1 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant HEADQUARTERS For, The WORKING MAN THANK YOU, Mr. Customer We're Proud of You! For limiting jour purchases to actual necessities, you're co-operating with us fine. And then, too, you know our goods last a little longer. SIXTH ST. 4k ft ALL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BKAJiPS Coveralls Work Coats Overalls Quality You Can Afford. Work Pants Work Socks Work Shirts Work Shoes Suspenders Sweaters Across From Ilelgcrson Realty TRAPPERS Bring your furs up town and call all the buyers. You'll get 30 percent more if Goldbloom is there. We're in the market for everything and pay highest prices. W. GOLDBLOOM (The Old Reliable) .;7, ... -r.rst. ..--;.- Every Home Should Have a Complete FIRST AID KIT First aid may save a life possibly your own. Every home and car should have a complete first aid kit to cope with any emergency. This is a wise precaution while we are at peace but an obvious necessity in wartime. See our complete line of First Aid Kits and stocks of hospital-fresh dressings, antiseptic and other supplies. (Jet yours today and be prepared. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drusipiats THE KEXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily Newr that the people of the whole district are doing thp 8am AID TO AGGREGATES WERE HIGH Cy Kellett, Kam Lee and Benny Lee Co Strong in Five Tin Bowling League Cy Kellet set the individual pace again in the Five Pin Bowling League Monday night, rolling a strong 910, but his Sav-Mors team was beaten .out for high aggregate pins by the Chinese Youth Association aggregation, Kam Lee and Benny Lee making 832 and 805 respectively. Sav-Mois took a clean sweep three games to nil victory from Stone's Clothiers while Chinese Youth won two to one over Monarchs. Complete results were as follows: All Stars' 3, Signals 0. Chinese Youth 2, Monarchs 1. Watts Si Nickerson 2, Painters 1. Sav-Mors 3, Stone's Clothiers 0. Air Force Wireless 1, Bums 2. BURNS IS HONORED A fine meal typically Caledonian and featuring the Haggis, an excellent program of speeches and music and a large attendance featured the annual Burns Banquet on Monday night of the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. F. MacSween, the pastor, was In the chair and Mrs. J. A. Teng, president of the Ladies' Aid, welcomed the guests. After the blessing and the singing of "O Canada." the Haggis was piped in wl a the honors. The delicacy was T- iTVl 7 P L 7 Pi --p porn aioi i Dy uapt. Harry calder- KUDCrt Meil S fe DOVS OtOre 51 wood and the piper was George Dunn. After full justice had been done to the meal, the following program i was presented: r.'sss. .-r. . .-. r Chairman's remarks, Rev. A. F. ummmvmxmMsmtm mrnvrnmsmsxtrnvm mmmxvmmm mummm I MacSween. Vocal solo, "Old Scotch Songs," airs, wunam Martin. Address to "The Immortal Memory," D. C. Stuart. Solo, "The Star o' Rabble Burns," J. A. Teng. Toast to "The Lassies," proposed by C. O. Ham, responded to by Miss Netta McLeod. "Songs of Scotland," the Choir under direction of Mrs. E. J. Smith. Toast to "His Majesty's Forces," proposed by W. W. C. O'Neill, responded to by Surgeon Commander Yager. Solo, "Scots Wha Hae," F. C. Salter. Pipe selections, GeorgeDunn. Toast to "Our Allies," proposed 'by D. C. McRae, responded to by uapt. Claude Acree. Selections by choir. The singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save the King" brought the proceedings to a close. The committee responsible for the success of the affair, these ladies also taking care of the serv ing, consisted of Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. James Simpson, Mrs. M. M. Lamb, Mrs. R. Roberts, Mrs. Harry Calderwobd, Mrs. James Hadden and Miss Tekla Fulton. Capt. Harry Calderwood presided at the door. Timely Recipes LIVER LOAF Cover sliced liver with boilinc; water and let stand tor a few minutes. Wipe dry, remove any fibrous parts and put through the meat chopper. To each cup of chopped liver add 1 cup bread crumbs, 1 egg, '4 cup grated .raw carrot, 1 tablespoon minced onion and parsley, 1 teaspoon salt, tenspoon celery salt, Vz teaspoon pepper. Mix well and pack in a greased loaf tin. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 deg. F. for 1 hour. This can be served with a tomato or creoJe sauce. b.hind tht Slory on "TH5U TELL fflE" wvu 10:45 7 7 7 8 8 8: 9: 9: 9: 9: 10: 10: : 10: 10: 11: 11: 11: 11: 12: 12: 12: 12 1 1 2 CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Wednesday P. M. 4:00 Anytime is String-time 4:30 Shall We Dance? 