Maximum Minimum iXXXH, No. 304 i car in Prince Rupert ME OF MORE IMPORTANT NTS HERE IN PASSING flVEMONTH ARE LISTED! II 53 (By Jack McLeod) sjjjj 'ii- uuiuiuvjiiciiiun in rurrnnr x st nn.,,. r it is me instant, world-shakiFg.; . which horded in heavv black tvtw. r 'filt i i,nH.i :u! the world, the triumph of tlie merftf hn fim mf and the screams of their virHm. mnU limes inn m any city, big or small, it is the local v.;.. , n maice me news- Uon of thin, the :;cw as compiled a brief i ' what it considers to mdlnn local rvenLc tig 1043. the shot ;ns not around the to ound the town, in ' Miat it will be Intcr-tc ame many of us are i i with agencies, or the It puiica me trigger, or -d, or were struck by. JANUARY ildest weather since of 1915-18 hit Prince ft ring the latter part of Jir with the official Urn- reading at the Dlgby M 'coroioglcal Station r degree above zero, ":. :ial readings In the S ix below. 40 34 - Rupert's first school' ! years held Its first i January 0. Jack Deane d chairman and the x.xi :tven over to the r immittees and the of estimate. J 'hn Menzles Mac-j Nrw Westminster, of Canadian Army Medl-lirre. was killed when which he and Capt. ii rwart. another armr wrre riding plunged u :-:.k am aoove me city ame to rest neat the f apt Stewart suffered k cuts and bruises. Rupert men hasten to rjire Rupert Machine " mrist organized under 1 of Lieut -Col O. C mmtWKY j ?A regulations became :i Pi :nrc Rupert and r jast cities on Feb- n were killed and 11 t ' i! a rock slide burled I) . River highway camp t N T mlin.son Construction ;rar KwinlUa on The dead were Oerald and Andrew Klrkup, C; Walberg. Saskatchc- MAKCII '.ion of the sale of liquor n " Prince Rupert on ' Officially the allbw- t. set at one ' 40-ounce spirits and one gallon c onthly and two dozen beer a week. However, wancc did not mean n there iu not nearlv uor at the vendors to to everyone tatives of Prince Ru-ard workers laid a cc'arc the commission Mr Justice A. E which sat at the Court C March 4 nnri 5 jtnhmlt- ln view of the Increase and living costs, wages Ruperts civic budget down by its first I ' 1 'Jnrll in ten vear. nn provided for expendl- ailing somewhat of !-2 with $186,000 of It to 1 a by taxation. APRIL ulc shortage of canned 'h came upon the city ,J rood deal of restless- airwg the population and 1 '"i protests to the War- p' n and Trade Board by " anlzatlons. ,: a Fourth Victory Loan ' l'ii off to b good start in c" Rupert with a rouMng military parade on April 25. MAY William Scott of Atlln was convicted of manslaughter In connection with the shooting of John dee. Chief Justice W D. Farrls presided at the hearing and Attorney General R. L, Maiuand pro&ecuted. JUNE The biggest fire of the year occurred In the Victory Rooms on June 3 when flames gutted the building, depriving 30 people of their living quarters and doing damag estimated at $7,000. Workers at the local dry dock, protesting alleged Improper food conditions In the dry dock commissary, decided to work four-hour shifts until their grievances were rectified. The slowdown lasted one day. JULY The city council decided to send Mayor Watts to Ottawa to negotiate for government assistance In renovating and extending the city's street, water and sewage facilities at an estimated cost of $900,000. AUGUST Two well known district boys- Robert Cam of Prince Rupert, and Douglas Drew of Haysport, were drowned In the Skeena River when they fell from a fisheries patrol boat moored at the llaysport wharf. SEPTEMBER The Oovernor General .of Canada, the Earl of Alhlone. and Princess Alice arrived In Prince Rupert on September 4 to Inspect military Installations In the area. They were warmly I welcomed by the citizens, and honored by several functions. Military and civilian authorities began a search for the motor launch Full Moon, unreported for a week after It cleared for Porcher Island on a cruise. Aboard were Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Kergln and children. The launch returned home unaided after having