i I i v i i ir- PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA ""Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince - . Rupert Dally News JUmlted, Third Avenue . V" O. A.- HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of sperial despatches therein .are also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION' If ATES By City "Carrier, per week - Per on onto , , t- Per year By Mail, per 'month - Per year DAILY EDITION ,. . . .15 ,65 ..$7.00 . .40 . $4.00 Friday, October 1. 1943. Fighters AndPotential Voters . . . -The U.S. .presidential election in 1944 promises to be one of the most interesting and sijrnilicant in the American history for two reasons: Tlie Fourth Tejjn issue and the fact that, for the first time .a block :0f votes "will exist outside the States, big enough to .decide a close icontest. 3y voting time next year, the American overseas soldier1 vote may run as .high .as 4 to o .million, from -a total armed force of 11,300,000 Mr. .Roosevelt's -popular vote pluralities in '32, '36, .and '40, were respectively 7,060,016, 10,797,090 .and 4$38flXV, so the importance -of the armed force vote both in the States land overseas is evident. ! A new kind of political campaign on a huge scale is in the offing. -Issues of the .election will .have to t be carried literally to the .ends of the ..earth. ' Control of the mediums, the .radio and the press, ., 'by which servicemen get their news is in the iiands - si Ihe government. Already the Republican opposition js .charging .that the Democratic -Government -isicarefully :protecting t,he Armed Forces from politiesparticularly Republican politics. T Xo the millions .of Americans fighting for Democ- racy, important rights are involved, not .only the right .of 'the fighters to vote, but their equally' important right to .a fair hearing of both sides.of the campaign. ' Canadians will watch the election with ;keen f riendlv interest mainlv because President Roosevelt is immensely popular in Canada, but also .because the American handling of the overseas vote Will otter useful experience for .the next Federal campaign in -Canada, due any time .within the next two years. The Liberation of Corsica To vmost .of , us the invasion of Corsica is just, another Mediterranean island operation. But to the 'French jt is much more. It is the first step in the liberation of France, and ;it is being conducted by French troops, with some Italian support and th, -frenzied .co-operation of the inhabitants of the island. ""Allied political strategy in the Mediterranean area may have slipped a tew cogs irom time to time. But entrusting the liberation of Corsica to the troops and ships of Gen.Giraud -was sheer inspiration of the highest order. The French re a proud people. They have never quite figured out what happened in 1940 when their army, which they had been told was the finest in the world an opinion .shared by many alleged military experts in other lands melted like the snows in sorine: before the German blitzkrieg. JsTow they are having an opportunity for revenge . revanche they .call it. Nothing could be sweeter, I except perhaps driving the hated Nazis from their 'bplovpd "Paris Tf is nn enrnvioo tn loam tVmh nn floi' man prjso.ne.rs are .being taken. Corsica has.another special meaning to the French. It is ifoe ibirthplace .of Napoleon. Opinions about the Little Corporal have -varied from time to time, .but lie is still a great national hero to Frenchmen. He is also a hero to, the Italians, who .claim that :he really belonged to their race. Perhaps a common effort in the liberation of Napoleon's homeland mav bring together the two great Latin peoples whose' separ ation was one oi lviussonni's blackest crii .Every mether.can be thankful for the fact that safe, convenient, economical, ' Carnation Milk is as nourishing as any milk can be is extra easy to digest and is irradiated for extra ".sunshine" vitamin D. Ask your doctor about a Carnation Milk formula for your baby. And don't forget that Carnation is just as good for drinking .