5:00 Blue Shadows 5:30 For Boys and Girls 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Down Lower Basin-Street" Way 6:30 Wendell Willkle 7:00 Eddie Cantor "i:30 Victor Record Album 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Belle McEwen sings 8:45 Consumer Service 9:00 Kay Kyser 9:30 From the New World 10:00 CBC News, rebroadcast 10:05 Salon Music 10:15 Yarn for'Yanks 10:30 Silent Thursday A.M. :30 Strictly Informal : 45 CBC News :50 Strictly Informal : 00 Musical Minutes :30 Morning Meditations :45 Composers' Corner :00 John Charles Thomas :15 Novelty Parade :30 CBC News :35 Alvino Rey and Four King Sisters :00 A Morning Visit 15 Barnabas Von Geczy :30 Anita Boyer's Tom Boys :45 They Tell Me :00 Wilf Carter :15 Broadcast of Messages 17 Vernon Geyer, organist 30 Let's Go Modern P.M. 00 Mid-Day Melodies 30 Your Instrumentalist :50 CBC News :55 Today's Program Highlights : 00 One o'clock Musicale :30 Concert Time : 00 Silent , Local Tides Thursday, January 28 High 5:49 19.1 feet 18:08 16.6 feet Low 12:09 7.6 feet Friday, January 29 High 6:44' 18.9 feet 19:30 15.9 feet Low 0:14 7.1 feet 13:14 7.3 feet Saturday, January 30 High . 7:51 19.1 feet 20:57 15.9 feet Low 1:13 8.0 feet 14:29 6.9 feet Sunday, January 31 High 9:01 19.8 feet 22:14 16.9 feet Low ' 2:21 8.6 feet 15:45 5.8 feet ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess What's all this I hear about Mil lie the Mystic and the Matelots? Careful of the Calgary Crystal Gazer, my hearties, it may be one of these con games one hears about or are you Just a little bit smarter than she is? The Service Wives Club will meet Thursday afternoon In the family lounge at the "Y' As there Is a good deal of mending to be done for the Military Hospital the members would appreciate a really good attendance. There is no cold weather this week to excuse your absence so come on out and help And If there die any mothers of service men in town who are here on a more or less temporary basis much as the wives themselves, they are cordially invited to attend. There Is an increase in the demand for rooms for wives and families of the men recently. When the war with Japan first broke out many wives felt this town on the coast was no place to come to but. as the weary months drag on and the separation seems to stretch endlessly ahead, they ate beginning to come again out of sheer desperation to be near their loved ones. With summer coming on and the fuel question and dim-out getting easier each day couldn't you find some place td"put them? I know all the old arguments for I have heard them and used them but let's scrap them just for a few months and see If room can't be made somehow. Perhaps you won't notice immediate returns in gratitude but remember to cast .one's bread upon the waters Is to have it returned sevenfold and perhaps In some far off corner of the world some stran- CANADA'S NUTRITION PROGRAM KEEP CANADA STRONG Linzey & Ingram SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT from CHRIS MILL BAKERY EFFECTIVE FERRUARY 1, VJi'i, AND FOR THE DURATION OF THE PRESENT EMERGENCY we wish to announce to our many friends and valued customers that our Allied Forces will be operating the bakery and the entire output of bakery goods will be consumed by the various armed forces. We wish to express our sincere appreciation of your valued patronage and hope we may serve you again after this emergency. CHRIS; MILL BAKERY Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Christensen. will be at the Empress Club. I am j sure you will be delighted with the 1 fine dancinu floor, so take care to I keep it in good condition by watering your cigaiette butts and how you dispose of your refreshments. Keep the pariy clean. DIM OUT . mwwMdMirf 1 fjtantMt Mitt 'tt I.Wrni . Dntiarl HtnrMH S& ..... imw To Swim C Walt Disnejs f 1 CAPITOL I 1 rw Comp. Showj TV . 7:00 and ) '. Complete Shows, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 3 Feature at 1 20, 3 20, 5:30, 7 20, 9:20 ger may be doing one of your fam- , ily a good turn. Open your heartj : and your homes! Remember the "Y" dance tonight AGAIN A. 7 4f n. I 1.1. TB EH Ci .'I 'I t Fresh Local Raw I'astcunzcd MIL VALENTIN' I).1 PHONE G37 NEWS WANT ADD Requirements for Feb. 1st WINDOW SHADES AUTO HEADLAMP SHIELDS PLAIN CANDLES IILACKOUT CANDLES DECORATIVE IILACKOUT LAMPS MAZDA LIGHT IIULIIS Tl ir Amr-rw rxrnf Ml- v A re Ir I Y K I I lb. T IIL I I U I Vl" "Where your dimes are little dollars" PHONE KED 120 5ir 3rd AVF. W Wanted --Raw Furs inr.illST MARKET Representing HUDSON'S HAY COIM'A Ship to J. F. OKMHEIM, Cow Hay, Prince Kupcrt, Il.C I'h- ELECTRIC SERVICE MOTORS REWOUND Appliances, Ranges, etc., serviced and repaired by competent electrician. Plugs installed. iay and l'hone H'ut' Night Service. and Or ' SIA STAGE SHOW, CAPITOL THEATRE, SUNDAY JAN. 31. GET TICKETS NOW AT WATTS & W. F. NICKERSON'S, STONE'S AND CAPITOL THEATRE. GENERAL ADMISSION, $1. LOGES, RESERVED SI 50