DECEMBER 18, 1943 C F P K I1Z40 Kilocycles) Schedule s.'n'nnAV I'M. L xi . Jive f jr Music Society p Lss.r lam oirrcv i vr.x f..nic Session J- :::( Album L ur:::f Roundup i. 31 NOW L y;.T RaJio Theatre ; v mL Uam Diner t.ju5. "e La. Tmc lUt Parade r n' Theatre VK - 8mtth J..R- -araeu inieriuae ..Har"V James Croby SIXDAY K tor Sunday 4 " .. r y Kayo MTJl Ht w lv. .m Symphony P.M. 1 F, Rambungs ir,7T.r. fiym Home. jj . we Love t ,A:sdre Kotielantt A- X:vic Cugal . KIK Sunday Symphony , A; opolls Hill Choir ..-age store 0 1 -i Mary family Hour . C -tUC News r Jed Program I H ftvn from Home .;aii.e McCarthy Ho. t ' Charm Hob Hope J ?! ... Caii Oreit Gllderilceve comrades In Arms Ccxmand Performance ria News ft. Vriper Hour a ' !t;,tt MONDAY A.M. 3- Musical Clock iWUC New 3 M,iral Clock J MjiTinp Devotions 4 rnon Ocrrr iv Mofntaht VT< The Oakies J erne News Transcribed Varletlea Itajrk Wi-frr Orchestra V.Morek Webber win i:ncr I "' 'L- w.fl - iiict ini Air Scandinavian Melodies Broadcast of Messages Re-ordcd Interlude U S-'flney Torch OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN UOME SERVICE ISlark 135 Kl .Seventh' Ave. West ENTERPRISE FRUIT MARKET tarry a complete line of MI.NOU FROZEN rRUTS AM) VKfiKTAnLKS SHRIMPS FRESfl EVERY DAY Boat "W.S.K" Unt Float nt of Imperial Oil CV 'r tansrswaritsWTBrgC Fresh Local Pasteurized 1 t dally after 4 p.m. t :rrgcri Raw law and P MILK E VALENTIN DAIRY riiONC csi ''TTTYYVYYrTTTTTIrTTTYT IHE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOI SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. nl Avenue (Arros from I'rlnre Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 t vvTTTVVtTTTTTTYTYTT, Meet Me At JOHNNY'S SHACK BAR (Our Coffee l Tnntl 4UUUAAAAaAAAA.AAAA L LOCAL NEWS NOTES A St Peter s Church will hiid a spfeclal Carol Service tomor- ruw evening at 7:30. M95. Mrs. E. M. Whitlow nr.rt trantkon. narry Scott, left last night for Vancouver. Sergeant and Mrs. w r Tnr. lor left for Va morning to spend the holiday waiton. Lieut. Oeor?e Dartars U leaving tonight for a trip to Van-wvrr. a The Ideal Chrutmas Gift . . . Books of Theatre Tickets . . . Prices tlM to $250, now filing at Capitol Theatre. (tf) Tonitchtls train, due from the Rati at 10M5, Is reiwrted to be five hours and ten minutes late which would bring It In at i: 55 ajn. A NOTtCnJ)o not deUy y.ur nrannig any longer. Now h I lie time to nd It to Ideal Cleaner, The House f Het-ter Cleaning." Phone 858. We pick up and drifter. (295) Drawing In Queen "Mary Chapter. Imperial Order, Dau ghters of the Empire, raffle tor a round trip to Vancouver took place Thursday tilirtit at the Capitol Theatre. The winner was E. U. Smith with ticket .Va. iOG. FOR SALE Man's C.CAL bicycle. 1103 7th Ave. East. (297) FOR 8 ALE 14-foot row boat, home-made sails, good condition. $25. Call between 5 and 7 above 17 & I Cafe. 6) LOST LOST Wallet containing personal papers, registration card. FOUND FOUND On Cemetery Road. lady's sterling silver indentl-tlcatlon bracelet. Heavy chain. Engraved with name. Ownrj may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Pair of glasses in front of Belmont Hotel. Owner can have same by lntlentlfying and paying for this advertisement, Daily News Office, The preliminary hearing of William Samuel Cooper, charged with wounding Patrick Keogh in nn arfray nt the Knox Hotel several weeks ago, Is still proceeding in city police court today after having been In progress all yesterday. FOft RENT FVJR RENT 2 furnished rooms with kitchen prlvllfdcs. No children. 1643 -OverVAtrMt,. A Cah for old gold. Bulger's. AL.O.B.A. and L.Oi Children's Christmas Tree, Monday, 7 p.m. Oddfellows' Hall. (296) A Immunization and Baby Clinics have been discontinued until Tuesday, January '4. Prince Rupert Health Unit. (290) The Markets Sugar White, lb. .09 Oolden Yellow, lb .09 Meats Bacon, side, beit grade, sliced package .54. slab 50 Ham. first grade, lb. 43 Cottage Roll, lb .44 Pork. drV rait, lb 30 Veal, loin, lb .: XI Veal Chops, lb 25 and .40 Beef, pot roast, lb. ... .25 and 30 Beef Steak, lb .40 and .45 Lamb, leg. lb. .35 Lamb Chops, lb, J5 to .40 Lamb Shoulder, lb. .... 21 to J5 Eggs Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz. 57 Orade A. medium, doz. 55 Orade A, pullets, doz 50 Milk Evaporated Milk, 6-oz. Un .10U Don Rwce of The drv rioelfl Fruit dock arartlng staff is leaving 0rjri1S.5aMr 15 ...R,. 