auoust H, 1 J2C3 Wr.t 4 1st Avenue. LI ATI 1ft Al TRY our HAIUKML CURL WAVE We are certainly getting compliments these days on the lovely permanents we are giving. If you haven't tried us yet, be sure and drop in. Anne Beau t t t e j Af nam? hiiu niuie uiuu iu,uvv. P o w S h ACCREDITED 1940 ' o p p e Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Iilue 917 ...nfn NATIVES' CIFT 8.C00 sheen to Uie colonv's live ..... ti o since siock controller as.frirtj! tr t.ho 1 . urn - - . . i n.ivs Gofton House School VANCOUVER, B.C. 1 RESIDENTIAL and DAY SCHOOL for GIRLS lie buildings with modern equipment. Beautifully situated in 10 acres of well-wooded grounds. Primary tosses to matriculaUon. Home Economics. Music, Art ma Speech Training. Gymnastics. Dancing. Games. Akhery and Riding. School Re-opens September 8 for Hoarders, September 9 for Day Girls. I'riltlw Prospectus: Miss Ellen K. Bryan, M.A., Principal. Vancouver. BC MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in G" and 8". Just arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes LADIES' 'Gonella' Dress Shoes in muvt it oucuu, jjivvvu vjiusii iiut muwu Calf, Black Softie Calf, Hlack Suede in low, spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to ait any taste and priced to -suit any Locals Cash lor old gold, Bulger's. J. Carlson of Bmlthers left Prince Rupert this morning for Vancouver. J. E. Cook of Vancouver, who has been visiUng his son, J. E Coolc here, left this morning to return to Vancouver. Among those leaving this morning for Vancouver was H Rlchman. A The shipyard workers parade to Introduce their candidate for Carnival Queen "Miss Victory" Welderette May McElwaln, has been postponed until Sundav afternoon, August 22. (it) J. Vy. Porter, chief engineer, western Region, Canadian National Railways, Winnipeg, fol lowing a visit of a couple of to the city on official "J' ,..HpH SS.T20 mnril nn1 nmhHn aK,f UUJ,""a- u' iil!l evening? ,-a 8vc , j train on his return East. black ties with when off duty. STYLE SHOPPE Entire Slock to Clear at Astonishingly Low Prices. Come and He Convinced. COATS DRESSES ' ? WAISTS SKIRTS HOUSECOATS HATS SHOES HOSE LINGERIE - wu ci.osK our noon on the 28th day or august THIS IS FINAL GIRLS AND WOMEN HETWEEN 18 AND 45! You are needed' for real full time service m the CW.A.C. The smartest uniform ever designed awaits you. Visit your nearest Army Recruiting Office with out delay. battle dress Announcing the Opening of the ' STYLE BEAUTY PARLOR AND BARKER SHOP At C07 3rd Ave. W. (Next door to the Royal Bank) Phone Blue 84 for Appointments. All work guaranteed i it ?b t tm tm i m raiaia sBiati S GEORGE DUCIIAK and his PRAIRIE RAMBLERS Jj "-piece Modern and Old- 5 jj time Dance Band open for - engagements. 2 "No dance too big, j no dance too smalL" " Write to George Duchak, jJJ c-o Daily News tt u a tmmm lb ai imm it For Income Tar RETURNS SEE. R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Wishes to announce that it will be CLOSED FOR BUSINESS until Aug. 20. LAST FOUR WEEKS OF THE THE STYLE SHOPPE , IMU Mart,t TII1IU) AVENUE Man Deceased Is Honored In Unusual Award THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Gold Medal of R.C.II.A. Issued to Mark Heroic Action of Water-down Resident Trying to Save Children HAMILTON, Ont., Aug. 14 0 Only eight times in the 50 years of Royal Canadian Humane Association awards for heroic deeds has the gold medal of that organization been - Issued. It is announced today that the eighth in the line has been awarded posthumously to An thony Bennettl of Waterdown, Ont., for his heroic attempt to rescue three children from drowning in a gravel pond at Aldershot, Ont., June 18, this year. The Association's citation reads: "Mr. Bennetti, a non swimmer, not thinking of his own life but that of the chil dren, Jumped Into the water fully clothed, to the chlldren'3 rescue. When he got wltnln a A recent Canadian Army or- few feet of Ihe children they der allows other ranks to wear .all went under waier. Bronze medals of the Associ ation are awarded to L. Bdr. William Bartlett and Jack Wil son, Burlington, Ont., for at tempting to rescue two men from drowning Jn Lake Ontario, April 28. Bartlett and Wilson paddled out on a plank, using boards for paddles, till they came alongside the two men who had been dumped from their craft In choppy waters. They were unable to bring the men in alive, however, and were themselves in a dangerous situation when they were rescued by Robert Neilson of Bur- LADIES! CHOOSE HairtL Lairarcssiiig AS YOUR CAREER Splendid opportunity. Rapid i'1vnce-mcnt. Vr wotk hl ibiorbtd many hairdrritcri. You hoo!d train to taltt heir place. 