A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. 7 s i 5? l. : te': if. "A Good Place to Buy" What the Doctor ordered: "Plenty of rest and quiet." Where better to find it than on a GOOD MATTRESS BUILT FOR SLEEP We recommend , . . The "RUPERTIA." Size J6 only. Cash Price $29.50 . . MORE TOYS have arrived Phone 775 1 . Expert OPTICAL SERVICE RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE 217-219 Sixth St. (Across from Helgerson Real Estate Co.) Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT ORE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and NovelUei MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant 1 j - Christmas Presents from The Store for Dad and Lad. 327 3rd Avenue at 29 ' j " ' , CHRISTMAS GIFTS Suggestions Mirrors, lovely gifts that will last a lifetime; Tables; End Tables,. Coffee Tables, Pull-up Chairs, Dinette Suite, Spring-filled Mattress, Chenille Bedspreads, Wool Comforters, Carpets. Toys Wagons, Kiddie Kars, Kindergarten Sets, Todteler Kars, for fine gifts. See them at . - Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Dally News) Prince Rupert Paris Maid Slippers New Arrivals in Women's, Men's and Children's Slippers, in Soft Soles PLIO-PEDIC ARCH SUPPORT SHOES Just Arrived. I Family Shoe Store Ltd. 1' "The Home of Good Shoes" ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT The Children' Christmas Party Is getting nearer and neat er. In fact it's only two days away now. Monday afternoon the Navy Drill Ilall will be filled with the very unacustomed sound or excited children's voices as the hour for Santa's appearance approaches. Dear old Santa! I've Just had a wire from the old boy to say that he hasn't forgotten the date or the time. It's going to be a regular party with movies and singsong and clowns running around doing funny tricks. Oh boy! oh boy! oh boy! THE DAILY I am jso pleased to see Noreen Olbson In town for the Christmas holidays. She has to return Christmas day but at least her visit has been seasonal. Norcen enlisted In the Vomen's Division of the Royal Canadian Air Force last May and Is now stationed at St. Thomas. She Is officially Noreen Gibson AAV. 1 and is In the accounting department. Like all the enlisted girls she looks tne picture of health. I think I shall dream of parcels and string and paper and stickers for the rest of my life. What a rush! -And what very nice presents the boys are sending home. So far none, of the service girls have availed them selves of the service but then they like to fuss around in their barracks and fix them all up pretty, bows and fancy ribbon and so forth. 0sp sweet cAps" jytf THE GIFT THATS "FIRST vJSf IN THE HEARTS OF SSJ CANADIANS EVERYWHERE" 111a 'Jill SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The purest form in which tobacco con be tmoied" WW iTO i 'VI SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria Waypoints, Stewart 8 2? V 8 and and North Queen Charlotte Island Full Int.,. (nation, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 561 Phone 81). VVTVTVTVWTWVV VVTWVTVV Trappers Don't be foolish and sell your Furs on the Water front to buyers who are getting big commissions. Goldbloom can pay 30 per cent more than anyone else as a result of finding the best markets when In Montreal and New York. SEE GOLDBLOOM FIRST 4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Breen Melvin has been away on the sick list and Chester Le- malstre has been busy like a little bee with the production of the Navy show so have I been having fun down at the hut? However, Breen is back now and the show is over and all goes well, (I hope) We have a new member at tached to us. It's a purely voluntary attachment on his part His name Is "Sloppy Joe" or Butch." He answers to both names. He is a Dig neavy pawed dog of nondescript des cent, brindle markings with leaning toward a bloodhound and decided overtones of a bull terrier. He's affectionate and If dogs can smile, he smiles. If we go to chase him out he flies to a soldier's lap and pleads with hlrrr to protect him. the only objectionable thing Is he chases the kittens. C.N.R. Trains For the East-Dally except Sunday .... 