ty island on the Queen Char- 1 5DAY MARCH 2, 1943 ,1 r I WUSSALLEM'S' "Economy St ore jjghere Dollars Have More ynes 18-19 P.O. Box 575 Income Tax Keturns see . . E. Mortimer li3E!lL 321 2nd Ate. mMtt Help The Red Cross a the end ol ine wees 101- l. a trip to Vancouver. city council last' night ac-an offer from J. Murnhf of or lot 6, block 7, section 8 on ti is proposed to establish ier Scrivener, local representa- pi th; Wartime Prices and Board, will be the speaker weekly luncheon of the Rupert Rotary Club Thurs- 3ii subject will be "Inflation." remains of the late David rider Robinson, found last on Langara Island on the Charlotte Islands after" he been missing since January lowing the wreck of the rr Northholm off the ncrth-oa:;t of Vancouver Island, forwarded this morning to F-ill: where a sister resides there interment will be made. itk k or r.cr.i.i..TinN iti:si:nvi: . i t iy tflvpn that live Re- i vl Us 1964, Queen Charlotte esitubUalwid by Notice ':r British Columbia Ctaz-v 15th. 1!5. la cancelled. H. CATHCART, Deputy Minister of Land. peitmrait la, B.' r 1943, IEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZAHELLI, PRO?. fillome Away From Home- Kates 75c an itooms Hot & Cold "Water B Prince Rupert, B.C. me 281 P.O. Bo 198 CANADA'S NUTRITION PROGRAM TEA j R, Morgan , returned to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Eburne and family of Water Street left today lor Vancouver. They will be away lor the next month or so. A. P. Allison, well known Ouren Charlotte Island logging operator. arrived from Vancouver at the company's camp near Queen Charlotte City the latter part of- last week. Elmer Palmer, general sup;rin-tendent of the J. R. Morgan Log- I'Rlng Co., returned to the com pany's camp at Huxley Island on me iuezn unaricites the latter part of. last week after a trip to Vancouver. 1 The city council last night decided to- secure estimates for a water l!n on Ambrose Avenue 'which woujd be needed in connection with a proposed new fire hydrant for fire protection in that area. The annual report of Fire Chief H. T. Lock for the year 1942 was presented to the city council at last night's meeting and laid on the table for consideration of the members of the council. The fire -hiefs report for February showed tight calls without damage to civilian property. SHRIMPS BOAT W.SA. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. SERVICES TO Vancouver, VlctorU and Way-ixilntv Stewart and North, ifurrn Charlotte Island rull Information. Ticket! and Kesenatiom CRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 561 KWONG SANC. IIINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to Z Jn. Phone Red 217 TILLIE THE TOILER n lllllii I VJORK VM1LL A Sacred Concert by Varden Singers, First Lutheran Church, Wednesday, March 3 at 8 o'clock. Admission by program, 50c. A letter from the relief officer at Vancouver In regard to social assistance for Peter Dane was referred to the health committee at last night's meeting of the city council. Estimates of the telephone department for the year have been completed and are- in the hands of the city council, it was reported by the utilities committee at last night's council meeting. A report from Staff Sergeant F. W. Gallagher, chief of city porce, cn police matters was referred to at last night's meeting of the city council and sent on the police committee for consideration. Mayor W. M. Watts ad vised the city council last night that,' in yiew of the request of one of the alderman Information had been made available concerning the collection of poll taxes. A request from the Salvation Army that some redecorating work 1 be done at the Eventide Home was ' referred to the health committee at last night's meeting of the city council. Pay telephones which were ; installed recently in the Rush-brook Heights area are operating satisfactorily and paying their way, It was rp&rted to the city council last night by the utilities committee. In future there will be an execution fee of $2.50 to cover costs of getting out deeds for purchasers of all city tax sale property. A recommendation to this eject from the finance committee was adopted at last night's meeting of the city council. The mayor and members of the city council will be guests ef the officer commanding of iheRoyal Canadian Air Force at a dinner at Seal Cove on March 11. The invitation was read at last nlghtls meeting of the city council and accepted, Aid. W. H. Brett and Aid. J. S. Black intimated that they would be mnable to be pres ent. BUY... RUPERT THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES 1 Moose Lodge meets tonight at 8 o'clock In Eagles' Hall. All members requested to attend. The matter of regulation of cer tain conditions at Fairview Cemetery was referred to by Mayor W. M. Watts at last night's meeting of the city council and sent to the public works committee for Estimates for the library board were turned in at' last night's meeting of the city council and referred to the finance committee. It was announced that school estimates had been referred back to the board of school trustees for further consideration. Application fom John Eyolfscn for permission to build a garage on the south side of Second Avenue beneath the high rock 'luff Just this side of Westview Bridge was referred to the Board of Works at last night's meeting of the city council. V Fire Chief H. T. Lock advised the city council in a report at last night's council meeting that Bech- tel. Price & Callaghan, American contractors, had no intention of replacing three tents which had been destroyed by a recent fire in a construction camp in the Beach Place area nor were two remaining tents to be used. A better location for fuel tanks would be found. The fire chief had been asked to look inti conditions at this camp. rfhhcuHcemehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Card party, Catholic, Hall, March 17. Contract and Whist; good prizes. Admission 50c. Entries Queen Mary Bridge Tournament close March 17. . 