II or I'F.BS Iked URB . . ... ib ne n, JRDAY JULY 10, W3 hing rniW aclc 321 Town? . ...ir.rt tmnip make Core ol ieay's your needs from IfONS catalogue. When get to town drop In at TONS Mall oraer ui- 616 3rd Ave., West.. Blue 40O. Our repre- Itatlve win handle your personally and will t(., ..lad to discuss with you shopping problem you kht have. ou new method of shop- . b & 0rder JUSt 13 Ly as shopping direct or the counter of a store. Shop from EATON'S mlnlozue A sTOKK BETWEEN COVERS" T. EATON CJL. UNITED IN MARRIAGE On Thursday evening at a quiet ceremony in the First Uni ted Church, Rev. J. A. Donnell officiating, Eleanor Beckwlth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs E. L. Clapp, was united In mar riage to Sgt. George Leonard Sullivan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Sullivan of New Westminster. The bride was attired In a rose dressmaker suit with matching accessories and a corsage ol pink roses. She was given in marriage by her father. Her sister, Alice Clapp, as bridesmaid, wore blue with matching accessories, and a corsage of red and white car nations. Signalman Eric James attended the groom. Following the ceremony a re- ceDtion was held at the home of the bride's Barents where the bridal couple received the hearty congratulations of their Immedi ate friends and relatives. Jack Cetto proposed the toasi to the bride to which the groom replied suitably. The toast to the bridesmaid was proposed toy Lance ; Comoral E. J. Payne to which Save tlie Vorks with SINGER OIL Finest Quality Household Oil for all moving parts Bsc it often for: SEWINfi MACHINES BICYCLES - LAWN MOWERS WASHING MACHINES SCISSORS SHEARS MACHINERY AND TOOLS of every description Lubricates, Cleans, Prevents Rust Make what you have last loiter and work better with SINGER OIL In the 3-oz. Handy Oil Can 25 cents ffiaeSresMd .LIE THE TOILER . VOU'RE COOL TOWARD Kan FT f mqaV ME. IS THERE SOME OTHOT It FELLOW? M. soi mm im-tuat uaatI 5AVS HE'S H1D1N6 FROM WQRTen flfiOSH I'M 7TM v i AF TEH LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Ello's Pay Cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instru ments. Nick Kurulok, member of a well known local family, having enlisted in the Canadian Army, will leave next Tuesday alter- noon or Vancouver. A Big Dance at Siinnyslde Satur day night. Doors open 9 pin. Ad mission Men SI, Ladles aoe. W. J. Bowerman. superintend ent of Canadian Government Radiotelegraph Service, and L. W. Stephenson, engineer,, left this morning on their return to Victoria after spending the past-few days at Digby Island station on official inspection duties. Uneeda Social Club Invitation Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, July 10. $1.00 couple. (161) lilt: (jiuuiiLaiiiaii vtu. i.v i - jvusg jeuii oiiuiu iuminvw w cutting the wedding cake and ! the city on last night's train the serving of refreshments, Sgt. , from Terrace where she has been and Mrs. Sullivan -left for a honeymoon trip south. The servlteurs were Mrs. S. J Anderson and the Misses Betty. Borland and Marie Nlckerson. The bride was born and brought up In Prince Rupert, and, until recently, was a member of the staff of the Canadian 1 Bank of Commerce. I A 1 it uiuuui iiMa .v-. watered the v,Dro fnr th nnst fifteen months in the urawing-roo" 4 with me Koyai uanaaian vuiys of Signals. ma'am. If you listen I The young couple will have the ..... fco-ir the water best wishes of their many yuu tu 4v on the carpet." i inenas. spending a two week's holiday. Miss Mary Little arrived in Prince Rupert from Terrace on last night's train, to be the house guest of Miss Jean Smith. A. P. Linnell. new general superintendent of Canadian Na tional Telegraphs, succeeding j. O. Davies, who has retired after fiftv vears of service, is 'due in the city by tomorrow night's train In the course of an inspec tion trin west. He will be leaving bv Monday night's train on nis return to headquarters in Tor onto. N. M. Mussallem and his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Trotter, of Prince Rupert are at Halycon Hot Springs on the Arrow Lakes on an extended visit. Mr. Mus-sallpm. who recently returned to the province from Los Angeles, exnects to be back In Prince ! Rupert, before long. a la ruiJ I I -'J I ' ' i IvMHERE'Oll HE SLIPPED OUT THE BABY TALK! THE DAILY NEWS A A meeting will be held at 8 nm VfnnrtaV -TllItT 12. in the Ar- ..... .i.ui'"" ' J ' Mrs. Haldane and Mrs. C. Mor- m0ry. Sixth Avenue, In connec- daunt and child left this morn lng for a trip to Vancouver. band. Will any citizen interested in any way with the formation of a local band please atiena this meeting? 