if tmciper aam iarp- 1 kwa-nule advance beyond backer was sent rolling i i - an countryside t ? German troop f -'v ?, guardian fort l' C'.t mea, which thr I 1 -mii I : :ok inursaay. D dam was des- B i"i nr- Russians wnen tj J 911. It was re ft hv ':? Nazis who appar- i i all off the Rus- by dcztroylng It again. Lop: ' 65 miles south :ra ha: been Isolated V Ru: .ans and Its capture beftcd hourly. tuation Serious Itr General Coal Strike in lifd States Feared as Sequel I Walk outs Appeal to is b'lS ISSUES APPEAL ItV YORK, Oct. 16 John Em is, president of the fd Jtine Wotkerj of Amer- liuued an appeal to strik- and Indiana coal tMabami ri to return to their jobs. fHUIJOTON, D.C., Oct. 16 u by nearly 25,000 : . -cd fear In govern- u-- tonight of an-1 ai coal strike in i tc reminiscent of W' br')re the eovernment : mines earlier thU ando of men left in Alabama, saying n tact to work mines have been hrlr owners. Others F . Indiana. Neither J x, been authorized U' :rd States War La- ri r.as appealed to John crc Jrtpnt. of tho ttnl. M'"1 Workers of America. :r miners to return to g Lewis had made no P'f UD ta last ntirht. . - - - 0-- Inadian Red pss lo Send ison Parcels PTAWA Oct 16 The Cana- R"1 C oss Society will i' nf ..n. I n . w "ai ill wciiiiau. ':r will be sent through '""'national Red Cross. pun wai ir rirst uussia Urges MOSCOW Oct 16-Np. -.ii jorincoming or anize the final defeat ion tit AXL Mllltftrv nrnh. ; "t come before prob- newspaper salrt 11 :onfit.toiK ' c "UJ.ied. as well as might also Three Raiding Enemy Aircraft 4 " - iius&ian t n.if P'Wence nid it. Prmulat- imnnrtorU j. Are Destroyed Some Damage and Casualties. LONDON, Oct. 16 0! Three of a number or German aircrait over southeastern England and East Anglia during the night were destroyed, it was announced Saturday. Bombs drop ped at scattered points caused some damage and a small number of casualties. Meat Packing Is:EssentiaL - OTTAWA, Oct. 16 Meat acklnz has been classlied as an essential Industry men engaged In which are ptivileged to have their military call-ups TOstponed. Probe Skeena River Death A coroner's Jury met this af-ternoon to vie the body of a man thought to be Norman El-wood Pratt, a construction worker who was drowned In the Skeena River at Mile 68. be tween Salvus and Kwinitsa, on September 16. The body was recovered from the water at Claxton cannery yesterday by Constable Earnest Bradley of the British Columbia Police and brought In by Game Warden E. Martin and Constable Bradley on the game launch. Pratt was. drawn under by the swift Skeena current when the crawler tractor which he was driving while doing road construction rolled down an embankment throwing him into the water a month ago. Jurors who are investigating the death are Charles Barry Robert Pollock, Andrew Hell- man, Amerigo Domlnato. John Clausen, and Clifford Abercrom- ble. Local Tides Sunday, Oct. 17 High 3:39 4 19.9 feet 15:31 20.9 feet Low 9:35 6.9 feet 22:13 3.8 feet Monday, Oct. 18 High 4:24 18.5 feet 16:11 19.3 feet Low 10:15 8.2 feet 22:58 5.0 feet NEWSPAPERMAN 65 YEARS WARRINGTON, England George Archer, sports editor of the Warrington Guardian, received a presentation recently to mark 65 years' service with that newspaper. PARATROOPERS LONG FLIGHT ALGIERS 0' United States paratroopers were flown 1,500 miles to capture' airfields near Oran when North Africa was Invaded. Air Liner Comes bown and Burnse Near Centerville in Tennessee. NASHVILLE, Tennessee, Oct 16 0) An American air liner carrying six passengers and four crew members was reported Saturday to have crashed and burned near Centerville, Tennes see. All occupants were believed to have died. Fifteen Hundred Germans Drown MOSCOW, Oct. 16 Fifteen hundred Germans are reported to have been drowned In the Dneloer River as they tried to escape from Voronezhea, lm portant industrial and strategic centre an the big bend of the Dneiper. Jap Bases Heavy Hit A.LIIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTH PACIFIC, Oct. 16 United Nations bombing planes dropped thirty tons of explosives. on Madang In New Guinea and Cape Gloucester in New Britain, doing heavy damage to Japanese Installations. WATCH FOR POTATO BUGS local Temperature Tonight s Dim-out (Half an hour alter sunset to 54 . 