1 Registered Nurses Association Dance, Oddfellows' 'Hall, March 18. St. Peter's Spring Sale, March 25. Eastern Star Dance, March 25. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 29. BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers ' NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Qo. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd, A C.OOD. PLACE TO BUY Mattresses, all sizes; Bedsteads, steel and wood; Baby Carriages, Lloyds', Chesterfield Suites; Bedroom Suites; Dinette Suites, walnut and natural finish; Pillows; Bed Spreads; Window Shades; Carpets, all sizes; Linoleum and Floor Covering of all kinds. When you need them we have them in stock. Phone 775 OH DEAR EVERY' HAKES ME THINkI 'PamF'and every KakeM .Z- -".T.V L V-c riiL" AND ENtRy M ..vix IVIV- n WIN ur . ,-. 327 3rd Avenue West JOE, MOVJ CAM 1 fciErWW THAT J-dmES QIRu OUT J VJORKl I OF MY HEAD i SHE J IS THE I Anton Slmondson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Slmondson of this city, has arrived overseas safely. He Is serving In the'Navy. As a result of being struck by a large contracting truck yesterday afternoon near the corner of Second Avenue and Third Street, considerable damage was done to the car of Dr. L. W. Kergln. No one was hurt. russiFiED FOR SALE FOR SALE 3'4 x 4'4 Reflex Camera, also .22 calibre Mossberg clip repeater. Apply Box 445 Daily News. (56) FOR SALE New wooden bedstead with springs. 674 Fourth Ave. East. Phone Green 837. '(51 1 FOR SALE One complete bed. Call between 7 and 9 p.m., 344 Fifth Ave. East. FOR SALE Three Men's Suits. Apply Staff House No. 6, Room 675, after six o'clock. (54) FOR SALE Man's bicycle. $25 cash, phone Red 953, Wednesday after 6 o'clock. (52) LOST Man's gold wristwatch. Phone Red 193. , i56) HOUSE FOR SALE House, completely furnished, 10 rooms and bath, pantry, linen closet, large halls, hot water heating system, cement basement, suitable for rooming or boarding house. Pricr $4,000. Apply to 510 Seventh Avenue West. (54V WANTED WANTED Room by gentleman, light housekeeping preferred. Apply Box 439 Dally News. (53) WANTED To buy rowboat. 12 to 16 feet, good condition. Phone Blue 976. (55) WANTED Sinqer sewine machine Phone Red 337. (55) SLEEPING quarters urgently needed by laily stenographer m es sential position. Phone Black 510 Miss Fullerton. (53) WANTED Room and board in'' family home for woman with 4 months' old baby. Urgent. Phone Blue 419 (Mrs. Martin). (58) WANTED 32 to 34 Hull with gurdy for scrap fishing. Apply Box 444 Daily News. (52 LOST LOST One brown leather pocket-book containing valuable papers. Owner is G. L. Burman, c-o Lindsay's Cartage. Reward. (tf) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. HELP WANTED WANTED Girls 18 to 26. free to travel. Salary and commission. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 36. (51) WANTED Ladies, 25 and over to work on telephone, on part time basis. 40c an hour. Apply Room 37. Rupert Hotel. (51) WANTED Youths 17 to 22, free to travel. Salary and commission. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 27. (51) WANTED Youth for meter read ing by Light and Power Company in Prince Rupert. Good prospect for good worker. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, A.M. 25. (51) WANTED Experienced stenogra- pher for full time employment. Provincial Field Service, Court House, Prince Rupert. Phone 531. (tf) WANTED Girl or- woman to do light housework, no children and room In. Phone Green 800, call 324 Fourth Av. West. (50 t . 1 ii it j r-wa 1 1 ijMr 1 r 1 1 niiu . . - ' :-x i. - 1 i 1 1 WEDDING J IV A - , Jr-teEEM V g " - - - - . r I, rm iggiaajMiaaMUB By WESTOVER f-5;i-i cvcdv PnTAT1 Uas eveJ AND vCl HEN EVER I THINK, OF EVES I THINK-MHAT NmONDEKFUL. .fa-yfaa TILLAE HAS! Give - HUMAN SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EVER Now! WATTS & NICKERS0N WORK BOOTS ' Out Stock of Working Boots is second to none. Sizes from G to 12. Arch-King, Valentine, Greb, Til-sonburg and Sterling makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in and let us show you. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes FURNITURE SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES with foundations. Sizes 4-6, 3-3. COTTON FELT FILLED MATTRESSES in sixes 4-6, 4-0, 3-3. UNTAINTED FURNITURE r Drop-side Tables and Chairs. BEDROOM SUITES:' Dressers in Walnut Finish. FLOOR COVERING: Congoleum Rugsarid Congoleum' by the ; yard, 6 feet and 9 feet wide. ''' '' ' '' AXMINSTER RUGS. All sizes. WE HAVE THE GOODS SEE THEM AT ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Discover The Variety Store! You don't need to shop from store to store for household helps, a card of buttons, or a polo shirt for Junior! YouH find these things and hundreds of others all In the VARIETY STORE. So why not save steps by shopping for notions and other small items at big savings at THE VARIETY STORE, where you find everything in one convenient spot7 THE VARIETY STORE "Where your dimes are little dollars" PHONE RED 120 518 3rd AVE. WEST m .a ,1 ,