(chilled and diluted, of course) and for cooking. Write for free bqok 'Tour Contented Baby." Carnauon Co. Ltd,, Vancouver. IRRADIATED - . , C arnation Milk A CANADIAN PRODUCT - fhm (intenttd Cows rimes. Fit for Your Baby t lip AIR FORCE WINS FIRST y.eMs Station Complement to Take Opening Blood in Still rankling from Wednesday's dreadful showing, Air Force Flyers rose with a vengeance ,at .Seal Cove last njgh and hurled everything .but ;fche backstop at Station Complement to 'take -the first game nine to three in the best of three for the Inter-Service Softball .Championship. Alter the .smoke of battle had cleared, Uie Flyers sorted from the debris an .even dozen hits, including a homer by .Crymble. and .six two-base blows. Station Complement fought a rearguard action all the way and replied weakly with .five hits, two of which w,ere doubles. The Airmen laid down a withsiing fire from the .start ito hit the target four times on I three doubles ,and two singles. , Whin one down in the first. baser over second. Bennes duplicated Brown's feat to send him across with the first marker. -Ciytmble, next man up, .bounced one over Wander's head that (scored O'ieary. Volsky got ;the last two-bagger and fourth straight knock by sneaking the apple through ;third .to .count with Bennes and Crymble. .Crymble got his round tripper in the third stanza. After O'Leary was rubbed .out, short to first, Bennes walked. Crymble then connected solidly with one of Nigro's .Sunday specials into (deep left centre fcr the circuit smash that was good 3or two more tallies. Volsfey xontinued Naples Is Near Fall LONDON, Oct. 1 Oificial word of the Jail .of Naples is .expected Lat any time now. Allied forces 4 are already fighting on the out skirts. With British tanks reported to be driving dn as the Germans move .out, fthe sNazis are in general but .orderly retreat. The enemy will, it is expected, take up new positions north of Naples. The Xondon .Evening News says that there Jws been naval bombardment of Naples. After Naples. .Rome, 130 miles .to the Lnorth, will Jbe the next Allied objective. Sport Chat Some intejsesting facts regarding soccer's history are broueht to lisht. -bv the Vnn- 'The vGreeks .called it "Har-paston." The Romans adopted the game And flamed it "Fpllis." but the Romans thought It wasf tco much cf a sissy pastime .and banned it. .- . . ' "In 1848 in -England it was decided that football should have a standard .set of rules a.nd the most important of these was: "the ball must be advanced solely by kicking. "In 1883 the teams which played in the kicking game got' Aether and thus the football Association was formed. "Practically all of the rules which were adopted way back .there in 1823 and 1856 have been rig- the barrage with a double-hls , jdly adnered ever since aecona in a row true leu, auo crossed pay dirt on another two-ply smash by" Howe. The Americans at last were heard from in the fourth. After Anderson cracked a bingle into left. Falsen put the ball through one of the canteen wiri-.dows for a. double. Carlson then strolled to load the cushions and the .elongated Manders came through with a knock into centre to score Anderson. AH bases -were .still occunied and I none down, vwhen Crymble sud-I denly decided that the boys jhad had enough amusement .and cooly proceeded to -.whiff iCar-denuto, Cretella and Aubrey. fto end the inning and .threat. Third baseman Andetson came upwi!h jjome ;fine eWin'r in the Air Force turn at bat. Every one of the .Flyers', bludgeoners smashed the ball' down to Anderson and .every time lie went down quickly into the .dirt to get the Airmen at first in plenty of time. The Amerks put across two more mns in the ,flfth on .a single sandwiched between two Air Force jtniscues but the Blue Boys nullified dhat ;by getting a counter in their half cf -the fifth and another in the sixth, .Crymble was a .one .man show as he, pitched and hit .his team to victory, .esides .pitching flve-'hlr- shall and striking out a like number of men, he had a perfect day at bat,. clouting a .homer and a brace of singles that. .were good for thiee runs and t three runs ibatted in. Volsky and Brown, with their two doubles apiece and adequate gardening, .contributed Immensely to ithe .cause. As a matter of fact, the .whole team Vayed good ball, a quick tran sition irom iweanesoay s .performance. Anderson stood out lor the losers. A .work horse at third .all night, he cracked out -two bingles and scored .twice. .Manders and Aubrey, of course, played vtheir .usual reliable game. The -teams will now -enjoy A one day lay-off, then, continue their -ivajry lor .the right to .wear the softball crown Jor he year when they square .off ,at Acropolis Hill on .Saturday. Line-ups: Station Complement Aubrey ss, Lancaster If, Nigro p, Anderson 3b, Falsen .c, .Carlson .cf. Manders lb, Cardenuto :2b, :Cre-tella rf. Air ,Fprce Flyers J31ore cf. Biown b, OXea.ry c. Bennes .ss. Crymble ,p, Volsky lb, Qcstaldln If, Howe ,3b, Anderson rf . .Umpires At.iplate: Finney, Station Complement; on bases. Mahl, Air Force. R II E Comp. 0 0 0 1 2 0 03 5 1 Flyers 4 0 3 0 1 1 x 9 12 3 Terrace The village -municipality is proving its advantages these days when shortages which are brought about by the war have been thieaCening -to -cause some vcony. An instance unay lbe quoted In ithe .current action jol, the commissioners In deciding to provide against the threat of a shortage in -the matter of iuel. As the winter ;approaches many orders for coal have been coming in to the municipal office, which ordeis are being delivered to the householders as fast as the coal arrives .in the freight yards. igel Sherwood has returned from a short holiday in the tit&triot around Hazelton. I -Eor the litst time in the his-l io.iy of Terrace Village there j was no tax sale on .September ! 