OCTOBER 1 1W r .. n fnn anions jor jiavuur since. Jioyz the 'Salada' name assures yoa ft till'' w,v VJ VJ -. J. ljr ALADA TEA NTRAL HOTEL vivn !)nnI management. i i.riM Mi. J!P. ' " . ...i con i m tnSfl.m. t9-no to z D.m. ... n-nn n m. to 8 D.m. ALU 1U '"J" Dance Eagles' Hall CEOROE fll'CHAK d hi Prairie Kamblers ir." s.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Ladle Free Everybody welcome M.iLoubser D.C., B-A. hirnnractor A i nl..l. Illinna JLAtt I;- I,. f FIIRNITIIRF COMPANY fa i n fnk 10 Cfl Mattresses cs n 4-0, 11 cry lold Seal 12.00 l'hono Black 32 1 Third Avenue lIRVMrv . I I. IHI III! ACT" ISMt'l on ?H Of AI'I'I lr ITlflM FUll .A 1 111 Til t VtJ - - it.i.i raw rt itr.KK MtKNfK - a; ci ice no, di jj. in- w premtsea known as the U 'v ni l M lilt Flovpn in n-ujwpt Und lustration 'POm NKT h.r rw o MUd Hotel Camp lint ho . .uiperv tf. U - uanvpaiy Limited " """ .ih.i.i. in "Ailmlnlstratlon " n HH Jtvlin . . ( Kfl,ll'- ... KHd in .... .iirii.iiiii.. otherwUe NT1CE tihn vw Order of IUUU Vll,- . . . V Wffl the 17th day of i wupuiiiiu mi vu. nfi -- . . ta or John Coliimw, 1 Pr',e Rupert. ..T ." are iw,i, ' " . tthWlr..ln"btducMPtJ till V tald Estate r vwiiC 'e. !t"n me of Tv.. or ore th havln ZZZ will .N 01 M,,iMrl. to ucl "-- imve ncnn at 8,1'?. B.C. th! "UK Hudwt, B.C. CLIP THESE COAL TIPS -j in 17) - Hcmove Paint From Radiators Bronze, aluminum, or enamel paints on radiators hinder proper circulation of ' heat in your rooms. To obtain maximum heat from the coal you burn, remove paint from radiators. AH .trinkets, shelves, or other covering should be removed .from radiators. Albert & McCaffery PJIONE 116 1AST WILL OF , i 1 1 pi i i j . sansEaanssa Air .and Mrs. George Rorie lelt last night lor a trip to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glske ieft last .nlgrjt.on.atrip to;yan-; uver. A WINTER IS COMING We suggest you bring in your car chains NOW for repair. When snow Arrives we may .be too busy to give you attention. S. -E. Paiker Ltd, Ford Garage. A BOYS' FALL .OVERCOATS Sizes 3 through 18. Bring the boy in now. Complete stock. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE, 217 Sixth St. near -3rd Avenue. (235) : i Mr. -and Mrs. :W. .0. Fulton are leaving .tomorrow afternoon for Terrace where they wlU meet their son, Rupert Fulton, coming north on leave from his duties with the Royal Canadian Alr,Fnrceon yanco.uve.r Island, andipay a visit to their summer home at Lakelse Lake. Al Berner, assistant superintendent for Canadian National Railways, returned to the city last night from Vancouver where he went to attend a conference in connection with Victory Loan campaign organ ization. Vi D. E. McPhferson, .asslstanf superintendent lor anadiaii National 'Railways at Prinze George, is a visitor in the citfv nn .official business, particularly in connection with Victory I '' campaign organization. OtTfiex rallwaymen from ,the interior a: e. also here tooay in the same connection. I ADOLF HITLER ADOLF HITLER. Alias Adolf Rchlckelgrubcr. I, Adolf Hitler, .being of .unsound mind and misery, and .considering the possibility of a fatal accident .known as assassination, declare this to be my last (you hope) will and testament. To "FRANCE, I leave nil "the beautiful Madamoiselles in' occupied Paris. I was NEVER yie one for girls. WHOOPS! To ENGLAND, I leave the original manuscript of MEIN JCAMPF. .which their RA,F. polled. I had wTitten a different finish, -but thoir fliers got me In the end. To -NORWAY'S QUISLING. I leave my DOUBLE CROSS. He was a PIKER compared to me, when It came to double crossing. To POLAND,' I leave a 16x10 gold-framed photograph of myself to hang In .their public schools to scare the hell out of any kid who might THINK along Nazi lines. To THE JEWS, I leave ,a new HOLIDAY, which they will celebrate .annually. The whole world knows I was kind ' to them but they somehow .did not seem to (appreciate it. To AMERICA, I leave Walter Wlnchell wno always said, "To HEIL with Hitler." I know he'll be very busy on my funeral day so he'd better not come Business before pleasure. To -MUSSOLINI. I leave my Chaplin mustache, which, he is to make into a toupe for his ivory dome. ;He will need a disguise to hide from the Italians who know what a mess he got 'them into. To RUSSIA, I leave all my FROZEN assets. J never could warm up to Comrade Stalin, or get near enough to Moscow to even smell Vodka. To FRANKLIN I- ROOSEVELT, Irleave my apology for Interrupting Jiis fishing, but he got .even. Hij Unconditional Surrender" agreement at Casablanca certainly cooked my goose; To GOEBELLS and RIBBENTKOP, I leave 30imllUon marks (Two Dollars) to buy a gift for my Mother and Father who are getting married