45 half an hour before sunrise). fl..jsm 7:13 pjn. to 7:41 ajn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ExXIII, No. 242 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATURDAY,OC TOBER 16, 1943 PRICE. FIVE CENTS axis Hard Pressed On All Fronts & ' ' i ; i 'k AND CANADIAN TROOPS swp.rp ACROSS a rimes FROM vnn'w MESSINA MP.sstNA to TO p.stapt.tsti ESTABLISH ninnnp. BRIDGE TiP.An HEAD TM IN ITAT.Y ITALY - i kmc kvr n OS iNAlIj NAZIS ARE AKl n 1 T 1 8 . .. s ; - lanucKS T. ! fl'll iaKe RETREATING Italian run Now on I Side of Dneiper Dam fcC ;v Oct 16 0 The Uric :c3 of Kiev, besieged L Vap. ai, were falllne before a powerful fn'turc across the Dnei- T Russians have , ... Germans dr bj Ki V and have cstab j . : .v on the we Outside landing barges like the one pictured here a - spearheads of Invasion and were probably used lit the crossing to the Italian mainland. This barge packed with troops standing shoulder to shoulder w.v. photographed off the coast of Africa. Note the putly lowered beach ramp. NAZI PLANES .OVER BRITAIN WAR NEWS IMPORTANT ITALIAN TOWNS TAKEN ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN ALGIERS The Anglo-American filth Army, knifing deeper noith of the Volturno and Ca-lore Rivers against fierce counter-attacks, has captured Calno and Amorosl and the German appear to be trying to break awav from positions near the mouth 6f the Vultumo, Allied hiiniii,iK annniinrpfi tndav. Caizzo and Amorosl give the 1 Allies control of the Junction of the two rivers where the Volturno bends northward. Bitter fighting" rages in the sector. Crashing speedily through heavy enVmy resistance in central Italy, the British Eighth Army seized' vital road junctions of Vinchlaturo and Campobasso, striking into a' position to men-aee the whole flank' of Nazi defenders' on the Volturno line. The Canadian First Division, operating as a left wing of the Eighth Army, Unreported lighting in the Campobasso area after a 25 mile march through the mountains and It was possible Canadians had captured Campobasso.. V the-t it RUSSIANS PLUNGING WESTWARD LONDON The Russians are plunging steadily westward across the flat plains leading to the Crimea In an audacious attempt to trap upwards of one hundred thousand Geilmans reported to be garrisoning the great peninsula, Moscow dispatches said today. Other' Russians, having captured Zaporozh. industrial city on the bendif the Dnieper Rivef 65 miles to the north, are battling down the railway that leads through Melitopol to the Crimea. The British Broadcasting Corporation reports that hall of the town of Melitopol is in Russian hands. TEN DEAD IN CRASH New Indian Agent For Bella Coola r. E. Anfield, Principal of Bella Coola School, Takes Post F. E. Anileld, for seventeen years principal of Alert Bay Industrial school, has been appointed Indian Agent at Bella Joola. Accompanied by Mrs. nf ield, he at rlved. at . Bella oola this week. Mt"! Anfield succeeds as Indian Agenl at Bella Coola James Glllett who was transferred to Prince Rup-2rt a couple of years ago. Rev. S. J. Wlckens arrives on he coast this month from Eastern Canada to succeed, Mr. An field as principal of the Alert Bay school. Record Is Made By Destroyer H.M.C.S. Matapedia Gives Some Good Service in Convoy Duty On Atlantic OTTAWA, Oct. 16 The corvette HM.CS. Matapedia has made a record by travelling more than 100000 miles In con-sldent Ramirez of Argentina has years during which time she never had a ship toipedoed or lost. PREPARING FOR PEACE STOCKHOLM G Five hundred Swedes representing varl- LONDON "i The Ministry of ous religious denominations at-Agriculture has issued a warn- tended a congress at Vadstena ine that the Colorado beetle, to discuss what the Swedish U ( 4 ' M A nazis are Repulsed LONDON. Oct. 16 ff Greek guerillas are report- ed to have repulsed a force s of four thousand Germans In central Greece and ad- vanced toward 'the ralhoad town of Kardlstsa. 