80. This speaks well for the Increased prosperity of -the Vil lage. 1W6 ithere were - only :252 .ships orown epmea peuei on fxmm Province. "The game was ! on both ;skies. uk uunrai -mi rn "cju . Hrst D aved bv the Or-Poks in I or the -first extra4ase hlt and , Sparta as far back as 500 B. c." wem 10 uura -on .umrys -one , newsnaner savs. in nart. KWONG SANG IIING ilOP KEE HOUSE Next to KUe -Tal 612 th .AVJE. WEST All .your patronage .welcome Opn 5 psa. to ,1:30 a.m. .Tuesday-IO pan. ,to 1:30 a.m. OutSide Orders from 2 p.m. , 1:30 jn. Fhone Red 2i7 What's nicer than a snowy bed On which to rest your weary head Sheets .must be very white, 'tis true So donft forget the rinse in BLUE U6e , A swijh of Blue .in the last .rirue water doej the jtrick. Prevents yellow and keeps your bed linen, towels and white clothes ff clean and sparkling ..white. 0WJiHES.CNER wis RMEUMC3UIAJ CAWAIHIM 'For VJHEMSSCANAL "ZONE" WAS DELIRIOUS HE T3UD -HOW I 5AVED HIS .LIFJEU'HE'LL BE ;UPSrTT ABOUT OH DEAR, THEY -5AV Here's the reason jorits Popularity. is the Chocolate Cocoa LETTERBOX miNCE KUfEKT ASLEEP Editor. Daily News: So "Mr. Maltiand Speaks." Wonderful! Too bad he is so lar behind thousands of jnere ilUTXiwDS. htUPS taxpayers. If he lived in Pilnce Jn -the battle .of Jutland in rRupest there ..would M some ex- cuse f or .his. being in a trance so long. The ame applies to several poor dopes down at Ottawa. Jt .will be a good ..thing for .Canada when more of them ow the example of Ixrd Bennett. I .expect Rp .v,-. vVinkle (Buperti has rolled overand feane .to aleep .again fr ?.' years .of slumber, since Vancouver stole the ,G. T. P. It would be expecting :too much if there was Any change .during the next uwenty-tflve years. ?Jlow iaurier -an jest easy in .his grave is iiard to figure. Too .bad .Canada ,has no liberal :party nowadays Just two Conservative pa.ties the "Ins" and "Outs" and the .CC.F Tough Luck. Sadly yours, .GRANDDAD. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A -Home Away "From Home Kates 75c up 50 Itooms, lot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, J5.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 194 SERVICES TO Vancouver, WaypoinU, ' THAT THAT SULFA SULFA Yifirrl M ZO.UE A.L03R4--i BOE5 DOE5 HIT HIT I j SOME PEOPLE Hard Victoria and Stewart .and Queen Charlotte Islands Full .Information, -Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 NU 4 ACTION ANJ) .COUNTERACTION I! ill MAKE I AKE VCAN!.L VCAN!AL ZLON'SilBun" ZLON'SViiBWTj CORRECT DIAGNOSIS OH, TILLIE.I TOLD J FJ I TILUE, YOU'Kb" r CAUAX. Ztrf I TOLD EM 1 J TO ME rS JMJ OVEDVgU A. MacKENZIE FURNITUREL A 001) PJLAGE 10 JttL'V" Except ional Mirror Values ! OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY LA SALLE THEATRE E .White Frame Mirrors 15c, G5c .aod & J Molded Mirrors tte 40 Round, .Square, and Oblong Mirrors, heavy crystal neat Venetian cui designs, priced from jjjjJI Phone 775. 327 Tblri U Dibb Printing Company Ji HIT II DAY AN J) EV4ii'DAY CIRll W ATJJtM AJJ'S FOUNTAIN ?m Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 23 WHArs your need We have very Jarg;e stock of (Used and reconditioned . KL'GS in all ikes and .qualities d RUNNER CARPJJT jn many colours and widths FUKMTUIti: of most all descriptions chairs, U) .cbekterfield sets, tc. FLOOR ;LAMPS, FXECTJtIC FIXTURES, etc FOLDING AUDITORIUM CILIRS. CAKD TABID O 5000 THEATRE CHAIRS (all types), .Counters, ml etc; Lunch Counter Stools and -Tables BILLIARD TABLKS, POOL TABLES Many articles loo .numerous fto mention. .WbynotWl us a line. We may .have Just ithe article you tail I3 JranvlHe St., Vancouver, JU.C We want you ,to . . . Look Y Annc ti c Beauty OUR and wc.are sure we can please you with one .of our lovely Permanents Towe S h o p p 4th Street .(Across from Vst -Office). Phone $ ! i. 1 I . . 1 i l i"'M r-F. .m VO.hlAT .wje HAD J m ew second YOU AREN'T. "VHtr TRUTH (SI I T, 'X .. n i.. j a 4