m r i i PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COIXMBU Pabbahed Every Afteraocn Except Sunday by Prince Rapert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue V O. A. HUNTER. MAXAOINO EDITOR DAILY EDITION New Year Thoughts . . . ual revival in world rehabilitation. Friday. December l. IMS A new year brings us new hopes in our individual : lives and in these war years we are dreaming of a j ew world order of peace, and a Bew social order of I jtretke writes Most Rev. J. C, MeGuigan, Archbishop! of Toronto, in a New Year message urging a spirit-? Have these dreams a basis in reality? Those of wfco were oki enough in 1914-18 to Hsten to what i was then being said remember being told that the war was to end war and to make Jhe world safe far ; democracy. Dis&usionmefit came quickly. Democracy was overthrown in all the larger nations of Europe except Britain and France, and in most of the smaller; countries. There was a new order indeed, but of, militarist nationalism which took possession of men's, souls like a religion. j There were respects in which the democratic ; i countries did not compare favorably with the totali-! tarjan regimes, which seemed able to inspire a fer- yor, a discipline, a unity ad a hopefulness that the "democratic countries lacked. The depression showed cuin an unflattering light, I Th.e strength of the totalitarian regimes lay in their inculcation of ideal worthy of sacrifice. They were false ideals, they, were monstrous idols set up , for worship in the place of God, but they met a need of human nature, Man is by nature a moral and re-; ligious being. Because he is moral he knows -he is bound by a law higher than his own wishes, and because he is religious he feels his dependence on a Being greater than himself, a Being to whom he owes the service and honor which is called worship. Christianity reveals God as the proper object of worship, and it reveals God as the writer of the moral law in our hearts, as the Lord who demands our obedience but also as a Father who loves us and desife our love in return. private religious neeus out it fiaa no place m the direction of public affairs. : Wars, revolutions and depressions are the ments of seciHarized science, education and politics. Why should we expect a victory in 1944 to be followed by better results than our victory in 1918 unless we restore the most essential part of right order, which is to put God first in public and in private life? Incongruity In Garbage J . . . Along the Kaien Island Highway just inside .the city limits there is the incongruity of a modern garbage incinerator takine care of the refuse emanat ing from the various military establishments here and right alongside it the crude city garbage dump where they are still trvine to disnose of carhno-P bv me aniiquaieu meinoa oi open burn with the result! that a great deal of swill and refuse lies around to be a reservoir of rats all the year around and flies in season. The garbage dump for many years in Prince Rupert has been, a nuisance if not a menace and a constant cause of criticism. Now the United States authorities have offered to make the new incinerator available to the citv doubtless realizing that, if the city handled its garbage in the modern way, it would reduce a menace j.o good health as well as remove an unsightlv and smelly nuisance. I Doubtless, the city will make every effort to take . . ... ' -esHtfi wit C a-1 w .auwgc ui me new service wnnout letting any inconsequential factors prevent it being done. If ;tnere is the auestinn nf nnbliV ww aitvil III of these factors, it . should be forthcoming since iXliy the public here has long enough complained in regard to antiquated and inefficient methods of earbace b il New Year jGreetintcs from the STYLE BEAUTY AND BARBERSHOP Personal attention given by expert operators. - S C07 3rd Ave, Next door to Royal Bank, Phone Blue 81 5 i ! CHURCH NOTICES IJniyersal Week of Player Onsferring ailh Christian O roups afl over the vorid. and sponsored KUt by the Ministerial Association, meetings 'mill be held in the city as follows: Monday Jan. 3 St Paul's Lutheran Church. Rex. E W. Scott. Tuesday, Jan. 4 not United Cnureh. Rer. M. a Anderson. Wedneiaj-. Jan. 5 Salvation Arm? ctudeL Rev. J. B. Gibson. Tharsday. Jan 6-rfVst Baptist Church. Cs.pt J. W Seibert. Friday. Jan. 7- -Gospel Tabernacle. Capt V D RowiamU. St. Peter s Choreh. Re?. J. A. DonncIL Alt who rail upon God In the Xar&e of Oar Lord Jeas C2uisr are inv&ed to attend aad unite m prayer. BI.UE FACTS CAMPAIGN "The Rich Man and Lazarus" What does the Parable teach as to life after death? How Bear to Abraham s Bosom to Hell? Hear EVANGELIST BALMER unfold the Bible Interpretation of this parable. ' SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 7:30 R.M. ODDFELLOWS' HALL Illustrated Song Service will precede the lecture. IKS' The - nations . formed by . Christian . teaching . became! . V'wsl Cl.L United Church -iJV IVUUVIO VS. Lilt nUllU All I1U11U1111LV 42.1 LI 1 1 UlLllir.l r " 5 ' but in modern times these nations have been trust- ; ing to humanity and culture more than to God, tak FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fourth Avenue East Rer. A. 7 MscSmeea. B-A-. JgUatster Mrs. E. J. Smith, Ch&r Leader SUNDAY. JANUARY Z, 154 11:00 aja Morabtg Worship. Aathem: Janlar Choir. 