experienced rudder trouble. rtTMnrif Canada's Fifth Victory Loan 'began on October 18, and the !flrst day's subscriptions totalled $98,400. The .Hon. Ernest Bertrand federal Minister of Fisheries. visited the city and viewed favorably the city council's petition for expansion of the fish- ermens floats. Relaxation of the west coast dim-out became effective on November 1. Street lights were brightened up and a few Neon signs turned on. Commilsory registration of rented rooms began on November IS. and closed on November 29. During the Interval more than 450 registrations were received. DECEMBER The Provincial Postwar Rehabilitation Commission, headed by the Hon. H. O. Perry, sat In Prince Rupert early in the month and received briefs from the City Council, the Chambers of Commerce and other organizations. The civic elections, held on December 16. resulted In the election of Alderman H. M. Daggett to the post of mayor, and with one exception, a complete labor slate on the aldermanic board. we TO PROBE SHOOTING Case of Slaylne of Former Provincial Officer to Get Attorney General's Personal VANCOUVER, Dec. 31 O1 Attorney Oeneral R. L. Maltland will probe all the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of Frank Andrew Doland, former provincial policeman, on December 13. Evidence at the Inquest was that Roland was shot five times by Charles Hawken at a Vancouver house. Hawken said he had been held up earlier In the evening by two men. V. F. Mayers, brother-ln-law of noland, is -held on a charge of robbery with violence. Mrs. Hanes. wife of City Engineer O. S. Hanes. Is here from North Vancouver for a visit over the holiday season. Mrs. Hanes plans to come here t tesldc later. local Temperature Local Tides Columbia for January will be the same as at present one 26-ounce bottle of splr- Its or three dozen beer. The purchase may be made on two occasions a small bot- tie of liquor once and a doz- . en of beer the other time. IA central card Index system Is being developed to ensure 'against any duplication of permit Issuance. Visitors from United States or other parts of Canada will be un- t able to buy llquof until they have been In the province for five days. 4 ESTIMATE OF FISH OUTPUT United States Expected to Have Considerably Store Canned Salmon in 1911. WASHINGTON, DC. Dec. 31 O A 1944 fish production In the United States and Alaska of four billion or more pounds, ex ceeding 1942 and 1943 yields but below the 4,400.000,000 pound normal production was forecast Thursday by Secretary of the Interior Harold Icks, fisheries co-ordlnator. mic Die trnnUnK o 0.' John Bracken, National Progressive Conservative leader, told a public reception Thursday that after the war Canada will have more than two hundred ships, most of them of ten thousand ton capacity, and some of them should be used to establish a line from Port Churchill to the United Kingdom and other points. PR LliJPAKY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUft! BLVS NEWSPAPER LONDON, Dec. 31 Objectives In '.southwest Germany were 'laed yesterday In daylight by he largest force of United itafes planes ever to mass for uch an attack. No less than 1500 of them went out on the raid and thi;ty-four failed to num. Berlin said the targets ere- Ludwtgshafen and Mann-h-ini. British medium bombers and fighters wereTaao out to attack the coast o France. Keeping up the day and night assault swarms of British mosquitoes were out again last night and today over western Germany and northern France as well as aylng mines In enemy waters. V GOOD HUNTING FOR CANADIANS 4 LO.VDON, DecJl Flight Lieutenant George Buerllng Canadian No. 1 ace brought down his thirty-first plane over France yesterday. Fly ing Officer William Bliss of Toronto and Flying Officer Hart Findlay of Montreal also bagged enemy planes. Badoglio's Son Under Arrest ALGIERS, Dec. 31 A son of Marshal Pietro Badogllo has been arrested by the German authorities in Rome where he had been In hiding. Miss May McElwaln Is leaylng tonight on a