ll iamy AUGUST 30, 1943 kCIFIC Ij - i ) writing of Pacific Milk Reused it exclusively for is excellent milk a diluted HANDYMAN I0ME SERVICE find. one-half, It Is lich and more creamy." MILK jted and Vacuum Packed M.S.Loubser D C, HA. Chiropractor ilace Block Phone 64b J.L Gurry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor H yestnolme Rooms E AK.MY NEEDS Icn and Women Bon 't wait ior a can fijE A VOLUNTEER! WONG SANG I11NG HOP KEE HOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal Itil! th AVE. WEST your patronage welcome S p.m. to 1:30 a.m. ! Tunday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. fide Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 247 f'ti to announce that 1U be CLOSED FORi CN'ESS until Aug. 20. )r Income Tar RETURNS SEE E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave. !.C. Furniture gallon Company Doors with Locks and Hinges at a low price. Sets of. dows. s. Al plot Water Tanks. Vater Tank, Wash Hnsino, p).50cach. phone Black 321 Third Avenue Te v, --"-j I ant the M SSSf! 19. mtloe of WnoTe.?f Nvermbw 19th In il "o rax a It rm. i .m "i in 10, ii ..., . 1 S of of 1 to 14, InclUHve. 1 a 4 Ca' of una,. t1. 1943. 1 n II n --w B.C. Payrolls" LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. William Ranee, who have, been on a vacation trip sonth, returned to the city irom Vancouver this morning. Lieut. Jack- McRae, after spending leave from naval duties at his- home here, left by Saturday evening's train on his return to the east coast. NOTICE EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS wish to announce that, beginning Monday, August 30th, they will again start to pick up and deliver dry cleaning. PHONE 858 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Trudeau are leaving on Thursday night of this week for Vancouver whence. Mr. Trureau will leave for Saskatoon to take up training with the- Royal Canadian Air Farce. ' Hon. H. G. Perry, minister of education, and Neil McKelvie, ledltor of the Prince George Citizen, after a three-day visit 1 Hri lpft. Hfltnrrfflv pvninw rr their return to Prince George. held at the Court House grounds Sunday morntag. The public was- invited to participate by the of ficer commanding the Prince Rupert defences. The parade was carried out with due formalities and was impressive to many spectators. Announcements All Advertisements in' this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Orange Invitation Dance Aug. 30, 1:O.OP. Hall. members for Invitations. Orange Ladtes Meeting, Oddfellows' Hall, Sept. 9, 8 p.m. W. ! Soldiers of the Canadian Army who enlisted In the Unlt-1 ed Kingdom have the prefix 'U' before their regimental number. Species of the garter snake are round lurtner norm man any other serpent. A The Public Library will reopen Wednesday, Sept. 1 and will be open Thursday afternoon of this week. (204) Norman L. Freeman of the International Fisheries Commission arrived In the city this morning from Seattle and will be here for the next ten days on commission buisness. Mrs. Laura Leding and son arrived in the- city Thursday night from Ketchikan to spend a holiday here with Mrs. Leding's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Qlske, Park Ave. The Victory Hut will be kept open from 2 to S p.m. and ,6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday of this week for receiving of donations to the Chinese War Relief Fund. - Latest recruit In the Canadian Active Army to enlist through the' Prince Rupert recruiting station is David Carlton Tumll-son,18, whose father is connected with the local fire During the vice-regal visit to Pnce Rupert Princess Alice A crnrri-mn rhi.rrh ni-art urns will meet the ladies of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire on Tuesday afternoon of next week and the same after noon will m?et the Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of Eng land at the residence of Dean and Mrs. Gibson. During the Civic Centre Car nival stage show Saturday night bouquets were presented on be half of men of the Royal Cana dian Air Force to the Misses Rosemarie Deveson, Blanche Cooper, Audrey Cooper, Terry Lynne and other members of the revue party. Earlier