61 MOOSE JAW T.invrf ramvre. former Moose Jaw senior hockey star until an (nlnrv pnriert his Diavins careei, is in Moose Jaw this week with his wife, visiting relatives ana friondj Pamvre. who went ID victoria nhnut two vears ago was a member of the reiereeing staff of the Pacific Coast Hockey League last winter. staff Ret. Addis Osborne, son nf Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Osborne of MnoKP .Taw one of a host of sol- rHpr-art'ists at nresent witn me armed forces of the United states, has some of his work on display in a public exhibit be ing held at the Pasadena, can ifornia, Art Institutes. William B. Davis, 67 years of age, passed away last Saturday mnrnlnor in a Moose Jaw hospi tal. Resident of Moose Jaw since' 1905, Mr. Davis was born in Woodstock, Ontario. He lived In r.mnd Prairie. Alberta, from 1933 to January, 1943, when he returned to Moose jaw. The promotion of Fit. Lt. V. L. Macllroy to the rank of leader was announced last Saturday. Squadron Leader Macllroy, commanding officer of No 5 recruiting centre, k-u-a.., Reelna; came to the centre in July. 1941, as adjutant. Lucy Rainvllle, of Willow Bunch. Sask., was graduated from No. 2 C.WJV.C. basic training centre at Vermillion, Alber ta, last Saturday. Thp sereeant was Inspecting some recruits when, he became j conscfdus'of a slight 'movements behind him and whipped rouna "You idiot," he roared at the offending recruit. "Don't you. ever point a rifle at me again- even if it is empty." "But. it's not empty," the recruit explained. . I NOTICE Elio's Furniture Change of Store Hours STORE WILL CLOSE EACH DAY, 12 to 1:30 p.m. except Thursday, 1 p.m. .Central Hotel Dinins Room OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TUiKAKFAST .... G:.,0 to 9:00 MAC, THIS IS SfR6l nMT KYLEj HE'S H1DIN6 rRQI A KEr-QRTER I v 1 . t I I - L-.V.I IS" ' j ' A. HERE? S5!Sl j A HERO IN HIDING COWARD? HE WON MEDAL'S IN TUNISIA IAJ I. I I AND AND t HE WVS y7jAlQUMDg DTAAJlCEj Anglican Picnic Is Successful An excellent time was had by those attendlna the Anglican Sunday School picnic on Thursday afternoon when about 35 children and 15 adults Journeyed to Digby Island on the mission boat Northern Cross to spend the afternoon In games and The SDorts program consisted of races and ball games and a few hardier spirits among the youngsters braved the harbor water to go swimming. S LUNCH U:30 to 2:00 I DINNER 5:00 to 8:00 1st Avenue and 7th Street pi AH White Help. Larse Quantities of Ice cream nd soda dod were consumed by youngsters of all ages and the Dicnlc was a eay affair. The pic nic party returned to the city at 6 o'clock. In charee of the outing were Rev. E. W. Scot of St. Peter's Church and Frank Skinner. The merchant seaman was vis itincr at the home of a very Een- erous and patriotic lady who, despite her eagerness to help the war effort, wasn't too weu versed about things. "And there I was on the aft deck," said the seaman, "when all of a sudden I saw a torpedo plunging straight for me." "My goodness," replied the hostess cheerfully, "I do hope it was one of -curs! Judge: "The sentence Is twenty years' penal servitude." Prisoner: "But, your honor, I won't live that long!" "Never mind, Just do the Dest you can." Advertise in the Daily News! KWONG SANG IHNG HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tai 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome niwn 5 n.m. to 1:39 a.m. M Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. rbone Red 24? rtiTiWwfl SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria Waypoints, Stewart and and 'North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations .FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 TELL ME HE'S HIDING FROM A DINOSAUR, I'LL BELIEVE QUICKLY JJ d -AS as PP FROM NOAM ON, 'M I'LL COUNT TEKi BEFORE i',lrt EVEN CALL THE SUM CLASSIFIED Admitting in this column Is payable at the office In advance. Please do not phone orders. FOR SALE FOR SALE Five Cocker Span iels. 146 Uth Street. (162) for SALE Used furniture ol all descriptions. Visit Ello's i used department, Third Avenue, next to Dally News, Prince Rupert. WANTED