160 ml1pa nnrth'' nf Athens in a new offensive addln i to & Germany's already grave, Balkan problem. . V ? 4 LOCAL PASTOR BEING CALLED Rev. A. F. MacSween is Nominated for Special Tost Covering Manitoba and Northern .Ontario. WINNIPEG, Oct. 16. flVrRev-Alex MacSween of Prince Rupert has been recommended to the General Assembly of the Presby terian Church synodical missionary for Manitoba and Nor-j them Ontario, it was announced I yesterday by the Manitoba Sy nod. Mr. MacSween, when Inquiry was made of him this morning In regard to this dispatch, said it was the first Intimation of the matter which he had received. Under these circumstances he had, of course, no statement to make. PLANT HALF WIPED OUT LONDON, Oct. 16 At least half of' the great Schwelnfurt ball bearing plant was destroyed In the great raid thereon by American flying fortresses on Ihursday, reconnaissance planes hlch went over the area yes. terday ascertained. The blow, It is expected, will be reflected in a shortage of tanks, planes and guns. Trapping Again Active in Area Around Kispiox KISPIOX, Oct. l&r-A renewed Interest in trapping Is evident among the natives of Kispiox this fall. Some of them have al. ready gone north to their trap-lines and others who have not trapped for years are preparing to leave within the next week. RESCUED 71 CANADIANS ACTION ON TRESPASS Case of Irish Free State Woman Against Wartime Housing Involving Land Here is VANCOUVER, Oct. 16 R Judgment was reserved in Sup reme Court, here'' today by Mr JustlceSidneySmlth on appli cation of -Wartime Housing imited to compel Miss Eliza beth M. McClay of Monkstown, iiish Free Staie. to furnish sccuiity for the defendant's costs In her action claiming Uespass. The:.plalntlf tallege--that Wartime Housing Limited tres passed 'on her land at Prince Rupert and built a house on the land without her permission. Haile Selassie Will Not Have Italy as Ally LONDON, Oct. 16 CF Ethiopia i refuses to recognize Italy as a co-belligerent, Emperor Halle Selassie said in a cable today to the News-Chronicle' from his capital at Addis Ababa. Admits Allies More Powerful BERLIN, Oct. 16 German military officials admit that the Allies have more powerful infantry and tank forces on the central Italian front, this be-ng the reason that the Nazis ate forced to fall back on the lurth bank of the Volturno River. Floating Market For Royal Fleet ALLIED HEADQUARTERS I IN ITALY, Oct. 16-Ontario V troops took a vital hill town while serving as par,t of the Eighth Army In ' ea ' ?rn Italy. It was a vital ,iolnt but the Canadians me', with little opposition. BIG FIGHT IN YUNNAN CHUNGKING, Oct. 16 0) - 'h Chine-e H'gh Corrmar?' a'd last night that reinforced Tapanese troops In Yunnan Pro vlnce are driving forward west cf the Salween River and that fighting rages unabated on the east China front where the Chinese have recaptured the town of Potten. It is believed that the Japanese are endeavoring to head off a new United Nations offensive In the Burma area. Jewish Padre RABBI ISAAC ROSE Rabbi Isaac Bertrand Rose of Ottawa and more recently of Irvlngton, N. J. has been appointed chaplain to the Jewish men In the Canadian Army with the rank of Captain. He has been posted to the Pacific Command, Military District iN'o. 11 at Vancouver and has been a visitor to Prince 'Rupert a good deal .recently. Rabbi Rose Is on leave" of absence for the duration from Irvlngton, N. J. B'nal Israel Congregation to serve with the Canadian forces. Exchange Ship Is Now Enroute MORMUOAO, Portuguese In-dla.'october 16 O The Japanese exchange ship Tiamara, carrying Canadian. American, and illn American civilians from Japanese controlled territory arrlver here yesterday. The Swedish ship