HI Mil J M I too DAY, JANUARY 30, 1943 ii low price i tablets for 98 $ lone of the fattest reliefs ever nd for headaches, neuritic ji, neuralgia at incredibly Today, druggists all over Canada are featuring Aspirin, recognized as one of the fastest reliefs from pain ever known, for less than one cent a tablet! Think of It! fast-actine Asnirin that eoei rlr almost instantly, now Driced that hours of relief mav cost Kb few pennies. So anybody can d it. Get the economy size bottle cur druggist's today ... 100 fts only 9ty. It's a bargain in you can't miss. I RNINGI Be sure It's Aspirin fin is made In Canada and is the murk of the Davtr ComDanv. Ltd. frry tablet is not Mprd "Bayer in the M of a cross, it is 3t Aspirin. And don'( anybody tell you MhltlEIOATION IN U.S. ySmi water Irrigated more than ItWO acres of productive land K-?U5 in 1941-42. LOCAL NEWS NOTES L.O.L. Invitation Dance, Monday, Feb. 1 9:30 p.m. In I.O.O.F. Hall. Old time, Scotch and Modern Dancing. Ladies with lunch admitted free. (2B) A Aid to Russia Fund Grenadiers Army Stage Show, Capitol Theatre, Sunday night, 0:15. General admission, $1, loges, reserved, $1.J0; secure tickets before Sunday at Capitol, Watts tt Nlckerson, W. F. Stone's. Take In the show and help the fund, (25) J. V. Neufeld of Vancouver recently was appointed as science teacher on the staff of Booth Memorial High School here but he has not yet artlved in the city. It Is possible that he may be here thii week-end. Mrs. Maurice Fitzgerald arrived in the city this week from Vancouver to visit here for two or three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae, Fourth Avenue East. The County Court case of Helen B. Brooks vs. Robert Braun, which has been pending for some time, was finally settled out of court this week. The action was for specific cerformance of agreement of sale for land at Terrace. W. O. Fulton was counsel for plaintiff and T. W. Erown for defendant. The Inquest Into the death of Capt. J. M. McDiarmld, local army doctor, who lost his life Thursday night In a car accident, has been adjourned until Monday afternoon when the taking of evidence will proceed before Coroner Norman A. Watt and a Jury of which C. L. Youngman, has been named Cash for old gold, Bulger's. ASpecIal Services held.ln East End Hall, 1215 7th Ave. E.. Sundavs. 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Speakers: J. S. Sands, E. R. Jefferies. Mr. and Mrs: R. Taner nre ipnvfnr today for Vancouver. Mr. Taper is enlisting in the Royal Canad'an Air Force. Mrs. Taper will be re turning to the city later. A Jersey and Crepe Prints. Also crepe in pastel shades. Nice select ion. Star Style Wear, Third Avenue. (23) A Annual meeting St. John Ambulance Association, Canadian Legion, Sunday 31, 3 p.m. sharp. (25) The executive of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is to meet next Monday evening, the same night a the Senior Chamber holds its regular monthly dinner Raymond Arthur Davies, Author of "Soviet Asia" and writer for Saturday Night, Toronto Star Weekly and Magazine Digest a3 ; well as other publications, will be 'a visitor in Prince Rupert a week 'from next Tuesday and Wednns-I day. It is likely that he will ad dress a meeting here on the Rus sian situation. Eleven new recruits were enlisted last night for the new Prince Rupert Machine Gun (reserve) Regiment. They were A. N. Curfman, M. S. Decker, G. E. Frlsbee, G. D. Home, P Ingram, L. W. McCrea, A Ovciarka, E. E. Olsen, T. E. Tet-rault, C. F. Turnbull and R. L. Ward. KIL!"" t a-K Man aF A k, I S k B A ! L n b M I o I K T M t L r" a , i U W I N i n t YY A K I Come Come first I eiiwf supply ef depsndobfs dftnMfi Ii onolhtr xomp f riow fnduifrfof cfcemiilry IAi oWi ConooVt wor effort. BECAUSE wc arc in the fourth year of this war, some of the brilliant patchwork of peacetime colours may be missing from our lives, but war, for all its drabness, only tones down some of the colours used. Naturally enough, the service colours dominate the scene Navy Blue, Airforcc Blue, Army Khaki. The dye chemist's first duty is to ensure that these service colours will stand up under all kinds of exposure and rough treatment. Gone, now, is the dependence of Canada (before the last war) on dye-stuffs of German origin.Today, these arc fully replaced by dyes from Great Britain and the United States. For many years C-I-L's Organic Chemicals Division has served industries in Canada with their colouring necds-dycstufTs, pigments, ctc.