rtmoits or flavour since 1892 the $alada' name assures you uniform blend of quality teas. ALADA NEW ROYAL HOTEL AHELLI, PROP. TEA rs leaving mi mnwu- d Mrs. M. Head, Thomas Talt. Mrs. S. Roper, J. and O. Landry. L. Curry Late of Yukon) uropractor festholme Rooms Lameron RIO THERAPIST KIECTRIC TREAT- 1 MENTS pbago, Arthritis, Rheu- Keuritls and Sciatica l10 am. to 1 p.m., jp.m. to 8 P-m. Itoom 1 UOYAL HOTEL Bunt Away From Home" Mfnatta 75c up ms Hot & Cold water ntr Kupert, B.C. Kl P.O. Box 1M voy TEL uarj .arelli I'rop. M P.O. Box 544 FRlSKR STREET llfflNCK KIIPKKT oooooeiooooxiDooo IMBURGERS W h i St, Rtf 1 lichind Hoval Hotel Rio.nk BLACK 59 JoooouaooopoeocKiiKi H. B. Thompson left this after-noon for Port Hardy. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 10:30, was report ed this morning to be twelve hours late. The spring session of Supreme Court Assizes In Prince .Rupert will be held on May 11 with the fall ses sion scheduled for September 20; The executive of the Canadian KWONG 1 vt mm SANG IIING nop KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to Kin; Ta! 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 Pancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Q UiDniMiil Mr Herring In Tomato Saoc 1 a IjGED SEAL I .1 Legion was- In session last night urVlpn VI rinllO wi4((aro yf I, . , t are both on active lervlre g but will be back on your g grocer's shelf soon as eondl- m rfltions permit. S s IEXT IMPORTANT EVENT Mothers Pay SUNDAY My ,9th 9 wkd uour . . Mqthzrs Day Cartd NOW (OUTT'S DISTINCTIVE CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS m your Easter Bonnet see Millinery Department. new models, very exclusive styles.' Annette's, next to C.N.! Ticket Office. Joseph Partington, well known' assistant purser of Canadian Pacific steamers, arrived in the city nt. thp pnH nf ihr u'pplr tr, Inln affice here for temporary duty. SPECIAL NOTICE! In fairness to my regular customers NO MORE UNIFORMS accepted for cleaning or pressing until further notice. IVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS Mr. and Mrs.- Sid Barrington and Mrs. HU1 Barrington and son, Bill, were here yesterday afternoon bound north from Seattle to spend the summer at Wrangell. Capt. Hill Harrington went north for the season a week ago. Mr. ana Mrs. Jack Hamilton arrived In the city last night from Shannon Bay, Massett Inlet, and left this afternoon for a visit in Vancouver. Mr. Hamilton is timekeeper for Aero Timber Products :at Shannon Bay. -S The Prince4 Rupert- Gyro "Club H will be in regular monthly busl- i ness session at its weekly luncheon i tomorrow, an executive meeting having been held yesterday in preparation therefor. Next week the speaker at the weekly lunch-Ann ttrlll Ko HT4l.nl XT T WTntto Men,Women0ver40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old 7 Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality? rip weak, rundown, exhutteii condition mak ou fwl Mtffd out, old? Try Outre Tunie T&blrUL Uoutaln KrnTKl tonlt. stlmulanu, often nw-dwl trter 30 or 4u. Help you get nnrnml iH'p. vim, vi-,Ulily. TrUlitMSAe. OAVG REAL MlttBY-pi ft. ais or flpwlal "Kc.inoiuy" fUie nd nv b-uiu loo. to 6fMx, Ai all druMMta. ,bian Uxlay. IN TUB SITKKMB TOI KT OF IIK1TISII COI-l'MIHA IX PKOIMTK lii thr Mailer nf the "AdiiiliiMrntlou Art" niid In t lip Miit'trr of the llut of Sevrrln siifi'ii. lii'Cfiisril TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills donor Judge Fisher, local Judge of th Supreme Court of British Coluirtbla, I was on the 25th day of March A D. 1943 appointed Administrator of the Estate of Severln Sagen, formerly of Hunter Island, near the seittlomeint of Bella Bella, British Columbia, Deceased, who died on or about the 23rd. day of November, 1942. All persons Indebted to the said Estate- are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forth with and all persona having claims against the said E&tate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 3Qth daiy of April A, DJ 1943 falling which distribution will -bej made having regard only to snon Claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED ait Prince Rupert, B.C. tails 25Ui day of March 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Admlnlsrtrator Prince. Rupert, B.C. ix