Local Temperature Tonight's Dim-out Maximum 64 (Half an hour aftw sunset to Minimum A ball an hour before sunrise.) 9:38 pjn. to 5:40 ajn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXXII, No. 100 VOL PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Liquor Are Further Cut BREACH IS STILL WIDE Churchill and Itoosevelt to Appeal Personally to Stalin, it Is Said i LONDON, April 2D Irime .Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt wcie reported today to have agreed, following on transAtlan-tic telephone conversation yesterday, to make direct personal appeal, probably through the ambassadors at Moscow, to Pre-mier Joseph Stalin in regard to the ciisis between Hussla and the Polish government in exile, Stalin, it was suggested, might be asked to meet Churchill and Koosevelt personally. The Polish government last night appealed to "the United Nations and humanity" for the release ot Polish prisoners from Russia. A Polish spokesman denied that there was a secret part with Germany. Meanwhile Russian newspapers tit blunt and outspoken about the attitude of the Polish government in London, demanding that Naii sympathizers be removed. They declare that the Polish government is not representative of Poland. The breach appears to be as wide aj ever today. SITUATION UNCHANGED,. Boeing Aircraft Tlants in Vancouver Are Still Closed VANCOUVER, April 29 Oh Th.xauri: of aircraft workers re-V rt:d usual today to plants of Boeing Aircraft of Canada Ltd. to find .hc nates closed as the dispute over rest periods entered the second day. -, , Ihcrc u no Indication as to when a break may come In the iuation created when an unau-thiriifj rrst period was taken yesterday and the company closed Its plant anting It was said on In structions of the munitions and 1 supply department. 1 LOAN IS GROWING Subscriptions Here Yesterday Totalled $61,700 The total of subscriptions for the first three days of the Fourth Victory Loan campaign In Prince Rupert was $147,450, yesterdays aie having amounted to $61,700. On the first day of canvass, the salesman for the Chinese community brought in $2,700 of subscription;, Pnr .p. , ,.,( ,(, 1 Ann mi and Vandcrhoof $2,700. Sunny.iide, Carlisle and Claxton 'nd other canneries are off to a good start. Following are further Individual subscriptions: Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation $1,000 Gald James Scott " 50 Tch H (Prince Rupert Group) 200 wrs. Marjorle M McKenzle 200 M". Jean E. M. Long 100 Mrs, Lewis Oregory Wider 100 Edward Walter Scott 50 Mrs. Annette Hodgson 50 Peter DeJong 700 Mr; Susie Weder 100 Mr Isabella Wilson 100 0rge R. Dodds 50 famous Players Canadian ' Corporation 4,000 Mis: Dorothy Jean Scott 'Vancouver) 200 ' 0, Powell (Port Esslngton) 200 W11'am II, Linton (Burns Lake 500 Chine; o Subscription to date , 2,700 KNOCKOUT BLOW FOR JAPS ON GUADALCANAL To knock out Jap pocketa of resistance on G adalcanal, large gun:; were brought to bear against them by the U.S. army. 155 mm cann n has Ju:;t hurled one of Its large shells at an Isolated Jap position. Ration Coupons Are Good Today Canadians to (lain on Sugar, Butter, Tea and Coffee OTTAWA, April 29 Ration coupons for sugar, butter, tea and jeffee, which were to have become jood on Saturday, are Instead good today, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board announces. Canadi ans thus are two days' rations to the-600--" SLAUGHTER OF CHINESE Japanese Wreak Vengeance on Part of Coast Where Amcii-can Haiders Came in SAN FRANCISCO, April 29 Speaking here last night, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau said he had been Informed by-Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek that pverv man. woman and child In the region where ' United States f Hrrs had come down In the coastal area of China" after the raiding of Toklo and other Japanese cities ' last year had been slaughtered by the Japanese. Chief Justice and Attorney General Coming to Assizes Chief Justice Wendell Ferris will be coming to Prince Rupert to conduct the spring session of Supreme Court Assizes to be held from May 11. Attorney General R. T MalMnnri is CXDCCtea 10 come .irt rjersonally as crown prosecutor. The list of criminal mses will include murder, manslaughter, rape and theft ' charges. HOMK GUARD FOR PEACH LONDON, April 29 P)-Lieut.