trip to Vancouver. A proud parent called up the newspaper and reported the birth of twins. The girl at the news -desk didn't quite catch the message over the phone. "Will you repeat that?", she asked. "Not If I can help it," was the reply. r..mi .m' is PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRIDAY, DEffrMfifeE " ,'r WAR NEWS ZHITOMIR FALLS MOSCOW Zhitomir, Important railway junction, was cap-lured by the Russians today as the Red Army continued its sweeplii; advance against the crumbling 'if.i defences all along s 200-mile front. MOVING TO PACIFIC LONDON The Admiralty declare that it is now possible to move naval power from the Atlantic to the Pacific to fight the Japs. This Is as a result of the U-boat menace in the Atlantic beinc definitely checked and control of the Mediterranean now being unchallenged. Great Britain lost no capital ships or aircraft carriers during 1913. CIVIL WAR IN FRANCE LONDON France is said to be on the verge of civil war. Pierre Laval Is taking special measures to meet the situation. Cutfew regulations have been extended. OPERATING AGAINST ITALY ALGIERS Allied Mediterranean-based planes carried out widespread raids against various objectives in Italy yesterday including Vermini, Padua and the Po River Valley. Six Allied planes were lost and eleven enemy machines brought down. SUCCESSFUL DEFENCE LONDON The Royal Air Force lost only four planes in the defence of Britain during 1913, it is announced. In making at tacks, 316 German planes were shot down during the year. NAZIS COME OVER LONDON Two German raiding planes came over southeast England last night but there was no' damage and casualties were few. BULGARS JOIN SLAVS LONDON Bulgarians are switching over in large numbers to fight with Marshal Tito's Yugoslav partizans against the Nazis. PARIS BOMBED LONDON Allied planes bombed the suburbs of Paris In daylight, the Paris radio announced after great formations of fighters and bombers of all types had streamed out after dawn in continuation of the 1943 grand finale that sent mote than three thousand planes over enemy targets jestcjay William Wilson Is Laid at Rest With war veterans and other friends In attendance, the funeral of William H. Wilson, pioneer of Usk, took place yesterday afternoon from the chapel of B. C. Undertakers to the returned soldiers' plot in Fair-view Cemetery. Rev. E. W. Scott, rector of St. Peter's Anglican Church at Seal Cove, officiated and Mrs. J. C. OUker presided at the organ to accompany the hymns which were "Lead Kindly light" and "Abidfe With Me." At the graveside "The Last Post" was sourf.ed by Bugler L. C McMurcher. Pallbearers were Charles Dur- Gas Stations Closing Down OTTAWA, Dec. 31 Hundreds of gas stations .have had to close down orwaccount of dwindling supplle's, of gasoline. It may be necessary to adapt a priority system. Sergeant Donald Nelson ar-: lved in the city this week from MacDonald, Manitoba, for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Fourth Avenue East, over the New Year season and will be leaving next Tuesday for Quebec. He Is with the Royal Canadian Air Force air crew. ham. George Holmes, W. H. J Macey. J. H. McOlashan, S. A. uneemnan and F. J. Fuller. T. Norton Youngs, latest new member of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, gave an autobiographical talk at the weekly luncheon of the club yesterday. Treasurer Alex McRae anounced the donation of $40 from Bellst Chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, for the Queen's Fund. The weekly raffle of war savings certificate for the Queen's fund resulted In S. C. Thomson being the winner. President A. S. Nickerson was In the chair. Hockey Scores Montreal 8, Detroit 3. Saturday, Jan. 1 High 5:25 20.0 feet 17:19 19.2 feet Low 11:27 7.4 feet 23:47 4.8 feet PRICE FIVE CENTS Russians On Greatest Drive ISLAND OF LEROS MAY COME INTO NEWS AGAIN Pictured here is Castelrosso, on the island of Leros. with the Turkish coast Dehind. This little island with the tdands of Cos and Samoa, recaptured