in the week a similar presentation had been made on behalf of the men of the United States Army Phyllis Hamblin Men's Dance, Empress "Y" Club, if ..fa nil of AC Kr"ln i September 20. w "uu"1'"' versary week, the second birthday of the Canadian Women's Army Corps. The snapping turtle Is believed able to eat only when submerged. ! NOT SAD ABOUT MUSSOLLNI . . . ,.u.. r. fnnt. but aHnarticlpat- Italians, mjiuc m nuv.w, nurtured "voicinc" -,,.! the gala SotSilio hoir pnthus asm in Rome. Note tne piciuic held high. (Radio photo.) DELIVERY SCHEDULE ri-niTijsnAYS SAlUKi'rtis TUKSIM3 . . ia. Hoiivprv must be left throughout the city. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Tliones 18-19. "Where dollars nave v P.O. Box 575 THE " DAILY NEWS PAQE;THEE: Planning Ahead For Good Times When; War lis Over Experts Agree Much Spade Work is Needed and Committees are Htisy With Preliminary Talks on-the Problem (This is one of a series of Canadian Press articles on post-war reconstruction) . By FRANK FLAHERTY Canadian Press Staff 'Writer OTTAWA, Alig. 30-(CP) Scores of groups and agencies in Canada are busy planning for the postwar world in the midst of a considerable degree of uncertainty as to what that world is likely to be. The planners include departments of governments, committees specially created bv governments, asso ciations of employers, experts In the employ of large firms and labor organizations. While there are varying approaches to the problem of restoring Canadian economy to a peacetime- basis representations to parliamentary committees indicated a good deal of agreement that plan ning ahead Is necessary if stable conditions are to obtain. So far as the federal govern ment Is concerned the view is taken that international politi- cal and economic conditions will have much to do with the shape of things to come in Canada ttu'.t while plans should and can be made for the adjustment of rinternal matters the effective ness and the nature of these plans will be affected by whatever arrangements are mada between the nations. Three Objectives Planning In the domestic sphere Is proceeding in connec tion with three specific objec- tlves: 1. Re-establishment of mem bers of the armed forces civilian life. I 2. Provision of employment on I a permanent basis for members of the forces and war industrial workers. 3. Establishment of an Improved system of social security. The over-all influence of world conditions on conditions in Canada, however, leads to an .enhanced Canadian interest in international international affairs. aiiairs. As as one uc ui of iir t r np . . C .W.A.L. I rammg! the large trading nations the t.-i rnnarlQ Interested in rutins iiuiiiuim vi r uhh ivu- pert was among one hundred land twenty-one trainees gradu- Outstanding Canadian artists atlng from No. 2 Canadian have donated prints of their . Women's Army Corps Basic work to be hung In canteens Training Centre at Vermilion, mess halls and lounges of Can- j Alberta, at the week-end. ada's three armed forces. This graduating class individual articles to keep the Canadian Army rolling. 1IAKDV KEimLES coin- It takes something like 240,000 cided with the C.W.A.C. Anni- W Ui 1U vUi'uwM - International trade. The Canadian government Is a participant with the United States in an asreement to work, out arrangements for the freest possible exchange pf goods ber tween the nations. With United States, British and pther experts Canadian government advisers are studying plans for establishing an lnterpatlonal ex- -v, ninn n-ViloVi wnnlrl avoid domestic front but It markets are restricted different plan will be necessary. The Canadian Army has Its own factory of statistical machines which sort out: men. and materials, tabulating returns on virtually every ph'ase of Army supply In a. few minutes. Men In the Canadian Army who require glasses receive them as a free issue. "Athene", Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom, Is the symbol of, the Canadian Women's Army Corps. . One company of the Veterans' Guard of Canada, stationed at a prairie city, boasts 27 personnel within its ranks who won decorations In the Great War. In the Canadian Army a second Lieutenant