-for tcxtilcs.Ieather, plastics and other materials. C-I-L's paper, pottery, service involves constant search to provide dyes that keep pace with changing processes of manufacture and the development of new materials and admixtures of old. In addition to furnishing the serviceable dycstulTs required for hard-wearing uniforms, C-I-L has assured a plentiful supply of colour-fast dependable dyestufis to meet every civilian need. . . w. '. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE TEDrui. Naval Dance Is Happy Affair Delightful Event Last Evening In ' Eagles' Hall A dance for the men of one of His Majesty's Canadian minesweepers was held in the Eagles Hall last night. About one hundred were present including several officers from the ship and a few guests. Refreshments were served at il o'clock. Music was provided by Coxswain Stan Veitch's Orchestra. Three novelty dances were run off and a good time was had by all. Funeral Notice The funeral services for the late Mrs. Syd Hamblin will take place Sunday. Jan. 31,' at First Baptist Church, at 2:30 p.m. Interment K. P. Plot. Fairview Cemetery. BUST SPY KING PRETORIA, Jan. 30 W Minister of the Interior H. G. Lawrence has issued details of the discovery of documents whereby a large spy-ring in the South African Union has been liquidated during the past few years. 0 rtiiHcuhcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column will, be charged for a full month at 25c a word. L. O. B. A. Invitation Dance, Feb. 15. Rebekah Valentine Dance, 1. 0. 6. F. Hall, Feb. 12. By invitation. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Odd fellows' Hall, Feb. 19. IN TIIK MTKKMK (1)1 KT OF KltlTISII cmr.Mr.ii in rimii.m: In the Mailer of the "AilinlnKlrattoil Aof ami In the Matter of the Kstate of August iMIhelm Johnsnn leea.eil Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order 6T His Honor W. E. Htaher, made on the 2 2nd day of January, A. D. 1943, I vras appointed Administrator of the estate of August WUhPlm Jahnwn. deceased, and atl part leu halting claims against the said eatwfe are hereby required to fur-nkh same, properly verified, to me on or about the 23rd diy of February. A. V. 1043, and all parties indebted to the HNate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED ait Prtnce Rupert., B.C.. this Mrd day of January. A. D. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Offlrlal Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C. CANADA'S NUTRITION PROGRAM I ill Ii l-f! Km. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 For Income Tax Returns see . . R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. J. M. S. Loubser U.C.. B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone Ml J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westliolme Rooms The annual meeting of the local branch of the St. Johns Ambulance Association, which was to have been held last Sunday afternoon, was postponed until tomorrow. - '" i'sim 1 .ml CCNB CUssintD FOR SALE Two cylinder Diesel Engine. Phone 237. r27) FOR SALE Monarch Range, Apply after 6 pjn. to 1022 Third West. . (26) FOR SALE De Forest 1041 model 7-tube all-wave, band spread, mantel radio. Phone Green 732. (26) FOR SALE On 8th Ave. West, 5-room house, completely furnished; 2-room suite in basement; tools. $2,00. Terms $2,500. McCly-mont Agencies, 307 Third Ave. (26) FOR SALE 10-tube Victor Electric Cabinet Radio. $50. Suite 4, Rand Block. (25) FOR SALE 7 inch bench saw and mandrel with built-in roller bearings. Apply P.CBox 526. (25) FOR SALE Four room house with bath. 1353 Fredrick Street. Phon? Green 739. (34) FOR SALE Black-out shields for majority of cars. Our stock is limited. S. E. Paiker Ltd. (25) FOR SALE 1V2 in. by 6ft. 10 in. bronze boat shaft and 24 in. pro-pellor. Price $40.00. Box 427 Daily News. (25) FOR SALE Two showcases, 6 feet and 8 feet, counter, cash register, candy scale, shelving. Chris Mill Bakery. (tf) LOST LOST, week ago, small black cat, short crooked tail. Reward. Biack 512 or 727 5th West. 126) LOST Diamond ring on January 26. $20 Reward on return to Frank Clough, U. S. Engineer's Office, (28) LOST Lady's Bulova watch on 3rd Ave. Finder please leave at Daily News Office. Generous