the dayil die. To' COUNT CIANOt son-in-law of Mussolini, I leave the Victoria Cross for jaringing down in one day, 41 bombers .and 72 fighters all Italian. To JAPAN'S (Land of the Rising .Scum) IlinQIHTO, I leave all my medals, which will help him sink quicker when he goes down Xn the Pacific. To T1IE (GERMAN PEOrLE, I leave all pictures of myself, especially those printed on soft paper, as I know what they will do with them. To IHMMLER and GOERING, I (leave the final execution Of my will as they are experienced at executions. TO THE ENTIRE WOULD, I just leave, and will they;thank God! MY FINAL WISH Is (hat I be ?buried in an ASBESTOS ,SUJT, ;as I will need It where Iam' going. Dated: Very Soon. GERMANY. j LOCAL NEWS NQXES MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We davc a .complete variety of available .Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times -weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion r THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THRU! Miss E. Shruljisall left last night on a trip to Vancouver. J. J. Behan, superintendent of C. -N. R. car service in Winnipeg, left Prlii'ee .Rupert last night .for Varicouver after a short visit hece. Rev; C. A. Wright. of First Baptist .Chm,t;h .left last night: for Vancouver in which -city he has accijrjited a new ministerial call. ', A new n;rult to enlist in .the Canadian 'Active Army through the local recruiting station is Francis Joseph .Searle, ,37, of Beaton, ho has been working on construction at Terrace. .Bis mother resides in England. BirthNotice 1 t Bom to Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Yellavid. nee Eileen "Thomas, . this . morning in the Prince Rupert XJeneraliHospital a baby ulster for Terry. Both mother and daughter are doing well. 10 EASE MISERY fOF CHILD'S GOLD RUBONWICKS 2 Meet Me At JOHNNY'S 9 Johnny's SNACK BAR1 -4 Our CoTee is Tops) . -4 .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Announcements All advertisenfents ' in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Catholic Bazaar, School Hall, (Oct. 6 and 7. Orange Ladies' Dance Oct. 14 Oddfellows' Hall. Jean De-Cailo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Red Cross Tea October 21st. Home of Mrs. . Kergin, -430 4th Ave. West. Eastern Star Ball, October 22. W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance. Oct. 25, Empress Club. "Help Norway", Invitation Dance Oddfellows' Hall, Oct. 29. Drawing for raffle. Cathedral'Fall Bazaar Nov. 18, St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 25. United Church Bazaar December 2nd. TTTYTTYYTYVYTTTYTTYTYYT r Winterize! WITHOUT DELAY .0 Fire your furnace right, iO Keep your furnace clean Keep down temperatures Close off unused rooms Dfess warmly indoors. .Prevent heat losses. MILPOTT-EVITT CO. LTD. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTYY Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR .SALE 19 foot motor boat. 4 b.p. .engine. Apply Box .537 Dally News. 1232) CABLE Springs for three-quar ter size bed. 427 6th Ave. East -Blue 67. 232) FOR SALE Bed, spring -& mattress, practically new. 1322 PiggotAve. , (232) FOR -.SALE 2V2 h.p. JBrigges & Stratton air-cooled .engine. Apply 1311 6th Ave. East after 5 p.m. (231) FOR SALE Six room house with f urnace, .good condition, on two lots, fenced. Price $2200. Immediate possession. 1042 9th Ave. East. Phone Red 509. (232) FORSAI-r5JtubeViking.. mantel radio, Al condition. $25. 1472 6th East. (23C) FOR SALE .Cirauating -.neater both coal and oil burner. 446 4th Ave. East. (231) FOR SALE Man s bicycle. 924 6th Ave. East. (231) FOR SALE Small fully modern house on 2 lots. 1071 Ambrose Avenue. (233) FOR SALE Motorcycle. ,629 8th Ave. West. Phone Bed 438. (236) FOR SALE-t5 tocrn .house with furnace. Price $3000. Immedi ate possession. 424 Dunsmulr St. Green 390. X234) FOR SALE 120 acres on creek and highway, fenced, Timothy clover and wild hay. Plenty of building material on .ground Price $1000. Particulars, Box 16. Francois Lake, B.C. (233 FOR SALE 5 room house .with basement, 2 lots. 640 8th Ave East Phone .Red 113 (235) FOR SALE 1 chesterfield suite 1 radio, kitchen table and chairs, 1 crib, 1 wood and coal range. Call 215 Sth Ave. ast after 5. FOR SALE Four roomed house " partly furnished with base--"ment. Two lots-f enced.-$1100 cash or $1250 on terms. Immediate Dossession. 