90 of todajr'a Brautidam i 're School Craduatea. Where they made auch treat tucceai, you can alio. Right now mart girlt are needed to train (or hairdreaiera. Practical expert training guaranteed. Very reasonable rates. Write today or free literature, MOLER Hairdressing School 303 We f Hastings Streef Vancouver, B. C. Registered Under Trade Schools Regulation Act. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S.O.N. Invitation Dance, Fri day, Aug. 20. Get tickets from members. Valhalla Invitation Dance, August 27. J.M.S.Loubser D.C., B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Thone fitO Tchesinkut Lake Tchesinkut Lake Auto Camp- Ten miles south of Burns Lake, on highway to Tweedsmuir Park. Three cabins, $1.50 per day. Cooking utensils supplied. Trailer space nnd camp sites. Rate, 50c per day witn use or, Kitcnen. Good trout and char fishing, and big-game country. Open from May 1st to January 1st. Auto service In connection. Write or wire: R. E. Lord, Tchesinkut Lake. B.C. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms lington, who is awarded the Association's parchment Other Parchments Parchment certificates are awarded also to the following Ontario people: AC. H. J. Webb, Brantford, for a rescue from drowning in the Grand River, April 22. John MacLean, London, Ont., for rescue of a two-year-old from a burning house in London, Dec. 10, 1042. Francis H. Kilbreath, Sarnia, Ont., fora rescue In the St. Clair River, April 6., Ernest Blackman, Seeley's Bay, Ont., lor a rescue in the St. Bay, May 19. William G. Dobson and E. P. J. Swlndall, of London, Ont., for savkig a number of persons from possible' electrocution in London, March 19. FOR SALE Double burner hotplate. 1453 Pigott Place. 99) FOR SALE Four room house. Phone Blue 739. (195) FOR SALE Six-room house, on two lots facing corner and Fifth, full basement with hot air furnace, 508 Green Street; all enamel McClary stove with Imperial oil burner. For further Information Phone Blue 167 or apply at house between 2 and 4 or 7 and 9 p.m. (194) FOR QUICK SALE 3 room, fully modern house. Ideal for couple. 132 9th Ave. W. Apply McClymont Agencies. (It) FOR SALE Large crib and mattress, double bed And mat tress and high chair, all prac tlcally new. Apply 870 6th Ave. E. (190) FOR SALE Cabin boat, length 26 feet, 8 loot beam, 8 h.p Fairbanks engine. For further details phone Red 821 after 6 pjn. (191) FOR SALE Complete household furnishings Including: piano, dishes, glassware, cooking utensils'. 210 -6tii-Ave: ErPttone Blue 278. (191) FOR SALE Piano, Phone Black 618. (194) FOR SALE Child's crib, also folding bed and mattress. Phone Blue 921, mornings. (190) FOR SALE 1938 Ford with steel dump box and hoist, also flat deck. First class shape, good rubber. Apply No. 30(1 c-o Poole Construction Co. (194) FOR SALE Duplex house consisting of two five room apartments, one occupied, another ready for possession Sept. 1. Phone Blue 334 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE 27 foot cabin cruiser. P. O. Box 435, City. (191) FOR SALE Camp at McNicholl Creek across the harbor, linoleum on floor. Phone 775 or Green 875. (191) FOIl SALE Hillcrest Farm, Terrace, 50 acres, with stock, Implements and household contents. Apply Frank Morris, Terrace, B.C. (193) FOR SALE OR CHARTER Licensed dlesel passenger ferry, dlesel towboats. Box 531, Daily News. FOR SALE Steam tug, small scow, 100 h.p. marine diesel. Box 531, Dally News. LOST LOST $5 between Ambrose and 6th Ave. Return to Dally News. (191) MISCELLANEOUS LAUNDRY taken. 1336 Overlook Street. (195) In the Supreme Court of Mr It Mi f'ol u mli hi In I'rolmte In the Matter of the .ilmlnltratlon Art" nnd In the Mltr f the KkMite of Oil Kelvin (otherwise known as flust Kelt In) Iln-eiiied TAKE NOTICE tlwit by. order of HU Honor W. E. I"taT, trade en the SUi day of August, AJJ. 1943. I waa ptxtrut&.l Administrator of the Estate of Oue Selvln, fonherwlse town 8 tnift Selvln) deceased, Raid an puiUes iiavlnij claims against uie said estate are hereby required to i furnish same, propwly w tiled, to me o or about Uie 7 th day of oepcenuoer a. d. 1M3, and all par ties IndeWed to the estate are re qiKred to pey Um amount of their inciewedneas to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. tow nui day ol TVugust A D. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. mnc Rupert, B C bum m m tm im imu tarn tm ra Timely Recipes B'H tirs ) vies imm i a -cmvmm CRUMB PANCAKES Vz cup flour 3 teaspooas baking powder Vz teaspoon salt 1 1 2 cups fine, stale bread crumbs 2 eggs Vi cups milk 2 tablespoons melted fat Mix and sift flour, toakln? powder and salt Stir in bread crumbs. Beat eggs and combia with milk. Add to dry ingredients and beat well. Add melted fat. Bake on greased hot griddle or frying pan, cooking on one side until bubbles form on top and edges are cooked, then turn and cook other side. Advertise in the Daily Newsl Classified Ads FOR SALE HELP WANTED WANTED Ward maids for to pni hnsnltal. Good salary. Ap ply Selective Service Office,' A.F. 75. (190) WANTED Truck driver wants work evenings. Write Box 1223 Station B. City. (191 WANTED Stenographer for law office. Permanent position or Just part time with opportunity for advancement. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF. 60. (tf) WANTED Hairdresser for well established ijuslness. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 71. (193) WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework. Apply Box 550 Daily News. (tH WANTED Truck Driver. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, A.M. 71. (tf) 'WANTED TWO reliable men want work evenings. Write Box 1223 Sta tlon B. City. (191) Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. URGENTLY NEEDED Small furnished suite. P.O. Box 874, City. WANTED -T- Small mother dog o look after two weeks' old pups. Phone Bd 718. (192) WANTED Two rooms for married couple and 1 baby. Any place in town, write J. Renlak. General Delivery, Prince "Hup ert. (195) WANTED Furnished house or apartment. Urgently needed Immediately by young couple Permanent residents. Phone Red 474. (191) WANTED For naval officer .and wife, furnished or unfurnished house or apartment commencing September. Willing pay good rent, several months In advance if desired. Would look after house like own Please call Black 813. (191) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for men shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED House or apartment required by trustworthy couple and two well behaved children, pay well, give good .care. Box 551 Daily News. i am ! PERSONAL DAY NURSERY Opening Aug. 16, Monday, $L per day. Can accommodate limited number only. Applications taken now between 6 and 8 p.m. daily. 441 Seventh Ave. East. (192) STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, ,Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk, Customs Examiner, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M. C. C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The oldest in Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KIN-DERGARTEN with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg. Three hundred pairs of boots a day are repaired at the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps workshop at Kingston, Ont. Vtoctud In Vancouver, by a Local Company SHANAHAN'S ALT ALL GRADES OF COABSE AND FINE SALT SHANAHAN'S SALT BLOCKS AND LICKS Plain Iodized Super Iodized Mineralized Cariboo Minerals SHANAHAN'S STOCK SALT ( Ground and Fine) Plain Iodized Super Iodized PATENT PURIFIED FINE SALT, SHANAHANS LIMITED Vancouver - Calgary - Winnipeg 1 Clearance Sale of LADIES' and CHILDREN SHOES ODD LINES . . . BUT ALL SIZES Ladies' Cuban, High or Low Heel. Reg. vaue3, $3.95 to $5.00, Sale Prices, Pair, $195 and 52,39 Children's Shoes. Reg. values $2.50 to $2.75. for " I,air-$1.95 Ladies' Suede Overshoes. Black, Fur-trimmed. Reduced to Pair-$2.95 REMNANTS of Sharkskin, Silk Poplins, Dress and Curtain materials, all colors. One yard to 3V-, yards long at ABOUT HALF PRICE. Odd lot of Smallwares at Bargain Prices: Buttons, Silk and Cotton Thread, Hairpins, Fasteners, Silk Floss, etc. B. C CLOTHIERS LTD: JUST RECEIVED a Shipment of SIMMONS Bed Springs and Mattresses (Size 4'G" and 4'0") BEAUTYREST SLEEP UNIT, DEEPSLEEP SLUJIBEItKING ELIO FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue (Next to Daily News) Prince Rupert BOOKS That sh ould be in every home Webster Dictionary Collegiate ..... -$3.50 7 Indexed i $6.00 i Webster Vest Pocket Dictionary , 35c jWar Time Meals . $2.75 Pocket Book of Home Canning i'j39c First Aid to the Injured , , ; 85c Rhymes of a Western Logger . . . .50c (NOTE Store closed from 12 to 1 p.m. daily -except Thursday) 1 ' I i ! i'