recently ''from the British by Nazi raiders, may once again c&oie Into the news, Turkey In the Allied camp. CANADIANS ADVANCING Have Now Adranred to Within Nine Miles of l'ccara. ALGIERS. Dec. 1 -Canadian 'orces. continuing their advance up the Adriatic coast under unfavorable weather conditions and In the faee of stiff German resistance, have now reached to within nine miles of Peaoara. The Fifth Army Is engaged in hard fighting around San Vlt-torl as it moves on toward Oas-slno. stronghold 70 miles before Rome. Antlo-Amrriran Fifth Army tr carried awl a Uree sralr raid along Hie west mast of Italy north of the CarljIUnc River yesterday and srhed the Initiative from the Germans alone; the front In that sertor. Allied headquarters announced today. The announcement confirmed at least In part German broadcasts that the Allies had made amphibious lrap-frot attack In that area and established a bridgehead. On the eastern flank today the Canadians continued their advance toward a line of the Tesore River, northwest of Ortona, under harassing enemy fire but met no determined opposition. WILLIAM WILSON Liquor Ration t Is Unchanged VANCOUVER. Dec. 31 - The liquor ration In British YANKS MAKE LARGE RAID Fifteen hundred American Itombcrs Over Western Germany 31 Fall to Return. Retreat of Nazis Is Rout Fall of Zhitomir and Vitebsk Is Now Imminent Before Rus sian Steamroller. -fcJ MOSCOW, Dec. 31 (CP) Russian forces, streaming through the greatest hole yet torn In Nail lines, have brokzn Into the outer Bug River defences in a driving offensive that has spilt the routed remnants of the Nazi General Von Mannstein's legions and car-iled to within thirty miles of the river itself, front line dispatches said today, Russian columns are sweeping towards the Bug, Germany's next line of defence railway, to open a deep wedge in the reeling Nazi army. Rus- . sian vanguards are repotted : within forty-three miles from the Polish border and ninety miles of the Dniester River which forms Russia's western boundary. MOSCOW. Dec. 31 The German retreat from Kiev on the south to Vitebsk In the north.js developing Into a disastrous rout as the Russians sped up their steajnroiV offensive on a wldenlnw- l enlrrg front The RtL . es.a 185-mile wide breBkirGw-B- Uiave capU ured no less than 1300 places 'n seven days and the fall of the Important cities of Zhitomir and Vitebsk is Imminent. Zhitomir is surrounded and being by-passed and Indications are it will be abandoned by the Nazis. The Soviet forces haye broken into Vitebsk with fighting now going on in the streets. inree nunaeia uiousana Nazis west of Kiev Is endeavouring to retire to safety. NAZI GOVERNMENT OFFICES SCATTER. ' LONDON, Dec. 31 Nazi government offices have been forced to scatter to all parts of Germany as a te- suit of the devastating air raids that have all but 'wiped out Berlin. Miss Marie Lock, who has been spending the Christinas and New Year holiday season here with her parents, Fire Chief and Mrs. H. T. Lock, 'will leave tomorrow night to resume hej studies In Victoria. American Marines Take Air Field WOULD SERVE HUDSON BAY Ten Thousand Ton Ships Could Run From Churchill to United Kingdom, Blacken Suggests. Cape Gloucester Base Taken From Japanese Gives Advantageous Position for Continuing Campaign Against Nipponese on Important New Britain Island. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NEW GUINEA, Dec. 31 (CP) American Marines have captured tha airdrome at Cape Gloucester, New Britain, it was. announced today. Two air strips of the vital -field were overrun as the marines used flame throwers and artillery. American losses were light in a battle which gave the marines the main Cape Gloucester positions 'gives the Americans an advan-four days after the landings. 1 tageeous base against the key The capture of the air field p0rt of Rabaul. BEST WISHES FOR 1944 TO ALL OUR READERS AN! FRIENDS UijS5aasi5SSIiBBBIin,BiBIllliBiBiiiBiiaaBiiBEBinBnsissBccsrssa3B2caiBiBtcBaaaicaiBBBriaaiBiBsiitanBSBaasBs '5 i 1 A