FRIDAY DECEMBER 31, 1943 4 lie II he PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK . AND SHIPYARD sinriu lim its and EN CLN LXltS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Aretjlens Welding MENU fsriCIAUSTS ON SAWMILL and MIMNO MAClJUtNElty All Type of Oat Engines iUpaUcd and Overhauled V W - - W ... Grand Cafe A Happy Ncv ar a AJI Our Cijdoiiujr And Friends $1.00 Spuria! NEW YE,R I)L'NER-January 1, Own Olives, Celery Heart. Fresh Fruit Tim caw. Comblnajjan Salad CockUll: tomato Juice Soup: Consomme Prlncesse, Cream f Tomato lurt CuW IJo41-d Red galmpa. Majiormalse ' - CHOICE Stuffed Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce StuWid Yuuag Chicken. Jelly 8tuffcd Young Ooote. Apple Sauce 0 rand Juley steak. Stripped Bacon Chkkwi a la King - VEGETABLES Baked Sweet Potato, Mashed Potatoes Brussels Sprout. Green peas - SWEET ENTREES Green Apple Pie Uot Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Union pie cwtard pie pium pudding Ice Cream Coffee Tea Milk Please let us have your order for wood fuel at once. We have plenty of wood on hand. Phone your order for wood to your regular fuel dealer. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 11G and 117 AnnouncemenU All advertisements In this column will be chargrd for a full inont'j at 25c a word. Burns' Tea at the home of Mra. Oeorte Mitchell. January 2th. The Answer to the Coal Shortage is WOOD FUEL Arrange to see your Dealer today. Deliveries may be delayed by Know, .o order early. Wood must be paid for before Delivery. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. JjTTyvTVTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTVtTTTTTTTTTTTTyyyyyTyyJ Wood Fuel 4 4 iUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FOR Thrifty Housewives WR FEATURE . . A full line- of Swift's Premium Meats at all imes. A .complete and fresh stock fii Fruit and VcRctahlcs. You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET V I I Locals Cash for old gold, Bulger's. Capt. John R. Hall of the Prince Rupert Machine Oun Baglment Ml last night for a trip to Vancouver. AXooklnc or sotnewhwe to go o New Year's Ere? Take In (fee "Frolic- at the Hast End Hall Old time and modem d&oetag Muste by the "Aek-Aek Rn4hm Hoaum." Oaoing and Refreshments. 9 pjn. to I ajn. Ladies 50c. Oeutu 50. Under tbe aui-of Prince Humect Labor-Pregreastve Olub 304i S. E. PAKKEK LTD. Announce that their stock room will be closed for stocktaking on Monday January 3rd. No Sale, shipment or deliveries will be made. FORI) SERVICE STATION 10 V.. 3rd. Ave. In M emonam In loving memflfjr of our be-Joved Ella, who died at Musselburgh. Scotland. (Reault at accident i Jan. 1. 1941. Loved, remembered ahvays. Mr and Mrs O Krause and Family Prince Rupert 'By M. N. MacPhalD Land of incessant rain Which oft does give me pain! The sun I seldom see norm r T . I But that wew not to be. J v J?'" AmocUi- I'rince Rupert has a place J'l'u0"-113" lhU fair face, y ticket holders wHI be admit- The- many discomforts we ted. Tickets are ail sold out. j mdure TJut noped vlclory Insure. I Anvertue -v in Jhe Dally j News. , I prince Rupert what a same! i Given by one wh$ earned bis . fame Seeking wealth in the wilderness With all It danger and Its stress. They ventured forth with linn resolve Though many dancers wsjuM Involve - . This gallant army of the brave Who sought the treasure they did crave. The hardy pioneers hare gaoe. Leaving behind naught bat renown. From bush and Mil they carved Although oftes Beauty starved. A place that's fit for man. j So let us do the best we can To make a name that will redound TTTTVTTVTTTTTV TTTTTTTTT HM MU F I"resh i:ery Day C tint i .ii'ci - -:.. t West of Imperial Oil Co. t Daily aflrr I p.ra, SAAAAAAAAAASSAS.AS.AAAAAj.A For Income Tar RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER rhone 88 324 2nd Ave. nSBXBS G0LDBL00M is back Buying Furs. Will pay 30 more than anyone else. Don't be foolish and sell vour furs at the waterfront. x Bring them up to the Old Reliable W. Goldbioom