-Col. Slr'Phillp W. Richardson, Chairman of the National Rifle Association, wants the Home Guard maintained after the war. The British people must at all times be prepared to resist aggression such as we are suueimis WHAT-TIIIS IN LONDON? LONDON, April 29 -Presumed by passersby to be a demolition tunne led un- of men crew, a gang der a 14-foot .. iounuanun ....... t o.ow don's textile district " ' .im tisnno worth of mens sult- ings; almost, as precious as gold . these days. MOST OF FIGHTING IS IN AIR Land Battles in Russia Are Now Only Scattered and Minor LONDON, April 19 O) Russian airmen and gunners yesterday destroyed 40 German planes, 23 of them in the Caucasus, Moscow re-ported! ) Soviet airmen continued pounding the rear lines of the Nazis where the Germans are bringing up reserves for future operations. There has been only scattered minor ground fighting. DISMISS APPEALS Convictions in Connection With 1'rovincial Police Stores Convictions Stand VICTORIA. ADril 29 The ! British Columbia Court of Appeal AHtTliral HnfWflflfl unanimously dismissed appeals by,"1""41 ildl WUUU John Simpson, Victoria shoemer-') chant, and Leonard Simmons, for- nunvfnrmni'toii ftf niiitlnnlni uau, victuwu wuuicaaic uitiiuaiii,, and Simmons In another against convictions In connection with Irregularities in police stores. Simpson and Simmons had been sentenced to four years' imprisonment and Hall to two years. Strike Dispute Up to President Half million Miners in United Stales Demanding $2 Per Day Increase WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20 The United States National War Labor Board yesterday referred th? coal miners' wage dispute direct to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A strike Involving an estimated 450,- 000 men Is scheduled to go Into effect tomorrow night unless there Is a settlement of the dispute In which an Increase of $2 per eight hour day is demanded. INDIAN MARINES Marines In 1775 used tomahawks for hand-to-hand fighting aboard sailing frigates. B. A. Latts, general superinten- dent, Canadian National Express rn ' wlnnlDee. and W. C. Cranston. .nt,riln, at Edmonton, are" Armed Enemy Trawler Sunk Light British Naval Vessels Send Vessel Down off Netherlands Coast LONDON. April 29 0) An armed enemy trawler; was sunk off the .Netherlands coast by light British- naval forces early this morning, It was announced' SWEDISff ALARMED Aircraft Pass Over and Cause Guns To be Fired .Missiles Dropped On Naval Base? STOCKHOLM, April 29 -. Large formations of unidentified aircraft, supposedly Allied bombers enroute to Germany, caused anti-aircraft fire to be touched off In Sweden last night. - It was reported today that two bombs had been dropped b'y foreign planes on a Swedish naval base. f T j IclirCi VYYillc 1U oi Health LONDON. April 29 Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Harwood, who was the hero of the Battle of the Plate In which the German pocket battleship Graf Spee was sunk, has retired as commander-in-chief of the Eastern Mediterranean fleet owing to Ill-health. I , PRAYKR OF SMALL SHIPS I'UKIHMUUIU, April IN Many of Britain's small coastal (craii operating against ine enemy from England's bases have been dedicated with a section of the "Breton Prayer" "O, God, be good to me. The sea is wide and my ship is small." D.S.C. PLUS D.S.O. LONDON, April 29 W Commander Ben Bryant whose submarine P 211 has sunk at least 29 Axis ships has been awarded the D.S.O. for service In the Mediterranean. He already had the D.S.C. for his work in the North Sea. THANKS AND $40.50 BELFAST, April 29 0) A firm whose van was commandeered for the escape of 21 internees from Londonderry Jail received 9 (roushlv $40.50) and an aDOlocv - - ' - --- aujyvnuvv.. - spending a few days In the city on signed, "from I.R.A. (Irish Repub-official business. Army) Finance Ministry." jllcan SMELTERS IN SESSION Annual Meeting of Big Mining Company is Held in Montreal Today MONTREAL, April 29 O) The Dominion government has been "very wise in granting certain tax savings in connection with exploration expenses incurred In searching for base metals and strategic mlneials," S. C. Blaylock said in his. presidential address at the annual meeting today of Consolida te ;t I- '.mine & Smelting Co. of Cana. a Limited. Mr. Blaylock added: "However, the present level of excessi profits' I tax and price of controls makes it j difficult for mining companies to I Increase production of base met- als from established mines. While ,the excess rrofits tax exempts ? .profits derived from the operation of new mines, there Is no relief in pnnnpnunn u,fth nnv nmfiu arts-' lng irom increased production - j from mines which - have been in operation for about a year or ; longe:-." Mr. Blaylock reported profits of the company for the first three month:; of 1943 were at the same rate as for the first quarter of 1942, in fact were little higher. SOMEWHAT iiII Vl tt K 1111X11 lvlatj2jLfix-.jLlll VI I tFi;ures on P hip losses and'cw, Construction Not Altogether Conclusive WASHINGTON, D.C., April 29 W The net figure of more than one million tons of merchant shipping loss for the Allies last year when comparing the total tonnage of ; vessels sunk In enemy action with j new ship construction 15 not fully conclusive as it was arrived at by counting total Allied losses but not all new construction by all Allied nations. it was on the basis of only partly complete figures on' merchant shipping construction that the United States Navy Department reported the