8 pm for Terrace and Pacific-Sunday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4 pm. From the East-Dally except Mon. 10:45 p.m. From Terrace and Paclfkr Monday, Tuesday, Thursday NOTICE to the ru&iic In the Interests of Public Health and as a protection to patients, the Prince Rupert General Hospital will be closed to visitors during the incipient influenza tpidrmlc. B GANNETT E 5? t i i OEOROE RUDDERHAM THOS. ELLIOTT T. SORENSEN - A S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford and iMcrcury Dealers 170-E. Third Avenue Basketball Buzz When Navy meets High School In an aiea basketball league game at Seal Cove tonight u will mark the last scheduled caec clash until the loop re sumes operations January 6. A victory for the scnooirwys would hoist them Into a tie for fourth Dlace with Air Force while a Navy victory would put the sailors In a fifth place tie with High School. The latest standings of the teams. Including games played Thursday night, reveals that the two American entries are still unbeaten while Reserves and Air Force have pulled away from the other Canadian cnt ries. The standings follow: Americans Yanks Reserves Air Fore High Schol Fortress Navy Coast Rcgt. Ontarlos Ack-Acks 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 3 4 fl 7 J. L Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Smith Block eautiful rermanent BY POWELL' BEAUTY SHOPPE 1.000 ; 1.000 714 .666 .600 .428 .400 .333 ' .143 .000 J.M.S.Loubser DO, BA. Chiropractor Wallace Block rhone For Income Tar RETURNS sr.r. R. E. MORTIMKR Thone II nt tod Ave. A Welcome Christmas Gift For Madame- a ! & tin aireei ticross irom roituiucej rnone itiue an g , VOTERS OF PRINCE RUPERT We wish to express our deep appreciation of the confidence placed in us by your votes on Thartday. Those of us who are elected will devote ourselves to tarrying out your wishes and will welcome your suggestions and friendly criticisms at all times. ViUTrrY.M. DACCiETT ?Aminclair J. MULRONEY S. L. PEACHEY MRS. M. ROPER NORMAN BELLIS We should also like to congratulate our opponents on their good showing and to express our gratification at the keen Interest shown by the voters and the Increased poll over last year. BEST WISHES FOR A Merry Christinas and a Happy New Year To All Our Customers and Friends. We ask your indulgence and patience djring these trying times of shortage of manpower and materials. We are endeavouring to give as good service as possible to a greatly increased clientele. We sincerely hope that in the not too distant future we'will again be able to advertise our old slogan: "The Home of Friendly Service" ' and'live up to it. Prince Kupcri, B.C. I ttl "a I & a P -1 " Ivtila't miliUrj flll CAPITOL St"M)AY-2 P.M. THIS IS THE ARMY" Free Services Only FOR CHRISTMAS SATURDAY YOlMt XM AS (HPT PROHll:Mjn y BUY BOOKS OF THEATRE TICKETS" Now on Sale ... In Gift Envelopes . . You tin nnvuhtre in Canada where la mm.. .. I v I 14 Iff-: 1 operate . . . Triced from $I.oo to H STARTING MONDAY 2 DYs THE ASTOUNDING STORY OF THE Q THAT STOPPED ONE MILLION M Z2 'OH THI SAMI PROGRAM HELEN WALKER In "THE CtOOH FELLOWS" -Good I tllow" at at 12:30. 2:43. 4 53. 7:03. 0:13 "Stalingrad" at 1:43, 3 53. 8 03. 8 13. 10.23 ThU It TV Army SIM).Y MIIIMTC Till: PERII.IT ?N0I Plu THE KNoaonl Lot XXX Crcasa 1 i Water. Perfume and folognea-Tollel t. i. miikI mrkirril In manr romblnatwr.v Of-I Hudnut-TwVrd-Adiitnnc, (iardtnla Chantl- Lodtn l long-I)ortl. Yardlty. Alwi ome for the Man la rimn ChrUtmas Stationery and Crackers. Oh, and DoroW (irayand Molinard. . Ormes Ltd, 7jm Pioneer Druq&tsts .. ..1 n ? THE REXAI.L STORE PIHIMJ - ? Open Dally from 9 am. till 9 p m. J Sundays and Holiday from 12-2 p.m- nl 7 I IB. flJ TTVYTTVYVVTTTVYTTTvTYTTOrVTVVTTTVTTTVVVVTW 1 In Ul to '11B libf Whole Families arc Shopping at the Variety Store For (Jifls! 10 l(t I.I ttl In thousands of rrincc Rupert home, Christmas BwPj ping at THE VARIETY STORE has become a whole-" affair. Young or old, every gift want is so comple""1 tlcipatcd here . . . men, women, children and Uc h There Is the sure, extra satisfaction both In RlvK and cclving a gift of dependable quality. The Variety Store AAA '