PAG F POTTR Mi V Try New, Improved Ovaltine If M rhilil lark- j MM fur it nav le !m- did i- Aflri hi vr? inpavUMM land tlMMMti winch, Mimw ll.i- lilM'tit -l t'li, " trv illlt !!- I fur hr;iltli. ' 1 gnmih max e stunted or imp. in-'I MM be BflJ !" H MM) vidirn In irr .itlinir Mrkiif". A "protecting" lMMl-lrink, Nw. Improved Qvabinc mMi to it obikTi inral- ih' food dement most Ukfl to lit dftit int in In- die I. Three Mrvingi 'f Vt Improved Ovaltinr fiirnieh .1 child vtith a sigttn CMI1 portion oi hli il.nK requlretMnl of Vitumins . and I . and (lie minerals atU'iiim. Ili i-jiliorii- and Iron alo .puck fooA energy rlrmmtti and hi:h malitv rotein all lor hwfldhl sturd lioilic-. So if voi 1 r child cal- toorl . i I li in or mi. .i ur, win. not start giving him Aeii , Improved alline rrnlurlv? (iet a tin at VOW dnt; or f m m I store. ( MAIL FOR FREE SAMPII -j I A. Wander I-Imltetf J Dept. 69, Peterborough. Out. I'lrj-r win) nit- .1 MMpii of rMh mMiiiw . I Kjhinr ami iiifitrmiilo r i.inijihlri mi hi I niiirilioiial .' s. I Inc Miiiplf- offrr to I Name. j j Civ 1V iMT I 7VII . IMPROVED OVALTINE 72 SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. Fancy Red - Sockeye Salmon i and Herring 1 in Tomato 1 I 11"""? i Saint 1 are both on active service but will be back on your m erocer's shelf soon as condl- permit. ( tditions mami?t . mm m SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Khone 37 P.6. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RCPEKT FOR SALE SPECIAL PRICES New hand-marie RAG RUGS. Artistic designs. 18x36 Special SI j5 RADIOS in first class playing condition. 7 to 10 tubes. Real Bargains. $20 up TYPEWRITERS - Good condition. Remington, Underwood, L. C. Smith. Real bargains $45 One 3-piece CHESTERFIELD SET. High grade tapestry covering. Regular $200, for 1 50 Odd Lines. Pots, Pans. etc. B.C. Furniture PHONE BLACK IJ24 THIRD AVENUE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mis Jean Coburn left on yester- day's tiain for Toronto Mrs. Jens Munthe left on yester-' day's train for a visit to her home j uirth of Edmonton. Tonight's train, due from the East at 1 o'clock, was reported this morning to be five hours late. Walter Polowsky. for driving without a licence, was fined $10 in i;y police court yesterday. Guests at yesterday's luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Clu'o wore Dr. J. S. Cull of Victoria ar.d Bruce Stevens of this city. Mrs Charles Larkin. who has been visiting here with her daugh-!'T, Mrs. A S Nickeison. leaves tonight on her return to Vancouver. Harold Hudson, official of the Kelly-Douglas Co.. who has been here on company 'business, leaves tonight on his return to Vancouver. William Stuart, for failing to r.iodure a driver's licence, was fined $10 in city police court yesterday and an additional $2.50 for ailing to stop at a stop sign. Dennis Deschmais. truck driver r.r a local contracting concern, .as fined $25 in city police court .-te day for turning his vehicle in the middle of a block. fc Prince Rupert Dry Dock Em-loyees spests and Welfare Associ-uion DANCt. Staff Dining Hall, lays Cove Circle. Saturday. March 3. 9 o'clock to 12:00. Admission 75c n presentation of red or yellow 'ass Ladies free. 61 1 B. Thornsteinssen. inspector of chools. gave an interesting talk on hs work before the Prince Ruperi Notary Club at its regular weekly 'iicheon today. President George Mitchel was in the chair and here was a good attendance of members with a few guests. The Markets Retail market prices now current here are as follows: Fruit Grapefruit. Calif. 