It ? ! PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Alternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR Transient, per Inch Contract, per Inch . Readers, per line g- Black Face Readers, per line LOCAL ADVERTISING Business and Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, $1.00 505 25c 40c ' per Inch '. 4$2.50 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press. Is exclusively entitled to use. for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. ' i DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL Intyorth Africa Friday, April 9, 1943 The battle picture in Tunisia looks better every day for our side. Indeed, it is surprisingly good, particularly the last few days. We and our American and French Allies continue to keep moving forward, narrowing the area in which the Nazis and their Italian stooges are becoming bottled up and improving our own position all the while. It is reasonable to etpect a hard fight somewhere before the enemy are finally driven out of North Africa, as it appears certain they will be soon. However, we had expected and predicted harder fights than we have had before we came this far in North Africa. Possibly some of the other undertakings which we have come to look upon with such trepidation but which we know we must carry out before we win may come easier than we have been anticipating. Of course it is no time to indulge in wishful thinking. So far we have come along verv well preparing for the worst instead of hoping too much for the best. t Acknowledging Good Service ... Now that he has retired as a member of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital to which he has givenactive and valuable service for many years, it is appropriate to say a few words of acknowledgement in appreciation of our .good .friend, Frank D'ibb." As fat-as his WOl'lc for thfi hnsnitnl IS pnnppvnorl nnrl Vin Tine ov- pended a great deal ef energy in effectively forwarding uie imm-esis 01 me institution in many ways, the fine new hospital building, which was erected a few years ago, was the outstanding accomplishment with which he had much to do. Had the building not been erected when it was, one can imagine what the situation would be today as far as hospital facilities are concerned. Mr. Dibb's decision to withdraw from the board will mark a distinct loss thereto and it is to be hoped that his business interests and health will permit of his resuming activity thereon in the not too far distant future. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Let us do your Shoe Repairing. Mail Your Shoes We Pay Return Charges and give you 24 HOURS SERVICE High Class Workmanship-Best Material-Reasonable Charges TRY THE VICTQRY SERVICE ! Prop. II. Van Berkel (formerly of Prince Rupert) WANTED Men for steady work in oil warehouse. Good wages, IS-hotir 'week, overtime, time and a half. Applicants must have lodging accommodation. Apply Unemployment Insurance : Commission, A.M. 30. We always catry a full assortment of r I - ' t 1 Cooked Meats Use them for sandwiches and lunches. Our' refrigeration system always keeps them at their peak of flavor. Mussalh 9 lem s r i , . - a . . , zr ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars have more Cents" Phones 18-19 pjQ. Box 573 LETTERBOX APPEAL FOR "STRANDED" Editor. Daily News: Theie Is a matter of grave importance I feel urged to bring to your attention. It has been discovered during my short stay here in this town and brought to my attention by numerous other people. That Is the need of official improvements for the good of all concerned particularly as regards to social problems of respectable sincere earnest working civilian citizens from other parts of the Dominion and this province who, from one circumstance and another over which they have no control, become stranded some with and others without funds and afflicted with 111 health and unable to .get medical attentions as well as hospital space, living accommodations, and assurance of steady employment and the right vocation to meet their abilities, to meet up with their expenses and trans- THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY. APRIL 12, 1943 What therefoie can and are such people to do. I ask? "Must they be left to perish and die without care from Influenza, pneumonia, and pleurisy, having no place to lay their heads and rest (n safety from the elements as well as thieves and annoyance from drunkards or are they to be salvaged from the wreck of their Illnesses and brought back to good health and usefulness again and so continue to become worthwhile citizens that will in turn be looked upon to do the same for you snS'uld you yourselves meet with similar affliction and misfortune? If you people of Prince Rupert fail to help other deserving men and women citizens so stranded from other