WANTED Housekeeping room or suite for young couple. Apply Bex 527 Dally News. U63) WANTED Furnished or un furnished room or house. Reward $10. Phone Red 738. Lock-wood. 165 WANTED Housekeeping room or suite for young couple and child. Box 528 Daily News. (160) SUCCEEDED IN MUSIC TESTS Results of Toronto Conservatory Examination Announced The following, the names arranged In order of merit. Is a list of successful candidates in examinations held recently by the Toronto Conservatory of Music In Prince Rupert: THEORY Grade V Harmony Pass Bernice Eastwood. Grade IV Harmony Pass Janet Rochester, Dor othy Kergln, Nancy Owens. Grade III Harmony Honors Barbara Flaten. iHistqry Honors Peggy Large. Grade II First Class Honors Mary Ad cock, Bernard DeJong. Honors Estelle Johnston. Pass Delray Haklnson. Grade I Honors Allan Forman, Joan ne Langridge. Pass Louise Amadio. urgently needed. Mrs. Oarbutt. wanted To rent twolight de- Announcements livery trucks, owners apply to Royal Canadian Engineers, All advertisements In this . Steele Block, Third Avenue, column will be charged for a (165) full month at 25c a word. TERRIER wants good home. 1137 ' Seventh Ave. East. (162) Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evitt's July teachers required for begin- j ning of September. Secretary! desires names and addresses now to ensure engagement of new teachers. Please communicate with Secretary, School Board, City Hall. (164) WOULD any party who Is going away lor the summer montn3 be willing to rent room.flat or house to reliable young couple. Best of references.' Apply Box 525 Dally News. FOR RENT ROOM to Let for single person. 2104 Atlin Avenue. U6i ROR RENT Unfurnished room. 946 10th Ave. East. (160) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. HELP WANTED FOR. SALE Light 1930 coupe, apply Box 528, Dally News. (163) WANTED Truek driver for Fishermen's Co-op. Apply National Selective Service AM 67 (16-4) WANTED Girl to work in store. Experience not essential. Good pay for . good service. Apply National Selective Office AF66. (162) WANTED Reliable girl to mind children Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. 25c till 10. 50c till 12. Call 425 Sixth Ave. E. (161) WANTED Boys and girls for newspaper routes. Daily News. (tf) WANTED Stenographer for law office. Permanent position with opportunity for advancement. Apply Unemployment Insurance. Commission AF 60. WANTED Female clerk for cltv office: stenographic ex perience preferred but not es sential. ADDly stating age, qualifications and experience to National Selective Service No. A.F. 61. II MACHINERY (tf) DEWALT SAWS AND WOOD- working machines. Newest types available from direct factory representatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. De-Walt Disher Corporation Ltd , 402 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) PERSONAL YOU CAN RUN A HOME KIN- dergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man. STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk, Customs Examiner, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M. C. C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg, The oldest in Canada. No Agents. First United Church Midsum mer Sale, July 24. Try .a Classified Ad in the Dally News for Quick Results. PAC1E THREE Lfl(trUTO - 75 MILLS KACE veO ATASPtlD ! PA(t tb 2i(3 of a KOUEM MILES AM It's old fashioned to buy by pi Ice alone, especially in buying ap parel. Compare quality first then the price and you'll know why men come herel Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done in wet weather. oil burners also cleaned serviced Phone Black 735 Handyman Home Servke Daily News Advertising Brings Results. . To Our Customers Until further notice our store will be closed daily from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. (Closed All Day Thursdays) VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mail or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the best job and material obtainable. Wc Pay The Return Charses PRESCRIPTIONS Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes Pioneer Drtu&tets THE KEXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 79 p.m. STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OPEN 1) A.M. CLOSED r:.10 PJI. THURSDAY OPEN AT I) A-M. CLOSED AT 1 PJI. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 . Ilox 575 Mi 4 ' 4 V t i x