3 for .25 and .10 Lemons, doz 35 to .45 Navel Oranges, doz. .29 to 55 Bananas, lb 20 Pears, doz 60 Emperor Grapes, lb 30 Apples Newtons, doz 30 Rome Beauties, case 2.50 Butter First Grade, lb 43 Lard Pure. 2 lb. .35 Vegetables California Carrots 2 lb.s .25 Sweet Potatoes, lb .20 Potatoes, lb .03 Garlic, imported, lb .20 Parsley, bunch, .10 Cauliflower, each 35 to .56 Cabbage, Cal., lb 15 Rhubarb 23 Lettuce, Calif., large 19 Small 15 j Celery, lb 25 j Texas Spinach, lb 20 Fish 1 Salmon, red spring, lb 25 Halibut lb. 30 Smoked Kippers lb. ... 15c. au 2t Flour Elour. 49's No. 1 hard wheat . 1.95 Second Patent 1 80 Flour, 24's 1.05 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 65 Sugar White, lb 09 rellow, lb 09 Golden Brown lb .09 Cheese Ontario Solids, new, lb 40 Stilton, lb 40 HUMAN SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EVER W R M Winslow. assistant genera! manager of the Canadian Pish & Cold Storage Co.. left on last evening's train for a trip to various points in Eastern Canada and the United States on company business. Ernest Weisner. who has been here for some time on business in his capacity as auditor for Canadian National Telegraphs, left on yesterday's train on his return to Winnipeg A NOTICE -Meyer's Studios introductory offer. One 8x10 color'one portrait. Only $1.99. Fbr appointment apply Star Shop. 819 Third Ave. West. Among those arriving from the south yesterday morning was Mis. George Little who has spent the winter in Vancouver. Seattle and other coast cities. Mrs. Little proceeded to Terrace on the afternoon train. Por drunkenness Jeffrey Wale, Edward John MeLaehlan. George Pclwards. David McConnel and Pnavo E Lfndgren wre each fined $50, with option of thirty days' imprisonment in city police court yesterday. BOLD LIQUOR, FINK!) Prank Oscar Turnroos. for selling liquor, was fined $300. with option of three months' imprisonment, in city police court yesterday Staff Sergeant P W Gallagher prosecuted and T. W. Brown acted as de-' nee counsel. SINUS PAIN Relieved Fast This Easy Way! Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostra and feel it go to work ... B...B r. - soothing relief VT ' irom niiM'i-ablc UirC sinus pain. VA-TRO-NOL Untaught Fiddler Makes His Living VANCOUVER. March 11 (P In Klondike paika. stocking cap and sweeping gray beard, you'll see him any day on Vancouver streets sitting on a camp stool, fiddling for his supper. Matt Nystrom waited until he was 60 before he bought his first fiddle for $2, because he read in a Swedish newspaper that musicians reach their peak at that age. He an t read music, he has never studied any of the great masters. He plays the violin for a livinn be cause he injured his back while working the the woods. "When you hurt the back." h explained in cadenced Swedish accents, "You must use the brain. I cannot work hard. I was hungry. I knew I had to eat. so I got a fiddle and now I make my own way." From his initial investment Matt stepped into the higher brackets Now he whips out "Pretty Red Wing" on an instrument for which he paid $35 and which he insists is Worth $1.00. But Matt realizes his musical shortcomings. He's going to enroll for a series of violin lessons. "I will learn and learn," he promises himself, "and, who knows one day the world will listen to Matt Nystrom." Men,Women0ver40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old ? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality? Doiw weak, ruiMlown 1164 povdltlon rnAlt you feel 'anvil nut. Mill 1 Hi rx Tome TuMhil t iiuiluiiiH. orimi nrrdnl after ;(0 or 40 Help you irn normal imp. vim. vitality Thai tin Mf. SAVE REAL MONEY--" SI Bli or opfHal "Kmriomy" ne aixl av from 6C to Utkt. Al ail druBiu blun nUy. THURSDAY. MARCH 11. 1943 THF DAILY NBWB Military Orders by Lieut.