cities who came out to do their bit in the war effort then how can you expect them to help you when you need help? The problem works both ways. Are w? all exploitative bleeders and takers who can not find a spot in our souls and hearts to be givers and so live the life we really believe in and claim to be fighting, working and receiving value for? No citizen can prosper for long who takes all portatipn searches for other em- I and allows nothing for seed, food, ployment if such searches be en- health, -for the up-keep of their forced upon thetn; also climatic disabilities, and inconvenience or railway time. In some cases they are even afflicted with all these difficulties together In one. country, their land, and their na tional citizenry one to another. Come let's reason sanely together without sensitive Jealousy evasive buck-passing and the in feriority complexities. of thin skinned sarcasm .upon this matter men and women! in earnet re sponsible official conference. Let us show the world we are worthwhile people and are capable of taking the lead and setting the better example one to another. This thing of firing people and railroading them with framed dishonoron flimsy pretexts In prejudice because decent conscientious men and women dare to progressively complain, showing the need for Improvement and dare to stand up for that which. Is right 'won't make responsibilities any better but worse and will not get you very far. All things misdeeds and mis-Judgments have their ending, and will have to be answered and accounted for some day sooner or later for It Is law of science that it shall be so! The question now Is. who's side are we on the common enemy or the Canadian people in general? Too, it's all very well for some sections taking a stand for prohibition but, If we haven't anything progressive to provide to take the place of liquor in the way of rescue stations or hostels for unfortunates, and adequate district nursing, medical and hospital service. Also reading and writing rooms, and recreation halls and comfort stations and lockers for the safe keeping of their be-? longings, caretakers and Instructors, then of what good and use are we as citizens? We are thus no better than the drunkard and show ourselves to be neglectful and saboteurs of the first order working against our cpuntry's Interest and well being. As ye sow. so shall ye reap! If the fighting - military can Jealously look after thefts members suiely the same can be done, for the working dtfzenry. How about It 'folks! what do you say? Let's all get Together and do something progressive, definite and immediately about this tragic matter of moment that, I speak of and that Alderman Black gave voice to in the last issues of your local papers. The way matters Are now, It obviously Is necessary to get suicidally drunk not only for the sake of finding accommodation in Jail, safe from the elements Tjut also to shut one's eyes to the blues and the Impossibility of officialdom, and appalling dis respect and don't care inefficiency of those that shpuld be responsible and who are not. Elaborate buildings are not- necessary to meet this very pressing need so long as they are habitable and these who cannot afford to pay or have not .sufficient funds to meet their other needs should not be charged. But th. -u should. 00 i We are all sight and neglect, there k nylng" this fact. Some art worm helping I am rnad, to ' mit but there are a lot that , deserving pnd when peoDle lck If ltnot for us the reason why's and 2? drtpsayU serves them " one Is perfect. Thev n, ... lVt of help! Especially when thevTf lor It and appeal for it Not ' at clless, cowardly, unprincipled Z' m' demnallon. Yours truly, HAROLD II, THORNTON For Income Tax Returns stt .. R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 32 2nd Ait J. M. S. Loubser O.C., JLA. Chiropractor Wallace Block Pbm mi a . fJ l AKE NO DOUBT OF IT. We're on the more .. .millions and millions mnro . M offensive this year. The goal of Victory today fight offensive warfare. And that " is nP!irir fdin a,.aUi,. Tl.. !t . t r . . v ----- ...... vu uuuiu uui H vvuu i uc wun irom vou... loaned on vour own rnnntrv'a alone by soldierly courage or good generalship or even good luck. It will be won only if these qualities are backed with every dollar of financial strength Canadians can muster. - w ; . guarantee that you'll get every cent of it back. Soon you'll be asked to buy Victory Bonds buy as you've never bought before. Make VOlir nlnne "NOW. Plnrltm If w Can't you realize this? Can't you see that, if it you'll hold nothing back. Determine to buy .took bo many millions of dollars before just to and buy . . . to the point of self-denial. Victory maintain a stout defence, it's going to take is in your hands NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE