s fiat fovn Expert OPTICAL SERVICE SO LONG, POP! Paris Maid Slippers Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in ChMfi Witch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, ZUnd Enrravlnj TISIT OUR BASEMENT .ORE for line China, Dinnenrare, Glasses, Brrte and NovelUet MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Wi'.V.SV.VAV.V.V.V.VMWWV.V.V.mWMSV New Arrivals in Women's, Men's and Children's Slippers, in Soft Soles PLIO-PEDIC ARCH SUPPORT SHOES Just Arrived. s Bon Voyage to 1943 nt too bad a year for some as years go. And as It gee, 1944 comes In bringing with it we hope a full measure of joy and happiness for alL RUPERT PEOPLES STORE CUT RATE SHOE STORE - RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE I Rupert's 3 Big Stores $ A.MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" What the Doctor ordered: "Plenty of rest and quiet," ... Where better to find it than on a GOOD MATTRESS BUILT FOR SLEEP We recommend . . . The "RUPERTIA." Size 4'6 only. Cash Price - $29.50 Phone '75 Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The. Home of Good Shocf III II-- , Hill CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) Schedule FRIDAY ML 4:00 Sound off 4:15-0. I. Jive 4:30 Music In Thrteciuarter Time 5:00 Dinah Shore 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Canadian Pattern 6:30 Music Makers 7:00 Aldrich Family 7:30 John Charles Thomas 8:00 Isabelle McEwan Sings 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Information Please 9:00 Morgan and Brice 9:30 Novelesque 10:00-CBC News '0:05 Recorded Interlude '0:15 Yarns for Yanks '.0:30 Drama From Vancouver 11:00 Happy New Year 12:00-Silent SATURDAY ' A3L 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45-CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 3:45 Old Timers 9:00 Musette Time 1:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 0:00 Children's Scrapbook 0:30 Hank Yodelling Cow Boy '.0:45 Music by Herbert 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages For Mutual Benefit Jealth and Accident See JOHN L, WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms No. ( J.M.S.Loubser D C, B-A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone C4I 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 o 10 fio : 10 11 11 11 - "I" 1 felia: el lemnmiQineljBEiiiiiiin THE DAILY NEWS IMI '1. HQ 11 45 Charles Magnante PJI. 12:00-Shep Fields 12 30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 Hit Parade 2:00 Closing announcement 4:00 Sound off , 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up 6:00 CBC News 6:06 Your Radio Theatre 7:00 National Barn Dance 7:30-Jubilee 8:00 All Time Hit Parade 8:30 Truth and Consequences 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30 Kate Smith 10:00-CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Harry Jamea 10:30 Bob Croby ll:00-SUenL SUNDAY A-M. 10:00 Music tor Sunday 10:30 II M.CS. Chatham Church Service 11:00 CBC News 11:05 Boston Symphony P-M. 12:00 Piano Rumblings 12:15 Hymns from Home 12 :3p Music We Love 1:00 Andre Kostelanetz 1:30 Xavier Cugat 2:00 NBC Sunday Symphony 3:00 Labor Forum 3:30 Charlie McCarthy 4:30 VUlaee Store 5:00 Cavaliers 5:15 Jiwt Marv 5:30 Family Hour 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Program 6:15 Hymns from Home 6:30 VS.O. Program 7:00 Hour of Charm 7:30 Bob Hope 8:00 Mall Call 8:30 The Great Glldorsleeve 9:00 Comrades in Arm 9:30 Command Performance 10:00 CBC Necs 10:05 Vesper Hour 10:3O-Silent MONDAY A-M, 30 Musical Clock 45 CBC News 50 Musical Clock 30 Morning Devotions 45 Vernon Geyer 00 Morning Visit 15 The Oakies 30 CBC News s Transcribed Varieties 00 Mirror for Women 15 Marek Webber 30 Will carter 45-They Tell Me 00 Scandinavian Melodies 15 Broadcast of Messages 17 Recorded Interlude 45 Ray Audrade POIGNANT LOVE TALE An intensely dramatic kv story with Charles Boyer and Joan Fontaine in the leading roles. "The Constant Nymph" comes as the feature picture to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here on Monday and Tuesday of next "week. Miss Fontaine is a shy. hfcrMened young woman one of Tour daughters of a celebrated mwfcfen who goes to the Swiss Alps to reide. Appears Bovr n the role of a promises young composer whom Miss Fontaine is to marry bo? wt ,; become enamored of Alex.-. Smith, a glamorous figure i; London society, and .astia' marries her. Too late Boyer realises that the young g: t was so fond of was the j 3 a i g riw m mm wwjww,.rranvTOttT?r Tnt- irr.TsHiT rag i ALL ONE PRICE $1-95 ANNETTES LADIES1 w-Tnaa he rca v lived Tha mood become, t'oublcri and poignant and the cUmax aiong tender and tragic iines A brilliant suportlng cast include Charles Coburn. Peter Lone. Dme May Whitty. Jen Mulr. MontAgu Love. Joyce Reynolds and Edward OtanoeltL There will be a special New Year's Eve midnight Malta at the Oapttol Theatre tonight with a stage show and Laurel and Hardy comedy IWHIfiTlfllli'llillHim i As the bells ring in a glad New Year our thoughts turn in warm friendliness toward all of our friends and customers. We'd like you to know that we're wishing for you everything that is good. We hope that 19-14 is very kind to you, and brings you nothing but joy, health and success. SUNRISE GROCERY nee emuimuu:il s uiuinniiD 51 TirrirmrLgl IqTrmTTTmn'il (mi:iingT)il lo;mim;aio 327 3rd Avenue b I ti I I HI I 77f8 ' SHOES ' I Happy New Year! S I I 1 1 n Oi 9 Start the New Y'ear right by resolving to get f y "ZPl I ANNETTE POWELL'S I I X . i f a BEAUTY SHOPPE fl ' " V if 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Blue 917 M p ' m" - v - & SI 1 fj 5 III V I f III ( I .-:'. I S a Li Is Is it fil We Lead, Others Follow 530 THIRD AVENUE BUY ANOTHER VICTORY BOND OXFORDS PUMPS STRAPS SILVER and GOLD fSANDALS Regular Values Up to $6-50 WEAR 9 TONIGHT STARTING imo jM New Year's Eve Midnite Show' c ;i ci .1 l.' at . SHOWING TODAY AND SATl'ltlitY Complete Showsat I 00. 3 00. 5 oo. ; , Complete Sriowj at 1 00 3 00. 5 uc : (, V Capitol SALUTED MAMES WALLACE BEERY IJUNTll IttfuU cm CAPITOL vStllij. m Cetorrd C artooa "STORK'S H0llD.tr WOltlll Mhs :C I7I.ITIIIIIUII I Sl, f1 a 1 ah 'lUtMliiu starting ll 'iip SPECIAL VARIETY STACK SHOW On the Screen, Laurel and Hardy in "DANCING HASTENS" GemfM Admtadon sor H -Tickets Now Selling HAPPY NEW YEAR It's the Ume t pau- and think wit!. foocrwlll oi iniLM- mrsn r-jiv uur t.k-iiom customer and neicr:" tlic ..:d Umc W'.-sh t" nr ; v re V,",tr tha1. '(' -il and tuppy bumn-,. .i vrr ".'a '.Aittv. u 1 Ormes Ltd. Ztfw Pioneer DrutiffistJi Till: RI1XALL STORE PIIONTS SI nd B Open Dally from 9 am. till 9 p.m. . OUR SINCERE WISH A full measure of happiness to all i yt our friends . . . including w Vf VICTORY AND PEACE The Variety Store It Pays to Advertise in The Dailv News