PAGE SIX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE -A- n Chas. Dodimcad f4- VVT' ) Optometrist In Charte I j jJ ' J Hatch, Clock, Jewelry V ' Repairing, Hand EneraTlnc VISIT OUR IIASEMENT STOKE for Fine China,. Dinncrware, Classes, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant VICTORY PROTECT YOU! Help Yourself By Helping Carta Buy Victory Bonds Today Space Donated by: RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE For Lovely Pcrmanents Annette has the assistance of Estelle Powers who is very efficient, having had, ypars of experience in the better Vancouver shops. ' j ' j'ourtJi Street Across from Post Office I'llONE BLUE JJ17 I OK APPOINTMENT A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PEACE TO IiUY A COMPLETE STOCK OP FURNITURE ON HAND Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Wilhclmshaven, left In flames. Night and day the Air Force are at work and their deeds fill us with pride and gratitude. But the announcement that "... of our aircraft have not returnJd strikes a note of irrecoverable loss: they have given to the uttermost. It will soon be TOKYO, OSAKA, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA. BUY CANADA'S FOURTH VICTORY LOAN BONDS to the uttermost to provide the tools for our men! Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue GALIVANT SHOES IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welled Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store uD. "The Home of Good Shoes" 1 If you lose anything, advertise i'ur it. CFPR (IZ40 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Thursday P.M. 4:00 Victor Record Album 4:30 Richard Crooks 4:45 Transcribed Variety 5:00 Shall We Dance? 5:30 Xavier Cugat 5:45 The Trail of Truth 8:00 CBC News 6:05 Piano Artistry 6:15 Gospel Interlude 6:30 Bing Crosby 7:00 Henry King's Orchestra 7:30 Major Bowes 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Maxwell House Show 9:00 Stag Party 9:30 Songs of Empire 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 0:05 Stirling Young's Orchestra 10:30 Concert Time 1:30 Silent Friday , . A. M.. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Hawaiian Melodies 9:00 March Time 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Blended Voices 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages H:30-Petit Concert p.m. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Western Airs 12:45 CBC News 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One O'clock Muslcale 1:30 Bfe. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent 4:00 Afternoon Musicale d-sn volk Music: 'Old and New I 5:00 The Dansant ' ' ' a:30 un secgwicK 5:45 Barbara Norman 6:00 CBC Netfs 6:15 Henry King's' Orchestra 6:30 Aldrich Family 7:00 Personal Album 7:15 Your Friendly Gardener 7:30 Kate Smith 8:00 Fred Waring 8: 15 Front-Line Family 8:30 Sound Off 8:45 Are You a Genius? 9:00 Drama 0:30 Words and Music 10:00 CBC News 10:15 G. I. Jive 10:30 Melody Round-up 10:45 Stirling Young's Orchestra 11:00 Silent Local Tides Friday, April 30 High ..." 10:24 18.9 feet 23:00 20.1 feet Low 4:19 6.8 feet 16:40 5.0 feet Saturday, May 1 High 11:19 19.8 feet 23:45 21.1 feet Low 5:17 5.1 feet 17:34 4.9 feet OOO1XIOOO0OOOOOOOOOOCKIOOCHKI HAMBURGERS 6th St., Behind Royal Hotel D PHONE BLACK 59 j? aaaaaaaatyaaatyaaaaaaoaaaaaa Fresh Loeal Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY Duaauaiiti PHONE 6.Y) J;!H!3;lllWT,tH:W A. C. Cameron PHYSIO THERAPIST STEAM ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for Lumbago, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis and Sciatica Hours 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Room 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL THE DAILY NEWS ACTIVITIES: OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY (1ARBUTT Ther'llosless Section Officer Stewart and Leading Airwoman Daly of the Royal Canadian Air Force Women's Division were up to visit us at the "Y" Wednesday. They are here on a recruiting campaign. L-A.W. Daly Is a Smlthers girl whose parents are nowfin Prince Rupert. All the women's, division, and, in fact, any of the girls in uniform I have met seem tickled to death with regi mental life, so there must be something to it after all. Why not give it a try girls? Fred Livingstone from Toronto helped to swell the "Y" ranks today. This is his first "Y" assignment and I hope he'll find It a happy probation period. Yes, he's big, blonde and beautiful. Thanks, Geraldine Fagan, . for nice supply of piano music and songs for the boys. It was. nice of you to respond so quickly to my plea for more music. , Captain Garbutt was in on a short "48" this week. He and Padre Stewart, who 'were great chums last summer, met each other with open arms and, but for the fact that they weren't Parisians, would have? .klssedtea'ch other on both cheeks! The'Wo'of them together are good for anyone's morale. One of the boys was trying to fix a broken down Jeep when another came up to ask what the matter was. Says the first lad: "I don't know, seems