pRSDAV. MAY 27, 1943 THE DAILY NEWJL,. PAGETHREE A. C. Small reported to the Prince Word has been received In the, LOCALS Rupert Rotary Club at its weekly city of the promotion from the m oday, as always, the 'Salada? uUSBAND lunchepn today on the recent district ..v rank of captain to that of Major conference at Victoria. He told label is of certain zoning changes which C. A. Nixon who was here with your guarantee of a A Annette Powell's Beauty Shop hed been made to divide the district the Irish Fusiliers In the parlv uniform blend, of fine quality teas for better permanents. Fourth St., into smaller areas. President-George days of the war. Major Nixon, idTQH'S across from Post Office. Phone C. Mitchell was In the chair hose wife is the foftnetMlss Mar Blue 917. (tf) and there was a good attendance of garet McLeod of this city, has been members. overseas for a couple of years. A. Listen In to QFPR Thursday SALAD A! 6:30 p.m. and hear Angus Macln-nls THE BEST War." on "Labor In War. and (13) Post Classified Ads U et to o Womca ,hebeSVeat home. S UKE l.J:fc: K2M7,m 122 fliXKI 12 UZM2 JBamrttiO.l Ui WS KXKXEt B J PRESCRIPTIONS I Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us - .f - Ormes ltd. TTii. Pioneer Druggists THE It EX ALL STOKE PHONES 81 and 83 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m.. and 7-9 p.m. ! NOTI On and after June 1 this Association has decided t to handle Non-Member business with the excep- n of Marine Trade and U.S. and Canadian Gov- nments' business. To take care of our Non-Member business, the iien Consumers' Co-operative Association has i formed which y6u and all other consumers fy join. Help Yourself Help Us pin The Kaien Co-op Now The Kaien Co-on will commence business in the M lines in the premises previously occupied by e Thrift Cash and Carry. Ulher lines, of merchandise will be handled by Rement through our Cow Bay Store. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association Box. 2(M, Prince Rupert, B.C. Qualify Groceries Vrc&h Vegetables Cooked Meats ' Confectionery Cigarettes Tobaccos MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where, Dollars Have More Cents" 18-If) r.O. Hot 575 Mrs. William Richards returned to. the city yesterday from a visit to Vancouver. Enelnppr's Tsun1 Kin n.i.. - o vt.u iuiai Meeting, Friday, May 28. Please at- Miss Helen Walker, who has been snendlne the nast slv uwir. In Portland receiving speciallst'3 treatment, Is returning home tomorrow night from the south. AEllo's Pay Casn for Furniture, Stoves. Tools, Musical instruments. . Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Kergln and 'family are, leaving tonight on their return to Ocean Falls to i complete their arrangements for ;moving to Prince Rupert. Bedding Plants For Sale. Wild? ins's Greenhousg, Alfred St. , . f) j Regimental Sergeant Major Fred F0COCK, who has been identified with the local reserve unit since its formation in January, leaves might for Vancouver, having been transferred south. Mrs. Albert St. John, the former Miss Helen Ormlston, returned to the city Tuesday night from Kam-loops where she was recently married. Her husband was formerly with the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals here. They spent a while In Vancouver after the wedding. Military Orders -by-' Lieut.-Col. G. C. Oswell, E.D. Parades Officers and N.C.O.'s of A, B and C Coys, will parade at the Armoury at 13:30 hours, Sun day, May 30, for machine gun practice. Dress: drill order Officers will report at. 19:30 hours, Thursday, May 27, at the Armories. There will be no parade on Friday night, May 28. All personnel of D Coy. will report at 10:00 hours Sunday, May 30, at the rifle range for. target practice. Dress: battle dress, with anklets, skeleton web, field service cap, small pack. Ralncape, cup, water bottle and lunch will- bo brought in small pack. BlOW Y0UR C0RNS SKY "IGH CfWr" unnK iun ill with yrairv A, Ai Tied forces, nunci, wir-worken frt brtf tciilu wiih Cresj Healing Silve ind Foot lb JM vtfer, too. Sold DV l.qamg urvggiin. Announcement All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Job's Daughters Tea, Novelty Sale, May 29, Mrs. Art Nickerson's, 801 Summit Ave. Diptherla susceptibility (Schick) testing for adults at Health Unit Office (2 donrs from Library) Monday and Friday, 5 to 6 pjn.; Saturday 9 to 12 ajn. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, May 28. St. Peter's Tea and. Home Cooking, Mrs. J. W. Morehouse, June 10th. Hill 60 Mystery Tea, June 3rd, Mrs. G. E. Moore, 5th Ave. W. Parent-Teachers' Tea. Oddfellows' Hall, June 4. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance, Empress Club, June 4. Navy Tea, Mrs. Borland's, June 10. L.O.B.A. Invitation Dance, Odd lellows' Hall, June 14, J. M. S. Loubser D.C, B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block fhone 141 for Hale mauress, $15.00; vacuum cleaner, $5.00,. Apply 1011 3rd Ave. West between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. (123) TOR SALE Kitchen table and chairs, dresser, chest of drawers, 443.5th Ave. East. (124) FOR SALE Canary, cige and stand, $10.00. 1651 Herman Place,. (123) FOR SALE Kitchen table, and chairs, arm chair, baby's pram, high chair,, baby's walker, card table, battery maptel radio. 1376 " Overlook Street. (124) FOR SALE One-piece chesterfield, upholstered chair like new. Call after. 7 pm. 731 5th Ave. West (rear or 729). (125) FOR SALE House, 8 rooms, fire place, furnace, nice grounds and view. Occupancy about May 20. Near Dry Dock. Price $4,750. Terms. G. P. Tinker Ltd, (125) FOR SALE Attractive three-room ed house with full concrete basement and furnace, good central location, furnished or unfurnished. Occupancy June 1st. G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. (123) FOR SALE Two 8-foot mahogany wan cases; two 8-ioot mahogany Floor cases; one Carey safe ferine desk; one dining room suite; one b,jrjetR. W. Cameron, Jeweller. (127) FOR "SALET Baby carriage. 