-Col. G. C Oswell. E.D. Parades- Commencing Monday. March 8, the following schedule is in effect: A Company Wednesday, 20:00 hours. B Company Thursday. 19:30 hours. C and D Company Friday. 19:30 hours. Security of Information All ranks of the Canadian Active Service Forces are warned agavist communicating either verbally or in writing any item of informal mi: respecting naval, army or air force matters which may be of value to the enemy. In particular private correspondence should make no mention of the disposition, movement or projected movement of warships, merchant ships, troops or aircraft: details as to numbers, armament, equipment or conditions of ships of all kinds., troops or aircraft: any measures which have oeen taken or which are projected i'or the defence of any place. C. J Norrington. P2-L Adjt. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word Card party. Catholic Hall. March 17. Contract and Whist; good prizes. Admission 50c. Entries Queen Mary Bridge Tournament close March 17. Registered Nurses' Association Dance. Oddfellows' Hall. March 12. S. O N. Invitation Dance, March 19. Eastern Star Dance, March 2. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows Hall. April 2. Cathedral Easter Sale. April 29. FOR SALE Sealed tenders win be received bv the undersigned up to noon on 8a'-urday, March 20lh, 1943. for the Purchase of the following: 1. Central Hotel, inclusive of furnishings. Hotel located at cor-ier of First Avenue and Seventh Street, on Lots 11-14. inclusive. Block 10. Section 1. Prince Rupert: 2. Lots 23 and 24. Block 11. Sec-:ion 1: 3. Lots 23 and 24. Block 19. Sec-'.ion 6; 4. Lot 10. Block 8. Section 2. Terms cash. Tenders must be ubmitted for each parcel separate-v and be accompanied bv certifie j heque for 10r; of tender. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. NORMAN A. WATT. Administrator of the Estate of Cora E. Black, deceased. Send Your J Copy Early ! Local news contributions should be in the Daily News 4- office by 10 a.m. on the day following the event prefer- ably the night before, a let 4 terbox in the door being there to receive copy. Local news not in by 10 a m runs the risk of not being pub- lished. We prefer to have news contributions typewritten neatly and double spaced, if 4 possible. However, legible 4 writing will do. 4 4- OCT ALASKA WAY "Williwaw" is the name of a wild wind which sweeps through the Aleutians. The Call Goes Out to YOU now the need is greater than ever! You responded generously last year, perhaps. This year, with a wider-spread and grimmer war on our hands, the need has expanded. Your Red Cross dollars are needed now as never bolorc. The work must go on with YOUR help. CANADIAN RED CROSS $10,000,000 needed March 1-20, 101.? This Space donated 'bv: TheW. H. Malkin Co. Ltd. Timely Recipes 000a0nKKlCHjOKK(0000OH' SWEDISH TEA IS!N When dough has been punched down roll in two rectangular sheets about 5 inches wide and '2 iifh thick. Bush with melted shor'en-ing and sprinkle with a little brown sugar and cinnamon. Form each rectangle into a long roll and make the rolls into rings Place rings on greased baking sheet and cut with scissors at 1 inch Intervals, almost through ring. Tutu each slice slightly on its side. Cover and let rise till double in size. Bake in a moderately hot oven. 375 dee. P. 25-30 minrtes. Yield 2 rings FOR SALE FOR SALE 34 size beU practically new. with spring filled mattres, and slumber king springs. Also small table and 30" by 80" reversible rug. Call 1533 Pigott Ate. or Phone Black 728. i63, FOR SALE-One sideboard, one combination wardrobe nnrt one dresser. 114 Hays Cove Circle. Phone Black 398 'fiO' FOR SALE House, including furniture. 