-1 4 i V Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Clias. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. Phone 775 A GOOD TLACE TO BUY Store will be closed from July 12th to July 29th, inclusive 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress Shoes . In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in low, spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8". Just arrived. . i Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes Try Our New PERM WAVE for lustrous beauty that can't be beat ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Street across from Post Office Phone Blue 917 for Appointment If ydu lose anything, advertise for it Note: on account of picnic there will be no evening servics this Sunday. First Baptist Church Fifth and Young Rev. C. A. Wright, Minister. Morning Worship 11:00 ajn. "The Gospel Bond." Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. "The Will To Do." Social Fellowship Hour follow ing the evening service. Text: "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good work and glorify your Father which Is in heaven." The "Friendly Church" where strangers and visitors are especially welcome.- First Presbyterian Church i Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A., MinUter 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. The minister will preach at both services. A cordial welcome to strangers and men in the Services. Prince Rupert Gospel Tabernacle 221 6th Avenue Evangelist John E. Barnes' Subjects Sun. 11 a.m. "In the Army (R.A.F.)" Sun., 7:15 pjn. "U-boat Attack" Sun.. 12:15 pm. Sunday School and Bible Class. Sun., 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting Tues., 8 p.m. "The Woman of Rev. 12." Wed., 3 p.m. Missionary Meeting. Thur.. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting" 7ri, 8 pjn. Service Men and Young People. Good Singing and Splendid Spirit. All heartily welcome. Soldiers' and Airmen's Christian Association Cecil Carter, Representative a:00 to 10:30 p.m. Fellowship Song Service. Subject of address: "Unconditional Surrender." At home to all service men or women and their guests. Meetings Every Sunday night at the Y.M.C.A. Empress Hall. Christian Science This Society is a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bos ton, Mass. Sunday Service 11:00 a.m. Subject: "Sacrament." Meetings which include testi monials of healing are bein? held on the second Wednesday of each month. The reading room In the church building is open every Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m., and every Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:30. First United Church C36 Sixth Avenue West Rev. J. A. Donnell, M.A., Minister Miss Edna McLellan, Deaconess. S. Wilson. Sr. Choir Leader. H. C. Higgins, Jr Choir Leader Miss Swanna Olafson, A.T.C.M . Organist. Church School at 10 a.m. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 D.m. Young people meet in the Manse at the close of evening service. Come and Worship. ft Waterfront Whiffs Ceiling on American Halibut, Effective Here Now, Expected to Flatten Out Prices Trolling Continues Light will be the prices at Seattle and Prince Rupert. At Ketchikan the ceiling price will be IVic lower and at Juneau and Sitka two cents lower. Some tune ago the Canadian government issued an order setting ceiling prices of 17c and 16c for fifty percent of the Canadian halibut which must go into cold storage, no limit being put on the price of the fifty percent for the fresh fish market. The fact that the American ceiling prices apply to all fish landed is expected to have the ef fect of automatically flattening out the Canadian fresh fish price even should a celling -not be extended to It. In fact, it is bejieved that the latest price ceiling edicts will result in the maximum prices being paid for the entire balance ot the season to all halibut being landed. In creased landings at Prince Rupert are expected to be the result. However, assurance is giv en that local facilities will be able to handle all the fish that comes in. Landings of spring salmon at Prince Rupert continue light, fishing conditions being none too favorable on the grounds. Dur ing the past week 26c was paid for red springs