlicre in the East. His rMier J H. Sr.hrlaberg. Is In the 'JV'frum Vancouver to take charge -X .v.. ,.ir. rfnrinor his p.bsence. DB QUICK. RESULTS TOY A Clvc HUMAN SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EVER iYotcJ Funeral Notice The funeral of the late unillam Hans Hansen will take place jt the ?ren llle Court Funeral Chapel on Saturday. March 6 at 2 p.m. Interment at Falrylew Cemetery. Spanish-American War Veterans are requested to attend. FURNITURE SFKIN0.FII.LE1-MATTRESSES with foundations. Sizes 4-C, 3-3. (OTTOX FELT FILLED MATTRESSES in skes 4-C, 4-0, 3-3. INF.UNTED FURNITURE: Drop-side Tables and Chairs. P.KDKOOM SUITES: Dressers in Walnut Finish. FLOOR COVERING: Consoleum Rugs and Congoleum by the yard, 6 feet and 9 feet wide. AX.MINSTEK RUGS. All she. WE HAVE THE GOODS SEE THEM AT ELIO'S FURNITURE TIIIKI) AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. They need YOUR Help more than ever NOW I As the war widens and intensifies, the need grows. There is infinitely more need for your Red Cn dollars this year than last. There Must be more of them, If the need is to be met Prisoners of war bomb victims, refugees, the wounded, the dying, the destitute everywhere, count on YOUR Red C.-oss dollars for help. Dare rou lull them? . $10,000,000 needed March 1-20, 1913 CANADIAN 4f8ED CROSS This Space donated by: Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Qic - HUMAN SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EVER AW. What would this war foe like without the RED CROSS? Think when you give Albert & McCaffery Limited TILLIE THE TOILER WELL. COOKIE. WE DEF 1 Kl ITELV COMPLETELY OCT OF MV MlUt, A5 tr . t . . ... "ii i ii i iCOMCECUED HEY; Lti-.wv NeVti? EXISTED,. Inspector Ernest Gammon, provincial police, returned to the city this morning from a trip to Ocean Falls on official duties. Miss Sidney O'Neill left last night on her return to her home in Victoria after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill. Dennis Ryan, manager of Hidden Inlet cannery, is in the city today on his way from Seattle to Ketchikan enroute to the Portland Inlet packln plant. SOOTHE SIMPLE C4t Mr. Justice and Mrs. S. E. Rich ards and R Currie. secretary of the War Labor Board, left iast night on their return to Vancouver after SDendine a coudIp of davs In the city. Mr. Justice Richards and Mr. Currie were in conference here in connection with working condi tions at the local dry dock. Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211. Women of the Moose, held their regular meeting Wednesday evening in the Oddfellows' Hall. More jrospectlve members were balloted in and the .reports of the raember- ntp, publicity, war work, hospital sulld, child care, and rituallstij lommlttees were read. It was al decided to hold a dance In honor of St. Patrick's day on March 17. Mumps Is on the decrease In the ?chools of the city, It was reported o the board by principals at the "egular monthly meeting of the 'loard. The attendance at King Ed Aard School, however, is not quite" ack to normal as yet. At Borden Street School, there were 27 cases it infectious disease during Feb- -uary with two cases of itch and me of head lice. Immunization of iuplls againsl scarlet fever and iphtheria has been going on. TUB DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. E. W. Becker left last night for a trip to Vancouver. Bridge and Whist Drive tonight, 8:00 p.m. Dance later. Oddfellows' Hall. Mi Bea Rudderham returned to the city thi6 morning from a trip to Vancouver. wa vai Dr. w. s. Kergm a passenge: leaving last night on Jils return to Ocean Palls. C. H. Orme left last night for a trip to Victoria. Mrs. W. W. C. OlVelll and son John left last night for Vancouver. A Air Force Review subscription agent. Phone Green 59. Mrs. J. A. Donnell is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. W. O. Fulton was the winner of the weekly War Savings Certificate raffle for the Queen's Fund at the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday. A nomination committee for the next year's officers of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club was named at yesterday's luncheon of the club with John Dybhavn as chairman. Passengers leaving for Vancouver re Miss Helen Matthews, J. Pur-)ls, Mrs. H. Elliot, L. Stiles, Louis Toneff, D. F. Small and J. An overflow division of pupils is iow comfortably settled in the an- lex building at that school, Miss 1. A. Mercer, principal, reported to he board at its regular monthly -neeting. Mrs. Avery is the teacher n charge and there are twenty- 'Ive pupils. The Prince Rupert Rotary Club, t Its luncheon yesterday, voted the sum of $250 to the Red Cross' national campaign drive. The sum represented commissions which had been earned for the club by members in canvassing for the last Victory Loan Issue. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Card party. Catholic Hall, March 17. Contract and Whist; good prizes. Admission 50c. Entries Queen Mary Bridge Tour nament close March 17. Registered Nurses' Association Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March 1C. 19. S. O. N. Invitation Dance, March St. Peter's Spring-Sale, March 25. Eastern Star Dance, March 26. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows Hall, April 2. Cathedral Easter Sale. April 29. rM 5 VARIETIES Pil iMfi fM Snow-white 6forS5.60 MjC. Bron Queen i 12 for $4.80 f$JB VmSSktJBBlaXiSl Order from thi Mv. WmmMM A Complete Line of Nursery Stock FREE Garden Book EDDIE'S NURSERIES Sardis, B.C. Major R. Lahiff Is leaving on this evening's train for Cedarvale where he Is taking a position with the Farris & Nash road contracting concern. CIASSIHEO FOR SALE FOR SALE 3V4 x 4'4 Reflex Cam era, also .22" calibre Mossberg clip repeater. Apply Box 445 Daily News. (56) FOR SALE Electric Stove. Phone Black 187. FOR SALE Three Men's Suits. Ap. ply Staff House No. 6, Room 675, after six o'clock. (54) HOUSE FOR SALE House, completely furnished, 10 rooms and bath, pantry, linen closet, large halls, hot water heating system, cement basement, suitable for rooming or boarding house. Price $4,000. Apply to 510 Seventh Avenue West. (54) WANTED WANTED Room by gentleman, light housekeeping preferred. Apply Box 439 Dally News. (56) WANTED To Rent or Buy: Two or three room house. Apply Box 446, Dally News. (57 WANTED To rent or lease, 5 or 6 room house, unfurnished. Clarence Thomson, Phone 423 or 53. (tft WANTED To buy rowboat, 12 to 16 feet, good condition. Phone Blue 976. (55) WANTED Sineer sewing machine. Phone Red 337. (55) WANTED Room and board In family home for woman with 4 months' old baby. Urgent. Phone Blue 419 (Mrs. Martin). (58) LOST LOST Man's gold wrlstwateh. Phone Red 198. 5o BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. HELP WANTED WANTED Woman for companionship and light housekeeping duties. Service man's wife might be suitable, Phone Blue '09 or apply Madam Rajaut at Tlell. WANTED Experienced stenogra pher for full time employment. Provincial Field Service, Court House, Prince Rupert. Phone 531. (tf) PERSONAL 'TIME," "Liberty" and "Newsweek." Inquire Green 59. (59) BAND and Orchestra instruments not In use may be turned into ready cash. Send full particulars to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario rnn sale RonloH fpnriprs will hp rpopivpfl hv the undersigned up to noon on Saturday, March 20th, 1943, for the purchase of the following: 1. Central Hotel, Inclusive of furnishings. Hotel located at corner of First Avenue and Seventh Street, on Lots 11-14, .Inclusive, Block 10, Section 1. Prince Rupert; 2. Lots 23 and 24, Block 11, Section 1; 3. Lots 23 and 24, Block 19, Section. 6; 4. Lot 10, Block 8, Section 2. Terms cash, Tenders must be submitted for each parcel separately and be accompanied by certified cheque for 10 of tender. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. NORMAN A. WATT, Administrator of the Estate of Cora E. Black, deceased. By WESTOVER Double-Action Way To Help Relieve ONCHITIS COUGHS SORENESS CONGESTION Cet right after painful broncfiitls miseries . . . help relieve the coughing, congestion, and soreness this time-tested Vicks way that is so successful! Put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoKub into a bowl of boiling water. Then Dreathe in the steaming vapors for iusta few minutes. With each breath you take, the mcdicat ion goes straight to inflamed bronchial tubes where it soothes irritation, quiets coughing and loosens tightness and congestion. At bedtime rub Vicks VapoRub on tnroar, crtest ana duck. I ts poultice-vapor action works for hours to bring you added comfort while you sleep. IMPORTANT NOTICE Charge Accounts become due and payable on the 25th of month following the month In which goods were purchased. This means that goods bought In February must be paid for not later than 25th Match. This ruling ts by order of the Director of Consumer Credit of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Mussallem's Economy Store "Where dollars have more cents" Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Mattresses, all sizes; Bedsteads, steel and wood; Baby Carriages, Lloyds; Chesterfield Suites; Bedroom Suites; Dinette Suites, walnut and natural finish; Pillows; Bed Spreads; Window Shades; Carpets, all sizes; Linoleum and Floor Covering of all kinds. When you need them we have them in stock. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue We-st WORK BOOTS Out Slock of Working Roots is second to none. Sizes from G to 12. Arch-King, Valentine, Greh, Til-sonburg and Sterling makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in and let us show you. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes em, it ENJOY SPRING ON A BUDGET! Somehow you HAVE to express that everything new feeling that Spring brings, but budgets and the times being what they are well, the whole affair seems somewhat dampened. But don't be downhearted. Come in and see our delightful display of Spring notions. Oh, so many things that will satisfy that Spring dress-up urge and yet all so Inexpensive, you can buy oodles without the slightest qualm of conscience. DO COMEI THE VARIETY STORE PHONE RED 120 "Where your dimes are little dollars" 518 3rd AVE. WEST If A ana 1