Tin: sitkhme roritT of lsitirisii roir.MiwA ix ruoiiATK In the Matter ut the ''Admlnlstrntlon Act" nnil In the Mailer or the Estate of OeorRe Mllchcll I'raser, Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge Fisher, local Judge of the Supreme Court of BrltLsh Columbia, I was on the BUi day of AprU A.D. 1943 airroolnted Administrator of the Estate of Oreorge MltoheJl Fraser, formerly of the CSty of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of January, 1943. All per sons Indebted to the said Estate are re quired to pay the amount of their ln debtlness o me forthwith find all' per sons auvVlTX? Claims aigainai; ,uie snia Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the J5U1 y Di ftxnij-, au. intj, iauinis wlilch dlstrtbutlon will bo made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have tocen notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 5th day of April, 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator . Prlnct Rupert, B.C. TTTTJ rt ATT.V MFUffl LOCAL NJEWS TOES A Ello's Pay Cash for Furniture. : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gale r. of Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. Skidegate arrived In the city last miss Noreen Gibson left last night for Vancouver, her Intention being to enlist for active service. Miss Nancy .Rorie left last night for a holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Important Special Meeting of the Trades ,and Labor Council wjll be held Tuesday, April 13, at 8 p.m. Full attendance is requested. (87) Mrs. Clarence Martin arrived in the cjty last night from Massett fdr a brief visit, returning to the Island's tonight. A For " -' . ... .uuu luuvivia ji uuaiiicoa Annette's were taken up In preparation for w All ' the regular monthly meeting to be held tomorrow night. Constable J. R. McAllister arrived in the city Sunday night from Vancouver to assume duty as city gaolor here. He ' originally comes from Edmonton. night from the Queen Charlotte Islands and left this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. A The Ladies' Bowline League will hold a party at the Knox Hotel on Wednesday night, April 14; at 9 o'clock, wnere the cups will be presented to the winners. All mem bers are Invited to attend with escorts. (87) E. S. Richardson, fisheries In spector for the Queen Charlotte Islands, Is paying a brief visit to the city. Jle arrived last night from Port Clements 'and 'will leave tonight on his return to the Islands. B. Thorsteinssen, Inspector of schools, returned to the' city yesterday from a 'brief trip to Ter"-race. Last week he got back from a business trin, to Vancouver. Richard Nelson and John A Clarke of Nelson B"ros. Fisheries Ltd., after a visit here In connection with the company's hew cannery project at Port Edward, left at the end of the week on their return to Vancouver. A Notice to Patrons Owing to extreme pressure' on our faciljties we' are compelled to request our '.he staff of the Canadian Pacific atn? l to Fingi? u.niforms uuui luruier notice, inc, launary work will be speeded up td weekly service. Hawkinson's Laundry. 24. Presbyterian-Spring Sale" S.O.N. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, who will give an address In review tand ' Ie APm 21 of city affairs. Friday, A (87) The British Columbia Gazette; announces incorporation of the; Kaien Consumer's Co - operative Association, the new merchandls-i Ing branch of the Prince- Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative . ' - hhcuhcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged .for a .full month at 25c a word. .Sonja Home Cooking Sale. April Apr. 15 prll 16 C.C.F. Bridge, Valhalla Hall, April; 20. , . j. ! .Can. Legion ,W- A. Spring Sal?. Queen Mary JIasler Monday Tea, Mrs. Parkin. " "r . . Cathedral Easter Sale, April 29. C.C.P. Invitation .pance Oddfellows' Hall. April 29. Mayday Ball, Oddfellows' Hall, Frl. April 30.: Spring Bazaar W.A, May 6. United Church' ''xawiBnaiiKsiainKiiiKBWiiBiiiiBiffiif Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY I PHONE 657 g SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent ' Third Ave. Phone 568 CLASSIFIED .FOR SALE FOR SALE-;Kltchen stove, studio couch, gateleg table, drop-leaf table, 4 "jphalrs, jiaby carriage, chest of drawers? 