WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27, 1943 What is a BOOKER-UPPER? Something that stimulates and is a good "pick-me-up". When you feel tired, if your appetite is finicky, or if you feel "run down'a good bucker-upper is a cup of delicious hot beefy BOVRIL. TRY IT TODAY. rnr m hm:mk oikt or iiicitimi V I Oi l MIHA i imioiivti: Mailer f thr AdmlnMratlmi I Art" ami I, Uatlir r the Relate f A5'l-t Vim lohnwii l n'el InleifMtr AKE NOTICE thJt by order of U w E F. hr. made on the 22rv.l mry. A. D. 1943. I was ap-A:!niln!ttBr J.I,: ct the crtt of .ti.n -Im tnhWn riTMlJUVl. A fid ,m,s having rialm agilni't tlie w j rrpeny veruiea, w e ':,p 23rd ctay of February. A. U. ii nnrtlrv indftoted 10 the n quired to pay ttve amount lit-D Prin?e Rupert. DC ?,i ... , j.minTy. A. u. ih. SERVICES TO tills NORMAN A. WATT Ofn-!al Administrator Pr!n?e Rupert . B. C NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZARELLI, PROP. m Home Away From Home" I Kates 75c up 1 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. one 281 P.O. Box 1M a - f incouver. Victoria and Way- fjolnts, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. full Information, Ticket and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Asent third Ave. Phone 568 J. L. Curry 'Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Wcslholmc Rooms : ; ten j m mmi ! m wn SOLD SEAL I Mm Salmon and tions permit. Herring In TflmnfA taio siai M ' errincsJA Sauce ire both on active service Slt will be back on your peer's shelf soon as condi Income Tax I?or Returns see . . R- E. Mortimer The matter of certain roominrr houses cutting down on services to tenants because of rents being ordered cut by the Rentals Commission was referred to at Monday night's meeting of the city council meeting. Aid. James S. Black said that something should be done about it. The matter will be further looked Into. f ) V n i i 3 g. r-ggrd runty ivcu Sockeye M. S. Loubser DC, B.A. Chiropractor a m rt eeRIocV pj,one 6HN CANADA'S NUTRITION PROGRAM MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" rhoncs 18-19 P.O. Box 575 REvvysAysi In vie-lory-buy claim "Stake your War Savins Certificates regularly. !ver included F. Illggins, T. Ross: land, A. Horton, G. Dougherty, A. O. Adams, T. W. Davis, George Knowles, George Crate arid T. F. Taylor. Bruce Abel, who has been rationing officer here for some time and has now been appointed supervising inspector for Western Canada from Fort William to Jh' Pacific Coast with headquarters a-Calgary. will be leaving in "March to assume his new duties. Successor in Mr. Abel's .position here is H. F Glassey. A request from the Poole Contracting Co. to erect temporary double storey bunkhouses on First Avenue for the accommodation of men. working on defence projects thetje was received at Monday night's meeting of the city council; The matter came up In a re port from the health committee which reported that double-tier bunks It was proposed to use could not be permitted under provincial" health regulations. The reports oi the city engineer and fire chief were, however, satisfactory. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THR& LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott and son, who have been holidaying In the south, returned from Vancouver this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniels left last night for Butedale. Word has been received In the city of the arrival In England of Aid to Russia Fund Grenadjer3 Sergeant Pilot William Brown, son Army Stage Show, Capitol Theatre, of Battery Sergeant Major and Sunday night, 9:15. General admis- Mrs. W. M. Brown of this city. Ser- sion, $1, loges, reserved, $1.50; se- geant Pilot Brown received nix cure tickets before Sunday at ' wing m the Royal Canadian Air Capitol, Watts & Nickerson, W. F. Force in.Noyember and was imme-Stone's. Take in the show and help 1 lately dispatched overseas. Shortly the fund. (25) Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Burnett, who have been on a holiday trip south, returned to the city this morning from Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone return- He hopes to visit the home in Lan arkshlre, Scotland, of his father who recently returned from FUNERAL YESTERDAY The funeral of the late Max Schreiber, local fisherman, who ed to the city this morning from a died last week in the Prince Rupert vacation trtpto Vancouver anu I ucnerai uospiwi auer a long ui elsewhere in the south. , ness, took place yesterday from tlv ' , chapel of B. C. Undertakers tc Passengers leaving for Vancou- Falrview Cemetery. Rev. C. A. Wright, pastor of Church, officiated. First Baptist NINE MORE FIRE CALLS So far this month there have been rflneteert fire calls in Prince Latest new recruits to, the Prince Rupert, showing that the depart Rupert Machine Gun Regiment, local reserve unit, last night wer Archie McLean, George V. Hanley, John R. Wrathall, Frank J. Mile; William L. Pope and George Clement Soames. ment is a good deal busier than a year ago when there were but nine calls in all January Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. A Help. Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Jan. 29. L, O. B. A. Invitation Dance, Feb Valhalla Invitation Dance, Odd' fellows' Hall, Feb. 19. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. JOUR KITCHEN is the Front Line in the FOOVFOR-FITNESS CAMPAIGN" Says REDVy KILOWATT . Ill 1 1 UulVJta Wise food buying and correct cooking mcthods-these are your weapons in the war against sickness, fatigue and lost working days. An adequate supply of vitamins and minerals is essential to a healthful, " balanced diet. The trouble is that many of these food elements can be easily destroyed by their three great enemies liquid, heat and air. That is why it is so important for you to remember the following rules of electrical cooking: 1. Use as little water as possible. 3. Avoid violent boiling. 2. Start fast, cook quickly. 4. Cover utensils and don't stir. RIGHT... CANADA NEEDS YOU STRONG" EAT RIGHT -HEi MY BACK w Stiff, achey back may be caused by tluggish kidneys. Gin Pills1 help the kidneys to do a full time job) Money back if not satisfied. fttgvlor tli., 40 Pills Lars sit; 0 Pills Inth. U.S. ..kf.r Gln.Pln." J 3 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE Two cylinder Diesel, Engine. Phone 237, (27) FOR SALE Two showcases, 6 feet and 8 feet, counter, cash register, candy scale, shelving. Chris j Mill Bakery. (tf) -FOR SALE Monarch Range. Apply after 6 p.m. to 1022 Third West. (23) FOR immediate sale, chesterfield and table. Phone Green 991. FOR SALE Radio, 7-tube RCA Victor battery set, long and short wave, Al condition, almost like new. Snap. For further particulars Phone Red 769. (23) 'help wanted APPLICATIONS will be received by the Unemployment Insurance Commission for the position of Tax Roll and Assessment Clerk for the City of Prince Rupert Applicants must possess neces sary qualifications as to educa tion. Preference wili be given to applicants having experience. Must be exempt from Military Service. Apply stating age, qualifications and experience, if any. to Unemployment Insurance Commission No. AM21. WANTED Reliable woman, light housekeeping and care of 3li-year-old girl during day. Salary open. U.S. Staff House 14, C.N. Park, or Phone Street, 646. (23) WANTED by dry goods store, ex- periencccV salesgirl. Apply Employment Office, AF 31. (22) WANTED WANTED Room for single man, close in. Apply Box 426 Daily News. '26) WANTED Washing Machine. 244 Seventh Avenue East. , (26) WANTED $15 Reward. Young couple, no children, desire housekeeping room, close in. Apply Box 24 Daily News. (25) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room for men shar ing'. 718 Fraser Street. LOST LOST Parcel containing slacks Would finder please Phone Blue 821. (23 LOST Male kitten, buff colored, neighborhood of Alfred St. Finder please return to 808 Alfred St. nfipr 7-nn n m. Roward. (23) WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue Mrs. Stephens 96 Years Old Another Birthday for Well Known And Popular Old Lady Mrs. Annie McKay Stephens, mother of Ex-Mayor M. M. Steph ens, Is "being congratulated by her many old friends today on attaining her ninety-sixth birthday, Mrs. Stephens Is still enjoyln? very fair health although the cold weather of late has been keeping her Indoors. She is looking forward soon, however, to resuming her. calls on her neighbor, Mrs. CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 8 P.M. In the Lutheran Church Hall, McBride St., at 5th Avenue All Interested please attend. BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK BUY WAR BONDS OR CERTIFICATES Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 5 DAY AND NIGUT SPEED VICTORY- - ll Do Your Utmost in Giving to the Canadian Aid .to Russia Fund SEAL COVE TRUCKING & TRANSPORTATION CO; THREE'TWO TAXI JohnGurvich CONTRACTOR NEW 39c Pock et Books THE POCKET BOOK OF WAR HUMOR THE COMING BATTLE OF GERMANY Ziif Nordhoff & Hall. THE HURRICANE THE POCKET BOOK OF GREAT DETECTIVES MICROBE' HUNTERS de Krulf PRELUDE TO VICTORY .' Reston BAMBI (a Classic) , Felix Saltel1 THE POCKET BOOK OF DOG STORIES , BEHIND THAT CURTAIN (Mystery) ..ii- Biggers IT WALKS BY NIGHT (Mystery) Car: THE POCKET BOOK OF AMERICA (Selected Shorts) LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY pitkin READ POCKET BOOKS 39c EACH FOR CONVENIENCE Hundreds of the Best Titles In a Variety of Subjects Inexpensive Handy Pass them on to the Boys in Uniform POCKET BOOKS INC. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE I 1 I 1 BrjsSHSHESBBSSHHHni