wears one star or "pip." a Lieutenant, two. and a Captain, three. Applicants to the Canadian Army suffering fiom "remedi able defects" are accepted, cured by operations or treatment and receive full Army pay and allowances. Notice to Subscribers Subscribers of the Daily News are requested If at all possible, to pay their In subscriptions direct to the office. Of course, In the event of it being Impossible to do this, payments may be made to the boys. t When paying, please bring your last receipt. --. (206) )Z rJ n toe value of , FOR SALE-Male Pekinese dog. v. ,urh as have interfered1 two years old. 1031 Ninth Ave with trade in the past. Open Markets Following submission of unofficial nronosals for such a union by British and United States expertj the Canadian experts drew up a Canadian proposal which has been Interpreted as an attempt to speed an agreement by harmonizing certain differences between the British and United States proposals. Joint economic committees representing Canada and the United States, set up primarily for war purposes are also giving study to post-war Canadian interest In International planning stems largely from the fact that if world.mar- Icets are open to Canadian sur plus farm, mineral and manufactured products one set of plans may be" suitable on the FOR SALEr-35 foot troller, com-1 plete with fishing gear. Dora- bel, Lipsetfs Floats. izuzj FOR SALE Five roomed house and bathroom; furnished or unfurnished. Glassed In porches; call evenings, 1233 Water Street. ' (208) FOR SALE Tent, 12 by 14 and 10 oz; Kitchen Kook, 3 burner gas stove; Oil Heater stove: Sport Light Alladln. $100 cash. Apply J. R. Glngtest Miller Bay. (215) FOR SALE Karn reed organ, power blower, two manuals. In first class condition. Apply Catholic Church. (tf) FOR SALE Fully Improved 20-1 acre fruit and poultry farm. $2,500 cash. Sub Station B, Box 1278. (208) FOR: SALE Acreage at Wood cock. Skeena River. 10 acres cleared; log cabin and barn, Suitable for chicken farm. $600 cash. Apply Official Administrator, Court House, Prince Rupert. (209) -WANTED' TO RENT $25 . REWARD Wanted to rent. 1 furnished house, excellent references, will pay up to $75 monthly; willing to sign lease ' for one year. Red 562. (204) FOR RENT FOR RENT House for month, commencing Sept. 8. Everything found. 1480 tjth Avenue East. (203) 'PERSONAL DAY NURSERY Best of care assured your children. Reasonable rates. 141 7th East. (210) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for single Man. 742 7thAve. West. (203) Lucky Victory Bond Numbers Drawing Was One of Features. Of Civic, Centre. Carnival Proceedings Saturday I Nijht j A feature of the civic Centre Carnival . proceedings Saturday night was the drawing by the queen of winning numbers for the grand drawing of .six 450 Vic-, tory Bonds in connection with the sale of Carnival Queen Contest tickets. The numbers drawn were as follows, the first number In each case to obtain the bond if claimed within 15 days on expiry of which the second number will be accepted for another 15 days after which the third number may claim: First Bond 3812 13521 2810 Second Bond 10592. 10731 10963 Third Bond 3711 8946 5022 Fourth Bond 1040 6072. 3828 Fifth Bond 9796 11724. 6293 Sixth Bond 10763 13285 1643 The Markets Fruit reranefrnit. Palif. 2 for 30 and 4 for .25 1 Lemons, doz .35 and .45 Oranges, Navel, doz .35 to ,60 Pears, doz 775 Grapes, Seedless - .ou Annies. Transnarent. lb. .20 Blue Grapes. Jo ou Cooking Apples, 2 lbs 25 Plums, Blue, lb. .30 Cherries, lb; .40 Canteloupe .30 and . 35 Peaches, doz. . - 90 Anricots. lb. .30 Watermelon - Butter-First Grade C.NR. Trains, HELP WANTED .14 .43 For, the East Daily except Sunday .... 8 pjn. For Terrace and Pacific Dally except Sunday.... 4?p.m. From the East- Dally except Mon 10:45 p.m. From Terrace and Pacific Dally except Sun. .. 11:30 ajn. Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SAL&-Four room house, j WANTED , Woman or girl to Rhone Blue 739. -I FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Saarfen Buck Ooat, 6 months old. P. O. Box 273 Prince Bup-ert; 206) FOR. SALE Cabin . and contents. Apply 32 Taxi. (204) East. (205) assist with housework. Apply Box 550 Daily News. (tf I WANTED Truck. Driver. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, A.M. 71. (tf) SALESWOMEN WANTED Retail Store Two full-time saleswomen and one part-time saleswoman for afternoons only required by retail store. Only permanent residents will be considered. Excellent oppo-f tunity. Reasonable hours in? eluding Thursday closing Ap- ply National Selective Service Office, AF 79. (208) WANTED Wardmalds for loT cal hospital. Apply Unemploy ment- Insurance Commission AF 75. . (205) WANTED Dressmaker's Dress form. Phone Black 145. 208) WANTED for local laundry, six girls to work In laundry and cleaning department. Apply National Selective Service AF 80. (203) WANTED Reliable boys and girls for Province carriers. Phone Green 877. (203) WANTED. WANTED Throe room, suite or small house. Apply Box 559 Dally News. (205) WOULD pay about $50 for Model A Ford engine complete wltn radiator, transmission, and clutch. Must, be In working order. Apply Box, 561; Dally News.- (204) WANTED Reward $25, light housekeeping rooms or small furnished house, reliable couple, two well-behaved chlH drea. Pay well, good care. Box 551 Dally News. (203 WANTED Furnished apartment for physician and wife Reward. Apply Box 557 Dally News. (203) TO BUY A rifle, 30-30, second hand, good condition. Write Box 560 Dally News. LOST LOST Rhinestone brooch, round, Finder please return to Viola Bolvin, C.N. Telegraphs. (2Q5) Martha Logan. Swlft'j .fimej Jiome economist, whose weekly, wartime cooking column iS'i regular. feature of iliis page. Look' for these valuable hints each Monday Many) intriguing, combina? Hons exist, of, meats, and. vegetables on skewers, Have you tried cooking 1-Jnch cubes oF lamb shoulder this way? Push the pieces of lamb on to wood or metal skewers tilt skewer is filled season brush with melted fat. Broil or pan-broil under a hot broiler or on a hot pan or 10 noinutes; turn and cook for 5 ninutes more. Serve on a bed of rice with barbecue sauce. Thatisthe standard "en brochette" procedure. But the same cooking method.can be used both to intro- PAN BROILING Lightly grease, ,hvy. pan. Het. well. Cook chops, steaks, veal fillets, brochettes this way, turning hea.wUtrQwned,oa the side in contact with the pan. tj Martha Logan Meat en Brochettes duce the nutritionallyrso-desirable variety, meats into the diet try slices of parboiled beef kidney ot livr between the cubes of lamb and to give interest to meat leftovers. Almost any previously cooked meat can be used to "extend" fresh meat on skewers. Or, in fact, can be used alone'with suitable vegetables . . . mushrooms, parboiled tender young carrots; small, firm tomatoes, pieces of peppers, or with variety 'meats as suggested above. This is another dodge so . useful in waitirne for dressing, up quite ordinary materials to give a. festive; feeling. " 'Meat Complete' is the handiest "book on jb ear cookery we have ever had," so say hundreds of Canadian housewives. Send 10ji for your copy to Swift Canadian Co. Limited. Dept. NE33, New Westminster. SWIFT CANADIAN CO:, LIMITED . . a Dominion-wida organization devoted to the conservation and efficient distribution of Canada's food resources. JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF GOLD SEAL Congoleum Rugs In the following sizes 7ioX9, 9x9, 9xlOVls 9x12, 9x15 and shipment of FOLDING CARRIAGES ELI0 FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue (Next to Daily News) Prince Ilupert The re s Good Reading Here s 75c: for a Month WILD HARVEST THE iEMPTY WORLD - - THE MOVING FINGER; DARKNESS AND THE DEEP EXPERIMENT' PERILOUS THE SAFE BRIDGE ...r SMOULDERING FIRES RUNNINO TO PARADISE VALLEY OF DECISION Roe .... Stevenson Christie Fisher Carpenter Keyes Stevenson Lodwick Davenport NIGHTS Wheatley (MEDITERRANEAN, ' DINA CASHMAN Norrls THE FOREST AND THE FORT - Allen HUNGRY HILL du Maurler BATTLE DRESS Gun Buster GRAND CANYON - - West And, a Hundred Other Recent Popular Books Join Our Rental Library : Single subscription,' per month 75c Double (2 books at a time), per month - $1.25 Change your, book, as often as you like. If you lose anything, advertise .for it i to 1 IJ i- i ' , t ' , j " UM 4 1 f W