'wivt m Bprnu Lemons, doz 55 and .50 me i.nruimas and New Year Oranges. Navel, doz 55 to 60 vacation season Msltlng with Peara. Fancy, lb. his parents, Captain and Mrs. W .11? ,Lb" nuuira iu. 4. ooycr. Cnnkinp Annies lb. HRLI WANTED STENOGRAPHER for accountant's office. Neat and accurate, copy . typing essential. Shorthand not so Important. Applicant with knowledge of commercial book-keeping, or those willing to learn, win have preference. Written applications only. State experience, if any. Apply U. I. c AM 96. (tf) WANTED Waid maids for Oeneral Hospital. Apply National Selective Service. Office A.F. 102 298) WANTED Two warehousemen Tor local wholesale grocery. Apply Selective Service AAi. TO. (tf) WANTED identification card, etc. Finder WANTED 1 or XV, H. P. Air please leave at Dally Newsi cooled engine in good con- Office. (295) ! dltlon. Address S.ES. George LOST Bunch of keys between Post Office and McBride. Please leave at Daily News. (297) LOST Sterling Identification bracelet with Navy crest. Finder please leave at Daily News Office. (297) LOST Lady's wrlstwatch, Wednesday evening comet tf 6th West and Summit Ave. and the Chop Sucy House on 7th West Has black face and narrow ilack leather strap. Finder please leave at the Dally Sfews office. (205) town via Box 190 Prince Rupert (299) WANTED Quiet Air Force couple, no children, wants room and board. Prefer, but not essentia vicinity- of 8th or 9th Ave. West. Box 644 Dally News. (295) YAI.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Oarbutt. WANTED Young business couple want two or three rooms, clasp In. Box 643 Dally News. (295) WANTED- One or two room suite. Air Force couple. Quiet, non-drinkers, non - smokers. Phone K. Winter. Rupert Hotel. (298) PERSONAL "JET" for polishing hot stoves is a boon, Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" is safe, handy Sold everywhere. STENOS. TYPISTS, POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You can train at home. Free Information, MC.C. Civil Service Schools Ltd., GIFTS! Group order privileges. Chateleine, 50c; Macleans, 80c; Mayfalr, $1.50; Home Si Gardens, $1.50; and a lovely greeting card. Phone Green 59 nowl (290) YOU CAN RUN A HOME KIN DER GARTEN with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Instl- $',',: .-re M. O. fi. Schools. Winnipeg. Funeral Notice BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL THE DAILY NEWS AH veterans are requested to attend the funeral of oar late cormrade David Olbb, ex 25th Can. Fid. Co. Monday December 20. at 2 o'clock, at Orenvllle Cpurt Chapel, 'i-all In at Legloi. at 1.40. Taxis will be waiting at Legion Hall In case of rain. "LEST WE FORGET" On Wednesday evening the Anglican Young People's Asso elation had a delightful Christ mas party In the St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall. In snite of un Mr. andMrs.Frank Fcero are favorable weather there u-n. n leaving tonight for a holiday good-sized crowd In attendance trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Games and dannnz were en Mr. and Mrs. Anton Dybhavn Joyed and a buffet supper was are leaving tonight for a trip served, to Vancouyer. - . "WKGtg uhikc FABflfCS Buy Only Whol'Jrt Httd Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a fall month at 25c a word. Dry Dock Employees Association Dance. Friday. Dec. 10 and 17. Roy' Proverbs Orchestra. Moose Ladies New Years dance .12 1 Oddfellows Hall. Dec. 29. 10 to 2. Q ' Jean De Ca; lo's orchestra. Re- 1U ,03 freshments CLASSIFIED ADS Clanlfied Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office "No telephone orders lute ?c per word per Insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Caipenters tools No. 6 Staff House. Room 658 Apply noon hours. 2& FOR SALE 8-tube con sol radio. General Electric, fire bands. 144 Fourth Ave. East Phone Red 127. tf FOR SALE 1938 Francis Bar- nett motor cycle in good condition, good shape. $125. 1531 2nd. Overlook St. (297) GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, ete. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Thone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver rnoNE 858 Mall Orders Box 90 H. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th St Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box 196 PAQE TURBS . I "mm . mm vm mm -imn TUIC rUDICTK A C ' II Wsj IMO I V w . . . . L ' Rriolifon Brighten Hie His WrrJ Wardrobe with I J ' irJ Two or Three Neckties . Truly, we've never had a finer showing of Neckwear, so selection is easy. You'll find Foulards, Silk and Wools and. Pure . Silks in every conceivable shade and pattern. '1 00 ORDER GRADE A TURKEYS NOW FOR XMAS A ful. due of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. sialic this your Community Shopping Centre Prices Right! SEVENTH AVE. MARKET Dry Goods and Novelty Shop Has its usual line of attractive and Practical Gifts In LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Children's Wear, a Specialty Visit Our Store when Xmas Shopping $150 $200 If Dad's Hat is getting shabby, give Him a Certificate' for a New Stetson. A miniature presentation Hat and Box goes with each certificate. Watts & Nickerson 532 Third Ave. Men's and Boys' Clothiers Phone 315 SMART DESK SETS For the Home For the Office - . -1- . for the Secretary and the Business Man or Woman " Attractive bases in black or white, gold trinvj with fountain penl . 1 ! : $4.75 - $5.00 - $5.50 'I GENUINE WATERMAN DESK SETS (guaranteed) $14.90 and $29.75 Above prices include tax sMlaSm.M