8th Avenue West: two apartments: $3,000. S50C down, balance $55 per month which is income in rentals from house, interest 6r; . Accommodation two rooms with cooking privileges In owner's home until possession of the first mentioned premises can be arranged Mr-Clymont Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. (CO) FOR SALE Four room house, partly furnished. Apply to 528 7th Ave. West. i59 WANTED WANTED-$20 00 ieward for a 2 or 3 room suite. Box 451 Daily News. '63 WANTED- Old organ for reeds. Phone Green 125. (61) WANTED Room by gentleman. Hght housekeeping preferred. Apph Box 439 Daily News. '56' WANTED Flat or apartment for Air Force officer and wife. Apply Box 449 Daily News. G2! WANTED - To rent or lease fur nished or unfurnished house or suite by April 15. References furnished Box 448 Daily News. 60 1 WANTED To rent or lease, 5 or 6 room house, unfurnished. Clarence Thomson, Phone 423 or 53. (tfl WANTED Sleeping room for young married couple. Urgent. Apply Box 450 Daily News. '60) WANTED Small house, apartment or housekeeping room; no chi!-riren Phone Black 409. .62) WANTED- Naval officer and wife urgently deed living quarters of any kind immediately. Are willing to do any redecorating or improvements. Box 452 Daily News (63i HELP WANTED WANTED Two female store clerks for old established grocery store in Prince Rupert. Apply Unem- playment. Insurance Commission AF 37. (tf) MEN Wanted for Co-operative Fish Camps by April 15. Job Involves handling of fish and stores. Apply Selective Service Office. Ti61 -1589. PERSONAL WTLI, do Washing and Ironing bv tht hour Phone Green 988. ( 59 TIME." "Liberty" and "Newsweek." Inquire Green 59. (591 MiSC ELLANEOUS WIM, purchase Home with large grounds or small acreage. State fullest particulars to Box 507, Penticton, B.C. (60 1 LOST OST Or strayed from Steele Block. 3rd Ave. West, black cocker spaniel with identification tags on collar. Anyone harboring will be prosecuted. Black 255. R. M. Burnett. (60) LOST Roll of money between Slaggard's and Post Offer. Needed urgently. Good reward Finder please leave at Dal'y News. (091 i ! 1 Help The Red Cross SALADA TEA VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 BlCHABfi BTBEET, VANCOUVER, Let us do uur Shoe Repairing. Mail Your Shoes We l'a Keturn ('harses and give you 24 HOURS SERVICE High Class Workmanship Best Material- Reasonable Charges'. : TRY THE VICTORY SERVICE! Prop. II. Van Berkel (formerly of Prince Rupert) A. Mackenzie (.)(! PLACE TO Bl V 5 CHESTERFIELD SUITES, all spring filled. Reversible cushions, some with spring arm;- and others with flex-steel. They are made by Restmore. This is the last that we expect to have of ChesVr-field Suites with springs for some time. SUPPORT THE i'ii ( ROSS Phone " V WORK Furniture Ltd. 327 3rd Avenue BOOTS Out Stock of Working Hoots is second to none. Sizes from (5 to 12. Arch-King, Valentine, (ireb, Til-sonburK and Sterling makes. Guaranteed solid throughout! Priced to fit any pocket. Come in and let us sbow von. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" ENJOY SPRING ON A BUDGET! Somehow you HAVE to express that everythlng-new feeling that Spring brings, but budgets and the times being what they are-wcll. the whole affair seems somewhat dampened But don't be downhearted. Come in and see our delightful display of Spring notions. Oh, to many things that will satisfy thnt Spring dress-up urge anri yet all so inexpensive, you can buy oodles without the slightest qualm of conscience. DO COMEl THE VARIETY STORE "Where your dimes are little dollars" PHONE RED 120 51g M Am WEST OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-WOO U you lose anything, advertise for it OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOrt