PAGE FOUR 'ft Expert OPTICAL SERVICE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mail Orders Piomptly Filled. Family Chas. Dodimcad J Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, iland Enrravlnr VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dlnncrware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant LETTERBOX LOCAL CENSORSHIP Editor, Daily News: I have had the pleasure on more than one occasion in reading your editorials anent the criminal folly of repeating rumors tending to the discredit of other members of the United -Nations and of their efforts in the prosecution of the war. I find the paragraph regarding the inaccuracy of United States bombers prominently displayed in your War News column of April 10 sadly at variance with these. Might I suggest that even if such items are telegraphed by some correspondent more rabid for sensationalism than for unity it would be good practice for you to follow Local Tides Wednesday, April 14. High 9:05 16.1 feet 22:06 16.7 feet Low 2:46 10.5 feet 15:30 7.1 feet Thursday, April 15 High 10:06 16.9 feet 22:49 17.4 feet Low 4:05 9.8 feet 16:26 6.8 feet your own precepts and to exercise local censorship. The item may be true, although it savors more of the work of an Axis propagandist but the repitl tlon of it can serve nogood pur pose and can only be classified as bom muenievous and dangerous. D. McN. LOWE. yours For a Smarter Easter Assuming, of course, your Spring Shoes come from The Cut Rate Shoe Store May We Suggest: Don't fail to see the newly arrived Spring Shoes now on Sale at the Cut Rate Shoe Store. The smartest array of Women's Shoes the market affords. Many of these styles would not be available in Prince Rupert except for the fact that the Cut Rate goes direct to the Eastern niarjiet to buy! All Widths and' sizes. Cut Rate Shoe Store 506 THIRD AVE. Across from Orme's Drue i A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 60 only, "MASTERCRAFT" HASSOCKS Round, Square and other shapes. Different Colors. Priced from S.'J.oO Phone 775. 327 3rd Avenue 8 s GALIVANT" SHOES IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width, Priced $5.85 and $5.50 SHOE STORE LTD. "The Home of Good Shoes" CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Tuesday P. M. 1:00 With the World's Great Singers. 4:30 Hoosier Hot Shots 4:45 Melodic Moods 5:00 The Dansant 5:30 MacMillan Club Quiz 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Two Kings and a Queen 6:15 Katherlne Hamilton 6:30 Wayne King and His Or chestra 7:00 Fibber McGce and Molly 7:30 Words and Music 8:00 Fred Warlng's Pennsylvan ians 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Music from the Pacific 9:00 Bob Hope 9:30 The Latin-Americans 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Music in Three Quarter Time- 10:30 Lee Swectland 10:45 The Torch Parade 11:00 Artie Shaw's Orchestra ll:30-Silent Wednesday a.m. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:00 Musical Minutes " 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Nelson Eddy 9:00 Composer's Corner 9:15 Console Capers 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Musical Americana 10:30 Consumer Service 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 The Concert Grand 11:30 Petit Corner P.M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Varieties in Wax 12:50 CBC News 112:55 Today's, Program High lights 1:00 One o'clock Muslcale 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent WHEAT-TESTING RIDERS CANTERBURY, New Zealand. April 13 0i n: Z. Army dispatch riders have been used in this mountain-top plains agrarian district to carry forms to distant far mers for fast completitlon for the government research wheat-test ing stations. IX TIIK SIritKMK COl KT lit' HKITlKII inu MiHA ix ncoiim: In Ihr Matter of thr ".tdmliiMratlon Art" ami In th Matter f the Estate of Thomas DailclMHi l,alrU, iecea.eir. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that (by Ortfcrr of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the Bth day of April, AX). 1943. I waa appointed Administrator of the Estate of Thcmaa Dividaon Laird, deceased, ajvl nJI nrtii. having claims against the mid estate are (hereby required to furnish aune. i properly verified, to me on or about th 1 9th day of May, A D. 1943. and all parties i iiKiraeu to irne estaite are required to pay the amourif of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. UAitu at Prtnce Rupert, B.C., ithla 8th day of April. A D. 1943. , J NORMAN A. WATT i 2 Official Administrator Prince Rupert, BC. FOR SALE SPECIAL PRICES New hand-made RAG RUGS. Artistic designs. 18x38. Special S1.2.i RADIOS in first class playing condition. 7 to 10 tubes. Real Bargains. .... $20 up TYPEWRITERS Good condition. Remington, Underwood, L. C. Smith. Real bargains $ ir, One 3-plece CHESTERFIELD SET. High grade tapestry covering. Regular $200, 'for SI 50 Odd Lines, Pots,, Pans, etc. B.C. Furniture PHONE BLACK IJ2I THIRD AVENUE THE.PAILY NZTC3 .yaw in,, Whifflets From The Waterfront 1 Halibut rieet Completes Arrangements for Departure to Grounds Herrinjr Bait Situation The Prince Rupert halibut fleet will start moving out to the Afea" No. 2 grounds on Wednesday of hjs week, the day before the official opening of the fishing season. Boats with names starting with the letters M to Z of the alphabet will be the first to go out. Eight days later the A to L boats will depart. This was decided upon at a meeting yesterday of the Canadian Fishing Vessel Owners' Association under the chairmanship of Capt. Carl Giske. There will be a lay-over of