Grlpsholm arrlveo 'day with Japanese repatriates fo fxchange for the Allies on the Tiamara, LCNDON, Oct. 16 00 Trfilnnpl UlUllCl iuVlll F.Vltf" Royal Fleet auxiliary Reliant is a sort of floating super-market ; I r,r4rMrM 1 for the British Mediterranean 111 VUIIlmdUU 01 fleet. In her hold are some 15,000 Items of naval stores ranging from pins to anchors, and she is at once grocer, butcher, haberdasher, stationer, plumber, electrician and hardware shop. There is enough meat In the Rellant's refrigerators to feed 25,000 men for a month. Her distilling plant can turn out 150 tons of drinking water dally. Serving under Capt. C. H. LONDON O' Since the war Noel are Britons, Lascars, iey- began, lifeboats of the Royal lonese, Swahlli3, Maltese, Goan-Natlonal Lifeboat Institution ese and Palestinians. The super-have rescued a total of 71 sea-' t market has done all right so notato nest now found in Europe, church might do to bring about men "from nine Canadian ves- far in this war, It has yet Jo is vpry likely to Invade areat a better world and reconcllla- sels, besides helping to' save suffer , bomb, mine or torpedo Brlataln. ft r .'v..-. . ., r' '-r Victory Parade Lieut. Col. C. V. Evltt will be commanding officer of the military parade Including United States" forces, navy, army and air force which will mark the Inauguration tomorrow of the Fifth Victory Loan campaign In Prince Rupert. The line of march will be from McBrlde Street along Third Avenue past the Post Office where Group Captain Roy H. Foss of the Royal Canadian Air Force will take the salute. The Royal Sea Cadets Band will provide Enemy Falling Back Everywhere As Allied Forces Establish Themselves North of Volturno River ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN -LGILRS. Oct. 18 ffl - Main orces of the Anglo-American tlfth Army are still, pouring across the Volturno RlVef Into it jviy won bridgeheads and ncadquaiters dispatcher s.a, y that Great Britain and the Americans, fanning out in all directions, are throwing the Germans toackv along the entire front from the west coat to the mountain backbone. .Italy. The Americans have penetrated as far as five mlles-Tjioftfi of the Volturno, capturing hill positions. An Allied headquarters communique disclosed that. British .nf an try .and tanks landed from British vessels on the north side of Vyltumo's mouth on Wednesday morning early simultan eously with a front assault on the stream. Light Allied naval forces bombarded enemy posi tions In support of the landing operations. In the British Eighth Army sector where Canadian troops are fighting on the eastern end of the line Casacalenda was captured. Air action Included a heair bomber raid fifty miles north of Rome Into central Italy to attack railway installations at Ternion on the main enemy supply route to the battle zone. y About JFace.By-. Argentina On Newspaper Ban BUENOS AIRES, Oct 16 President Ramlres of Argentina has cancelled the decree bannln" the publication of Jewish newspapers. This action followed .. rebuke froom President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States who bad declared that such action smacked of Nazi characteristics. White the Argentinean government has reversed its stand In regard to the Jewish newspapers, a strongly worded communique from President Ramirez today applied the label of "foreigners'' to some of those who-jsigneda pro-Democratic manifesto published on Friday and said that the government would not tolerate any tampering. The manifesto urged that the Ramirez government, which has persisted in a policy of neutrality, to swing to American solidarity. NEW FOOD ELEMENT , LONDON, ff A new food element, called food yeast, with a slightly meaty flavor and as much as 50 per cent high gra protein content, has been developed In Britain. Women Wanted LOCAL DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Requires 15 Women ' (21-10) as Pipefitter Helpers , Apply National Selective Service AF !)2 A'-