1093 Ambrose Ave. Phone Black 152. (124) FOR SALE Dalmatlon puddv. male. Call 108.7th Ave. E. (123) FOR SALE Used furniture of all descriptions. Visit Ello's used department, Third Axenue next to Dally News, Prince Rupert. AUCTION SALE will be held at Usk on May 26, 9:00 .am. Stove, heater, complete beds, tables, chairs, 2. dressers, new kitchen cabinet, gramophone, dandy riding horse, new sewing machine, etc. (123) FOR SALE Year old laying Pul lets Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, $1.75 each or $1.50 each for. 300 or more; 12 weeks old special New Hampshire pullets at $1.25 each. F.O.B. Klt- wanga, Good farm, buildings, chicken houses, etc., for rent or t man to manage same. Write to Box 496 Daily News. (123) FOR SALE Lady's bicycle in good condition. Apply 434 6th Ave. E. (123) FOR SALE Nine tubeVlctor long and short ,wave radio. $90. Black 751. (127) FOR SALE Troller, name "Baldy". Can be seen at the New Floats. (123) FgR SALE Dresser, kitchen table and six chairs, 1105 Ambrose. Red 981. (124) ' BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. (125) HELL' WANTED FOR SALE One 20 K.W. Volt 1200,' WANTED AT ONCE by Canadian R.P.M. Cummins Diesel Generat ing Set, -complete with switchboard and cooling system. Also one 65 HP. Cummins Diesel Power Unit. Write or wire, Heib Schaub, Ketchikan, Alaska. 123) FOR SALE Chesterfield and chairs In good condition. Phone Blue 288. (123) FOR SALE Single bed, spring and National Railways. Car Checker. Regular schedule wages plus bonus. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.M. 49. (123; WANTED Janitor, Town .office iDout two noura daily. Box 497 Dally News. (124) APPLICATIONS will e received for the position of Accountant for the City of Prince Rupert. Applicants must have had, previous municipal accounting experience. Apply, stating age, qualifications, experience, salary expected and date available to Unemployment Insurance Commission. , (tf) WANTED Carpenter and Joiner for bench work, sash and door, frames, general shop work, Ap- , ply National Selective Service, A.M. 47. (123) WANTED Stenographer. Permanent position. Phone 664. (124) WANTED Truck driver for. Cartage business: Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 34- ' (tf) WANTED Bookkeeper for cartage business, male preferred, mili tary exempt. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.M. 38. (tf) WANTED WANTED Lawn mower in eood condition. Phone Blue 182 after 5:00 P.M. (123) WANTED-Small cook stove in good . condition. Phone Red 481, mornings. (123) WANTED Truck driver for Wholesale Meat Distributors. Apply National Selective Service, Prince Rupert, AM. 45. (tf) WANTED URGENTLY House or apartment for young couple with small baby. Phone Blue 878. (200) WORK WANTED PAINTING and Paper Hanging. Phone Red 738. . (124) LOST LOST Yesterday morning between end of. Ninth Ave. and Ocean Dock, purse containing registration card, unemployment' insurance book, bank book, $6 and important papers. Finder please leave at Daily News and, keep money for reward. (124) ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS For Feet That Sweat, Burn and Give Off Offensive Odors Tonighi do this give your tired aching feet a good hot foot bath; rinse and dry thoroughly. Next pour about a teaspoonful of 1 Moone's Emerald Oil Into the palm of your hand ajd rub thoroughly oyer the foot, rubbing well .Into the soles repeat the rubbing In the morning. Relief comes quickly for that, aching burning soreness you go about your work happy and comfortable again. Moone's Emerald Oil does not stain Is economical and sold satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Any progressive drug store will be glad to supply you. ORMES LIMITED VICTORY SHOE RENEW 50.') Richard Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mnil or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We , give you quick service, and the best job and material obtainable. We Pay The Return Charges TEA Cemetery Service Those wishing plots fixed at Falrview Cemetery, phone the caretaker at the Cemetery between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. week days. RUPERT TIMELY ... m INFORMATIVE . . . POCKET Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done in wet weather. Oil burners also cleaned and serviced Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE TO ALL HOUSEHOLDERS AND OWNERS OF APARTMENTS AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS To ensure there being adequate stocks of fuel for next winter, the city is endeavouring to arrange for supplies of cord wood. In order to determine NOW what the probable requirements will be during the next 9 months, it Is necessary that you, forward, the. following, information to the City Clerk: 1. Name, and address. 2. Number, of. cords you will require to. Feb. 28, 1944. 3. Number of cords you can store. 4. Number of cords on which delivery can be taken ' to July 31, 1943. Prompt action Is, necessary NOW If you want to avoid discomfort and possible hardship next winter. Preference wlll be given to those filing information. Write to City Clerk or phone 90. The responsibility is yours. ACT TODAY. CITY CLERK. BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Go. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA BOOKS Each 39c. THE HUMAN BODY - - Glendenlng P.B. OF VEGETABLE GARDENING Nlssley P.B. OF CROSSWORD PUZZLES POCKET HISTORY, OF THE U.S. ..... Neylns and Commager DEFENSE WILL NOT WIN THE WAR Kernan TOPPER TAKES A TRIP Smith THE GLASS KEY - Hammett THE RUBBER BAND - Stout Read. Inexpensive Pocket Books 1 I r i s 1 1 I ! s r i s J s 1 I mmmmmMmmimmmmmmm