1 THE DAILY NEWS PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE KUPEItT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News limited. Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR W... R. Motherwell ... Bossibly no other single man did more in the interests of agriculture in Canada - particularly for the wheat farmers of the prairies-than did the late Hon. W. K. Dominion and Saskatchewan minis-' ter of agriculture. He was known as the father of the co- operative movement among agrarians, uuu it ts m uwt fiDA fV.Qf ha mnrlp his m-eatest contribution. Mr. Mother- bllUb 1 -- mv. O . Mnnrinr in T?prrinn after an illness ot j, several weeks at the age of 83. Many years ago in his ministerial capacity he visited Prince Rupert. Delightfully vague, typically Churchillian speaking informally to the British embassy staff in Washington, Prime Minister Churchill says there is a possibility the "proud Germany Army may collapse" but . adds, "it would be folly to count on that possibility." row The Sky Train ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess The response to my request for wringers for the Veterans' Guard was wonderful. People phoned In all evening. Just another case of the goodwill of the Prince Rupert people and I do thank them most sincerely! The Veterans' Guard is nnr fixpd un but I am keeping all the other names and addresses so any of the other service units who need a wringer may get in touch with me. We lost two of our most popular "Y" persons luesday night when Connie and Hec MacKenzie left. Hec is on his way overseas with the "Y" and Connie will stay In Kamloops where her parents livo. They will be missed especially in Prince Rupert sports circles. Yes, was protesting vociferously the indignity of the baggage car. A week from tonight the "'Support Company" of the new regiment in town Is holding a dance at their quarters. They have taken over Thursday night as it was so ! successful with the outgoing regiment. Hostesses will meet as usual at the "Y" and transportation will be there to take them out. Tonight we are holding a wedding reception in the ladles' lounge ..for Junior Hostesses Eileen Ham-blin and Private Ralph de Coursey of the Americans. Eileen has been closely connected- with the 'Y' since first we started and we look upon It as a real" family affair. We will wish the young couple much happiness In their married life. I've had quite a number of letters from those in the services who have left here and I don't think they are ribbing me-they neay all wish they were back in Rupert. I a Sergeant Splro Gurvich is leav-.Sk'PP "SkinDv" their little fox terrior . rL wrLn. toe tonight for a trip to Vancou- taciii aious aim, vwr. . - - . , . . n over vrr. iuia. uui.u "u already in Vancouver. I shall quote from a lew from time to time. Don't forget the CPO's and Petty Officers' dance tomorrow. Men,WomenGver40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old ? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality? Pom wk. rundown, i haunted vooditloo Diaia jou Icri futged out. old? Try OHtrex Tonic Tablet. Contain gnrl mnlM, at) umlaut, otm DwdM ftfir .10 r 40 Help you fVt normal pep, Tim, rt-mlity. TrUI lis :ic. HA VE ttCAU MONKY Kll. or pwtaJ "frktmomy" Mit and ru lOo. tm ftto. A ail dmuiata. tot an todar For Income Tax RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Are. Industry is helping win' the war... industry must help build a peacetime, world Today, all industries must produce as never before mustspeed theoutputof food, tanks, planes,guns,ships. and other instruments of war must conserve vitaj suppliesthat we may win quickly a decisive victory. Tomorrow, all industries must continue to produce" beating swords into plowshares to prevent world-wide unemployment leading to ultimate economic collapse. If 'the world is to prosper, there must be the same cohesion among the United Nations during the transition period and thereafter as now exists during the worldwide conflict. Internal stability here and in other nations can be gained and maintained only by sustained industrial production and by interdependence. The people of this country, in common with the people W other lands, will prosper materially and spiritually -when this war is ended but only if plans world-wide in scope are formulated promptly for A JUST AND DURABLE PEACE. THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY. - - OF CANADA, LIMITED 25 King Street West, Toronto LETTERBOX CONGRATULATIONS TO ItOULTEU We congratulate Thomas Boulter of Our local dry dock on his splend- "31 THURSDAY, MAY 27, i94J Id work In the Fourth" Loan. We said In the yard It's ui to Tommy to put it over the top and It's not a surprise to us that he did. Tommy. Boulter had done H before and we know that he will do It again." We are proud to have such a man in the yard, and we will back him to the limit if such s time comes. BOYS OF THE DRY DOCK. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Llnzey are reaving tonight for a trip to FOR SALE 1G Cotton Mattresses, at $13.50 9 Used Beds and Springs, at . . $9.50 2 Electric Ranges at a very low price. B.C. Furniture Phone Black .121 Tlllltl) AVENUE ii4 m:axBi-mt aurxa ; I GOLD SEAL! H Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon 3 If Hi mi.ini Jr 9 i 1 i l r. i lltrrlni y In lomlo m Suc b 1 i arn both on ctlte ierlce , but, will be. back on yoaf g shelf soon s condl- B Rr.-cer's g 15 ditioni permit. OI'I'ORTUNITY For fanciers of Scollies. Wires, Damnations, Dobermans. Champion Stock Have City Licence, Buildinf Material. Will Finance. IMion Hlack 823 I! KWONO SANO UINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to Klnt Tal 612 7th AVE. WKST All your patronare welcome toJ m. Out.We Open.5 p.m, Orders; from 2 p m. to 2 n-rhone lied 2 J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Wfslhnlme Hooms