net loss, the report being designed to clear up a conflict between two previous reports. Stores Closing All Wednesday Retailers in Vancouver Come to Decision Not Grrpers or Butchers VANCOUVER, April 29 Vancouver retailers, except grocers and butchers, have voted to close their stores all day Wednesday. Today Hudson Bay was the only large store to be open in the morning, Beauty pa' lor operators have not yet decided about closing. mm 11 JJ lYlaCUOnalQ Leaving Here Dr. R. fi. Knipe to be New Director Of Local Health Unit Dr. R. J. MacDonald, who has been stationed here as medical health officer and director of the local health unit for the past year, Is planning to leave shortly to Join the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps for active service. He will be succeeded by Dr. Roger George Knipe who was married recently in Toronto to Miss Wlnnl-fred Lois Morgan of Vancouver. Dr. Knipe has been in this district previously as a United Church medical missionary student. This evening's train due from trie East at 7 o'clock, was reported this morning to be oni hour and fifty minutes late. : One Reputed Quart of Spirits or One Dozen Of Beer Per Month Stores Are Closed Until Next Monday When New Set-up Of Hours Will Go Into Effect VICTORIA, April 29 (CP) Liquor Commissioner W. P. Kennedy today announced that, effective next Monday, British Columbians will be limited to one purchase of liquor monthly to either reputed quart (26 ounces) of spirits, one dozen pints of beer or two quarts of wino. This system will remain in effect until Novem- ra' uppu wm ue fa,lable- stres y111 be closed from now until next Monday when will reopen daily from 10 to cxcePl 011 the weekly haU " "a ay- Purchasers will be required to show national registration cards or military Identification papers as well as permits. No Response From Attu WASHINGTON, D.O, April 29 Pi American naval forces, with whom Canadians have now Joined, bombarded Jan- anese-held Attu Island yester- day. Several fires were started and no enemy gunfire was.enr r'..cojmtered,- , ' v RAIDED Royal Air Force Delivers Bombing Attack on 'Wilhelmshafen Wednesday Night LONDON, April 29 The German naval base of Wilhelmshafen was quite heavily attacked last night by the Royal Air Force. It was the first since United States planes made a daylight raid on March 22 that Wilshelmshafen had been at tacked. Twenty-three planes failed to return from the raid. The Admiralty also emphasized widespread mine-laying operations in enemy waters yesterday. Big formations of bombers, said to be American, headed out over Folkestone today in the direction of Abbeville and Boulogne. The Canadian bomber group was engaged In mine-laying- oper ations 4'on a very large scale par' tlcularly in the Baltic Sea," the Royal Canadian Air Force said, and three of the missing bombers were Canadian. HALIBUT SALES American Franklin, 35,000 pounds, Royal, 16 and 14. Daly, 27,000, Booth, 16 and 14. Buddy. 12,500, Atlin, 16.1 and 14. Middleton, 22,000, Whiz, 16.8 and 14t i Columbia, 42,000, Cold Storage, 16 and 14. Arthur II., 50,000, Cold Storage. 18 and 14. Canadian Kyrielle, 10,000, Cold Storage, 17.6 and 15. I D.S.T., 12,000, Edmunds and Walker, 17.7 and 15. Mother II, 5,000, Pacific, 17.1 and 15. Pauline J., 4,500, 17.4 and 15. Cape Spencer, 17,500, Atlln, 17.7 and 15. LUCKY COINS Coins are often placed under the mast of a ship during FALL BACK IN AFRICA SHeM Withdrawal in Tunisia is Made Up for by Successes in Other Areas ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, April 29 W Allied troops northeast of Medjez-el-Bab were forced to withdraw slightly yesterday in the face of two .erce German counter-attacks but further progress was made both In the north and south, an Allied The Germans Jost heavily in In fantry and tanks In a first counter blow and the attack was repulsed Jbuthj, second forced leading Ainea iroops 10 matte a sugnt wim-drawal, a communique said. Balanced against this reverse was progress by American troops in the north where "some import- and ground" was gained and further advances by the French in the Pont du Fans region. Destroyers Meet Convoy Two Enemy Escort Vessels off Coast Of Brittany Are Sent to Bottom LONDON, April 23 Two British destroyers found an enemy convoy off the Brittany coast yesterday ind sank two of the escort vessels. Royal Air Force bombers also attacked a convoy off Brittany but It Is not known if It was the same one. RAIDS UPON SO. ENGLAND Light Attacks With Little Damage Or Casualties One Enemy Dane Down LONDON, April 29 German bombing planes made raids on points in southern England. The attacks were light and scattered and It was reported that casualties and damage were light. At least one of the raiding planes was brought drwn. Wanted Ten Sturdy WOMEN Pay 67c per hour pliu l'4c per hour bonus Apply in person. .. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Seal Cove