five days between trips. The fishing quota for Area No. 2 has been increased from 2800 to 3500 pounds per man per trio and for Area No. 3 from 3500 to 4500 pounds. This will tend to speed up the fishing and, with more boats expected to be engaged in the fishing this year than last, the Area No. 2 season may well end even earlier than last year when it was finished on June 29. Nothing has yet been settled definitely as far as the manner in which halibut is to be bought and marketed this sea son. Fresh herring having been re-rorted in Alaska, the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. sent a racker north in quest of the fish but it returned with none. If a normal supply of fresh herring Is pounded this year. . there will be sufficient to meet the bait requirements of the year, it is stated by Col. J. W. Nicholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. "The appointment of George W. Nickerson of Prince Rupert to the International Fisheries Commis sion to replace L. W. Patmore is one of the most popular appoint ments that has been made In a long time by the Federal government," writes a correspondent on the Queen Charlotte Islands. "He Is well known on the Islands and has done much to further their devel opment. He Is very popular and has a host of friends. All will wish George the best of everything in his new position." THREE NATION CO-OrERATlON LONDON. April 13 0-After a big raid on Dunkerque, American bombers were escorted to bases by Norwegian fighter planes led by a New .eaiander. wind Cmdr. P. O. Jameson, D.F.C. and bar. It was In a deep Norwegian fjord that he earned his D.F.C. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. tc family is all home again and; back at work. But try to make anyone think we were on anything but a holiday at Victoria. We really did work for three days, going into session at nine in the morning and, but for our meals, sitting through session after session clear through to midnight. How those jnen can talk! And believe it or not I just sat and listened the whole time! However I made up for it the rest of the trip. Everyone was so nice to me on the trip. Going down south I com plained bitterly because there was no late supper served so the chief steward presented, me with a half a loaf of stale bread tastefully wrapped in what they wrap bread tastefully In. Well, I asked for It. We had quite a bit of trouble with Breen though. After all It's asking a lot for a chap to keep his mind on a conference when a' brand new fiancee is In the same town and practically on the same street. Nevertheless he maUe a good show of intelligent Interest at times I say at times. While I was away Mrs. Kellback took over the reins of office and presided so capably that I Just had to step in and take over from the day of my return. And Mrs. Hill-Tout was faithful In her hospital visiting, reporting the following arrivals to Mr. and Mrs, N. B. Wlnsby of the Army a baby boy named Brian Kenneth on March 30. Brian Kenneth weighed 8V4 pounds when born. To Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gibson, a baby girl was born on April 2. No date and no unit was given for this young lady. Dutch has not turned up since our return and we fear he may be sick. Mrs. Pullen tells Breen she saw Dutch drinking frequently from the stream In her garden we are afraid he may have eaten something to poison him. Poor old Dutch! LADIES - Try ... ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SH0PPE For Your Easter Pcrmanents Situated on 4th St., across from Post Office Annette has "recently transferred her business here from Vancouver and will be glad to help you with your beauty problems If you will rilONE BLUE 917 FOR APPOINTMENT mxiiimmiKtKnii: n mtai w. wmi mi ib 1 I FOR APRIL SHOWERS ! and SPRING CLEANING ! Get Hand Cleaner French Balm two sizes Almond Hand Lotion Adrienne Creams Talcum Powders large tins in assorted perfumes 25c tin Ormes Lid. TZhii Pioneer DrKq&tets THE REXALL STORE HIONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. na ' i : : . : . : . : . : :a . in mXuaum THESE TWO ARE TOGETHER! The icreen'i most exciting 0v.i tl f Dorbi Ihev VnAA I- ..ui. "'"'Hit .. are really blazing now! EvcrJV. W of the beit-telling novel! 1 mml Ha. Li .- . a., ni w m 1 m aaaM van bwxj (ft um m. mL-viriLHV-:i i Keep nVtfV l0o am 1N etthe" Hame Wi'll RICHARD WHOSF' MUCIN 1 FORREST rOCKEt .linn Vunnirr Mf till IV . Br.. ... .00 Bhowj its 7:00, l Fortmr at' Complete Shows- 1:00. 3:03, 5:06, 7:09 ll Feature atl:23. 3:26, 5:29, 7:32, 8:35 NOTICE ARROW BUS LINE Announce that due to road conditions, effective Wednesday, April II, the buses will follow the plank roadwij off Hays Cove Avenue, cutting off Claude Street and the Ridley Home. rADDCTC Akin rMjrmicnut IN STOCK Seamless Axmlnsler Rugs, sizes 9x12, CxlO 6'3x3.iW 36x63, 27x54, Congoleum Rugs, 9x15, 9x12, 9x10, 9x9. 7x9, W Floor Covering sold by yard:: Dominion "AM Quality Brown Battleship Linoleum Jkf.i Dominion Marbolcum Felt Base. 6 feet tie. Dominion Fcltol, 6 feet wide Congoleum Gold Seal, 6 feet wide Baroleum Felt Base, 6 feet wide Dominion Rexoleum, 6 feet wide EASY TO CHOOSE A RUG FROM LAROE STOCK Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue, Next the Dally News, Prince Rupert IF YOU'VK A NOTION TO SAVE.- VOU Can alwavs mvp nn WnHnn nf. TIIF- VARIETY STU month 00 sitics? And how much you could have saved by buy i worth c v,.o t. .u, -u nnrf "a auiiii'kiuug worm lIunKins uuuu". down about, tool Spring needs arc here in pro ifuslon! ITHE VARIETY ST "Where your dimes are little dollars -f 1 IIUlYtl Ilftjlf ImU u'