1452 6th Ave. "' East. 88) FOR SALE L C Smith typewriter. Ello's. FOR SALE Wicker baby bassinet, child's crib, pirigpong table and set. Phone Blue 833. (9(j) FOR SALE Low English pram. Phone Green '885. " " (87) FOR SALE-tBarber chair, baby carriage, cabinet battery radio. 1956 Seal Cove. ' (92) FOR SALE 1935 Plymouth 7-Yas'senger Sedan. In really good shape. Tires, upholstery and paint In flrst-clas" condition $695.00 1938 "Plymouth 7-Passenger "Sedan, with trunk. This car Is being factory reconditioned In our1 J work plant $895.00; 1939 Plymouth ,7-Passenger Custom Sedan. This car Is just like new; all new upholstery, tires like new, complete new paint job $1150.00 Prices are F.O.B. Victoria Kegg Motor Company Limited 1 "865 Yates' Street, Victoria, B.C. (90) FOR SALE Mirrors, all descrip tions. Elio's Used Department. wanted"1 WANTED Party to care for child; cottage room and board plus sal-, ary. Apply Box 470 Dally .News. ; (91) WANTED Two or more unfurnish ed fdoms, ' house or apartment. Phone Red 162. (92) WANTED ($15 reward) Urgently. light housekeeping furnished room, suite or apartment by married couple. Phone Red 617. (86) WANTED Apartment or small house, furnished. $25.00 reward. Box 471, Daily News." (91) WANTED Housekeeping room or Apartment. $15 -reward. Phone Prince Rupert Hotel,' Room 83, (90 adults. Phone Black 85 evenings. (tf) Weliwantkd ' WANTED Reliable girl for Hotel work. Wages, Room and Board. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A. F. 44. (tf) WANTED Experienced book keeper for sawmill and store. Apply Unemployment Insurance. "Commission AM 35. 188) WANTED Walter for ex-service men's Club. Apply Natl6nal Selective Service A. .M. 36. T89 1 i WANTED Janitor for ex-service men's Club. Apply National Selective 'Service A.M. 37. (89) WANTED at once Stenographer for Railway Supt's office at Prince .Rupert. Standard ywages plus cost of living bonus. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 43. (87) WANTED Girl or woman for light house duties, good wages. Phone Green 596. (91) WANTED Truck driver for Cart age Business; must be aoie to keep records. Apply ',Unerhploy-me'nt Commission AM.34. (tf) WANTED at once, for local shipyard, 25 youths ages 16 to 20 for rivet passers. Applica'tTohs to be made to. Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 33. (90 1 WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Chinaman would like work by hour. Apply Box 486 Daily News. (92) WORK WANTED Young married man wants part time dally work. State full particulars, wages, etc. Pox 469 Daily .News. (88) LOST LOST Lady's gold identification bracelet with name""Loulse." Initialled "A.V.E." Phone Red 162. (88) LOST Pocket watch near general office BiC. .Bridge and Dredge Co, 2nd Ave. Phone Black 730. Reward. (88) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for men sharing. 718 Frascr Street. (89) I ,PAOE .THREE NTRODUCING 77k W I N G Q U I N T E tWESTE.RN; CANADA'S MOST .OUTSTANDING R. P. PROVERBS. .DAACE aANI This Versatile .Group, composed ' entirely qf RapMo and Stage Artists, is now available for J!ri:!IOai':TyniiMr:ia'Jiilrai,i:i,,lirar U and I CAFE I On Waterfront WILL 0,PEN AJRIL amiakpiiiiiiBiiiiT.BiKni Dance Engagements SWING. AND SWEET The Music you Like Played the Way you Like it. i,i:h,i , H esitatei Book the "Swing Quintet" for yoyr Next Dance NOW "A Musical Treat for Dancing Feet" PHONE GREEN 502 AFTER 7 -.' : - .. i P.M. MAN WITH A HOE It's n6 secret weapon, but the hoe Is the garden 'general's big gun in his battle against weeds. GARDENERS TION! Lime, for instance, is added to acid "soil. Sand maybe mixed with soil that ts too fine grained. RUPERT BRAND Th. Sole Fillets ... At Your .... Local . . Rutchcrs . -. i ; ii i .- NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage riUNCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. SHOES BRITISH COLUMBIA SHPIS SHOES Closing out all ; r-t Shoes ... ifrom ..... Annette Ladies Wear and The Style Some of .these are New Shoes just received today. Beaumonts, Wilmonts, Debs, Graceline, qtc., are among well known makes. All shoes ,to be sold at , greatly reduced prices. These , For Sale TUESDAY, 9 A.M., MARCH 31, 1913 at "THE STYLE SHOPPE" (Next Door Rulkley Market) SEE OUR WINDOWS