1840 7th Ave. East. Phone Bhie 482. (239) viPERSONAL .DAY NURSERY, reasonable rates. Apply 441 7th Avenue East. 250 'JET" for polishing hot stoves is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" Is safe, .handy. Sold everywhere. L. C. OYER, Interior Decorating paper hanging. Phone Black 810. (239) SWAP WOULD Exchange westing- house electric washer for gas washer. Apply "Washer," P.O. Box 609, Prince Rupert, or .Phone Red 331. (232) LOST REWARD will be paid for information leading to recovery of C. CM. boy's bicycle (war model) lost from rear of Bank of Montreal Thursday night, September 23. Property of Alfred Blackaby. Apply Bex 591 Dally News. 1231) ROOM AND BOARD Board and Room, 718 Fraser St. (233) FOR RENT SLEEPING Accommodatloon for I two girls. 851 Ninth Ave. West. 1 .(231) .OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 221 Seventh Ave. West "Largest Organization of its kind in the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD WRIGHT Resident Representative Pioneer Rooms No. 6 167 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 952 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 711 and I will gladly call WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT Two Xr three furnished rooms. Willing to pay reward. Apply Box 583 Dally News. (232) HOUSEKEEPING Room required by officer' wife. October 13 to 23. Apply Box 690 Daily News (233) WANTED TO RENT Large room or apartment. Call American Signals 415, Angler. (234) ROOM WANTED centrally located, Semi-furnished, phone Blue 893. (232) WANTED TO RENT Furnished house or .apartment for reliable Air Force officer, wife and one child. Apply Box 593 Daily News. (235) WANTED URGENTLY House or apartment, close in. Will buy furniture to $400. Refer ences. Apply Box 589 Daily News. (233) HELP WANTED WANTED Butcher or butcher'! helper, male or female, for local retail store. Apply Rational Selective Service office AM 87. (233) WANTED Young woman pre ferred $o handle gramophone records department. Good swages .& good opportunity for the right person. Apply Nation al Selective Service. AF 86 .tf) WANTED Man between .sixteen & sixty. To the right person good wages & oppor tunity. Must be able to arrive ear. Apply National Selective Service. A.M.88 tf) JANITOR Wanted for local hotel, room and board and wages. Apply Selective Service Office AM 84. (tf) WANTED i-WANTED Two or more furrush ed rooms, marded couple. Re ward. Green 314. (234) WANTED Furnished house or apartment for one adult and child. Phone Green 155. (234; REWARD OFFERED for information leading to securing furnished apartment for young couple. Name your own reward. Box 557 Daily News. (231) WANTED OLD UMBRELLAS. Regardless of condition we will pay you cash for your old umbrellas. Conserve Canada's' metals for war Industry. Help us supply the manufacturers with umbrella frames. Annette Ladles Wear Co. (tf) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches S06 4,th St. Phone 6o5 "STAR'S" STYLEWEAR Ladies' & .Children's Ready - to - Wear C25 Third Ave. W. Black 780 B.13I. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and W4thTuesdays every month at 8 p.m, Your Chocolate Cake will win praise i you use sonn The Chocolate Cocoa SAVOY HOTEL Carl arelli, Prop. Phone ;37 FJ0. fiox.5H FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT GOLD SEAL gggs Fancy Red mm Sockeye lift Salmon and Herring In 'Tomato Sauce ye both on Activt service Jjut will Je back jm your grocer's shelf soon as con ditions permit. Notice Uncertain deliveries of material for shoe repairing, shortage of help, unsatisfactory (Conditions for the deliveries of shoes and COD. collections until further notice It .will. Be impossible for .us to .accept any further orders for shoe repairing. Shoes on hand and in the mail will be repaired and returned to you soon. Thanking you for your patronage, VICTORY SHOE RENEW 531 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. M 43T J. L. Curry (Late fit Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms XBiKfB3i:a3aa:a!!it:ai;Kt:Kiaivi t? . Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 timwmmmmmimmiiw'mtt T International Jj 1 Lorresponaence t.-j Schools 4 wanaaian Ldnuiea R. V. I.nvin. Tfpnrrsrnlatlvr Box 52G 1315 Piggot Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK EMPLOYEES' ASS'N yance In Staff Dining Hall SATURDAY OCT. 2 .fliOO .P-SL . 4 Bill Stuart's Orchestra featuring Freddie Williams on his Sax Red Pass r Button Necessary Lady employees can bring male escort NOTICE All citizens of Greenville should meet at their, village not later, than October 25 next, as agreed by the council and endorsed at the public meeting. rclnnoill TJT?WTV M.WAV Secretary of Greenville Council. agazme SUBSCRPTONS For Xmas 1 lute yuui luaKuuiv; Subscriptions EARLY Gifts Lowest Rates Re-newal allow six. weeks for -subscriptions to come into effect two months for overseas. We will enter subscriptions to all Canadian, British or United States Magazines at publisher's rates. Dependable Service New and