12:15 pun. Church School. 7:30 pjn. Evening Worship. Aathsca: Sector Choir. 8:30 p.m. Young People's Club. A social satheftag to which aB year people and $&rasgrfs mff&hippini a the congregation are in riled. The Minister sifl preach at both, jerries. A cardial vreteoae to worship with this conarecaUon is extended to afl. Rev. J. A. JJonrif II, M-V, Minhter Mr J. S-Wilson. Sr. Choir Lcaoer rnrr rAn n tl,Q f.n,u- nnA d i"" uiu aiiu ucicvwijg wic wcr. iwe-, virj . w c .Taylor. Jr. Choir Ldr Jigion was taken out of public education. The Church isass swaana oufson. a.t.om. was told it could canppm it.iplf nth ministpHnor tn . Organist ' l-r 11..... . Dr. R. O. Knlpe, Snperintendent of Sunday SchooL 11:09 Momm? Service. 7 :3 ETfning Service. Sunday School at 12:15. Corce and Warship. Watch Xtht Service this evening at 11:40 in the Church Young People's Society Meet ing in the Manse at dose of evening service. AH young peo- ole cordially Invited. M s. B. Shearman of Metla-akatla left last night for a visit to Vancouver. 3 r Ve eMend to our Many Customers and Friends the Best of Wishes for 1944 THE DAILY NEWS FRtDAY z i i a i i t i SI t t 12 . omiies - The tightwad, out of town on his wife's birthday, sent her i ebeojue for a million kisses u a present. The wife, a httie an aoyed at this thrift, sent back a postcard: "Dsar Jim: Thanks far the patfectty lavsiy birth-day cheane. The milkman eaahr ed it this raoantng. Customer: "I'd nkr a dollar dtomer. pJeate." Walter: "Yea. sir. On white or rye bread, strt" "It's nke toatibi shady paxkag 'place, bat my bay friend doesn't atap tkttt." "Yau mean " "Yes. he keM riaht on miiminiE?l faaimniEl lggmnnaisi jaanmiiaiEc. V I" f I i.- 1 r vjkj 3 ' - J ; s P May it be replete with Happiness and Success for All Conveys to All Patrons and Frjends Best Wishes for A Happy, Prosperous and Victorious New Year 11 yrcgnmnaj iznwLX9 !n::;ir! larinnrmtmal g 5. ' M mm cafe ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT Chester LeMaistr has quite an Interesting collection of qttMCiapto fin kit atAs When his rrvends come' up lo awr a chat or make a uwch he vtupa out a piece of 4U papar. makes ihasa sprawl the left hand oat on it and tfcsa mass uwm Use hand Thr wirnrtatnc tMnc m sa auuuy hands is abe mswsl dh iron the annana to the haad. Some Thiiiair took tansta Ukey dent tiitot tttafe st all I mwm s aa Pawate Hfctni, who to the rngka a- ixrsmesito. came in yeaYaMtoy to me at he otmU at-tasd the msKmf f Use Sacviae VVtoea Cuw He uM Ota one day gne of the pamac mi-mn whs daerad papen to his tailar shop leieait tl i him as the dr wnnrisr." And ao he iMaka vtth that mwttfica-taan he outfit at lamat be made as mmomry mjtmhtr of the chm. - Saturday evening than will be no movies at the Bmpatsa, all the regular Y shows being hoa at the Navy D.U1 Hail lor that day. There will be one afternoan and two evening asm and wlat aad girls J. L. Curry Late of Yukon Chiropractor Smith Block GOLD SEAL Fancy Red lockeye o.almon and llerrint tn Tomato L itiriss Jy Sauce are both on artltt serylce but nil! be back, on your grocer's shelf aoun as condition permit. ENTERPRISE FRUIT MARKET We catry a complete line of DKLNOIt FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Intimation, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone iit SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarc'lli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bos 311 ERASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT :rtends may axtehd as at the anpeews ikmn. Yesterday afternoon I attend, rd a deogntfal Ne- Year's tea at the American Hut Oyr Mr Flnnerty. and our Mm La Ptercr. ahod us all ttr the Hot n4afc has oaiy recently beea tedeaoraUd ami ( kMty akered a that scy available Inch of space is put lo food use. Z was particularly takwi tts the music room In which only the better mwuc to iitayed and which contains a One caMiitlsm f guad BMomts lmnac ike tea hour taw of the aarvlce btf Ed Bacmv aad Charms UamepJapad aMmteai rasttaal aemse I noted was i jmsi vrt (if tor the ue of the It was a plea in al net -to ol Pmnee Ru4r huue- aad I aai aufe eaah taiayed heaMUf as mueh as I did. Aad aav o iiiamvii. front bsh the YMOA aad e YWCA a mvppy aod Ttatartnui New Yaar OIL BURNERS CLEANED 1IANU),MAN UOM SEttVICK SluX us 221 Seventh Aye. lVcst The sum ol ittt, ootahirU u.. the Parent-Teacher's Assoetat-ioa on tthdr recent Ta- Day has been vapplasnrnted by t'.v This farther sum was donate by local battnem men and u:h; who recognise that the ::.-ea of refefcnce books and fbr sports equipment 6t th4 Ytrt Toronto Boston OUcaao Detrmt 9fam- York are entirely iBadtqua;- Hockey Standings Canadians W D L F A P IS 3 2 H 33 10 2 10 M p 22 10 4 t m m U W0II 87 M 20 1 4 li 74 W M 4 1 7J 111 9 DUy News Aaveruatng Brtoa Ranuts. JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR Wishes You a Happy New Year HAPP NEW For TrUcUnS ini Geneia For 11 71"'' 1 N w I J- If k it ail' gO I W. . f , J whi h . L at the ti 5 j ( , " Year' We . . that .... j u happirU .. , you ve ev. r t T nexes ic . , penty a 4 ;? . Aiwai hraru. ROSS BROS $7 Taxi Taw Svce m and for i Promptness, Courtesy, Safety and Long Experience For General Contracting of all Kinds - - ""amaasawsPMisaMavsiaaMMS Caii 32 Seal Cove Truck & Transportation JOHN GURyjCH Exchanse Block Sixth Street