reward. (25) HELIMVANTEn APPLICATIONS will be received by the Unemployment Insurance Commission for the position of Tax Roll and Assessment Clerk for the City of Prince Rupert. Applicants must possess necessary qualifications as to education. Preference will be given to applicants having experience. Must be exempt from Military Service. Apply stating age, quail ficatlons and experience, if any, to Unemployment Insurance Commission No. AM21. WANTED Janitor for school. Ap ply stating qualifications and experience (if any) to Unemploy ment Insurance Commission A. M. 22. (28) WANTED Woman cleaner for school to work for 2 hours each day between 4 p.m. and 6, Mon davs to Friday. Apply Unemploy ment insurance Commission A.F. 32. (28) WANTED Y.W.CJV. Room Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt WANTED Room for single man, close in. Apply Box 426 Daily News. '26) WANTED House, apartment or suite of rooms. Furnisned or unfurnished. $25 reward. Phone Mr. Bullert, VS. Engineers at 175. (28) WANTED Washing Machine. 244 Seventh Avenue East. (26) WANTED $25 Reward. Youngr couple, no. children, aesue nouse-keeplng room, close In. Apply Box 24 Dally News. (25) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room for men shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. PERSONAL STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS needed badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter carrier, Mall Clerk. Customs Exam-inr, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M.CC. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The oldest in Canada. No Agents. CHURCH NOTICES St. Peter's Anglican St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Seal Cove), Rector Rev. E. W. Scott 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 2:30 p.m. Evening Service. Subject of the Address: "Dope or Dynamism" The evening service will be a special young people's service. The young people are invited to a social hour in the Rectory following the service. . Visitors Welcome. First Baptist Church (Fifth and Young) Rev. C. A. Wright Minister Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. "My Chosen Dwelling." "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come." Sunday School, 12:15. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m. "From guilt-through Grace to Glory." "He that believeth on Me hath Everlasting Life" Social Fellowship Hour following the evening service. Welcome! The "Friendly Church" where strangers and visitors are especl. ally welcome. Church Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor 11:00 a.m "Peter on the Waves." '7:30 p.m. "GOD S PLAN IN . PROPHECY." Beginning a series of lectures on the end of time, considering first God's chosen people the Jew. Free lunch and fellowship hour will follow the evening service a cordial welcome to all! First Presbyterian Church u (Fourth Avenue East) Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A., Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Anthem "God is Love," Junior Choir. 12:15 p.m. Church School. ' ' 7:30 p.rh. Evening Worship. Solo "I walked today where Jesus walked," Sgt. Scarvey. 8:30 p.m. The Sunday Evening Hour. Strangers and Men In the Services cordially welcome. JUST ARRIVED - - -CONVERTO LOUNGES BEDROOM SUITES CONVERTIBLE FOLDING CARRIAGES ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue TRAPPERS Ship all your FUItS to me and get top prices as I have no overhead expenses and can pay more than others. Phone Red 73G. Frank Lockwood CHKHKHWOOOCtKHKHKHKrtHjmHKW Box 193, Prince Rupert, B.C. 2 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 DAT AND NIGHT NEW 39c Pocket Books THE POCKET BOOK OF WAR HUMOR THE COMING BATTLE OF GERMANY Ziff THE HURRICANE Nordhof f & Hall THE POCKET BOOK OF GREAT DETECTIVES MICROBE HUNTERS de Krulf PRELUDE TO VICTORY Reston BAMBI (a Classic) ' - Felix Salten THE POCKET BOOK OF DOG STORIES BEHIND THAT CURTAIN (Mystery) Biggers IT WALKS BY NIGHT (Mystery) 1 .. - Carr THE POCKET BOOK OF AMERICA (Selected Shorts) LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY - P"kin READ POCKET ROOKS 39c EACH FOR CONVENIENCE Hundreds of the Best Titles in a Variety of Subjects Inexpensive Handy Pass them on to the Boys in Uniform POCKET BOOKS INC. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE i 1 11 1 s 1 .1