something has fallen out of it" to which the sec ond one wisecracked: "You mean, it looks as though It has fallen out of something." They are queer looking contraptions, come to think of It. I bought several attractive vases all ready for all the nice flowers that are going to be given us this summer. Last summer we were never without several bouquets of flowers, such as only Prince Rupert can grow. Oh the roses, and the honeysucklq! THOSE ARID SANDS There are about 5,000,000 square miles of desert on the earth. RATION NEWS, Meat Rationing by Chart Meat Coupon Value CharH will shortly be published in the press and will be supplied to retail stores that sell meat. The chart will explain clearly the number of Coupons which must be surrendered for each cut o rationed meats. It is necessary to cut Canadian consumption of meat by about 15 percent This . will allow approximately two pounds per person per week, carcass weight. The brown Sparc "A" Coupons in Ration Book 2 will be used for the meat ration. Butler Gmpons Butter1 Coupon No. 7 which became Rood on Aprit 24, does not expire until May 31. Coupon No. 8 becomes good on Mav 1 , Coupon No. 9 on Mav 8. Both Coupons expire May 31. Sparc Sugar Coupon , Dates for marketing rhubarb vary in different parts of the country. But this does not prevent housewives from usin? their No. 1 Spare "B" (blue) Coupon now for the extra pound of sugar for this purpose. This Coupon expires May 31. Your dealer has no right to insist you buy rhubarb when you use this spare sugar Coupon. Wartime Emergencies Branches of the Ration Administration can supply all information necessary to anyone seeking rationed food supplies in situations arising as wartime emergencies. Special arrangements have been made to meet such situations and anyone may obtain the necessary information and application forms at Ration Branches. Small Arms Ammunition The manufacture of cartridges for civilian requirements is being cut to about one-third of ordinary quantity. Fifty percent of the amount manufactured is being allocated to remote areas m the far North where people rely to a large extent on the hunting of game for food and for their liver lihood. Any person may use whatever ammunition l.e has on hand but cannot buy ammunition without completing a certificate to establish that he is an authorized purchaser. The supply siluatiori U such that smalt arms ammunition is not available for sporting purposes. Darter or Exchange of Rationed Commodities - .The Ration Orders explain how rationed" commodities may be acquired. Consumers may only acquire rationed commodities by surrender of Coupons whether the goods are paid for in cash or whether they are exchanged for odie'r goods, Any barter or exchange of rationed commodities is considered as a purchase. Dealers in rationed commodities are described in the Orders and they are the only" persons from whom rationed commodities may be obtained. This column will appear in this newspaper every week to keep you tip-to-date" on Ration News. Clip and keep for reference RATION ADMINISTRATION im vim mmMwimMmmmmaai mmmmmmtmwmwi u.i : n w n P Little i jSB Enough i Bill To Do 1 1 na.i:Bi!Bifl.aisMaxaJcii imies lid. Ji Pioneer Drviqeist 'II IK KEXA1.L STORK 1'IIONES 81 and 82 0en Daily from !) a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 'p.m. isimisi a hi m a El B u 13 ri B a ri STARTS TOMORROW 'Army ON S4M Airforce Ran,i- r Cartoon: ,, "FiS'tlnir "Ilontu..,..- Norway" 'AP11 ' iurn to Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, crowd-drawing screen comedians, have excitingly different roles In "Who Done It?," murder mystery iravesty, which Is coming as the feature picture to the Capitol Theatre this Friday and Saturday, however, th comics are said to have been provided with funnier material than ever before. ' Tie sW.y. places Bud and Lou in he hazardous profession of amateur defectives" and, in; turn, on the vrong end-of a police drag-net. Ac-Ion cf the plot for the most part takes place in a bl? radio broadcasting station. Methods by which 'he boys extricate themselves from a maze of troubles prpvldq as hll-irlous moments, it Is said, as have ver been expeilenced by movle- oers. Patrlc Knowlcs has a prominent i I LOU 'Gumshoe . l t ' COSIEIIO . v junei C-snplete E.3 j Tor .s 7 15 "The Navy ComH f Through" al 7 i3, il... Complete Shows at 1:00, 3:05, 5:10, 7 15. 9 20 feature at 1:46, 3:51, 5:5t. 8:01. 10:U6 SUNDAY MinNlTE "SO YOU WON'T TALK" LAUGH FILM IS SHOWING Abbott and Custeilo Coming Capitol This Week-end In "Who Done It?" I roie and otnn a A I ihg cast inrJude W. in C; ' Louis Alibi.; J CI ' William pctldlx IJL. ',7 :k: P:.rior and T.: C; l J. M. b. Loubse D.t, OA. Chiropractor KWONO SANG RING nor KEE CHOP SUE1 House Next to Klnr. Til 612 7 th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcoi Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outs Orders from 2 p m. to 2 J rhone Red 217 Now The CAMPA Is On BACK THE ATTACK Annette Ladies' Ww (We Lead, Others Follow) 1 If you lose anything, advertise fur &