KWONO SANG RING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Nest to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tucm'sv lo p.m. to 12 p.m, Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. rhone Red 247 Fine Concert At Kitsegukla Call Burnett. Shop. A.TS. RESPECTABLE wants room. News. Marine THE DAILY NEWS KITSEKUKLA, Dec. 31 The children as well "as the .older folk took full enjoyment from a Christmas Tree entertainment which was rield in this village on Christmas Eve. The program consisted of plays, songs, games and musical selections and, of course, Santa Ckaus paid a visit to distribute toys and other gifts fox tho children after which he engaged In dancing with them. The music was directed by Walter D. Wesley, organist of the United Church, who, with, Mrs. Wastoy, has looked after, the Christmas Tree entertainments here for eleven years. Mrs. J. Johnson assisted them on ihU occasion Miss Getimoe Johnson. Mrs. W Wc.Wtr mil UTallar lllHnn . . . J 1 Bl.L. ..... klU ' looked after the deeoratine of the Coroamnity Hall for the season. Following the concert, forty members erf the choir remained to sing carols there and on the streets, accompanied by Bert Russell. Try a Results. Want-Ad for WANTED WANTED Two room furnished apartment within walking distance of town. Reward $35 for information and securing of apartment. Phone Signal Corps. Extension 406. M. J. Edwards. (306) , Wherever hardy men are round! j WANTED Furnished or unfur nished hofise or apartment. Repair (307) ROOM AND BOARD for 2 girls. Box 647 Dally News. ft07t YOU NO married woman wants housework; wages 50c per hour. Phone Blue 801. (I) YM.CA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently, needed. Mrs. Garbutt. QUIET Atrforce 6fficer and wife desire room and board or room with kitchen privileges. Box 648 Dally News. (4) TWO rooms by airman, wife and year-old baby girl. Box 649 Daily News. 3Q4) WANTED Housekeeping room, furnished. Phone Red 284. (5i Canadian girl Box 652 Dally (2) LOST LOST Upper plate of false teeth on Graham Ae. Finder please leave at Daily News. (4) LOST Medal; owner's name on back. Finder please return to Dally News. (1) LOST-Olrl's sterling Identifi cation bracelet with Navy crest. Finder please leave at Dally News Office. (tX) LOST Brown leather key case containing keys, and regis tratlon card. Please leave at Daily News. (2) Try a Results. Want-Ad lor Quick IH'J 11 in sfJ timtKaxil V Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY H rilONE 631 !!: rm .- wu araq Terrace Wedding Is Pretty Affair ' TERRACE, Dec 31 A pretty and interesting wedding tqok place at the home of the bttde's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash, Christmas Eve, when their only daughter, miss Jessie Nash, became the bride of Brock Norberg of Nelson who is with the Royal Canadian Air Force. The padre erf the Air Force, officiated. The bride, attired in white wedding co&tuxne, was a lovely plctute. She carried a beautiful bouquet of white carnations. Miss Frances Hall of Terrace was the bridesmaid. Her bouquet was of red carnations. D. O. Kldd, also of the Royal Canadian Air Force, was The hpuse, which was prettily The program Included com-1 eco rated, was thrown open tor munity staging of Christmas woU and hymns, speeches' by Walter Wesley. A. Howard and Ohtef James Weget. Douglas Wesley presided at the piano for the dancing and Walter Weey called the square dancas in which Santa Claus and his wife participated, much to the enjoyment of all. Apple w served to some three hundred persons attending by L. Russell, Douglas Wesley and Freddie Sampare who collected the substantial sum of $61. many friends to assemble and tender their congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple. NO PAPER SATtrRDAY Tomorrow, being New Year's Day, the Dally New? will not be published. The next regular edition will be on Monday Relieve Painful Distress of ACUTE CATARRH MORE and MORE sufferers from acute catarrh are discovering the grand relief that comes ... with a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-noL It soothes away distress, relieves stiiffiness ... brings real breaming cootfort! i 3-ruRPOSE medicine. ..Va-tro-nol is 1 so successful because It docs three important things at once: tu shrinks swollen membranes of the nose, 121 clears out nasal passages and ' t3) sootnes trnta- ! tioaManvcatarrh WAiXTED Portable Typewriter, 1X311 SALE Box 651 Dally News. 5 , sufferers say it's Ulf IfC. best relief thevve ."I! touno. i ry tu VA IKO NOL Small kitchen rans' rrd bed. Apply 1415 Ptectt Avenus. (ii FOR A" -C-ntrly located 5 room furn -had or untumisb-house. Immediate possession Phone Oreen 278. 5 TOR SALE Easy .washing machine, electric dryer; brand new. Phone Red 284. (304 FOR SALE Central Hotel Dining Room. Reasonable. Appjy within. (3Q6) nELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED by small family. Will accept reliable service couple. Room, board and good wages. Phone Red 89. (tf) WANTED Services o hand Masseur. Apply Box 651 Dally Newt .. (5) WANTED Head JaMtor for'lo-cal school. Apply Selective Service A.M. 100. (304) STENOGRAPHER for accountant's olfice. Neat and accur ate enny - typing essential. Shorthand not so Important. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KIN DERGARTEN with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg. STENOS, TYPISTS, POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You can train at home Free InformaUon, &LC,C. Civil Service Schools Ltd., WlnnJ peg. CASH for your inventions, patented or unpatented. Do not send model. Write Manager, 3 Louisa, Cornwall, Ont. (It) AMAZING patented devfee saves gas, improves motor petform-ance. Fits all cars, trucks, tractors. Harmless, guaranteed, Attractive agency proposition. Applicant must have other full time employment. Victory Gas Saver. Cornwall Ont. (it) THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business ( CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pjn- to 2 a an. 2nd Avenue (Across from a Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable In advance at the Office No telephone orders Rate 2c per word per insertion. FOR SALE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL -4 4 1 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, .etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized -FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waternroofins a Speclattv We Pick Up and Deliver PIIONE ,838 Mail Orders Bos 9 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 7JJ National Monuments You can now mark the grave pi your loved ones by buying a Applicants with knowl-dge ofmonument from National Moou- commeicjai oook-seeping, or ,. , ,hp ,,nnohi- those willing to learn, wtl' have preference W'itcn in plications only. State x-ti ince, if any. Apply U. 1. C AM 96. (tf) PERSONAL prices. Box 1425 rgstal Station n Workshop CO R',h East, Prince Kuprrt "Made in Prince Rupert" HELEN'S BEAUTY SnOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th St Phone 53 SMITH" & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. PAGE THRfif . i "LET VICTORY -ROAK IN 1944" That's pur, - NWYjear Wish to you arid " your3. .-t&t The Earlier the Better Watts & Nickerson 532 Third Aye. Men'a and Boyis' Clothiers 17 y V 7 TTJV T 7 J JJ TTTTTJT I s. Phone 345 rTTTTTTTT7jrT77yT7fy.fTJrtTTTfvTTTTTTTT,T,TTTtTTTTTVTr NEW YEAR GREETINGS Goqd Health and Happiness d.urjng. the Coming Year ELIO FURNITURE STORE Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'5 ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We bare a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELiVERY throughout the ctty three times weeklj (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion Dibb Printing Besner Block, 3rd Street- Iter - v- l est. A KAPPY HEW Company F.horie -234 We Wish All our Friends - THE COMPLIMENT'S ; Of THE JEASON J. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage, k PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd, BRITISH COLUMBIA era I 4 . f