and 8c for white springs. Ceiling prices are now being put on salmon 23.1c for reds over 14 pounds and, 10c for fish between seven and fourteen pounds. These prices are delivered in port. Only four Prince Rupert halibut vessels Lois N., Dovre B., Embla and Clipper II are now operating in Area No. 3 waters. During the coming week it is expected a considerable number of local vessels will be getting out for black cod fishing which per-' mits of one pound of halibut being taken for every seven pounds of fish caught. During the past week or so a good many of the halibut boats have been in port painting up. Tides during this period have also not been conducive to good fishing results. Col. J. W. Nicholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold' Storage Co., left Thursday night for a business trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Not a single Canadian halibut vessel landed fish at Prince Rupert during the past week. Ten American vessels were in with fares aggregating 322,000 pounds. This brought the grand total for PAGE FOUH THE DAILY NEW6 SATURDAY JULY lp VISIT OUH BASEMENT LORE for Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant RUPERT PEOPLES STORE COMPLETE INFANTS' WEAR Department In these days when there are shortages in Infants' Wearing Apparel, It is comforting to know that the Rupert Peoples Store has most infants' wear most of the time. If we happen to be out of what you need, try us again. Our shipments are coming In all the time. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Rupert Peoples Store ; "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" j THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's rhone DLUE 907 LETTERBOX SHOVING AROUND Editor, Daily News: Let us consider the amount of shoving around the citizens and taxpayers are getting these days. The same goes for employers at the hands of public servants who are giving out advice that they might well be taking themselves. Particularly does this seem to be so In the matter of waste and economy and throwing around other people's money, not to mention the gall of essaying to save our own money for us so that we will not spend it foolishly. Could you give us the low-down on scores of partly completed and occupied Wartime Housing houses in this town? TAXPAYER. CHURCH NOTICES St. Paul's Lutheran Church 5th and McBride Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor 11:00 a.m. "The Call of Mat thew." Vocal solo "The Beautitudes" by Malott, Haarojd C. Nor-mann. Sunday School Picnic meet at qow Bay at 1 p.m. F3 Ceiling prices on American caught halibut have become operative at Prince Rupert under a new regulation of the United States government, announcement of which was received in Prince Rupert during the past week. The maximum price for medium or first class halibut will be fixed at Wifi and for chickens and large at 16c. These the 1943 season to date up to 7,770,900 pounds of which 3,902,- "i00 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 3,878,200 pounds from American. Last year at a corresponding date the total of land ings at Prince Rupert was 8,- 584,619 pounds comprising 3.360,- 219 pounds Canadian and 5,482,-800 pounds American fish. Prices for the American fish during the week reached fancy levels with a high of 30.8c and 20c which the Platinum was paid for 35,000 pounds. The low price of the week was 27.1c and 20c which the Nordby received for 42,000 pounds. The records of the International Fisheries Commission show that for the period from April 16 to June 30, 1943, the following amounts of halibut have been, landed in Pacific Coast ports: Area 2 Area 3 U. S. Fleet 12389.609 10,104,378 Canadian 10,749,655 125,615 Total 23.639,264 10,230,093 In 1942 the landings from April 16 to June 30 amounted to: Area 2 Area 3 U. S. Fleet 12,963,336 7,387.305 Canadian 8,543,823 88,834 Total. 21,507,159 7,478.139 In 1942 landings from the Area 2 halibut season, 'Which cbsed on June 29, 'continued into July. The 1943 iTed,2 saason closed on June 20 arid all landings from the Area 2 halibut fishing season were completed by June 30. For the month of June 1943, the following amounts of hail-but were landed: Area 2 Area 3 U. S. Fleet 5,461,321 4,315,976 Canadian 4,276,675 39,803 Total 9,737,996 4,355,779 Norway Dance Last Night About 200 people enjoyed themselves at a dance sponsored by the Help Norway Society in the Oddfellows' Hall last night, 'dancing to the music of Mrs. Black's Orchestra. The committee In. charge of .the entertainment consisted of Rudolph Olsen, R. Hundelde, and O. Norgaard. Nils Gunderson acted as master of ceremonies ill VIRGINIA I lea CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) Schedule SATURDAY IM. 00 Afternoon Musicale 30 Dirk Todd 45 Musical Americana 00 Tea Dance Time 30 Operetta Time 00 CBC News 05 Recorded Interlude 15 Top Flight Tunes of Yesterday 30 Serenade in Blue 00 CBR Singers 30 Victor Record Album 00 National Barn Dance 30 Jubilee 00 Command Performance 30 Hit Parade 00 CBC News :0J Fish Arrivals 10 Recorded Interlude :15 G. I. Jive :30 Spotlight Bands :45 Yank Swing Sessions 00 Saturday Night Dance Party :00 Silent SUNDAY A.M. 10:00 Music for Sunday 10:30 Classics for Today 11:00 CBC News 11:08 Sunday Morning concert IM. 12:00 Hit Tunes of Yesterday 12:30 Old Country Mail 12:45 a. I. Jive 1:00 Chamber Music 1:30 Andre Kostclanetz 2:00 CBC Sunday Symphony 3:00 CBC Discussion Club 3:39 Paul Whiteman 4:00 Duffy's Tavern 4:30 Fitch Bandwagon 5:00 Just Mary 5:15 Henry King's Orchestra 5:30 The Army Show 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 The Cavaliers 6:30 Hour of Charm 7:00 Personal Album 7:13 Yarns for Yanks 7:30 Mall Call 8:00 Front Line Theatre 8:30 Fred Allen 9:00 U.S.O. Quiz 9:30 We Who Fight 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Vesper Hour 10:30 Silent MONDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:15 Help Wanted 9:00 Mirror for Women 9:15 The Oakles 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Sirtglng Strings 10:15 Marek Weber 10:30 Wilf carter 10:45 Claire Wallace: They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:30 Petit Concert P.M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Rebroadcast of Used Show 12:45 CBC News . 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 Ann Watt 1:15 Lud Oluskin 1-30 Rebroadcast of Used Show 2:00 Silent Local Tides Sunday, July 11 High 7:40 15.7 feet 20:10 18.2 feet .Low 1:26 7.9 feet 13:28 7.1 feet Monday, July 12 High .'. 8:55 15.9 feet 21:07 19.0 feet Low 2:31 7.0 feet 14:28 7.9. feet 1 , 2si Roll your owners! Go for Ogden's Old time "democrats" often gave, their drivers a rough ride . . . But theyfourjriconsolationin Ogden's the aristocrat of cigarotto tobaccos -a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos, smooth as a kitten's wrist. Not just another tobacco, but Ogden's. Try it today. Ogden's quality (or pipe smokers, loo, in Ogden's Cut Plug. 2 DAYS BEGINNING MONDAY 2 DAYS Complete Shows at 1:00, 3:05, 5:10, 7 15, 9:20 Feature at 1:40, 3:45, 5:50, 7:55, 10:00 (at 7:20, 9:20)) , : BUY... fTERROR HEMMED THEM IN M MINED DOWN FROM THE SM Who could ever imagine that Sm I in me miasr or breathlets lh, rente adventure, great emotional there would be a place for humjJ But humor there h, rich, and untorgettabiel PSED PifPEB iVi ..........,-... ............ Complete Shows Tonight 7:00, 9:00 "Hello Frisco Hello" MONTY WOOLLEYi, R0DDY McDOWALL w$ ANNE BAXTER SUNDAY 2 P.M. "HELLO FRISCO HELLO" Frrr Armed Services Only xfaf OU THE SAME PROGRAM CANADA CARRIES OX "STARS ON HORSKBACE "SUPER RABBIT" CAW SUNDAY .Ml UNTIE Nancy Kelly "Fly ny Xirl Plus Richard Arlm TORPEDO BOAT" RUPERT BRAND t , i Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Dutchcrs NO WASTE HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLt'MBIlj s v r y ... ' &MamiM& WOMEN PHAISE OUH EVERY DAY LOW PRICES! j ou juuny women are urea oi ine oia scneme aesij"- j lure them in to buy that they are unstinted in their prf of our policy of presenting every item in our store at Wl c i .itwr uiateaa oi me cuswmary lew ' Daii ' prices ui-. t. UuinWU ui;ain ana again! j X. In the lone run.von save mnra nt TIM.' VATMF.TV STORl because you save ALL THE TIME not lust occasional wvuiv Wujr wnair you neea irom our siocks or nouinw, aUDDlieS. moth ni-PVOntatlvna .1ri.?nt n..necnrirS. M VI rs rt ntU ... I " umer neeaiuis, and prove it I THE VARIETY STORj If you lose anything, advertise for it